
大型語言模型的強大應用之一,就是 LLM 輔助代理。代理程式是一種系統,可透過規劃如何將工作分割為較小的工作,並在呼叫工具的協助下,執行與資料庫或甚至實體裝置等外部資源互動的任務。


const menuLookupTool = ai.defineTool(
    name: 'menuLookupTool',
    description: 'use this tool to look up the menu for a given date',
    inputSchema: z.object({
      date: z.string().describe('the date to look up the menu for'),
    outputSchema: z.string().describe('the menu for a given date'),
  async (input) => {
    // Retrieve the menu from a database, website, etc.
    // ...

const reservationTool = ai.defineTool(
    name: 'reservationTool',
    description: 'use this tool to try to book a reservation',
    inputSchema: z.object({
      partySize: z.coerce.number().describe('the number of guests'),
      date: z.string().describe('the date to book for'),
    outputSchema: z
        "true if the reservation was successfully booked and false if there's" +
          ' no table available for the requested time'
  async (input) => {
    // Access your database to try to make the reservation.
    // ...
const chat = ai.chat({
  model: gemini15Pro,
    "You are an AI customer service agent for Pavel's Cafe. Use the tools " +
    'available to you to help the customer. If you cannot help the ' +
    'customer with the available tools, politely explain so.',
  tools: [menuLookupTool, reservationTool],


  • 您加入的工具越多,模型就越能持續且正確地運用適合的工作工具。
  • 有些工作可能最好由使用者和服務專員之間的對話來處理,而非透過單一工具呼叫。
  • 某些工作可能需要專門的提示。舉例來說,如果您的服務專員正在回覆不滿意的客戶,您可能會希望他們的語氣比較正式,而最初向客戶問好的服務專員則可以使用較友善輕鬆的語氣。

建構複雜的代理程式時,如果遇到這些問題,您可以建立許多專門的代理程式,並使用通用代理程式將工作委派給這些代理程式。Genkit 支援這種架構,可讓您將提示指定為工具。每個提示都代表單一專門的服務項目,並提供專屬工具供使用,這些服務項目又可作為工具,提供給單一協調服務項目,也就是與使用者互動的首要介面。


// Define a prompt that represents a specialist agent
const reservationAgent = ai.definePrompt({
  name: 'reservationAgent',
  description: 'Reservation Agent can help manage guest reservations',
  tools: [reservationTool, reservationCancelationTool, reservationListTool],
  system: 'Help guests make and manage reservations',

// Or load agents from .prompt files
const menuInfoAgent = ai.prompt('menuInfoAgent');
const complaintAgent = ai.prompt('complaintAgent');

// The triage agent is the agent that users interact with initially
const triageAgent = ai.definePrompt({
  name: 'triageAgent',
  description: 'Triage Agent',
  tools: [reservationAgent, menuInfoAgent, complaintAgent],
  system: `You are an AI customer service agent for Pavel's Cafe.
  Greet the user and ask them how you can help. If appropriate, transfer to an
  agent that can better handle the request. If you cannot help the customer with
  the available tools, politely explain so.`,
// Start a chat session, initially with the triage agent
const chat = ai.chat(triageAgent);