Cloud Storage for Firebase 可让您快速轻松地从 Firebase 提供和管理的 Cloud Storage 存储桶中下载文件。
如需下载某个文件,请先为要下载的文件创建一个 Cloud Storage 引用。
您可以通过将子路径附加到 Cloud Storage 存储桶的根目录来创建引用,也可以根据指向 Cloud Storage 中对象的现有 gs://
或 https://
import { getStorage, ref } from "firebase/storage"; // Create a reference with an initial file path and name const storage = getStorage(); const pathReference = ref(storage, 'images/stars.jpg'); // Create a reference from a Google Cloud Storage URI const gsReference = ref(storage, 'gs://bucket/images/stars.jpg'); // Create a reference from an HTTPS URL // Note that in the URL, characters are URL escaped! const httpsReference = ref(storage, '');
// Create a reference with an initial file path and name var storage =; var pathReference = storage.ref('images/stars.jpg'); // Create a reference from a Google Cloud Storage URI var gsReference = storage.refFromURL('gs://bucket/images/stars.jpg'); // Create a reference from an HTTPS URL // Note that in the URL, characters are URL escaped! var httpsReference = storage.refFromURL('');
您可以对 Cloud Storage 引用调用 getDownloadURL()
import { getStorage, ref, getDownloadURL } from "firebase/storage"; const storage = getStorage(); getDownloadURL(ref(storage, 'images/stars.jpg')) .then((url) => { // `url` is the download URL for 'images/stars.jpg' // This can be downloaded directly: const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = (event) => { const blob = xhr.response; };'GET', url); xhr.send(); // Or inserted into an <img> element const img = document.getElementById('myimg'); img.setAttribute('src', url); }) .catch((error) => { // Handle any errors });
storageRef.child('images/stars.jpg').getDownloadURL() .then((url) => { // `url` is the download URL for 'images/stars.jpg' // This can be downloaded directly: var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = (event) => { var blob = xhr.response; };'GET', url); xhr.send(); // Or inserted into an <img> element var img = document.getElementById('myimg'); img.setAttribute('src', url); }) .catch((error) => { // Handle any errors });
直接通过 SDK 下载数据
在 9.5 版及更高版本中,SDK 提供了以下函数,以便您直接下载:
借助这些函数,您可以绕过从网址下载的操作,改为在代码中返回数据。这样,您就可以通过 Firebase Security Rules 实现更精细的访问权限控制。
如需直接在浏览器中下载数据,您必须为 Cloud Storage 存储桶配置跨域资源共享 (CORS) 访问权限。您可以使用 gsutil
如果您不想实施任何基于网域的限制(最常见的情况),请将下面的 JSON 复制到名为 cors.json
[ { "origin": ["*"], "method": ["GET"], "maxAgeSeconds": 3600 } ]
运行 gsutil cors set cors.json gs://<your-cloud-storage-bucket>
如需了解详情,请参阅此 Google Cloud Storage 文档。
import { getStorage, ref, getDownloadURL } from "firebase/storage"; // Create a reference to the file we want to download const storage = getStorage(); const starsRef = ref(storage, 'images/stars.jpg'); // Get the download URL getDownloadURL(starsRef) .then((url) => { // Insert url into an <img> tag to "download" }) .catch((error) => { // A full list of error codes is available at // switch (error.code) { case 'storage/object-not-found': // File doesn't exist break; case 'storage/unauthorized': // User doesn't have permission to access the object break; case 'storage/canceled': // User canceled the upload break; // ... case 'storage/unknown': // Unknown error occurred, inspect the server response break; } });
// Create a reference to the file we want to download var starsRef = storageRef.child('images/stars.jpg'); // Get the download URL starsRef.getDownloadURL() .then((url) => { // Insert url into an <img> tag to "download" }) .catch((error) => { // A full list of error codes is available at // switch (error.code) { case 'storage/object-not-found': // File doesn't exist break; case 'storage/unauthorized': // User doesn't have permission to access the object break; case 'storage/canceled': // User canceled the upload break; // ... case 'storage/unknown': // Unknown error occurred, inspect the server response break; } });
对于存储在 Cloud Storage 中的文件,您还可以获取或更新元数据。