FirebaseStorage Framework Reference


The following classes are available globally.

  • Firebase Storage is a service that supports uploading and downloading binary objects, such as images, videos, and other files to Google Cloud Storage. Instances of Storage are not thread-safe, but can be accessed from any thread. If you call, the instance will initialize with the default FirebaseApp,, and the storage location will come from the provided GoogleService-Info.plist. If you provide a custom instance of FirebaseApp, the storage location will be specified via the FirebaseOptions.storageBucket property.



    @interface FIRStorage : NSObject
  • A superclass to all Storage tasks, including StorageUploadTask and StorageDownloadTask, to provide state transitions, event raising, and common storage for metadata and errors. Callbacks are always fired on the developer-specified callback queue. If no queue is specified, it defaults to the main queue. This class is thread-safe.



    @interface FIRStorageTask : NSObject
  • An extended StorageTask providing observable semantics that can be used for responding to changes in task state. Observers produce a StorageHandle, which is used to keep track of and remove specific observers at a later date.



    @interface FIRStorageObservableTask : FIRStorageTask
  • StorageDownloadTask implements resumable downloads from an object in Firebase Storage. Downloads can be returned on completion with a completion handler, and can be monitored by attaching observers, or controlled by calling pause(), resume(), or cancel(). Downloads can currently be returned as Data in memory, or as a URL to a file on disk. Downloads are performed on a background queue, and callbacks are raised on the developer specified callbackQueue in Storage, or the main queue if left unspecified.



    @interface FIRStorageDownloadTask
        : FIRStorageObservableTask <FIRStorageTaskManagement>
  • Contains the prefixes and items returned by a StorageReference.list() call.



    @interface FIRStorageListResult : NSObject
  • Class which represents the metadata on an object in Firebase Storage. This metadata is returned on successful operations, and can be used to retrieve download URLs, content types, and a Storage reference to the object in question. Full documentation can be found at the GCS Objects#resource docs.



    @interface FIRStorageMetadata : NSObject
  • StorageReference represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object. Developers can upload and download objects, as well as get/set object metadata, and delete an object at the path. See the Cloud docs for more details:



    @interface FIRStorageReference : NSObject
  • StorageTaskSnapshot represents an immutable view of a task. A snapshot contains a task, storage reference, metadata (if it exists), progress, and an error (if one occurred).



    @interface FIRStorageTaskSnapshot : NSObject
  • StorageUploadTask implements resumable uploads to a file in Firebase Storage. Uploads can be returned on completion with a completion callback, and can be monitored by attaching observers, or controlled by calling pause(), resume(), or cancel(). Uploads can be initialized from Data in memory, or a URL to a file on disk. Uploads are performed on a background queue, and callbacks are raised on the developer specified callbackQueue in Storage, or the main queue if unspecified. Currently all uploads must be initiated and managed on the main queue.



    @interface FIRStorageUploadTask
        : FIRStorageObservableTask <FIRStorageTaskManagement>