Step 4: Troubleshoot and handle common issues
Introduction: Measure iOS Ads conversions |
Step 1: Implement a sign-in experience |
Step 2: Integrate Google Analytics |
Step 3: Initiate on-device conversion measurement using Google Analytics |
Step 4: Troubleshoot and handle common issues |
Support is available if you have any problems with your implementation.
Troubleshoot iOS on-device measurement
Firebase Authentication
Are you having trouble implementing Firebase Authentication? If you are a Google Cloud customer, reach out to your paid support through Google Cloud. If you are not a paid Google Cloud customer, reach out to no-cost Firebase Support.
Google Analytics
Are you having trouble implementing Google Analytics? Use the help resources and contact information provided by the Google Analytics team.
Google Ads
Are you having trouble measuring your ad campaign with this feature? Use the help resources and contact information provided by the Google Ads team.
Google Analytics Step 3: Initiate measurement using