Use generated web SDKs

Firebase Data Connect client SDKs let you call your server-side queries and mutations directly from a Firebase app. You generate a custom client SDK in parallel as you design the schemas, queries and mutations you deploy to your Data Connect service. Then, you integrate methods from this SDK into your client logic.

As we've mentioned elsewhere, it's important to note that Data Connect queries and mutations are not submitted by client code and executed on the server. Instead, when deployed, Data Connect operations are stored on the server like Cloud Functions. This means you need to deploy corresponding client-side changes to avoid breaking existing users (for example, on older app versions).

That's why Data Connect provides you with a developer environment and tooling that lets you prototype your server-deployed schemas, queries and mutations. It also generates client-side SDKs automatically, while you prototype.

When you've iterated updates to your service and client apps, both server- and client-side updates are ready to deploy.

Implement client code with the Firebase JavaScript SDK

This section covers how you can implement clients using the Firebase JavaScript SDK.

If you're using React, see alternate setup instructions and links to additional documentation about generating React SDKs for Data Connect.

Initialize your app

First, initialize your app using the standard Firebase sequence.


Generate your JavaScript SDK

As with most Firebase projects, work on your Firebase Data Connect client code takes place in a local project directory. Both the Data Connect VS Code extension and the Firebase CLI are important local tools for generating and managing client code.

SDK generation options are keyed to several entries in the dataconnect.yaml file generated when you initialized your project.

Initialize SDK generation

In your connector.yaml, add your outputDir, package and (for the web SDK) packageJsonDir.
    outputDir: "../movies-generated"
    package: "@movie-app/movies"
    packageJsonDir: "../../"

outputDir specifies where the generated SDK should output to.

package specifies the package name.

packageJsonDir specifies where to install the package.

In this case, install firebase@latest to ensure this peer dependency is fulfilled.

Initialize the JavaScript SDK

Initialize your Data Connect instance using the information you used to set up Data Connect (all available in the Firebase console Data Connect tab).

The ConnectorConfig object

The SDK requires a connector configuration object.

This object is automatically generated from serviceId and location in dataconnect.yaml, and connectorId in connector.yaml.

Import libraries

There are two sets of imports needed to initialize your client code: general Data Connect imports and specific, generated SDK imports.

Note the ConnectorConfig object included in the general imports.

// general imports
import { ConnectorConfig, DataConnect, getDataConnect, QueryRef, MutationRef, QueryPromise, MutationPromise } from 'firebase/data-connect';

// generated queries and mutations from SDK
import { listMovies, ListMoviesResponse, createMovie, connectorConfig } from '@myorg/myconnector';

Use queries from the JavaScript SDK

The generated code will already come with predefined Query Refs. All you need to do is import and call execute on them.

import { executeQuery } from 'firebase/data-connect';
import { listMoviesRef } from '@movie-app/movies';

const ref = listMoviesRef();
const { data } = await executeQuery(ref);

Call SDK query methods

Here's an example using these action shortcut functions:

import { listMovies } from '@movie-app/movies';
function onBtnClick() {
// This will call the generated JS from the CLI and then make an HTTP request out // to the server.
listMovies().then(data => showInUI(data)); // == executeQuery(listMoviesRef);

Subscribe to changes

You can subscribe to changes (which will update any time you execute a query).

const listRef = listAllMoviesRef();

// subscribe will immediately invoke the query if no execute was called on it previously.
subscribe(listRef, ({ data }) => {

await createMovie({ title: 'Empire Strikes Back', releaseYear: 1980, genre: "Sci-Fi", rating: 5 });\
await listMovies(); // will update the subscription above`

Use mutations from the JavaScript SDK

Mutations are accessible the same way as queries.

import { executeMutation } from 'firebase/data-connect';
import { createMovieRef } from '@movie-app/movies';

const { data } = await executeMutation(createMovieRef({ movie: 'Empire Strikes Back' }));

Connect to the Data Connect emulator

Optionally, you can connect to the emulator by calling connectDataConnectEmulator and then passing in the Data Connect instance, like so:

import { connectDataConnectEmulator } from 'firebase/data-connect';
import { connectorConfig } from '@myorg/myconnector'; // Replace with your package name

const dataConnect = getDataConnect(connectorConfig);
connectDataConnectEmulator(dataConnect, 'localhost', 9399);`

// Make calls from your app

To switch to production resources, comment out lines for connecting to the emulator.

Implement client code for React

Firebase Data Connect provides a generated SDK with hooks for React using a library available from our partners at Invertase, TanStack Query Firebase.

This library provides a set of hooks that greatly ease handling of asynchronous tasks with Firebase in your applications.

Initialize your app

First, as with any Firebase web app, initialize your app using the standard Firebase sequence.


Install TanStack Query Firebase packages

install packages for TanStack Query in your project.

npm i --save @tanstack/react-query @tanstack-query-firebase/react
npm i --save firebase@latest # Note: React has a peer dependency on ^11.3.0

Generate your React SDK

As with the standard web SDK, as described earlier, Firebase tooling handles automatic generation of SDKs based on your schema and operations.

To generate a React SDK for your project, add a react key to your connector.yaml configuration file.

    react: true
    outputDir: "../movies-generated"
    package: "@movie-app/movies"
    packageJsonDir: "../../"

Import libraries

There are four sets of imports needed to initialize your React client code: general Data Connect imports, general TanStack imports, and specific imports for your JS and React generated SDKs.

Note the ConnectorConfig type included in the general imports.

// general imports
import { ConnectorConfig, DataConnect, getDataConnect, QueryRef, MutationRef, QueryPromise, MutationPromise } from 'firebase/data-connect';

// TanStack Query-related functions
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";

// generated queries and mutations from SDK
import { ListMoviesResponse, connectorConfig } from '@myorg/myconnector';

// generated React hooks from SDK
import { useListAllMovies, useCreateMovie } from "@myorg/connector/react";

Use queries and mutations in your React client

With setup complete, you can incorporate methods from the generated React SDK.

In the following snippet, notice the use-prefixed method useListAllMovies from the generated React SDK. All such use operations in the generated SDK, both queries and mutations, call TanStack Query bindings:

import { useListAllMovies } from '@movies-app/movies/react';

function MyComponent() {
  const { isLoading, data, error } = useListAllMovies();
  if(isLoading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>
  if(error) {
    return <div> An Error Occurred: {error} </div>

// App.tsx
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import MyComponent from './my-component';

function App() {
   const queryClient = new QueryClient();
   return <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
     <MyComponent />

Connect to the Data Connect emulator

Optionally, you can connect to the emulator by calling connectDataConnectEmulator and then passing in the Data Connect instance to your generated hook, like so:

import { getDataConnect, connectDataConnectEmulator } from 'firebase/data-connect';
import { connectorConfig } from '@movies-app/movies';
import { useListAllMovies } from '@movies-app/movies/react';

const dc = getDataConnect(connectorConfig);
connectDataConnectEmulator(dc, 'localhost', 9399);

function App() {
  const { isLoading, data, error } = useListAllMovies(dc);

To switch to production resources, comment out lines for connecting to the emulator.

Data types in the SDK

The Data Connect server represents common GraphQL data types. These are represented in the SDK as follows.

Data Connect Type TypeScript
Timestamp string
Date string
UUID string
Int64 string
Double Number
Float Number

Special considerations for SDK generation

Configure paths relative to node_modules

For the JavaScript SDK, because Data Connect uses npm link to install your SDK, your generated SDK needs to be output to a directory at the same level as your node_modules path or in a child directory that can access node_modules.

In other words, your generated SDK needs to have access to the firebase node module to work correctly.

For example, if you have your node_modules in my-app/, then your output directory should be my-app/js-email-generated so that js-email-generated can import from its parent node_modules folder.

// connector.yaml
connectorId: "my-connector"
    outputDir: "../../js-email-generated"
    package: "@myapp/my-connector"

Or, if you have a monorepo where your modules are hosted at the root, you can place your output directory in any folder in your monorepo.

// connector.yaml
connectorId: "my-connector"
    outputDir: "../../my-app/js-email-generated" # You can also output to ../../js-email-generated

Update SDKs while prototyping

If you're prototyping interactively with the Data Connect VS Code extension and its Data Connect emulator, SDK source files are automatically generated and updated while you modify .gql files defining schemas, queries and mutations. This can be a useful feature in hot (re)loading workflows.

In other scenarios, if you're using the Data Connect emulator from the Firebase CLI, you can set a watch on .gql updates and also have SDK sources automatically updated.

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to regenerate SDKs whenever .gql files are changed:

firebase dataconnect:sdk:generate --watch

Generate SDKs for integration and for production releases

In some scenarios, such as preparing project sources to submit for CI tests, you can call the Firebase CLI for a batch update.

In these cases, use firebase dataconnect:sdk:generate.

Other frameworks considerations


When generating code, the Angular CLI won't pick up on new changes due to its dependency optimization code. In order to fix this, you will need to modify your angular.json.

  "projects": {
    "myproject": {
      "architect": {
        "serve:": {
          "prebundle": {
            "exclude": ["@movie-app/movies"]