訊息的行為會因網頁處於前景 (有焦點)、背景、隱藏在其他分頁後方或完全關閉而有所不同。無論如何,網頁都必須處理 onMessage
回呼,但在背景情況下,您可能還需要處理 onBackgroundMessage
應用程式狀態 | 通知 | 資料 | 兩者並用 |
前景 | onMessage |
onMessage |
onMessage |
背景 (Service Worker) | onBackgroundMessage (自動顯示通知) |
onBackgroundMessage |
onBackgroundMessage (自動顯示通知) |
JavaScript 快速入門範例會示範接收訊息所需的所有程式碼。
如要接收 onMessage
事件,應用程式必須在 firebase-messaging-sw.js
中定義 Firebase 訊息服務 worker。或者,您也可以透過 getToken(): Promise<string>
,將現有的服務工作者提供給 SDK。
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getMessaging } from "firebase/messaging/sw"; // Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in // your app's Firebase config object. // https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#config-object const firebaseApp = initializeApp({ apiKey: 'api-key', authDomain: 'project-id.firebaseapp.com', databaseURL: 'https://project-id.firebaseio.com', projectId: 'project-id', storageBucket: 'project-id.appspot.com', messagingSenderId: 'sender-id', appId: 'app-id', measurementId: 'G-measurement-id', }); // Retrieve an instance of Firebase Messaging so that it can handle background // messages. const messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp);
// Give the service worker access to Firebase Messaging. // Note that you can only use Firebase Messaging here. Other Firebase libraries // are not available in the service worker. // Replace 10.13.2 with latest version of the Firebase JS SDK. importScripts('https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/10.13.2/firebase-app-compat.js'); importScripts('https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/10.13.2/firebase-messaging-compat.js'); // Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in // your app's Firebase config object. // https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#config-object firebase.initializeApp({ apiKey: 'api-key', authDomain: 'project-id.firebaseapp.com', databaseURL: 'https://project-id.firebaseio.com', projectId: 'project-id', storageBucket: 'project-id.appspot.com', messagingSenderId: 'sender-id', appId: 'app-id', measurementId: 'G-measurement-id', }); // Retrieve an instance of Firebase Messaging so that it can handle background // messages. const messaging = firebase.messaging();
當應用程式處於前景 (使用者目前正在查看網頁) 時,您可以直接在網頁中接收資料和通知酬載。
// Handle incoming messages. Called when: // - a message is received while the app has focus // - the user clicks on an app notification created by a service worker // `messaging.onBackgroundMessage` handler. import { getMessaging, onMessage } from "firebase/messaging"; const messaging = getMessaging(); onMessage(messaging, (payload) => { console.log('Message received. ', payload); // ... });
// Handle incoming messages. Called when: // - a message is received while the app has focus // - the user clicks on an app notification created by a service worker // `messaging.onBackgroundMessage` handler. messaging.onMessage((payload) => { console.log('Message received. ', payload); // ... });
針對從應用程式伺服器傳送的通知訊息,FCM JavaScript API 支援 fcm_options.link
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer <YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN>
"message": {
"token": "eEz-Q2sG8nQ:APA91bHJQRT0JJ...",
"notification": {
"title": "Background Message Title",
"body": "Background message body"
"webpush": {
"fcm_options": {
"link": "https://dummypage.com"
由於資料訊息不支援 fcm_options.link
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getMessaging } from "firebase/messaging/sw"; // Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in // your app's Firebase config object. // https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#config-object const firebaseApp = initializeApp({ apiKey: 'api-key', authDomain: 'project-id.firebaseapp.com', databaseURL: 'https://project-id.firebaseio.com', projectId: 'project-id', storageBucket: 'project-id.appspot.com', messagingSenderId: 'sender-id', appId: 'app-id', measurementId: 'G-measurement-id', }); // Retrieve an instance of Firebase Messaging so that it can handle background // messages. const messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp);
// Give the service worker access to Firebase Messaging. // Note that you can only use Firebase Messaging here. Other Firebase libraries // are not available in the service worker. // Replace 10.13.2 with latest version of the Firebase JS SDK. importScripts('https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/10.13.2/firebase-app-compat.js'); importScripts('https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/10.13.2/firebase-messaging-compat.js'); // Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in // your app's Firebase config object. // https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#config-object firebase.initializeApp({ apiKey: 'api-key', authDomain: 'project-id.firebaseapp.com', databaseURL: 'https://project-id.firebaseio.com', projectId: 'project-id', storageBucket: 'project-id.appspot.com', messagingSenderId: 'sender-id', appId: 'app-id', measurementId: 'G-measurement-id', }); // Retrieve an instance of Firebase Messaging so that it can handle background // messages. const messaging = firebase.messaging();
如要設定選項,請在 firebase-messaging-sw.js
中呼叫 onBackgroundMessage
import { getMessaging } from "firebase/messaging/sw"; import { onBackgroundMessage } from "firebase/messaging/sw"; const messaging = getMessaging(); onBackgroundMessage(messaging, (payload) => { console.log('[firebase-messaging-sw.js] Received background message ', payload); // Customize notification here const notificationTitle = 'Background Message Title'; const notificationOptions = { body: 'Background Message body.', icon: '/firebase-logo.png' }; self.registration.showNotification(notificationTitle, notificationOptions); });
messaging.onBackgroundMessage((payload) => { console.log( '[firebase-messaging-sw.js] Received background message ', payload ); // Customize notification here const notificationTitle = 'Background Message Title'; const notificationOptions = { body: 'Background Message body.', icon: '/firebase-logo.png' }; self.registration.showNotification(notificationTitle, notificationOptions); });
如果您熟悉網頁版推播訊息,可能已經閱讀過優質通知的相關指南。對於透過 FCM for Web 傳送通知的開發人員而言,最重要的考量因素是精確度和相關性。以下是確保通知精確且相關的具體建議:
- 使用圖示欄位傳送有意義的圖片。在許多用途中,這應該是使用者能立即辨識的公司或應用程式標誌。或者,在聊天應用程式中,這可能會是傳送者的個人資料圖片。
- 使用標題欄位說明訊息的確切性質。舉例來說,「Jimmy 回覆了」比「新訊息」更能傳達準確的資訊。請勿將這個寶貴的空間用於公司或應用程式名稱,請使用圖示來顯示這類資訊。
- 請勿使用通知標題或內文顯示網站名稱或網域,因為通知中已包含網域名稱。
- 新增