
借助机器学习套件的文字识别 API,您可以识别任何基于拉丁字母的语言的文字(使用云端文字识别功能还可识别更多)。

文字识别功能可自动完成信用卡、收据和名片等的繁琐数据输入。借助云端 API,您还可以从文档图片中提取文字,用于提高可用性或翻译文档。应用甚至可以跟踪现实世界中的对象(例如通过读取列车上的编号)。

iOS Android

如果您是 Flutter 开发者,那么您可能会对 FlutterFire 感兴趣,它包含一个适用于 Firebase 的 ML Vision API 的插件。

选择设备端 API 或云端 API

设备端 云端
价格 免费

每月前 1000 次使用此功能免费:请参阅价格

理想使用场景 实时处理 - 非常适合相机或视频画面

请参阅 Cloud Vision API 演示

语言支持 识别拉丁字符 识别并标识众多语言和特殊字符



照片:Dietmar Rabich/Wikimedia Commons/"Düsseldorf, Wege der parlamentarischen Demokratie -- 2015 -- 8123"/CC BY-SA 4.0
文本 Wege
der parlamentarischen
文本块数 (1 个文本块)
文本块 0
文本 Wege der parlamentarischen Demokratie
框架 (117.0, 258.0, 190.0, 83.0)
角点 (117, 270)、(301.64, 258.49)、(306.05, 329.36)、(121.41, 340.86)
识别出的语言代码 de
线条 (3 行)
行 0
文本 Wege der
框架 (167.0, 261.0, 91.0, 28.0)
角点 (167, 267)、(255.82, 261.46)、(257.19, 283.42)、(168.36, 288.95)
识别出的语言代码 de
元素 (2 个元素)
元素 0
文本 Wege
框架 (167.0, 263.0, 59.0, 26.0)
角点 (167, 267)、(223.88, 263.45)、(225.25, 285.41)、(168.36, 288.95)


Professor. He had evidently expected some such call, for
I found him dressed in his room. His door was ajar, so that
he could hear the opening of the door of our room. He
came at once; as he passed into the room, he asked Mina
if the others might come, too.
"No," she said quite simply, "it will not be necessary.
You can tell them just as well. I must go with you on your
Dr. Van Helsing was as startled as I was. After a mo-
ment's pause he asked:
"But why?"


文本块数 (1 个文本块)
文本块 0

DR . SEWARD ' S DIARY 361 Professor . He had evidently expected some such call , for I found him dressed in his room . His door was ajar , so that he could hear the opening of the door of our room . He came at once ; as he passed into the room , he asked Mina if the others might come , too .

" No , " she said quite simply , " it will not be necessary . You can tell them just as well . I must go with you on your journey . "

Dr . Van Helsing was as startled as I was . After a mo ment ' s pause he asked :


置信度 0.98
框架 (25.0, 21.0, 359.0, 583.0)
识别出的语言代码 en
段落 (10 段)
段落 1
文本 " No , " she said quite simply , " it will not be necessary . You can tell them just as well . I must go with you on your journey . "
置信度 0.98
框架 (29.0, 110.0, 355.0, 44.0)
识别出的语言代码 en
单词数 (34 个单词)
单词 7
文本 simply
置信度 0.99
框架 (179.0, 110.0, 37.0, 15.0)
识别出的语言代码 en
符号 (6 个符号)
符号 0
文本 s
置信度 1.00
框架 (179.0, 110.0, 3.0, 15.0)
识别出的语言代码 en