Passing State in Email Actions

You can pass state via a continue URL when sending email actions for password resets or verifying a user's email. This provides the user the ability to be returned to the app after the action is completed. In addition, you can specify whether to handle the email action link directly from a mobile application when it is installed instead of a web page.

This can be extremely useful in the following common scenarios:

  • A user, not currently logged in, may be trying to access content that requires the user to be signed in. However, the user might have forgotten their password and therefore trigger the reset password flow. At the end of the flow, the user expects to go back to the section of the app they were trying to access.

  • An application may only offer access to verified accounts. For example, a newsletter app may require the user to verify their email before subscribing. The user would go through the email verification flow and expect to be returned to the app to complete their subscription.

  • In general, when a user begins a password reset or email verification flow on an Apple app they expect to complete the flow within the app; the ability to pass state via continue URL makes this possible.

Having the ability to pass state via a continue URL is a powerful feature that Firebase Auth provides and which can significantly enhance the user experience.

Passing state of a continue URL in email actions

In order to securely pass a continue URL, the domain for the URL will need to be whitelisted in the Firebase console. This is done in the Authentication section by adding this domain to the list of Authorized domains under the Sign-in method tab if it is not already there.

A FIRActionCodeSettings instance needs to be provided when sending a password reset email or a verification email. This interface takes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
URL String

Sets the link (state/continue URL) which has different meanings in different contexts:

  • When the link is handled in the web action widgets, this is the deep link in the continueUrl query parameter.
  • When the link is handled in the app directly, this is the continueUrl query parameter in the deep link of the Hosting link.
iOSBundleID String Sets the iOS bundle ID to help Firebase Authentication determine if it should create a web-only or mobile link which is opened on an Apple device
androidPackageName String Sets the Android package name to help Firebase Authentication determine if it should create a web-only or mobile link which is opened on an Android device
handleCodeInApp Bool Whether the email action link will be opened in a mobile app or a web link first. The default is false. When set to true, the action code link will be be sent as a Universal Link or Android App Link and will be opened by the app if installed. In the false case, the code will be sent to the web widget first and then on continue will redirect to the app if installed.
linkDomain String When custom Hosting link domains are defined for a project, specify which one to use when the link is to be opened by a specified mobile app. Otherwise, the default domain is automatically selected (for example,
dynamicLinkDomain String Deprecated. Don't specify this parameter.
Parameter Type Description
URL NSString

Sets the link (state/continue URL) which has different meanings in different contexts:

  • When the link is handled in the web action widgets, this is the deep link in the continueUrl query parameter.
  • When the link is handled in the app directly, this is the continueUrl query parameter in the deep link of the Hosting link.
iOSBundleID NSString Sets the iOS bundle ID to help Firebase Authentication determine if it should create a web-only or mobile link which is opened on an Android or Apple device
androidPackageName NSString Sets the Android package name to help Firebase Authentication determine if it should create a web-only or mobile link which is opened on an Android or Apple device
handleCodeInApp BOOL Whether the email action link will be opened in a mobile app or a web link first. The default is false. When set to true, the action code link will be be sent as a Universal Link or Android App Link and will be opened by the app if installed. In the false case, the code will be sent to the web widget first and then on continue will redirect to the app if installed.
linkDomain NSString When custom Hosting link domains are defined for a project, specify which one to use when the link is to be opened by a specified mobile app. Otherwise, the default domain is automatically selected (for example,
dynamicLinkDomain NSString Deprecated. Don't specify this parameter.

The following example illustrates how to send an email verification link that will open in a mobile app first using the custom Hosting link domain The deep link will contain the continue URL payload

var actionCodeSettings =  ActionCodeSettings.init()
actionCodeSettings.canHandleInApp = true
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser()
actionCodeSettings.URL =
    String(format: "",
actionCodeSettings.iOSbundleID = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
// Specify a custom Hosting link domain to use. The domain must be
// configured in Firebase Hosting and owned by the project.
actionCodeSettings.linkDomain = ""
user.sendEmailVerification(withActionCodeSettings:actionCodeSettings { error in
  if error {
    // Error occurred. Inspect error.code and handle error.
  // Email verification sent.
 FIRActionCodeSettings *actionCodeSettings = [[FIRActionCodeSettings alloc] init];
 actionCodeSettings.handleCodeInApp = YES;
 FIRUser *user = [FIRAuth auth].currentUser;
 NSString *urlString =
     [NSString stringWithFormat:@"",];
 actionCodeSettings.URL = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
 actionCodeSettings.iOSBundleID = [NSBundle mainBundle].bundleIdentifier;
// Specify a custom Hosting link domain to use. The domain must be
// configured in Firebase Hosting and owned by the project.
 actionCodeSettings.linkDomain = @"";
 [actionCodeSettings setAndroidPackageName:@""];
 [user sendEmailVerificationWithActionCodeSettings:actionCodeSettings
                                        completion:^(NSError *_Nullable error) {
   if (error) {
     // Error occurred. Inspect error.code and handle error.
   // Email verification sent.

Firebase Authentication uses Firebase Hosting when sending a link that is meant to be opened in a mobile application. In order to use this feature, Hosting links need to be configured in the Firebase console.

  1. Configuring Apple applications:

    1. If you plan on handling these links from your application, you will need to configure the Hosting link domain as an Associated Domain in your application capabilities.
    2. For more on this, refer to Receiving iOS Hosting links instructions.
  2. Configuring Android applications:

    1. If you plan on handling these links from your Android application, your app's package name needs to be specified in the Firebase console project settings. In addition, the SHA-1 and SHA-256 of the application certificate need to be provided.
    2. You will also need to configure the intent filter for the deep link in your AndroidManifest.xml file.
    3. For more on this, refer to Receiving Android Hosting links instructions.

Handling email actions in a web application

You can specify whether you want to handle the action code link from a web application first and then redirect to another web page or mobile application after successful completion, provided the mobile application is available. This is done by setting handleCodeInApp to false in the FIRActionCodeSettings (Obj-C) or ActionCodeSettings (Swift) object. While a bundle ID or Android package name are not required, providing them will allow the user to redirect back to the specified app on email action code completion.

The web URL used here, is the one configured in the email action templates section. A default one is provisioned for all projects. Refer to customizing email handlers to learn more on how to customize the email action handler.

In this case, the link within the continueURL query parameter will be a Hosting link whose payload is the URL specified in the ActionCodeSettings object.

When handling email actions such as email verification, the action code from the oobCode query parameter needs to be parsed from the deep link and then applied via applyActionCode for the change to take effect, i.e. email to be verified.

Handling email actions in a mobile application

You can specify whether you want to handle the action code link within your mobile application first, provided it is installed. If the link is clicked from a device that does not support the mobile application, it is opened from a web page instead. This is done by setting handleCodeInApp to true in the FIRActionCodeSettings (Obj-C) or ActionCodeSettings (Swift) object. The mobile application's Android package name or bundle ID will also need to be specified. The fallback web URL used here, when no mobile app is available, is the one configured in the email action templates section. A default one is provisioned for all projects. Refer to customizing email handlers to learn more on how to customize the email action handler.

In this case, the mobile app link sent to the user will be a Hosting link whose payload is the action code URL, configured in the Console, with the query parameters oobCode, mode, apiKey and continueUrl. The latter will be the original URL specified in the FIRActionCodeSettings (Obj-C) or ActionCodeSettings (Swift) object. The action code can be applied directly from a mobile application similar to how it is handled from the web flow described in the customizing email handlers section.

When handling email actions such as email verification, the action code from the oobCode query parameter needs to be parsed from the deep link and then applied via applyActionCode for the change to take effect, i.e. email to be verified.