
public class OAuthProvider extends FederatedAuthProvider

Represents the login authentication provider for a generic OAuth2 provider. Use this class to obtain AuthCredentials.


Nested types

Class used to create instances of OAuthProvider.

Builder class to initialize AuthCredential's.

Public methods

static @NonNull AuthCredential
@InlineMe(replacement = "DefaultOAuthCredential.createDefaultOAuthCredential(providerId, idToken, accessToken)", imports = "com.google.firebase.auth.DefaultOAuthCredential")
    @NonNull String providerId,
    @NonNull String idToken,
    @NonNull String accessToken

This method is deprecated.

use newCredentialBuilder instead

@Nullable String

Returns the provider ID with which this OAuthProvider is associated.

static @NonNull OAuthProvider.Builder
newBuilder(@NonNull String providerId)

Returns a OAuthProvider.Builder used to construct a OAuthProvider instantiated with the given providerId.

static @NonNull OAuthProvider.Builder
newBuilder(@NonNull String providerId, @NonNull FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth)

Returns a OAuthProvider.Builder used to construct a OAuthProvider instantiated with the given providerId.

static @NonNull OAuthProvider.CredentialBuilder

Creates an CredentialBuilder for the specified provider ID.

Public methods


@InlineMe(replacement = "DefaultOAuthCredential.createDefaultOAuthCredential(providerId, idToken, accessToken)", imports = "com.google.firebase.auth.DefaultOAuthCredential")
public static @NonNull AuthCredential getCredential(
    @NonNull String providerId,
    @NonNull String idToken,
    @NonNull String accessToken

Returns a new instance of AuthCredential that wraps a login token. Used when calling signInWithCredential or linkWithCredential.

@NonNull String accessToken

a valid Facebook Login access token, obtained from the Facebook Login SDK


public @Nullable String getProviderId()

Returns the provider ID with which this OAuthProvider is associated.


public static @NonNull OAuthProvider.Builder newBuilder(@NonNull String providerId)

Returns a OAuthProvider.Builder used to construct a OAuthProvider instantiated with the given providerId.


public static @NonNull OAuthProvider.Builder newBuilder(@NonNull String providerId, @NonNull FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth)

Returns a OAuthProvider.Builder used to construct a OAuthProvider instantiated with the given providerId. Uses the specified FirebaseAuth instance.


public static @NonNull OAuthProvider.CredentialBuilder newCredentialBuilder(@NonNull String providerId)

Creates an CredentialBuilder for the specified provider ID.


if providerId is null or empty