在 Android 上使用 Firebase ML 辨識地標

您可以使用 Firebase ML 識別圖片中的知名地標。


  1. 如果您尚未將 Firebase 新增至 Android 專案,請新增 Firebase
  2. 模組 (應用程式層級) Gradle 檔案 (通常是 <project>/<app-module>/build.gradle.kts<project>/<app-module>/build.gradle) 中,加入 Android 版 Firebase ML Vision 程式庫的依附元件。建議您使用 Firebase Android BoM 來控管程式庫版本。
    dependencies {
        // Import the BoM for the Firebase platform
        // Add the dependency for the Firebase ML Vision library
        // When using the BoM, you don't specify versions in Firebase library dependencies
        implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-ml-vision'

    只要使用 Firebase Android BoM,應用程式就會一律使用相容的 Firebase Android 程式庫版本。

    (替代做法)  使用 BoM 新增 Firebase 程式庫依附元件

    如果您選擇不使用 Firebase BoM,則必須在依附元件行中指定每個 Firebase 程式庫版本。

    請注意,如果您在應用程式中使用多個 Firebase 程式庫,強烈建議您使用 BoM 來管理程式庫版本,確保所有版本皆相容。

    dependencies {
        // Add the dependency for the Firebase ML Vision library
        // When NOT using the BoM, you must specify versions in Firebase library dependencies
        implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-ml-vision:24.1.0'
    想尋找 Kotlin 專屬的程式庫模組嗎?2023 年 10 月 (Firebase BoM 32.5.0)起,Kotlin 和 Java 開發人員都可以依附主要程式庫模組 (詳情請參閱這項計畫的常見問題)。
  3. 如果您尚未為專案啟用雲端 API,請立即啟用:

    1. 開啟 Firebase 控制台的 Firebase ML API 頁面
    2. 如果您尚未將專案升級至 Blaze 定價方案,請按一下「Upgrade」進行升級 (只有在專案未採用 Blaze 方案時,系統才會提示您升級)。

      只有 Blaze 級別專案可以使用雲端 API。

    3. 如果您尚未啟用雲端 API,請按一下「啟用雲端 API」


根據預設,Cloud 偵測器會使用 STABLE 版本的模型,並傳回最多 10 個結果。如果您要變更這兩項設定,請使用 FirebaseVisionCloudDetectorOptions 物件指定設定。

舉例來說,如要同時變更兩個預設設定,請建構 FirebaseVisionCloudDetectorOptions 物件,如下例所示:


val options = FirebaseVisionCloudDetectorOptions.Builder()


FirebaseVisionCloudDetectorOptions options =
        new FirebaseVisionCloudDetectorOptions.Builder()

如要使用預設設定,您可以在下一個步驟中使用 FirebaseVisionCloudDetectorOptions.DEFAULT


如要辨識圖片中的地標,請從 Bitmapmedia.ImageByteBuffer、位元組陣列或裝置上的檔案建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件。接著,將 FirebaseVisionImage 物件傳遞至 FirebaseVisionCloudLandmarkDetectordetectInImage 方法。

  1. 從圖片建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件。

    • 如要從 media.Image 物件建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件 (例如從裝置相機擷取圖片時),請將 media.Image 物件和圖片的旋轉角度傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage()

      如果您使用 CameraX 程式庫,OnImageCapturedListenerImageAnalysis.Analyzer 類別會為您計算旋轉值,因此您只需在呼叫 FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage() 之前,將旋轉值轉換為 Firebase MLROTATION_ 常數:


      private class YourImageAnalyzer : ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
          private fun degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees: Int): Int = when(degrees) {
              0 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0
              90 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90
              180 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180
              270 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270
              else -> throw Exception("Rotation must be 0, 90, 180, or 270.")
          override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy?, degrees: Int) {
              val mediaImage = imageProxy?.image
              val imageRotation = degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees)
              if (mediaImage != null) {
                  val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageRotation)
                  // Pass image to an ML Vision API
                  // ...


      private class YourAnalyzer implements ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
          private int degreesToFirebaseRotation(int degrees) {
              switch (degrees) {
                  case 0:
                      return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0;
                  case 90:
                      return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90;
                  case 180:
                      return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180;
                  case 270:
                      return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270;
                      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                              "Rotation must be 0, 90, 180, or 270.");
          public void analyze(ImageProxy imageProxy, int degrees) {
              if (imageProxy == null || imageProxy.getImage() == null) {
              Image mediaImage = imageProxy.getImage();
              int rotation = degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees);
              FirebaseVisionImage image =
                      FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation);
              // Pass image to an ML Vision API
              // ...



      private val ORIENTATIONS = SparseIntArray()
      init {
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 90)
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 0)
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 270)
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 180)
       * Get the angle by which an image must be rotated given the device's current
       * orientation.
      @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
      private fun getRotationCompensation(cameraId: String, activity: Activity, context: Context): Int {
          // Get the device's current rotation relative to its "native" orientation.
          // Then, from the ORIENTATIONS table, look up the angle the image must be
          // rotated to compensate for the device's rotation.
          val deviceRotation = activity.windowManager.defaultDisplay.rotation
          var rotationCompensation = ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation)
          // On most devices, the sensor orientation is 90 degrees, but for some
          // devices it is 270 degrees. For devices with a sensor orientation of
          // 270, rotate the image an additional 180 ((270 + 270) % 360) degrees.
          val cameraManager = context.getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE) as CameraManager
          val sensorOrientation = cameraManager
          rotationCompensation = (rotationCompensation + sensorOrientation + 270) % 360
          // Return the corresponding FirebaseVisionImageMetadata rotation value.
          val result: Int
          when (rotationCompensation) {
              0 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0
              90 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90
              180 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180
              270 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270
              else -> {
                  result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0
                  Log.e(TAG, "Bad rotation value: $rotationCompensation")
          return result


      private static final SparseIntArray ORIENTATIONS = new SparseIntArray();
      static {
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 90);
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 0);
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 270);
          ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 180);
       * Get the angle by which an image must be rotated given the device's current
       * orientation.
      @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
      private int getRotationCompensation(String cameraId, Activity activity, Context context)
              throws CameraAccessException {
          // Get the device's current rotation relative to its "native" orientation.
          // Then, from the ORIENTATIONS table, look up the angle the image must be
          // rotated to compensate for the device's rotation.
          int deviceRotation = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
          int rotationCompensation = ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation);
          // On most devices, the sensor orientation is 90 degrees, but for some
          // devices it is 270 degrees. For devices with a sensor orientation of
          // 270, rotate the image an additional 180 ((270 + 270) % 360) degrees.
          CameraManager cameraManager = (CameraManager) context.getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE);
          int sensorOrientation = cameraManager
          rotationCompensation = (rotationCompensation + sensorOrientation + 270) % 360;
          // Return the corresponding FirebaseVisionImageMetadata rotation value.
          int result;
          switch (rotationCompensation) {
              case 0:
                  result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0;
              case 90:
                  result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90;
              case 180:
                  result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180;
              case 270:
                  result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270;
                  result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0;
                  Log.e(TAG, "Bad rotation value: " + rotationCompensation);
          return result;

      接著,將 media.Image 物件和旋轉值傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage()


      val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation)


      FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation);
    • 如要從檔案 URI 建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件,請將應用程式背景資訊和檔案 URI 傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath()。這在您使用 ACTION_GET_CONTENT 意圖,提示使用者從相片庫應用程式中選取圖片時,非常實用。


      val image: FirebaseVisionImage
      try {
          image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath(context, uri)
      } catch (e: IOException) {


      FirebaseVisionImage image;
      try {
          image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath(context, uri);
      } catch (IOException e) {
    • 如要從 ByteBuffer 或位元組陣列建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件,請先計算圖片旋轉角度,如上文所述的 media.Image 輸入資料。

      接著,請建立 FirebaseVisionImageMetadata 物件,其中包含圖片的高度、寬度、顏色編碼格式和旋轉角度:


      val metadata = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.Builder()
          .setWidth(480) // 480x360 is typically sufficient for
          .setHeight(360) // image recognition


      FirebaseVisionImageMetadata metadata = new FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.Builder()
              .setWidth(480)   // 480x360 is typically sufficient for
              .setHeight(360)  // image recognition

      使用緩衝區或陣列和中繼資料物件,建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件:


      val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteBuffer(buffer, metadata)
      // Or: val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteArray(byteArray, metadata)


      FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteBuffer(buffer, metadata);
      // Or: FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteArray(byteArray, metadata);
    • 如要從 Bitmap 物件建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件,請按照下列步驟操作:


      val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromBitmap(bitmap)


      FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromBitmap(bitmap);
      Bitmap 物件所代表的圖片必須是直立的,不需要額外旋轉。

  2. 取得 FirebaseVisionCloudLandmarkDetector 的例項:


    val detector = FirebaseVision.getInstance()
    // Or, to change the default settings:
    // val detector = FirebaseVision.getInstance()
    //         .getVisionCloudLandmarkDetector(options)


    FirebaseVisionCloudLandmarkDetector detector = FirebaseVision.getInstance()
    // Or, to change the default settings:
    // FirebaseVisionCloudLandmarkDetector detector = FirebaseVision.getInstance()
    //         .getVisionCloudLandmarkDetector(options);
  3. 最後,將圖片傳遞至 detectInImage 方法:


    val result = detector.detectInImage(image)
        .addOnSuccessListener { firebaseVisionCloudLandmarks ->
            // Task completed successfully
            // ...
        .addOnFailureListener { e ->
            // Task failed with an exception
            // ...


    Task<List<FirebaseVisionCloudLandmark>> result = detector.detectInImage(image)
            .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<List<FirebaseVisionCloudLandmark>>() {
                public void onSuccess(List<FirebaseVisionCloudLandmark> firebaseVisionCloudLandmarks) {
                    // Task completed successfully
                    // ...
            .addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
                public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
                    // Task failed with an exception
                    // ...


如果地標辨識作業成功,系統會將 FirebaseVisionCloudLandmark 物件清單傳遞至成功事件監聽器。每個 FirebaseVisionCloudLandmark 物件都代表圖片中辨識到的地標。您可以為每個地標取得輸入圖片中的邊界座標、地標名稱、經緯度、知識圖形實體 ID (如有),以及比對的信心分數。例如:


for (landmark in firebaseVisionCloudLandmarks) {
    val bounds = landmark.boundingBox
    val landmarkName = landmark.landmark
    val entityId = landmark.entityId
    val confidence = landmark.confidence

    // Multiple locations are possible, e.g., the location of the depicted
    // landmark and the location the picture was taken.
    for (loc in landmark.locations) {
        val latitude = loc.latitude
        val longitude = loc.longitude


for (FirebaseVisionCloudLandmark landmark: firebaseVisionCloudLandmarks) {

    Rect bounds = landmark.getBoundingBox();
    String landmarkName = landmark.getLandmark();
    String entityId = landmark.getEntityId();
    float confidence = landmark.getConfidence();

    // Multiple locations are possible, e.g., the location of the depicted
    // landmark and the location the picture was taken.
    for (FirebaseVisionLatLng loc: landmark.getLocations()) {
        double latitude = loc.getLatitude();
        double longitude = loc.getLongitude();
