텍스트 인식

Cloud Vision의 텍스트 인식 API를 사용하면 100개 이상의 다양한 언어 및 스크립트에서 텍스트를 인식할 수 있습니다.

이 클라우드 기반 API를 사용하면 지루한 데이터 입력을 자동화하고 문서의 그림에서 텍스트를 추출할 수 있기 때문에 접근성을 높이고 문서를 번역할 수 있습니다.

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iOS+, Android

주요 기능

높은 정확성으로 텍스트 인식

Firebase ML의 텍스트 인식 API는 Google Cloud의 업계 최고의 이미지 이해 기능을 기반으로 합니다.

Cloud Vision API 데모를 통해 직접 사용해 보세요.

사진 및 문서에 적합

이미지(예: 도로 표지판 또는 명함 사진)에서 희소 텍스트를 인식하고 문서 사진에서 밀집 텍스트를 인식하는 데 최적화 된 API입니다.

폭넓은 언어 지원

100개 이상의 다양한 언어 및 스크립트 속 텍스트를 인식합니다.

제한된 무료 사용

월 1,000회까지 기능 무료 사용(가격 책정 참조)

결과 예시

희소 텍스트

사진: Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / "Düsseldorf, Wege der parlamentarischen Demokratie -- 2015 -- 8123" / CC BY-SA 4.0

부분 결과

인식된 텍스트
텍스트 Wege der
경계 상자/프레임 Rect(Android) 또는 CGRect(iOS+)
블록 (1개 블록)
블록 0
텍스트 Wege der
경계 상자/프레임 Rect(Android) 또는 CGRect(iOS+)
인식된 언어 코드 de
(3개 라인)
행 0
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인식된 언어 코드 de
요소 (2개 요소)
요소 0
텍스트 Wege

문서 텍스트

부분 결과

전체 텍스트
Professor. He had evidently expected some such call, for
I found him dressed in his room. His door was ajar, so that
he could hear the opening of the door of our room. He
came at once, as he passed into the room, he asked Mina
if the others might come, too.
"No," she said quite simply, "it will not be necessary.
You can tell them just as well. I must go with you on your
Dr. Van Helsing was as startled as I was. After a mo-
ment's pause he asked :-
"But why?"
"You must take me with you. I am safer with you, and
you shall be safer, too."
"But why, dear Madam Mina? You know that your
safety is our solemnest duty. We go into danger, to which
you are, or may be, more liable than any of us from
from circumstances--things that have been." He paused,
As she replied, she raised her finger and pointed to her
"I know. That is why I must go. I can tell you now,
whilst the sun is coming up; I may not be able again. I
know that when the Count wills me I must go. I know that
if he tells me to come in secret, I must come by wile; by
any device to hoodwink—even Jonathan." God saw the
look that she turned on me as she spoke, and if there be
indeed a Recording Angel that look is noted to her ever-
lasting honour. I could only clasp her hand. I could not
speak; my emotion was too great for even the relief of
tears. She went on
"You men are brave and strong. You are strong in your
numbers, for you can defy that which would break down
the human endurance of one who had to guard alone. Be-
sides, I may be of service, since you can hypotise me and
so learn that which even I myself do not know." Dr. Van
Helsing said very gravely
"Madam Mina, you are, as always, most wise. You shall
with us come; and together we shall do that which we go
forth to achieve." When he had spoken, Mina's long spell
of silence made me look at her. She had fallen back on her
블록 (2개 블록)
블록 1
Professor. He had evidently expected some such call, for
I found him dressed in his room. His door was ajar, so that
he could hear the opening of the door of our room. He
came at once, as he passed into the room, he asked Mina
if the others might come, too.
"No," she said quite simply, "it will not be necessary.
You can tell them just as well. I must go with you on your
Dr. Van Helsing was as startled as I was. After a mo-
ment's pause he asked :-
"But why?"
"You must take me with you. I am safer with you, and
you shall be safer, too."
"But why, dear Madam Mina? You know that your
safety is our solemnest duty. We go into danger, to which
you are, or may be, more liable than any of us from
from circumstances--things that have been." He paused,
As she replied, she raised her finger and pointed to her
"I know. That is why I must go. I can tell you now,
whilst the sun is coming up; I may not be able again. I
know that when the Count wills me I must go. I know that
if he tells me to come in secret, I must come by wile; by
any device to hoodwink—even Jonathan." God saw the
look that she turned on me as she spoke, and if there be
indeed a Recording Angel that look is noted to her ever-
lasting honour. I could only clasp her hand. I could not
speak; my emotion was too great for even the relief of
tears. She went on
"You men are brave and strong. You are strong in your
numbers, for you can defy that which would break down
the human endurance of one who had to guard alone. Be-
sides, I may be of service, since you can hypotise me and
so learn that which even I myself do not know." Dr. Van
Helsing said very gravely
"Madam Mina, you are, as always, most wise. You shall
with us come; and together we shall do that which we go
forth to achieve." When he had spoken, Mina's long spell
of silence made me look at her. She had fallen back on her
신뢰도 0.98
경계 상자/프레임 Rect(Android) 또는 CGRect(iOS+)
인식된 언어 코드 en
단락 (10개 단락)
단락 1
"No," she said quite simply, "it will not be necessary.
You can tell them just as well. I must go with you on your
신뢰도 0.97
경계 상자/프레임 Rect(Android) 또는 CGRect(iOS+)
인식된 언어 코드 en
단어 수 (34단어)
단어 7
신뢰도 0.99
경계 상자/프레임 Rect(Android) 또는 CGRect(iOS+)
인식된 언어 코드 en
기호 (6개 기호)
기호 0
신뢰도 0.97
경계 상자/프레임 Rect(Android) 또는 CGRect(iOS+)
인식된 언어 코드 en