在了解 App Check 对用户有何影响并为后续操作做好准备之后,您便可以为 Callable 函数启用 App Check 强制执行。
如需开始在 Callable 函数中强制执行 App Check 令牌要求,请修改函数以检查是否具有有效的 App Check 令牌,如下所示。启用强制执行后,所有未经验证的请求都将被拒绝。
安装 Cloud Functions SDK。
依赖项更新为 4.0.0 或更高版本:npm install firebase-functions@">=4.0.0"
依赖项更新为 4.0.0 或更高版本:npm install firebase-functions@">=4.0.0"
:firebase-functions >= 0.1.0
./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
为您的函数启用 App Check 强制执行运行时选项:
const functions = require("firebase-functions/v1"); exports.yourV1CallableFunction = functions .runWith({ enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens. }) .https.onCall((data, context) => { // context.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID. // Your function logic follows. ... });
const { onCall } = require("firebase-functions/v2/https"); exports.yourV2CallableFunction = onCall( { enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens. }, (request) => { // request.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID. // Your function logic follows. ... } );
from firebase_functions import https_fn @https_fn.on_call( enforce_app_check=True # Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens. ) def your_callable_function(req: https_fn.CallableRequest) -> https_fn.Response: # req.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID. # Your function logic follows. ...
firebase deploy --only functions
部署这些更改后,Callable 函数将需要有效的 App Check 令牌。当您调用 Callable 函数时,Cloud Functions 客户端 SDK 会自动附加 App Check 令牌。
重放攻击防范(Beta 版)
为保护 Callable 函数免遭重放攻击,您可以在验证 App Check 令牌后消耗掉该令牌。令牌一经消耗便无法再次使用。
在 Cloud 控制台中,将“Firebase App Check Token Verifier”角色授予函数使用的服务账号。
- 如果您明确初始化 Admin SDK 并且指定了项目的 Admin SDK 服务账号凭据,则此必要的角色已授予。
- 如果您将第 1 代 Cloud Functions 函数与默认的 Admin SDK 配置搭配使用,请将该角色授予 App Engine 默认服务账号。请参阅更改服务账号权限。
- 如果您将第 2 代 Cloud Functions 函数与默认的 Admin SDK 配置搭配使用,请将该角色授予默认计算服务账号。
:const functions = require("firebase-functions/v1"); exports.yourV1CallableFunction = functions .runWith({ enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens. consumeAppCheckToken: true // Consume the token after verification. }) .https.onCall((data, context) => { // context.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID. // Your function logic follows. ... });
const { onCall } = require("firebase-functions/v2/https"); exports.yourV2CallableFunction = onCall( { enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens. consumeAppCheckToken: true // Consume the token after verification. }, (request) => { // request.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID. // Your function logic follows. ... } );
let options = HTTPSCallableOptions(requireLimitedUseAppCheckTokens: true) let yourCallableFunction = Functions.functions().httpsCallable("yourCallableFunction", options: options) do { let result = try await yourCallableFunction.call() } catch { // ... }
import { getFunctions, httpsCallable } from "firebase/functions"; const yourCallableFunction = httpsCallable( getFunctions(), "yourCallableFunction", { limitedUseAppCheckTokens: true }, ); await yourCallableFunction();
val yourCallableFunction = Firebase.functions.getHttpsCallable("yourCallableFunction") { limitedUseAppCheckTokens = true } val result = yourCallableFunction.call().await()
HttpsCallableReference yourCallableFunction = FirebaseFunctions.getInstance().getHttpsCallable( "yourCallableFunction", new HttpsCallableOptions.Builder() .setLimitedUseAppCheckTokens(true) .build() ); Task<HttpsCallableResult> result = yourCallableFunction.call();