
Flows are functions with some additional characteristics: they are strongly typed, streamable, locally and remotely callable, and fully observable. Firebase Genkit provides CLI and Developer UI tooling for working with flows (running, debugging, etc).

Defining flows

import { defineFlow } from '@genkit-ai/flow';

export const menuSuggestionFlow = defineFlow(
    name: 'menuSuggestionFlow',
  async (restaurantTheme) => {
    const suggestion = makeMenuItemSuggestion(restaurantTheme);

    return suggestion;

Input and output schemas for flows can be defined using zod.

import { defineFlow } from '@genkit-ai/flow';
import * as z from 'zod';

export const menuSuggestionFlow = defineFlow(
    name: 'menuSuggestionFlow',
    inputSchema: z.string(),
    outputSchema: z.string(),
  async (restaurantTheme) => {
    const suggestion = makeMenuItemSuggestion(input.restaurantTheme);

    return suggestion;

When schema is specified Genkit will validate the schema for inputs and outputs.

Running flows

Use the runFlow function to run the flow:

const response = await runFlow(menuSuggestionFlow, 'French');

You can use the CLI to run flows as well:

genkit flow:run menuSuggestionFlow '"French"'


Here's a simple example of a flow that can stream values from a flow:

export const menuSuggestionFlow = defineFlow(
    name: 'menuSuggestionFlow',
    streamSchema: z.string(),
  async (restaurantTheme, streamingCallback) => {
    if (streamingCallback) {
      makeMenuItemSuggestionsAsync(restaurantTheme).subscribe((suggestion) => {

Note that streamingCallback can be undefined. It's only defined if the invoking client is requesting streamed response.

To invoke a flow in streaming mode use streamFlow function:

const response = streamFlow(menuSuggestionFlow, 'French');

for await (const suggestion of response.stream()) {
  console.log('suggestion', suggestion);

If the flow does not implement streaming streamFlow will behave identically to runFlow.

You can use the CLI to stream flows as well:

genkit flow:run menuSuggestionFlow '"French"' -s

Deploying flows

If you want to be able to access your flow over HTTP you will need to deploy it first. Genkit provides integrations for Cloud Functions for Firebase and Express.js hosts such as Cloud Run.

Deployed flows support all the same features as local flows (like streaming and observability).

Cloud Function for Firebase

To use flows with Cloud Functions for Firebase use the firebase plugin, replace defineFlow with onFlow and include an authPolicy.

import { onFlow } from '@genkit-ai/firebase/functions';
import { firebaseAuth } from '@genkit-ai/firebase/auth';

export const menuSuggestionFlow = onFlow(
    name: 'menuSuggestionFlow',
    authPolicy: firebaseAuth((user) => {
      if (!user.email_verified) {
        throw new Error("Verified email required to run flow");
  async (restaurantTheme) => {
    // ....


To deploy flows using Cloud Run and similar services, define your flows using defineFlow and then call startFlowsServer():

import { defineFlow, startFlowsServer } from '@genkit-ai/flow';

export const menuSuggestionFlow = defineFlow(
    name: 'menuSuggestionFlow',
  async (restaurantTheme) => {
    // ....


By default startFlowsServer will serve all the flows that you have defined in your codebase as HTTP endpoints (e.g. http://localhost:3400/menuSuggestionFlow). You can call a flow via a POST request as follows:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:3400/menuSuggestionFlow" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"data": "banana"}'

If needed, you can customize the flows server to serve a specific list of flows, as shown below. You can also specify a custom port (it will use the PORT environment variable if set) or specify CORS settings.

import { defineFlow, startFlowsServer } from '@genkit-ai/flow';

export const flowA = defineFlow({ name: 'flowA' }, async (subject) => {
  // ....

export const flowB = defineFlow({ name: 'flowB' }, async (subject) => {
  // ....

  flows: [flowB],
  port: 4567,
  cors: {
    origin: '*',

Flow observability

Sometimes when using 3rd party SDKs that that are not instrumented for observability, you might want to see them as a separate trace step in the Developer UI. All you need to do is wrap the code in the run function.

import { defineFlow, run } from '@genkit-ai/flow';

export const menuSuggestionFlow = defineFlow(
    name: 'menuSuggestionFlow',
    outputSchema: z.array(s.string()),
  async (restaurantTheme) => {
    const themes = await run('find-similar-themes', async () => {
      return await findSimilarRestaurantThemes(restaurantTheme);

    const suggestions = makeMenuItemSuggestions(themes);

    return suggestions;