Migrate email link sign in away from Firebase Dynamic Links (Android)

Email link authentication previously relied on Firebase Dynamic Links, which will be shut down on August 25, 2025. We've published an alternative solution in the Firebase Authentication Android SDK version 23.2.0+ and Firebase BoM version 33.9.0+. If your app uses the old style links and you want to use an alternative method for migrating your app, see Authenticate with Firebase using Email Link in Android to use the new Firebase Hosting based system.

Also, if you're using the Firebase Authentication Android SDK below v20.0.0 (or the Firebase BoM below v26.0.0) to manage OAuth flows with Firebase Authentication, you'll need to update to the latest Authentication SDK or BoM version (Authentication v20.0.0+ or BoM v26.0.0+) in order to continue managing OAuth flows in Firebase Authentication.

Migrate your associated Firebase Dynamic Links domain to a Firebase Hosting domain

Moving forward, rather than using a Firebase Dynamic Links domain, Firebase Authentication will use the Firebase Hosting default domain for your project to create links for email link and other out-of-band link actions in mobile apps. This means that your app will also need to be updated to use this default domain as the associated domain for email authentication links to your mobile app.

You can follow the instructions in Authenticate with Firebase Using Email Link in Android to update your mobile app links to use the new automatically provisioned Firebase Hosting default domain.

Use the following instructions to handle links from the new domain and to instruct Firebase Authentication to start using the new domain to generate mobile app links going forward.

If you'd like to continue using any of your custom Firebase Hosting domains or even your custom Firebase Dynamic Links domain to be your new associated domain, follow the steps that match the intended domain you'd like to use. Note that after completing the instructions in the following section, the deep linking feature on your Firebase Dynamic Links custom domain will be removed; only the domain itself will remain for creating email links.

  1. Configure your Android application to handle your Firebase Hosting link

    1. In order to handle these links from your Android application, your app's package name needs to be specified in the Firebase console project settings. In addition, the SHA-1 and SHA-256 of the application certificate need to be provided.
    2. If you want these Firebase Hosting links to redirect to a specific activity, you will need to configure an intent filter in your AndroidManifest.xml file. The intent filter should catch Firebase Hosting links of your domain. In AndroidManifest.xml:

      <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
          android:host="PROJECT_ID.firebaseapp.com or a custom hosting domain"
          android:pathPrefix="/__/auth/links" />

    When users open a hosting link with the "/__/auth/links" path and the scheme and host you specify, your app will start the activity with this intent filter to handle the link.

You can use a custom Firebase Hosting domain or reuse your custom Firebase Dynamic Links domain to be your new mobile links domain.

Use a custom Firebase Hosting domain

  1. Follow the Firebase Hosting guide to set up a custom domain.
  2. Configure your Android application to handle your Firebase Hosting link. (instructions in previous section above).
  3. Send an authentication link to the user's email address with an updated ActionCodeSettings object with a custom domain as linkDomain.
  1. You can re-use any of your Firebase Dynamic Links domains as your custom domain. However, any Firebase Dynamic Links functionality will no longer be supported (for example, users cannot be redirected to an app store if the app isn't installed on their device).
  2. Configure your Android application to handle your Firebase Hosting link (instructions in previous section above).
  3. Send an authentication link to the user's email address with an updated ActionCodeSettings object with a custom domain as linkDomain.