
interface AuthResult : Parcelable

Result object obtained from operations that can affect the authentication state. Contains a method that returns the currently signed-in user after the operation has completed.


Public functions


Returns IDP-specific information for the user if the provider is one of Facebook, Github, Google, or Twitter.


Returns an AuthCredential instance which may be used to obtain the IDP accessToken and/or IDToken pertaining to a recently signed-in user.


Returns the currently signed-in FirebaseUser, or null if there isn't any (i.e. the user is signed out).

Inherited functions

From android.os.Parcelable

Public functions


fun getAdditionalUserInfo(): AdditionalUserInfo?

Returns IDP-specific information for the user if the provider is one of Facebook, Github, Google, or Twitter.


fun getCredential(): AuthCredential?

Returns an AuthCredential instance which may be used to obtain the IDP accessToken and/or IDToken pertaining to a recently signed-in user. May be null. For IDPs using OAuth, this will be an instance of OAuthCredential.


fun getUser(): FirebaseUser?

Returns the currently signed-in FirebaseUser, or null if there isn't any (i.e. the user is signed out).