Firebase Data Connect API Reference

Welcome to the API reference for Data Connect. This guide provides detailed documentation on the unique features and functionality available through the GraphQL API. You can explore various extensions, data types, and operations supported by Data Connect below.

Reference Schema

type BasicTable @table {
  uuidField: UUID
  uuidArrayField: [UUID]
  stringField: String
  stringArrayField: [String]
  intField: Int
  intArrayField: [Int]
  int64Field: Int64
  int64ArrayField: [Int64]
  floatField: Float
  floatArrayField: [Float]
  booleanField: Boolean
  booleanArrayField: [Boolean]

  timestampField: Timestamp
  timestampArrayField: [Timestamp]
  dateField: Date
  dateArrayField: [Date]

  vectorField: Vector @col(size: 768)

type OneTable @table {
  id: UUID!
type ManyTable @table {
  oneTable: OneTable!
type MaybeTable @table {
  oneTable: OneTable!

type LeftTable @table {
  id: UUID!
type RightTable @table {
  id: UUID!
type JoinTable @table(key: ["left", "right"]) {
  left: LeftTable!
  right: RightTable!

GraphQL Language Extensions

Data Connect allows you to define your SQL Schema in GraphQL schema and automatically extends the schema with query and mutation operations.

The GraphQL schema reference page assumes the following Data Connect Schema. In each page, you can see builtin types, Data Connect Defined types as well as Built In Types from Open GraphQL spec.

Data Connect extends the standard GraphQL schema to offer enhanced functionality. Below you will find detailed documentation for each extension type:


Data Connect offers customized GraphQL directives to let you customize SQL mapping in the schema.

Explore the available directives in GraphQL Directives Reference.


Queries are the core operations in GraphQL that allow you to fetch data from the server. Data Connect offers enhanced query functionality to retrieve data with powerful filters and ordering options.

See more about available queries in the GraphQL Query Types Reference.


Mutations allow you to modify data on the server. Data Connect supports a wide range of mutation operations, from inserting and updating data to handling complex upsert and delete operations.

Learn about the mutation operations in the GraphQL Mutation Types Reference.


Object types are the core building blocks of a GraphQL schema. They define the structure of the data you can query, with fields that map to specific data points or relationships between data. Users can define objects in schema that maps to SQL tables.

Learn more in the GraphQL Object Types Reference.

Input Object

Input Object types define structured data that can be passed into mutations and queries. Data Connect supports a variety of input types to handle complex filtering, updating, and ordering scenarios.

View all input object types in the GraphQL Input Object Types Reference.


Scalar types represent the fundamental data types in a GraphQL schema. Data Connect supports additional scalars beyond the builtin GraphQL scalars to represent common SQL types like Date, Timestamp, UUID and more.

For a full list of scalar types, visit the GraphQL Scalar Types Reference.


Enumerations (Enums) allow you to define a set of allowed values for a field in a schema.

Discover available enums in the GraphQL Enum Types Reference.

REST API Reference

For a detailed guide on the REST API, which covers queries, mutations, schema and connector management, and project management functions, visit the REST API reference.