Remote Config 触发器

您可以触发一个函数来响应 Firebase Remote Config 事件(包括发布新的配置版本或回滚到旧版本)。本指南介绍如何创建 Remote Config 后台函数,以便对两个模板版本执行差异比较。

触发 Remote Config 函数

如需触发 Remote Config 函数,请先导入所需的模块:

 // The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to set up triggers and logging.
const {onConfigUpdated} = require("firebase-functions/v2/remoteConfig");
const logger = require("firebase-functions/logger");
// The Firebase Admin SDK to obtain access tokens.
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const app = admin.initializeApp();
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const jsonDiff = require("json-diff");
 # The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to set up triggers and logging.
from firebase_functions import remote_config_fn

# The Firebase Admin SDK to obtain access tokens.
import firebase_admin

app = firebase_admin.initialize_app()

import deepdiff
import requests


下面是一个 Remote Config 函数示例,该函数会记录每个更新版本与所替换掉的版本之间的差异。该函数会检查模板对象的版本号字段,并检索当前版本(最近更新版本)以及前一个版本:

 exports.showconfigdiff = onConfigUpdated(async (event) => {
  try {
    // Obtain the access token from the Admin SDK
    const accessTokenObj = await admin.credential.applicationDefault()
    const accessToken = accessTokenObj.access_token;

    // Get the version number from the event object
    const remoteConfigApi = "" +
    const currentVersion =;
    const prevVersion = currentVersion - 1;
    const templatePromises = [];
          method: "POST",
          body: new URLSearchParams([["versionNumber", currentVersion + ""]]),
          headers: {Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken},
          method: "POST",
          body: new URLSearchParams([["versionNumber", prevVersion + ""]]),
          headers: {Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken},

    // Get the templates
    const responses = await Promise.all(templatePromises);
    const results = => r.json());
    const currentTemplate = results[0];
    const previousTemplate = results[1];
    // Figure out the differences of the templates
    const diff = jsonDiff.diffString(previousTemplate, currentTemplate);
    // Log the difference
  } catch (error) {

此示例使用 json-diffrequest-promise 模块来创建差异比较并构建获取模板对象的请求。

def showconfigdiff(event: remote_config_fn.CloudEvent[remote_config_fn.ConfigUpdateData]) -> None:
    """Log the diff of the most recent Remote Config template change."""

    # Obtain an access token from the Admin SDK
    access_token = app.credential.get_access_token().access_token

    # Get the version number from the event object
    current_version = int(

    # Figure out the differences between templates
    remote_config_api = (""
    current_template = requests.get(remote_config_api,
                                    params={"versionNumber": current_version},
                                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})
    previous_template = requests.get(remote_config_api,
                                     params={"versionNumber": current_version - 1},
                                     headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})
    diff = deepdiff.DeepDiff(previous_template, current_template)

    # Log the difference

此示例使用 deepdiff 创建差异比较,并使用 requests 构建和发送请求以获取模板对象。