Pub/Sub triggers

Google Cloud's Pub/Sub is a globally distributed message bus that automatically scales as you need it. You can trigger a function whenever a new Pub/Sub message is sent to a specific topic.

Import the required modules

To get started, import the modules required for handling Pub/Sub events:

const {onMessagePublished} = require("firebase-functions/v2/pubsub");
const logger = require("firebase-functions/logger");
from firebase_functions import pubsub_fn

Trigger the function

You must specify the Pub/Sub topic name that you want to trigger your function, and set the event within the event handler:

exports.hellopubsub = onMessagePublished("topic-name", (event) => {
def hellopubsub(event: pubsub_fn.CloudEvent[pubsub_fn.MessagePublishedData]) -> None:
    """Log a message using data published to a Pub/Sub topic."""

Access the pub/sub message payload

The payload for the Pub/Sub message is accessible from the message object returned to your function. For messages with JSON in the Pub/Sub message body, the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions has a helper property to decode the message. For example, here is a message published with a simple JSON payload:

gcloud pubsub topics publish topic-name --message '{"name":"Xenia"}'

You can access a JSON data payload like this via the json property:

  // Get the `name` attribute of the PubSub message JSON body.
  let name = null;
  try {
    name =;
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error("PubSub message was not JSON", e);
# Get the `name` attribute of the PubSub message JSON body.
    data =
except ValueError:
    print("PubSub message was not JSON")
if data is None:
if "name" not in data:
    print("No 'name' key")
name = data["name"]

Other, non-JSON payloads are contained in the Pub/Sub message as base64 encoded strings in the message object. To read a message like the following, you must decode the base64 encoded string as shown:

gcloud pubsub topics publish topic-name --message 'MyMessage'
// Decode the PubSub Message body.
const message =;
const messageBody = ?
      Buffer.from(, "base64").toString() :
# Decode the PubSub message body.
message_body = base64.b64decode(

Access message attributes

Pub/Sub message can be sent with data attributes set in the publish command. For example, you could publish a message with a name attribute:

gcloud pubsub topics publish topic-name --attribute name=Xenia

You can read such attributes from the corresponding property of the message object:

// Get the `name` attribute of the message.
const name =;
# Get the `name` attribute of the message.
if "name" not in
    print("No 'name' attribute")
name =["name"]