Enums Types

Enum types define a set of allowed values for a field in a GraphQL schema.

Data Connect Defined

enum AccessLevel

AccessLevel specifies coarse access policies for common situations.

Possible Values:

Value Description
PUBLIC This operation is accessible to anyone, with or without authentication. Equivalent to: @auth(expr: "true")
USER_ANON This operation can be executed only with a valid Firebase Auth ID token. Note: This access level allows anonymous and unverified accounts, which may present security and abuse risks. Equivalent to: @auth(expr: "auth.uid != nil")
USER This operation is restricted to non-anonymous Firebase Auth accounts. Equivalent to: @auth(expr: "auth.uid != nil && auth.token.firebase.sign_in_provider != 'anonymous'")
USER_EMAIL_VERIFIED This operation is restricted to Firebase Auth accounts with verified email addresses. Equivalent to: @auth(expr: "auth.uid != nil && auth.token.email_verified")
NO_ACCESS This operation cannot be executed by anyone. The operation can only be performed by using the Admin SDK from a privileged environment. Equivalent to: @auth(expr: "false")

enum Date_Interval

Possible Values:

Value Description
WEEK Represents a time interval of one week.
MONTH Represents a time interval of one month.
YEAR Represents a time interval of one year.

enum IndexFieldOrder

Specifies the sorting order for database indexes.

Possible Values:

Value Description
ASC Sorts the field in ascending order (from lowest to highest).
DESC Sorts the field in descending order (from highest to lowest).

enum IndexType

Defines the type of index to be used in the database.

Possible Values:

Value Description
BTREE A general-purpose index type commonly used for sorting and searching.
GIN Generalized Inverted Index, optimized for indexing composite values such as arrays.
HNSW Hierarchical Navigable Small World graph, used for nearest-neighbor searches on vector fields.
IVFFLAT Inverted File Index, optimized for approximate nearest-neighbor searches in vector databases.

enum OrderDirection

Defines the direction of an orderby query

Possible Values:

Value Description
ASC Results are ordered in ascending order.
DESC Results are ordered in descending order.

enum Timestamp_Interval

Possible Values:

Value Description
SECOND Represents a time interval of one second.
MINUTE Represents a time interval of one minute.
HOUR Represents a time interval of one hour.
DAY Represents a time interval of one day.
WEEK Represents a time interval of one week.
MONTH Represents a time interval of one month.
YEAR Represents a time interval of one year.

enum VectorSimilarityMethod

Defines the similarity function to use when comparing vectors in queries.

Defaults to INNER_PRODUCT.

View all vector functions.

Possible Values:

Value Description
L2 Measures the Euclidean (L2) distance between two vectors.
COSINE Measures the cosine similarity between two vectors.
INNER_PRODUCT Measures the inner product(dot product) between two vectors.

Built In

enum __DirectiveLocation

A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.

Possible Values:

Value Description
QUERY Location adjacent to a query operation.
MUTATION Location adjacent to a mutation operation.
SUBSCRIPTION Location adjacent to a subscription operation.
FIELD Location adjacent to a field.
FRAGMENT_DEFINITION Location adjacent to a fragment definition.
FRAGMENT_SPREAD Location adjacent to a fragment spread.
INLINE_FRAGMENT Location adjacent to an inline fragment.
VARIABLE_DEFINITION Location adjacent to a variable definition.
SCHEMA Location adjacent to a schema definition.
SCALAR Location adjacent to a scalar definition.
OBJECT Location adjacent to an object type definition.
FIELD_DEFINITION Location adjacent to a field definition.
ARGUMENT_DEFINITION Location adjacent to an argument definition.
INTERFACE Location adjacent to an interface definition.
UNION Location adjacent to a union definition.
ENUM Location adjacent to an enum definition.
ENUM_VALUE Location adjacent to an enum value definition.
INPUT_OBJECT Location adjacent to an input object type definition.
INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION Location adjacent to an input object field definition.

enum __TypeKind

An enum describing what kind of type a given __Type is.

Possible Values:

Value Description
SCALAR Indicates this type is a scalar.
OBJECT Indicates this type is an object. fields and interfaces are valid fields.
INTERFACE Indicates this type is an interface. fields, interfaces, and possibleTypes are valid fields.
UNION Indicates this type is a union. possibleTypes is a valid field.
ENUM Indicates this type is an enum. enumValues is a valid field.
INPUT_OBJECT Indicates this type is an input object. inputFields is a valid field.
LIST Indicates this type is a list. ofType is a valid field.
NON_NULL Indicates this type is a non-null. ofType is a valid field.