Index interface

This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Instead of creating cache indexes manually, consider using enablePersistentCacheIndexAutoCreation() to let the SDK decide whether to create cache indexes for queries running locally.

The SDK definition of a Firestore index.


export declare interface Index 


Property Type Description
collectionGroup string (Public Preview) The ID of the collection to index.
fields IndexField[] (Public Preview) A list of fields to index.


This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

The ID of the collection to index.


readonly collectionGroup: string;


This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

A list of fields to index.


readonly fields?: IndexField[];