Use the Admin SDK with Data Connect

The Firebase Admin SDK is a set of server libraries that lets you interact with Firebase from privileged environments to perform actions like performing queries and mutations on a Firebase Data Connect service for bulk data management and other operations with elevated privileges.

The Admin SDK provides you with an API to call operations in both read/write and read-only modes. With the read-only operations, you have the peace of mind of implementing administrative functions that cannot modify data in your databases.

Admin SDK Setup

To get started using the with Firebase Data Connect on your server, you'll first need to install and set up the Admin SDK for Node.js.

Initialize the Admin SDK in your scripts

To initialize the SDK, import the Data Connect extensions and declare your project service ID and location.

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app';
import { getDataConnect } from 'firebase-admin/data-connect';

// If you'd like to use OAuth2 flows and other credentials to log in,
// visit
// for alternative ways to initialize the SDK.

const app = initializeApp();

const dataConnect = getDataConnect({
    serviceId: 'serviceId',
    location: 'us-west2'

Design queries and mutations to use with the Admin SDK

The Admin SDK is useful for testing Data Connect operations, given the following considerations.

Understand the SDK and @auth(level: NO_ACCESS) operation directive

Since the Admin SDK operates with privileges, it can execute any of your queries and mutations regardless of access levels set using @auth directives, including the NO_ACCESS level.

If alongside your client operations, you organize your administrative queries and mutations in .gql source files for import into administrative scripts, Firebase recommends that you mark the administrative operations without any authorization access level, or perhaps be more explicit and set them as NO_ACCESS. Either way, this prevents such operations from being executed from clients or in other non-privileged contexts.

Use the SDK with the Data Connect emulator

In prototype and test environments, it can be useful to perform data seeding and other operations on local data. The Admin SDK lets you simplify your workflows since it ignores authentication and authorization for local flows.

The Firebase Admin SDKs automatically connects to the Data Connect emulator when the DATA_CONNECT_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable is set:


For more information, see:

Implement common use cases

The Admin SDK is provided for privileged operations on your critical data.

The API for Data Connect consists of a read-write executeGraphql interface and a read-only executeGraphqlRead interface.

Manage user data

A typical use case for the Admin SDK is managing user data.

interface UserData {
  user: {
    id: string;
    name: string;

export interface UserVariables {
  id: string;

const options:GraphqlOptions<UserVariables> = { variables: { id: "QVBJcy5ndXJ1" } };

// user can be publicly accessible, or restricted to admins
const query = "query getProfile(id: AuthID) { user(id: $id) { id name } }";

const gqlResponse = await dataConnect.executeGraphql<UserData, UserVariables>(query, options);

//executeGraphqlRead (similar to above but only for read operations)
const gqlResponse = await dataConnect.executeGraphqlRead<UserData, UserVariables>(query, options);

// gqlResponse -> { "data": { "user": { "id": "QVBJcy5ndXJ1", "name": "Fred" } } }

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