firebase-admin.database package

External API Re-exports

The following externally defined APIs are re-exported from this module entry point for convenience.

Symbol Description
DataSnapshot DataSnapshot type from the @firebase/database-compat package.
EventType EventType type from the @firebase/database-compat package.
OnDisconnect OnDisconnect type from the @firebase/database-compat package.
Query Query type from the @firebase/database-compat package.
Reference Reference type from the @firebase/database-compat package.
ThenableReference ThenableReference type from the @firebase/database-compat package.

Firebase Realtime Database.


Function Description
getDatabase(app) Gets the Database service for the default app or a given app.getDatabase() can be called with no arguments to access the default app's Database service or as getDatabase(app) to access the Database service associated with a specific app.
getDatabaseWithUrl(url, app) Gets the Database service for the default app or a given app.getDatabaseWithUrl() can be called with no arguments to access the default app's Database service or as getDatabaseWithUrl(app) to access the Database service associated with a specific app.


Class Description
FirebaseDatabaseError Firebase Database error code structure. This extends FirebaseError.


Interface Description
Database The Firebase Database service interface. Extends the Database interface provided by the @firebase/database-compat package.


Variable Description
enableLogging enableLogging function from the @firebase/database-compat package.
ServerValue ServerValue constant from the @firebase/database-compat package.


Gets the Database service for the default app or a given app.

getDatabase() can be called with no arguments to access the default app's Database service or as getDatabase(app) to access the Database service associated with a specific app.


export declare function getDatabase(app?: App): Database;


Parameter Type Description
app App



The default Database service if no app is provided or the Database service associated with the provided app.

Example 1

// Get the Database service for the default app
const defaultDatabase = getDatabase();

Example 2

// Get the Database service for a specific app
const otherDatabase = getDatabase(app);

getDatabaseWithUrl(url, app)

Gets the Database service for the default app or a given app.

getDatabaseWithUrl() can be called with no arguments to access the default app's Database service or as getDatabaseWithUrl(app) to access the Database service associated with a specific app.


export declare function getDatabaseWithUrl(url: string, app?: App): Database;


Parameter Type Description
url string
app App



The default Database service if no app is provided or the Database service associated with the provided app.

Example 1

// Get the Database service for the default app
const defaultDatabase = getDatabaseWithUrl('');

Example 2

// Get the Database service for a specific app
const otherDatabase = getDatabaseWithUrl('', app);


enableLogging function from the @firebase/database-compat package.


enableLogging: typeof rtdb.enableLogging


ServerValue constant from the @firebase/database-compat package.


ServerValue: rtdb.ServerValue