首先,請匯入處理 Firebase Test Lab 事件所需的模組:
// The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to set up triggers and logging.
const {onTestMatrixCompleted} = require("firebase-functions/v2/testLab");
const {logger} = require("firebase-functions");
# The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to set up triggers and logging.
from firebase_functions import test_lab_fn, params
# The requests library to send web requests to Slack.
import requests
在 TestMatrix 完成時觸發函式
如要觸發 Firebase Test Lab 函式,請為測試矩陣完成事件定義處理常式。在這個範例中,函式會在測試完成時觸發,從 CloudEvent 物件擷取測試矩陣資料,並將相應的測試結果傳送至 Slack 頻道:
exports.posttestresultstoslack = onTestMatrixCompleted(
{secrets: ["SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"]},
async (event) => {
// Obtain Test Matrix properties from the CloudEvent
const {testMatrixId, state, outcomeSummary} = event.data;
// Create the title of the message
const title = `${getSlackmoji(state)} ${getSlackmoji(
)} ${testMatrixId}`;
// Create the details of the message
const details = `Status: *${state}* ${getSlackmoji(
)}\nOutcome: *${outcomeSummary}* ${getSlackmoji(outcomeSummary)}
// Post the message to slack
const slackResponse = await postToSlack(title, details);
// Log the response
def posttestresultstoslack(
event: test_lab_fn.CloudEvent[test_lab_fn.TestMatrixCompletedData]) -> None:
"""Posts a test matrix result to Slack."""
# Obtain Test Matrix properties from the CloudEvent
test_matrix_id = event.data.test_matrix_id
state = event.data.state
outcome_summary = event.data.outcome_summary
# Create the title of the message
title = f"{slackmoji(state)} {slackmoji(outcome_summary)} {test_matrix_id}"
# Create the details of the message
details = (f"Status: *{state}* {slackmoji(state)}\n"
f"Outcome: *{outcome_summary}* {slackmoji(outcome_summary)}")
# Post the message to Slack
response = post_to_slack(title, details)
# Log the response
print(response.status_code, response.text)
gcloud beta firebase test android run \
--app=path/to/app.apk \
--client-details testType=pr,link=<path/to/pull-request>
const testType = event.data.clientInfo.details.testType;
const link = event.data.clientInfo.details.link;
test_type: str | None = event.data.client_info.details.get("testType")
link: str | None = event.data.client_info.details.get("link")