
public final data class ChildEvent.Changed extends ChildEvent

Emitted when the data at a child location has changed.


Public fields

final String

The key name of sibling location ordered before the child.

final @NonNull DataSnapshot

An immutable snapshot of the data at the new data at the child location

Public constructors

Changed(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot, String previousChildName)

Public fields


public final String previousChildName

The key name of sibling location ordered before the child. This will

    be null for the first child node of a location.


public final @NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot

An immutable snapshot of the data at the new data at the child location

Public constructors


public Changed(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot, String previousChildName)
@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot

An immutable snapshot of the data at the new data at the child location

String previousChildName

The key name of sibling location ordered before the child. This will

    be null for the first child node of a location.