The Vertex AI in Firebase Web SDK.
Function | Description |
function(app, ...) | |
getVertexAI(app, options) | Returns a VertexAI instance for the given app. |
function(vertexAI, ...) | |
getGenerativeModel(vertexAI, modelParams, requestOptions) | Returns a GenerativeModel class with methods for inference and other functionality. |
getImagenModel(vertexAI, modelParams, requestOptions) | (Public Preview) Returns an ImagenModel class with methods for using Imagen.Only Imagen 3 models (named imagen-3.0-* ) are supported. |
Class | Description |
ArraySchema | Schema class for "array" types. The items param should refer to the type of item that can be a member of the array. |
BooleanSchema | Schema class for "boolean" types. |
ChatSession | ChatSession class that enables sending chat messages and stores history of sent and received messages so far. |
GenerativeModel | Class for generative model APIs. |
ImagenImageFormat | (Public Preview) Defines the image format for images generated by Imagen.Use this class to specify the desired format (JPEG or PNG) and compression quality for images generated by Imagen. This is typically included as part of ImagenModelParams . |
ImagenModel | (Public Preview) Class for Imagen model APIs.This class provides methods for generating images using the Imagen model. |
IntegerSchema | Schema class for "integer" types. |
NumberSchema | Schema class for "number" types. |
ObjectSchema | Schema class for "object" types. The properties param must be a map of Schema objects. |
Schema | Parent class encompassing all Schema types, with static methods that allow building specific Schema types. This class can be converted with JSON.stringify() into a JSON string accepted by Vertex AI REST endpoints. (This string conversion is automatically done when calling SDK methods.) |
StringSchema | Schema class for "string" types. Can be used with or without enum values. |
VertexAIError | Error class for the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. |
VertexAIModel | Base class for Vertex AI in Firebase model APIs. |
Enumeration | Description |
BlockReason | Reason that a prompt was blocked. |
FinishReason | Reason that a candidate finished. |
FunctionCallingMode | |
HarmBlockMethod | |
HarmBlockThreshold | Threshold above which a prompt or candidate will be blocked. |
HarmCategory | Harm categories that would cause prompts or candidates to be blocked. |
HarmProbability | Probability that a prompt or candidate matches a harm category. |
HarmSeverity | Harm severity levels. |
ImagenAspectRatio | (Public Preview) Aspect ratios for Imagen images.To specify an aspect ratio for generated images, set the aspectRatio property in your ImagenGenerationConfig .See the the documentation for more details and examples of the supported aspect ratios. |
ImagenPersonFilterLevel | (Public Preview) A filter level controlling whether generation of images containing people or faces is allowed.See the personGeneration documentation for more details. |
ImagenSafetyFilterLevel | (Public Preview) A filter level controlling how aggressively to filter sensitive content.Text prompts provided as inputs and images (generated or uploaded) through Imagen on Vertex AI are assessed against a list of safety filters, which include 'harmful categories' (for example, violence , sexual , derogatory , and toxic ). This filter level controls how aggressively to filter out potentially harmful content from responses. See the documentation and the Responsible AI and usage guidelines for more details. |
Modality | Content part modality. |
SchemaType | Contains the list of OpenAPI data types as defined by the OpenAPI specification |
VertexAIErrorCode | Standardized error codes that VertexAIError can have. |
Interface | Description |
BaseParams | Base parameters for a number of methods. |
Citation | A single citation. |
CitationMetadata | Citation metadata that may be found on a GenerateContentCandidate . |
Content | Content type for both prompts and response candidates. |
CountTokensRequest | Params for calling GenerativeModel.countTokens() |
CountTokensResponse | Response from calling GenerativeModel.countTokens(). |
CustomErrorData | Details object that contains data originating from a bad HTTP response. |
Date_2 | Protobuf google.type.Date |
EnhancedGenerateContentResponse | Response object wrapped with helper methods. |
ErrorDetails | Details object that may be included in an error response. |
FileData | Data pointing to a file uploaded on Google Cloud Storage. |
FileDataPart | Content part interface if the part represents FileData |
FunctionCall | A predicted FunctionCall returned from the model that contains a string representing the and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. |
FunctionCallingConfig | |
FunctionCallPart | Content part interface if the part represents a FunctionCall . |
FunctionDeclaration | Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the OpenAPI 3.0 specification. Included in this declaration are the function name and parameters. This FunctionDeclaration is a representation of a block of code that can be used as a Tool by the model and executed by the client. |
FunctionDeclarationsTool | A FunctionDeclarationsTool is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model. |
FunctionResponse | The result output from a FunctionCall that contains a string representing the and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a FunctionCall made based on model prediction. |
FunctionResponsePart | Content part interface if the part represents FunctionResponse . |
GenerateContentCandidate | A candidate returned as part of a GenerateContentResponse . |
GenerateContentRequest | Request sent through GenerativeModel.generateContent() |
GenerateContentResponse | Individual response from GenerativeModel.generateContent() and GenerativeModel.generateContentStream(). generateContentStream() will return one in each chunk until the stream is done. |
GenerateContentResult | Result object returned from GenerativeModel.generateContent() call. |
GenerateContentStreamResult | Result object returned from GenerativeModel.generateContentStream() call. Iterate over stream to get chunks as they come in and/or use the response promise to get the aggregated response when the stream is done. |
GenerationConfig | Config options for content-related requests |
GenerativeContentBlob | Interface for sending an image. |
GroundingAttribution | |
GroundingMetadata | Metadata returned to client when grounding is enabled. |
ImagenGCSImage | An image generated by Imagen, stored in a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket.This feature is not available yet. |
ImagenGenerationConfig | (Public Preview) Configuration options for generating images with Imagen.See the documentation for more details. |
ImagenGenerationResponse | (Public Preview) The response from a request to generate images with Imagen. |
ImagenInlineImage | (Public Preview) An image generated by Imagen, represented as inline data. |
ImagenModelParams | (Public Preview) Parameters for configuring an ImagenModel . |
ImagenSafetySettings | (Public Preview) Settings for controlling the aggressiveness of filtering out sensitive content.See the documentation for more details. |
InlineDataPart | Content part interface if the part represents an image. |
ModalityTokenCount | Represents token counting info for a single modality. |
ModelParams | Params passed to getGenerativeModel() . |
ObjectSchemaInterface | Interface for ObjectSchema class. |
PromptFeedback | If the prompt was blocked, this will be populated with blockReason and the relevant safetyRatings . |
RequestOptions | Params passed to getGenerativeModel() . |
RetrievedContextAttribution | |
SafetyRating | A safety rating associated with a GenerateContentCandidate |
SafetySetting | Safety setting that can be sent as part of request parameters. |
SchemaInterface | Interface for Schema class. |
SchemaParams | Params passed to Schema static methods to create specific Schema classes. |
SchemaRequest | Final format for Schema params passed to backend requests. |
SchemaShared | Basic Schema properties shared across several Schema-related types. |
Segment | |
StartChatParams | Params for GenerativeModel.startChat(). |
TextPart | Content part interface if the part represents a text string. |
ToolConfig | Tool config. This config is shared for all tools provided in the request. |
UsageMetadata | Usage metadata about a GenerateContentResponse . |
VertexAI | An instance of the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. |
VertexAIOptions | Options when initializing the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. |
VideoMetadata | Describes the input video content. |
WebAttribution |
Variable | Description |
POSSIBLE_ROLES | Possible roles. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
Part | Content part - includes text, image/video, or function call/response part types. |
Role | Role is the producer of the content. |
Tool | Defines a tool that model can call to access external knowledge. |
TypedSchema | A type that includes all specific Schema types. |
function(app, ...)
getVertexAI(app, options)
Returns a VertexAI
instance for the given app.
export declare function getVertexAI(app?: FirebaseApp, options?: VertexAIOptions): VertexAI;
Parameter | Type | Description |
app | FirebaseApp | The FirebaseApp to use. |
options | VertexAIOptions |
function(vertexAI, ...)
getGenerativeModel(vertexAI, modelParams, requestOptions)
Returns a GenerativeModel
class with methods for inference and other functionality.
export declare function getGenerativeModel(vertexAI: VertexAI, modelParams: ModelParams, requestOptions?: RequestOptions): GenerativeModel;
Parameter | Type | Description |
vertexAI | VertexAI | |
modelParams | ModelParams | |
requestOptions | RequestOptions |
getImagenModel(vertexAI, modelParams, requestOptions)
This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
Returns an ImagenModel
class with methods for using Imagen.
Only Imagen 3 models (named imagen-3.0-*
) are supported.
export declare function getImagenModel(vertexAI: VertexAI, modelParams: ImagenModelParams, requestOptions?: RequestOptions): ImagenModel;
Parameter | Type | Description |
vertexAI | VertexAI | An instance of the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. |
modelParams | ImagenModelParams | Parameters to use when making Imagen requests. |
requestOptions | RequestOptions | Additional options to use when making requests. |
If the apiKey
or projectId
fields are missing in your Firebase config.
Possible roles.
POSSIBLE_ROLES: readonly ["user", "model", "function", "system"]
Content part - includes text, image/video, or function call/response part types.
export type Part = TextPart | InlineDataPart | FunctionCallPart | FunctionResponsePart | FileDataPart;
Role is the producer of the content.
export type Role = (typeof POSSIBLE_ROLES)[number];
Defines a tool that model can call to access external knowledge.
export declare type Tool = FunctionDeclarationsTool;
A type that includes all specific Schema types.
export type TypedSchema = IntegerSchema | NumberSchema | StringSchema | BooleanSchema | ObjectSchema | ArraySchema;
Reason that a prompt was blocked.
export declare enum BlockReason
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
Reason that a candidate finished.
export declare enum FinishReason
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
export declare enum FunctionCallingMode
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
ANY | "ANY" |
export declare enum HarmBlockMethod
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
Threshold above which a prompt or candidate will be blocked.
export declare enum HarmBlockThreshold
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
Harm categories that would cause prompts or candidates to be blocked.
export declare enum HarmCategory
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
Probability that a prompt or candidate matches a harm category.
export declare enum HarmProbability
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
LOW | "LOW" |
Harm severity levels.
export declare enum HarmSeverity
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
Aspect ratios for Imagen images.
To specify an aspect ratio for generated images, set the aspectRatio
property in your ImagenGenerationConfig
See the the documentation for more details and examples of the supported aspect ratios.
export declare enum ImagenAspectRatio
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
LANDSCAPE_16x9 | "16:9" |
(Public Preview) Landscape (16:9) aspect ratio. |
LANDSCAPE_3x4 | "3:4" |
(Public Preview) Landscape (3:4) aspect ratio. |
PORTRAIT_4x3 | "4:3" |
(Public Preview) Portrait (4:3) aspect ratio. |
PORTRAIT_9x16 | "9:16" |
(Public Preview) Portrait (9:16) aspect ratio. |
SQUARE | "1:1" |
(Public Preview) Square (1:1) aspect ratio. |
This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
A filter level controlling whether generation of images containing people or faces is allowed.
See the personGeneration
documentation for more details.
export declare enum ImagenPersonFilterLevel
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
ALLOW_ADULT | "allow_adult" |
(Public Preview) Allow generation of images containing adults only; images of children are filtered out.Generation of images containing people or faces may require your use case to be reviewed and approved by Cloud support; see the Responsible AI and usage guidelines for more details. |
ALLOW_ALL | "allow_all" |
(Public Preview) Allow generation of images containing adults only; images of children are filtered out.Generation of images containing people or faces may require your use case to be reviewed and approved by Cloud support; see the Responsible AI and usage guidelines for more details. |
BLOCK_ALL | "dont_allow" |
(Public Preview) Disallow generation of images containing people or faces; images of people are filtered out. |
This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
A filter level controlling how aggressively to filter sensitive content.
Text prompts provided as inputs and images (generated or uploaded) through Imagen on Vertex AI are assessed against a list of safety filters, which include 'harmful categories' (for example, violence
, sexual
, derogatory
, and toxic
). This filter level controls how aggressively to filter out potentially harmful content from responses. See the documentation and the Responsible AI and usage guidelines for more details.
export declare enum ImagenSafetyFilterLevel
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE | "block_low_and_above" |
(Public Preview) The most aggressive filtering level; most strict blocking. |
BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE | "block_medium_and_above" |
(Public Preview) Blocks some sensitive prompts and responses. |
BLOCK_NONE | "block_none" |
(Public Preview) The least aggressive filtering level; blocks very few sensitive prompts and responses.Access to this feature is restricted and may require your case to be reviewed and approved by Cloud support. |
BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH | "block_only_high" |
(Public Preview) Blocks few sensitive prompts and responses. |
Content part modality.
export declare enum Modality
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
Audio. |
Document (for example, PDF). |
Image. |
Unspecified modality. |
Plain text. |
Video. |
Contains the list of OpenAPI data types as defined by the OpenAPI specification
export declare enum SchemaType
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
ARRAY | "array" |
Array type. |
BOOLEAN | "boolean" |
Boolean type. |
INTEGER | "integer" |
Integer type. |
NUMBER | "number" |
Number type. |
OBJECT | "object" |
Object type. |
STRING | "string" |
String type. |
Standardized error codes that VertexAIError
can have.
export declare const enum VertexAIErrorCode
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
API_NOT_ENABLED | "api-not-enabled" |
An error due to the Firebase API not being enabled in the Console. |
ERROR | "error" |
A generic error occurred. |
FETCH_ERROR | "fetch-error" |
An error occurred while performing a fetch. |
INVALID_CONTENT | "invalid-content" |
An error associated with a Content object. |
INVALID_SCHEMA | "invalid-schema" |
An error due to invalid Schema input. |
NO_API_KEY | "no-api-key" |
An error occurred due to a missing Firebase API key. |
NO_MODEL | "no-model" |
An error occurred due to a model name not being specified during initialization. |
NO_PROJECT_ID | "no-project-id" |
An error occurred due to a missing project ID. |
PARSE_FAILED | "parse-failed" |
An error occurred while parsing. |
REQUEST_ERROR | "request-error" |
An error occurred in a request. |
RESPONSE_ERROR | "response-error" |
An error occurred in a response. |