Firebase Android SDK Release Notes

To review release notes for the Firebase console and for other Firebase platforms and related SDKs, refer to the Firebase Release Notes.

Learn how to install these SDKs in your app: Add Firebase to your Android Project.

Note that when using the Firebase Android BoM, you don't specify individual library versions when you declare Firebase library dependencies in your Gradle build configuration file.

Compare Firebase BoM versions

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Firebase Android BoM
(Bill of Materials)

The latest Firebase BoM version contains the latest versions of each Firebase Android library. To learn which library versions are mapped to a specific BoM version, review the release notes for that BoM version.

AdMob 23.6.0
Analytics 22.2.0
App Check custom provider 18.0.0
App Check debug provider 18.0.0
App Check Play Integrity provider 18.0.0
App Distribution 16.0.0-beta14
App Distribution API 16.0.0-beta14
App Distribution plugin 5.1.1
Authentication 23.2.0
Cloud Firestore 25.1.2
Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK 21.1.0
Cloud Messaging 24.1.0
Cloud Storage 21.0.1
Crashlytics 19.4.0
Crashlytics NDK 19.4.0
Crashlytics plugin 3.0.3
Dynamic feature module support 16.0.0-beta03
Dynamic Links 22.1.0
In-App Messaging 21.0.1
In-App Messaging Display 21.0.1
Firebase installations 18.0.0
Firebase ML Model Downloader API 25.0.1
Performance Monitoring 21.0.4
Performance Monitoring plugin 1.4.2
Realtime Database 21.0.0
Remote Config 22.1.0
Vertex AI in Firebase 16.1.0
Google Play services plugin 4.4.2
App Check SafetyNet provider 16.1.2
App Indexing 20.0.0

Firebase KTX modules

Analytics 22.2.0
App Check custom provider 18.0.0
App Distribution API 16.0.0-beta14
Authentication 23.2.0
Cloud Firestore 25.1.2
Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK 21.1.0
Cloud Messaging 24.1.0
Cloud Storage 21.0.1
Crashlytics 19.4.0
Dynamic Links 22.1.0
In-App Messaging 21.0.1
In-App Messaging Display 21.0.1
Firebase installations 18.0.0
Firebase ML Model Downloader API 25.0.1
Performance Monitoring 21.0.4
Realtime Database 21.0.0
Remote Config 22.1.0

Firebase ML Kit libraries

Firebase ML Custom Model APIs 22.0.4
Firebase ML Vision APIs 24.1.0
Firebase ML: Image Labeling Model 20.0.2
Firebase ML: Object Detection and Tracking Model 19.0.6
Firebase ML: Face Detection Model 20.0.2
Firebase ML: Barcode Scanning Model 16.1.2
Firebase ML: AutoML Vision Edge API 18.0.6
Firebase ML: Natural Language APIs 22.0.1
Firebase ML: Language Identification Model 20.0.8
Firebase ML: Translate Model 20.0.9
Firebase ML: Smart Reply Model 20.0.8

Update - February 06, 2025

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.9.0

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 5.1.1

  • Fixed issue that caused the connectedDebugAndroidTest task to fail.

  • Updated log statement to specify whether an upload resulted in a new release or an update to an existing release.

Authentication version 23.2.0

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 23.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 25.1.2

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 25.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 3.0.3

  • Fixed symbol generation for Unity 6 symbols.

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.1.0

Update - January 16, 2025

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.8.0

Analytics version 22.2.0

  • Addressed build issue caused by conflicting manifest value with Google Mobile Ads SDK.

  • Fixed Activity object memory leak.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 22.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 5.1.0

  • Updated dependencies to the latest versions.

  • Changed task creation to be done lazily with TaskContainer.register instead of TaskContainer.create.

  • Added support for testCases and testCasesFile parameters.

  • Decreased the amount of statements being logged above the LIFECYCLE level. To see all statements, use command line switches to run commands at the INFO or DEBUG level.

Crashlytics version 19.4.0

  • Added an overload for recordException that allows logging event specific custom keys. GitHub #3551

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.4.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.4.0

Data Connect version 16.0.0-beta04

  • Changed FirebaseDataConnect.logLevel type from LogLevel to MutableStateFlow<LogLevel>. This enables apps to "collect" the flow to, for example, update a UI component when the log level changes. (GitHub #6586)

Performance Monitoring version 21.0.4

  • Fixed a performance issue with shared preferences calling .apply() every time a value is read from Remote Config. GitHub #6407

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 21.0.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-perf library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 22.1.0

  • Added support for custom signal targeting in Remote Config. Use the setCustomSignals API for setting custom signals to build custom targeting conditions in Remote Config.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 22.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - December 05, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.7.0

Crashlytics version 19.3.0

  • Fixed inefficiency in the Kotlin FirebaseCrashlytics.setCustomKeys extension, and deprecated redundant KeyValueBuilder constructor.

  • Moved execution of failure listener to outside the main thread. GitHub #6535

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.3.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.3.0

Performance Monitoring version 21.0.3

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 21.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-perf library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - November 15, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.6.0

Data Connect version 16.0.0-beta03

  • Breaking Change: Increased the minimum supported version of the Data Connect local toolkit for code generation to v1.7.0, which is included with firebase-tools v13.25.0.

  • Breaking Change: Replaced java.util.Date with for GraphQL Date variables and fields. (GitHub #6434)

  • Added copy(), withDataDeserializer(), and withVariablesSerializer() functions to QueryRef, MutationRef, GeneratedQuery and GeneratedMutation. (GitHub #6424)

  • Added copy(), operations(), queries() and mutations() functions to GeneratedConnector. (GitHub #6424)

  • Changed GeneratedConnector, GeneratedQuery, and GeneratedMutation to now require the implementation of equals() to be a logical comparison, rather than just checking for referencial equality using the === operator. (GitHub #6424)

  • Added ExperimentalFirebaseDataConnect annotation, and some APIs have been annotated with it. Applications that make use of these experimental APIs must opt-in by using @OptIn(ExperimentalFirebaseDataConnect::class) to suppress warnings or errors related to using these experimental APIs. (GitHub #6424) and (GitHub #6433)

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 21.1.0

  • Converted the Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK to Kotlin.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 21.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 24.1.0

  • Deprecated additional FCM upstream messaging methods and updated all upstream methods to indicate they are now decommissioned. For more information about this decommissioning, see the FAQ.

  • Changed the configuration of ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor for WithinAppServiceConnection to allow the thread to stop polling after the timeout task has been canceled.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 24.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 24.1.0

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.2

  • Improved error message when using an invalid location. GitHub #6428

  • Fixed issue where Firebase App Check error tokens were unintentionally missing from the requests. GitHub #6409

  • Clarified in the reference documentation that Schema.integer and Schema.float only provide hints to the model. GitHub #6420

  • Fixed issue were Schema.double set the format parameter in Schema. GitHub #6432

Update - October 23, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.5.1

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.1

  • Fixed issue where authorization headers weren't correctly formatted and were ignored by the backend. GitHub #6400

Update - October 21, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.5.0

Authentication version 23.1.0

  • Added reCAPTCHA Enterprise support for app verification during phone authentication for Firebase Authentication. The feature will be available for use starting October 24, 2024.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 23.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 25.1.1

  • Updated Cloud Firestore proto definitions. (GitHub #6369)

  • Updated protobuf dependency to 3.25.5 to fix CVE-2024-7254.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 25.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 24.0.3

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 24.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 24.0.3

Crashlytics version 19.2.1

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.2.1

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.2.1

Data Connect version 16.0.0-beta02

Firebase ML version 25.0.1

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 25.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 21.0.1

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 21.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 21.0.1

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 21.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 21.0.2

  • Fixed IllegalStateException that happened when starting a trace before Firebase initializes.

  • Updated protobuf dependency to 3.25.5 to fix CVE-2024-7254.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 21.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-perf library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 22.0.1

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 22.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.0

  • Vertex AI in Firebase is now Generally Available (GA) and can be used in production apps.

    Use the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK to call the Vertex AI Gemini API directly from your app. This client SDK is built specifically for use with Android apps, offering security options against unauthorized clients as well as integrations with other Firebase services.

    • If you're new to this library, visit the getting started guide.

    • If you were using the preview version of the library, visit the migration guide to learn about some important updates.

  • Breaking Change: Changed functionCallingConfig parameter type to be nullable in ToolConfig. (GitHub #6373)

  • Breaking Change: Removed functionResponse accessor method from GenerateContentResponse. (GitHub #6373)

  • Breaking Change: Migrated FirebaseVertexAIException from a sealed class to an abstract class, and marked constructors as internal. (GitHub #6368)

  • Added support for title and publicationDate in citations. (GitHub #6309)

  • Added support for frequencyPenalty, presencePenalty, and HarmBlockMethod. (GitHub #6309)

  • Breaking Change: Introduced Citations class. Now CitationMetadata wraps that type. (GitHub #6276)

  • Breaking Change: Reworked Schema declaration mechanism. (GitHub #6258)

  • Breaking Change: Reworked function calling mechanism to use the new Schema format. Function calls no longer use native types, nor include references to the actual executable code. (GitHub #6258)

  • Breaking Change: Made totalBillableCharacters field in CountTokens nullable and optional. (GitHub #6294)

  • Breaking Change: Removed UNKNOWN option for the HarmBlockThreshold enum. (GitHub #6294)

  • Breaking Change: Removed UNSPECIFIED option for the HarmBlockThreshold, HarmProbability, HarmSeverity, and BlockReason enums. (GitHub #6294)

  • Breaking Change: Renamed BlockThreshold as HarmBlockThreshold. (GitHub #6262)

  • Breaking Change: Renamed all types and methods starting with blob to start with inlineData. (GitHub #6309)

  • Breaking Change: Changed the order of arguments in InlineDataPart to match ImagePart. (GitHub #6340)

  • Breaking Change: Changed RequestOption to accept only long timeout values. (GitHub #6289)

  • Breaking Change: Moved requestOptions to the last positional argument in the generativeModel argument list. (GitHub #6292)

  • Breaking Change: Replaced sealed classes with abstract classes for StringFormat. (GitHub #6334)

  • Breaking Change: Refactored enum classes to be normal classes. (GitHub #6340)

  • Breaking Change: Marked GenerativeModel properties as private. (GitHub #6309)

Update - October 01, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.4.0

Analytics version 22.1.2

  • Addressed vulnerability CVE-2024-7254.

  • Introduced a new class, GoogleAnalyticsServerPreviewActivity, which supports debugging for server-side Google Tag Manager. This class is not yet publicly available; it's currently only available to allow listed early access customers.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 22.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 24.0.2

  • Included message priority when logging to firebase-datatransport.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 24.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 24.0.2

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 21.0.1

  • Fixed an issue where the maxUploadRetryTimeMillis parameter is ignored when uploading files using putBytes().

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 21.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 19.2.0

  • Improved data consistency for rapid user actions.

  • Fixed exception propagation in the case of no default uncaught exception handler.

  • Internal changes to improve startup time.

  • Internal changes to the way background tasks are scheduled.

  • Migrated SDK to use standard Firebase executors.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.2.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.2.0

Data Connect version 16.0.0-beta01

  • Initial beta release of the Firebase Data Connect SDK. Learn how to get started with the SDK in your app.

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.0-beta06

  • Fixed Proguard consumer rules for serialization.

Update - September 12, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.3.0

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta14

  • Internal improvements to testing on Android 14.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta14

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Distribution library.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta14

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 19.1.0

  • Added the isCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled API to check if Crashlytics data collection is enabled. (GitHub #5919)

  • Ensure that on-demand fatal events are never processed on the main thread. (GitHub #4345)

  • Internal changes to the way session IDs are generated.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.1.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.1.0

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.0-beta05

  • Merged core networking code into the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK from a separate library.

  • Added support for responseSchema in GenerationConfig.

Update - August 22, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.2.0

Analytics version 22.1.0

  • Internal changes to optimize ad conversion modeling capabilities.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 22.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 25.1.0

  • Add support for the VectorValue type. GitHub #6154

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 25.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 24.0.1

  • Added topic subscribe/unsubscribe retry operations with exponential backoff if they hit a quota error.

  • Added a check for notification_open duplicate logging based on message ID instead of the Activity's Intent.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 24.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 24.0.1

Update - August 01, 2024

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.0-beta04

  • Added support for responseSchema in GenerationConfig.

Update - July 11, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.1.2

Crashlytics version 19.0.3

  • Updated the internal file system to handle long file names.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.0.3

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.0.3

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.0-beta03

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed to return 32-bit integers instead of 64-bit (long).

  • Added Schema.long to return 64-bit integer numbers.

  • Added Schema.double to handle floating point numbers.

  • Marked Schema.num as deprecated. Instead, use Schema.double.

Update - June 20, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.1.1

Analytics version 22.0.2

  • Added a new default consent state ("eu_consent_policy") for ad_user_data and ad_personalization consent types.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 22.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 19.0.2

  • Changed the caught exception type to fail safely on any exception type.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.0.2

  • Updated the Crashlytics NDK to support 16 kb page sizes.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 3.0.2

  • Fixed issue in generate symbol task preventing config caching.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Intel-based Macs.

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.0-beta02

  • Added support for specifying the responseMimeType in GenerationConfig.
  • Renamed GoogleGenerativeAIException to FirebaseVertexAIException.
  • Updated the Kotlin docs for various classes and functions.
  • Fixed an issue with decoding JSON literals. (GitHub Issue #6028)

Update - May 30, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.1.0

Analytics version 22.0.1

  • Transitioning either analytics_storage or ads_storage consent to denied no longer resets analytics. To reset analytics, use resetAnalyticsData().

  • Fixed an issue preventing Google Analytics 360 properties from sending longer parameter values.

  • Fixed an issue impacting measurement of engagement times for both manual and automatic screen view tracking.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 22.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta13

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta13

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta13

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 19.0.1

  • Improved cold initialization time.

  • Fixed version compatibility issues with other Firebase libraries.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.0.1

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 21.0.1

  • Fixed an ExceptionInInitializerError where the url.openStream() causes a crash if Performance Monitoring isn't yet initialized. (GitHub #5584).

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 21.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

google-services plugin 4.4.2

  • Integration with the Crashlytics Gradle plugin is now aware of variants. (GitHub #293) ## Update - May 13, 2024

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 3.0.1

  • Fixed an incompatibility between Crashlytics and viewBinder. (GitHub Issue #5925)

Vertex AI in Firebase version 16.0.0-beta01

  • Initial release of the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK (public preview). Learn how to get started with the SDK in your app.

Update - May 02, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 33.0.0

A/B Testing version 22.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Analytics version 22.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

  • Added infrastructure support to integrate with server-side tagging in Google Tag Manager.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 22.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check version 18.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

  • Removed SDK support for SafetyNet. The SafetyNet Attestation API is deprecated.

App Check Kotlin extensions version 18.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check Debug version 18.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

App Check Debug Testing version 18.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

App Check Play integrity version 18.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 5.0.0

  • Breaking change: This release increases the minimum required versions to use App Distribution:
    • Gradle 7.3
    • Android Gradle plugin 7.0
    • Google services Gradle plugin 4.3.2

Authentication version 23.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 23 or higher.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 23.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 25.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

  • Enabled queries with range and inequality filters on multiple fields. GitHub #5729

  • Support conversion between java.time.Instant and Timestamp. GitHub #5853

  • Internal improvements, including better test coverage.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 25.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 21.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 21.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 24.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

  • Internal improvements.

  • Log analytics for notifications displayed by Google Play services on behalf of the app.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 24.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 24.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 21.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 21.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 19.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

  • Added configuration to avoid shrinking Crashlytics build resources when resources shrinkMode is set to strict.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 19.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 19.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v19.0.0

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 3.0.0

  • Removed old deprecated fields mappingFile and strippedNativeLibsDir.

  • Breaking change: Replaced the closure field symbolGenerator with two new fields: symbolGeneratorType and breakpadBinary.

  • Changed the unstrippedNativeLibsDir field to now be cumulative. For more information, see Upgrade to Crashlytics Gradle plugin v3.

  • Breaking change: This release increases the minimum required versions to use Crashlytics:

    • Gradle 8
    • Android Gradle plugin 8.1
    • Google services Gradle plugin 4.4.1
  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 21.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 21.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 21.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 21.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase installations version 18.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 18.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase ML version 25.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 25.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 21.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 21.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 21.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 21.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 22.0.0

  • Breaking change: Changed the required minimum compileSdkVersion to be 34 or higher.

  • Breaking change: Updated minSdkVersion to API level 21 or higher.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 22.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - April 11, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.8.1

Analytics version 21.6.2

  • Transitioning ad_storage consent from denied to granted no longer resets the app instance ID. To reset the app instance ID, use resetAnalyticsData().

  • Internal change to improve attribution trigger registration delivery.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.6.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.11.1

  • Internal improvements.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.11.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.6.4

  • Force validation or rotation of Firebase Installation ID.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.6.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.6.4

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.6.4

In-App Messaging version 20.4.2

  • Fixed bad token exception while showing in-app message. (GitHub #5567 and GitHub #5780)

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.4.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.4.2

  • Fixed bad token exception while showing in-app message. (GitHub #5567 and GitHub #5780)

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.4.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - March 21, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.8.0

Analytics version 21.6.1

  • Integrated parsing of Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) data to retrieve user consent preferences.

  • Internal change to improve conversions attribution accuracy for consent-based conversions.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.6.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.11.0

  • Added option to only retrieve locally cached data in a snapshot listener. GitHub #5690

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.11.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.6.3

  • Updated firebase-sessions dependency.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.6.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.6.3

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.6.3

In-App Messaging version 20.4.1

  • Fixed FirebaseInAppMessagingDisplayErrorListener not being called. (GitHub #5644)

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.4.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.4.1

  • Fixed FirebaseInAppMessagingDisplayErrorListener not being called. (GitHub #5644)

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.4.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - March 07, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.7.4

Remote Config version 21.6.3

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash if the app was backgrounded while it was listening for real-time Remote Config updates. GitHub #5751

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.6.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - February 28, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.7.3

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 4.2.0

  • Added the testPasswordFile option for the automated test feature. This gives you the option to provide test login credentials in a more secure way.

Cloud Firestore version 24.10.3

  • Fixed the missing handling setter annotations bug introduced by GitHub #5626. GitHub #5706

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.10.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.3.1

  • Fixed the issue that @Exclude annotation wasn't propagated to Kotlin's corresponding bridge methods. GitHub #5626

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.6.2

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Remote Config personalization to be logged early in specific cases.

  • Fixed an issue where the connection to the real-time Remote Config backend could remain open in the background.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.6.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - February 08, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.7.2

A/B Testing version 21.1.2

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

Analytics version 21.5.1

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.5.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check version 17.1.2

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

App Check Kotlin extensions version 17.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check Debug version 17.1.2

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Debug Testing version 17.1.2

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Play integrity version 17.1.2

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta12

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta12

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta12

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 4.1.0

  • You can now run customized automated tests on your Android apps in App Distribution, with the automated tester feature (beta). This feature automatically runs tests on your Android apps on virtual and physical devices at different API levels. To learn how to run an automated test, see Run an automated test for Android apps.

Cloud Firestore version 24.10.2

  • Internal test improvements.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.10.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.4.1

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.4.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.4.1

Crashlytics version 18.6.2

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.6.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.6.2

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.6.2

Firebase ML version 24.2.3

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.2.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.5.2

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.5.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.6.1

  • Bumped the versions of some internal dependencies.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.6.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - January 18, 2024

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.7.1

Authentication version 22.3.1

  • Bumped the version of the reCAPTCHA Enterprise library dependency.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 22.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.10.1

  • Fixed an issue caused by calling mutation on immutable map object. GitHub #5573

  • Fixed an issue where garbage collection runs into an infinite loop in a certain case. GitHub #5417

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.10.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.6.1

  • Updated the version of the firebase-sessions dependency for internal improvements.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.6.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.6.1

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.6.1

Firebase ML version 24.2.2

  • Fixed SecurityException so that the RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED flag must be specified when registerReceiver is being used. GitHub #5597

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.2.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - December 07, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.7.0

Cloud Firestore version 24.10.0

  • Fixed an issue in the local cache synchronization logic where all locally-cached documents that matched a resumed query would be unnecessarily re-downloaded. With this fix, the SDK now only downloads the documents that are known to be out-of-sync. (GitHub #5506)

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.10.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.4.0

  • The SDK now calls messageHandled() after a message has been handled successfully.

  • Added an internal identifier to meet compliance requirements.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.4.0

Update - November 16, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.6.0

Authentication version 22.3.0

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 22.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.6.0

  • Included more details about app processes in reports.

  • Updated firebase-sessions dependency for more accurate sessions on multi-process apps.

  • Added support for Crashlytics to report information from Remote Config.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.6.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.6.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.6.0

Performance Monitoring version 20.5.1

  • Changed to make firebase-performance generate its own session ID.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.5.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.6.0

  • Added support for other Firebase products to integrate with Remote Config.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.6.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - October 30, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.5.0

Analytics version 21.5.0

  • Updated the consent management API to include new consent signals.

  • Added infrastructure support to integrate with the Attribution Reporting API from the Privacy Sandbox on Android.
    This change requires that apps bump their Android Gradle Plugin version to 4.2.0 or higher (even if you don't directly use this feature).

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.5.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - October 26, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.4.1

App Check version 17.1.1

  • Fixed a bug causing internal tests to depend directly on firebase-common.

  • Fixed client-side throttling in Play Integrity flows.

App Check Kotlin extensions version 17.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check Debug version 17.1.1

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Debug Testing version 17.1.1

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Play integrity version 17.1.1

  • Fixed client-side throttling in Play Integrity flows.

  • Bumped the version of the Play Integrity API library dependency.

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 4.0.1

  • Deprecated support for versions of Android Gradle Plugin lower than 7.0.0. Support for these lower versions will be completely removed as early as April 2024.

  • Fixed issue with Google Play services v4.4.0.

Cloud Firestore version 24.9.1

  • Added support for sum and average aggregate queries. GitHub #5217

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.9.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.3.1

  • Added metadata to FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver to signal that it finishes background broadcasts after the message has been handled.

  • Specified a notification's dismiss intent target via an action instead of component name.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.3.1

Crashlytics version 18.5.1

  • Internal improvement to fix compatibility with Flutter and Unity SDKs. Github #5275

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.5.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase ML version 24.2.1

  • Internal infrastructure improvements.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - October 18, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.4.0

Analytics version 21.4.0

  • Updated some internal dependencies.
    This change requires that apps bump their compileSdkVersion to version 33 or higher.

  • The KTX APIs in the KTX module are marked as deprecated in firebase-analytics-ktx v21.4.0 (see below); however, the KTX APIs were not added to the main module (firebase-analytics). To use KTX APIs from the main module for Analytics, use firebase-analytics v21.5.0+ (or Firebase BoM v32.5.0+).

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

App Check version 17.1.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

App Check Kotlin extensions version 17.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

App Check Debug version 17.1.0

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Debug Testing version 17.1.0

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Play integrity version 17.1.0

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta11

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta11

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta11

  • Updated to keep App Distribution SDKs versions aligned.

Authentication version 22.2.0

  • Added support for setting custom auth domains (authDomain). (GitHub #4805).

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 22.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • This library is now compiled with Kotlin 1.9.0. To avoid seeing a version mismatching error in your app, you need to use Kotlin 1.9.0, as well.

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Cloud Firestore version 24.9.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.9.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.4.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Cloud Messaging version 23.3.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 20.3.0

  • Fixed an issue where the wrong SDK version was being reported to the backend.

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 20.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Crashlytics version 18.5.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.5.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.5.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.5.0
  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

In-App Messaging version 20.4.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.4.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Firebase installations version 17.2.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.3.0

Firebase ML version 24.2.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Performance Monitoring version 20.5.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.5.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-perf library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Realtime Database version 20.3.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Remote Config version 21.5.0

  • Added Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs from to under the package. This means KTX APIs are accessible from this main module (for details, see the FAQ about this initiative).

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.5.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • All the Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated, and as early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. Instead, access KTX APIs directly from the main module ( under the package). For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.

Update - September 15, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.3.1

Authentication version 22.1.2

  • Fixed GitHub #5266, where ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when persisting user information.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 22.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.4.3

  • Disabled GradleMetadataPublishing to fix breakage of the Kotlin extensions library. GitHub #5337

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.4.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.4.3

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.4.3

Cloud Firestore version 24.8.1

  • Disabled GradleMetadataPublishing to fix breakage of the Kotlin extensions library. GitHub #5337

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.8.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 20.3.5

  • Disabled GradleMetadataPublishing to fix breakage of the Kotlin extensions library. GitHub #5337

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.3.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.3.5

  • Disabled GradleMetadataPublishing to fix breakage of the Kotlin extensions library. GitHub #5337

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.3.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - September 14, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.3.0

Crashlytics version 18.4.2

  • Expanded firebase-sessions library integration to work with NDK crashes and ANRs.

  • Improved reliability when reporting memory usage.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.4.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.4.2

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.4.2

Cloud Firestore version 24.8.0

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.8.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 20.3.4

  • Updated internal logging backend.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.3.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.3.4

  • Updated internal logging backend.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.3.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

google-services plugin 4.4.0

  • Improved compatibility with the Crashlytics Gradle plugin. (GitHub #272)

  • Internal improvements, including improved compatibility with newer AGP versions. (GitHub #269)

Update - August 24, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.2.3

Cloud Firestore version 24.7.1

  • Implemented equals method on Filter class. GitHub #5210

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.7.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.4.1

  • Updated firebase-sessions dependency to v1.0.2

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.4.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.4.1

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.4.1

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.9

  • Fixed an issue with the upload symbols task failing on some Windows environments.

Performance Monitoring version 20.4.1

  • Updated firebase-sessions dependency to v1.0.2

  • Changed to ensure that the data collection configuration for the Performance Monitoring SDK is accurately shared with the firebase-sessions library. GitHub #5202

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.4.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - August 03, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.2.2

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.2.1

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta10

  • Updated internal Dagger dependency.

  • Updated the third-party license file to include Dagger's license.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta10

  • Updated internal Dagger dependency.

  • Updated the third-party license file to include Dagger's license.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta10

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Authentication version 22.1.1

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 22.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.2.1

  • Changed so that a background broadcast now finishes after the message has been handled, subject to a timeout. This keeps the process for FirebaseMessagingService in an active state while it's handling an FCM message (up to the 20 seconds allowed).

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.8

  • Fixed an issue with implicit dependencies so that customized build configurations are easier to set up.
  • Internal changes to use modern Gradle APIs in the plugin.

In-App Messaging version 20.3.3

  • Updated internal Dagger dependency.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.3.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.3.3

  • Updated internal Dagger dependency.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.3.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase installations version 17.1.4

  • Internal changes to maintain consistency with other Firebase libraries.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.1.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase ML version 24.1.3

  • Updated internal Dagger dependency.

  • Updated the third-party license file to include Dagger's license.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.1.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - July 13, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.2.0

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta09

  • Improved development mode to allow all API calls to be made without having to sign in.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta09

  • Improved development mode to allow all API calls to be made without having to sign in.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta09

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Authentication version 22.1.0

  • Added support for TOTP MFA (time-based one-time password multi-factor authentication) to Firebase Authentication.

  • Fixed an issue with Proguard rules when R8 full-mode obfuscation is enabled. (GitHub #2124).

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 22.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.7.0

  • Exposed multi-database support for Cloud Firestore. (GitHub #4015)

  • Fixed a thread interference issue that might lead to a ConcurrentModificationException. (GitHub #5091)

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.7.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.2.0

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.4.0

  • Integrated with Firebase sessions library to enable upcoming features related to session-based crash metrics. If your app uses the Crashlytics SDK, review Firebase's data disclosure page to make sure that your app's privacy details in the Play Store are accurate and complete.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.4.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.4.0

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.7

  • Fixed an issue with uploading symbols for large binaries on Windows.

  • Improved stability.

Performance Monitoring version 20.4.0

  • Integrated with Firebase sessions library to enable upcoming features related to session-based performance metrics. If your app uses the Performance Monitoring SDK, review Firebase's data disclosure page to make sure that your app's privacy details in the Play Store are accurate and complete.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.4.1

  • Internal improvements to support Remote Config real-time updates.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.4.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - June 15, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.1.1

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 20.2.1

  • Migrated firebase-storage SDK to use standard Firebase executors. (GitHub #4830)

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 20.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.6

  • Fixed an issue with implicit dependencies when unstrippedNativeLibsPath is overridden to a specific directory. (GitHub #4912)

Performance Monitoring version 20.3.3

  • Fixed app start trace creation where some measured time could be NULL. (GitHub #4730)

  • Adjusted default behavior if Remote Config fetch fails.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.3.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - May 25, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.1.0

Analytics version 21.3.0

  • Enhanced campaign attribution. You can now include more traffic source dimension details in Google Analytics reporting. Learn more in the Analytics Help Center.

  • Fixed a bug in the retrieval of deep link and referrer data.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check version 17.0.1

  • Internal updates to allow Firebase SDKs with App Check support to obtain limited-use tokens. (GitHub #4979)

App Check Kotlin extensions version 17.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check Debug version 17.0.1

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Debug Testing version 17.0.1

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Play integrity version 17.0.1

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

Cloud Firestore version 24.6.1

  • Implemented an optimization in the local cache synchronization logic that reduces the number of billed document reads when documents were deleted on the server while the client was not actively listening to the query (for example, while the client was offline). (GitHub #4982)

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.6.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.3.1

  • Added support for App Check limited-use tokens in HTTPS callable functions. (GitHub #5009)

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.2.2

  • Internal changes to ensure alignment with other SDK releases.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.2.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - May 01, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 32.0.0

App Check version 17.0.0

App Check Kotlin extensions version 17.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check Debug version 17.0.0

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Debug Testing version 17.0.0

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Play integrity version 17.0.0

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

Authentication version 22.0.0

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed SafetyNet support for app verification during phone number authentication.

    App verification will now use Play Integrity by default, if available; otherwise, it falls back to reCAPTCHA.

  • Added Firebase App Check support to Firebase Authentication.

  • Migrated Authentication SDK to use standard Firebase executors.

  • Fixed an issue with login state being invalid when using anonymous sign in. (GitHub #3885)

  • Fixed getEnrollmentTimestamp() in MultiFactorInfo to return enrollmentTimestamp in seconds. (GitHub #4001)

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 22.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.6.0

  • Fixed stack overflow caused by deeply nested server timestamps. (GitHub #4702)

  • Added new cache config APIs to customize the SDK's cache setup.

  • Added LRU garbage collector to the SDK's memory cache.

  • Deprecated the following APIs from FirebaseFirestoreSettings:
    isPersistenceEnabled and getCacheSizeBytes.

  • Deprecated the following APIs from FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder:
    isPersistenceEnabled, getCacheSizeBytes, setPersistenceEnabled, and setCacheSizeBytes.

  • Internal changes to ensure alignment with other SDK releases.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.6.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.3.0

  • Internal changes to ensure alignment with other SDK releases.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 20.2.0

  • Internal changes to ensure alignment with other SDK releases.

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 20.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.3.7

  • Added collection of version control system (VCS) information generated by the Android Gradle plugin (AGP). This information supports a new VCS integration in Android Studio’s App Quality Insights. Learn more about the integration in the Android Studio documentation.

    To use the new VCS integration, you'll need the following:

    • Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 3
    • Android Gradle plugin (AGP) 8.2.0-alpha03+
    • Firebase Crashlytics SDK v18.3.7+ (or the Firebase BoM v32.0.0+)
    • In your file, the android.enableVcsInfo flag set to true

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.7

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.7

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.3.7

In-App Messaging version 20.3.2

  • Fixed nullpointer crash when using experiments (GitHub #4716)

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.3.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.3.2

  • Fixed nullpointer crash when using experiments (GitHub #4716)

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.3.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.3.2

  • Updated JavaLite, protoc, protobuf-java-util to 3.21.11.

  • Updated Performance Monitoring to use double-precision for sampling.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.3.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.2.1

  • Internal changes to ensure alignment with other SDK releases.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.4.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Remote Config Kotlin extensions library.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates.

Update - April 13, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.5.0

Analytics version 21.2.2

  • Fixed a bug where apps that target Android API 33+ and run on Android version 13+ would not log referrer URL information in their campaign events.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.2.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta08

  • Fixed an issue where a crash happened whenever a feedback notification was shown on devices running Android 4.4 and lower.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta08

  • Fixed an issue where a crash happened whenever a feedback notification was shown on devices running Android 4.4 and lower.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta08

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Authentication version 21.3.0

  • Added reCAPTCHA Enterprise support to Authentication flows.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.5.0

  • Fixed stack overflow caused by deeply nested server timestamps. (GitHub #4702)

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.5.0

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.5

  • Fixed a bug in capturing build IDs on clean builds when unstrippedNativeLibsPath is overridden.

Realtime Database version 20.2.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Realtime Database Kotlin extensions library.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.2.0

  • Added Query.values<T>() Kotlin Flows to listen for realtime updates and convert its values to a specific type.

Update - March 28, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.4.0

Authentication version 21.2.0

  • Added Play Integrity support for app verification during phone number authentication. App verification will now use Play Integrity by default, if available. If your app uses phone number authentication, review Firebase's data disclosure page to make sure that your app's privacy details in the Play Store are accurate and complete.

  • PhoneAuthOptions.Builder now accepts a null Activity, but it will throw a FirebaseAuthMissingActivityForRecaptchaException if app verification falls back to reCAPTCHA. This can happen if Play Integrity is unavailable or if the app fails Play Integrity checks.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - March 24, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.3.0

Analytics version 21.2.1

  • Added support for logging item-scoped custom parameters for ecommerce events.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta07

  • Added support for testers to attach JPEG screenshots to their feedback.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta07

  • Added support for testers to attach JPEG screenshots to their feedback.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta07

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.4.5

  • Added support for disjunctions in queries (OR queries).

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.4.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.3.6

  • Added support for upcoming Crashlytics features to report GWP-ASan crashes on supported API levels. (GitHub #4721)

  • Improved crash reporting reliability for crashes that occur early in the app's lifecycle. (GitHub #4608, #4786)

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.6

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.6

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.3.6.

Remote Config version 21.3.0

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - March 02, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.2.3

App Check version 16.1.2

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Kotlin extensions version 16.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check Debug version 16.1.2

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.1.2

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check Play integrity version 16.1.2

  • Updated to keep App Check SDK versions aligned.

App Check SafetyNet version 16.1.2

  • Added deprecation tagging to the SafetyNetAppCheckProviderFactory class. (GitHub Issue #4686)

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta06

  • Added support for in-app tester feedback. To learn more, see Collect feedback from testers.
  • Fixed a bug where only the last listener added to an UpdateTask using addOnProgressListener() would receive updates.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta06

  • Added support for in-app tester feedback. To learn more, see Collect feedback from testers.
  • Fixed a bug where only the last listener added to an UpdateTask using addOnProgressListener() would receive updates.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta06

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 4.0.0

  • Removed the appDistributionLogin task. For more information about alternative ways to authenticate with the App Distribution Gradle plugin, see Authenticate with Firebase in the App Distribution documentation.

Cloud Firestore version 24.4.4

  • Relaxed certain query validations performed by the SDK (GitHub Issue #4231).
  • Updated gRPC to 1.52.1, and updated JavaLite, protoc, and protobuf-java-util to 3.21.11.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.4.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.1.2

  • Fixed a breakage related to Jetpack core library related to an upstream update.
  • Updated JavaLite, protoc, protobuf-java-util to 3.21.11.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 20.3.1

  • Fixed nullpointer crash (GitHub Issue #4214)

  • Updated gRPC to 1.52.1, and updated JavaLite, protoc, protobuf-java-util to 3.21.11.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.3.1

  • Fixed nullpointer crash (GitHub Issue #4214)
  • Updated gRPC to 1.52.1, and updated JavaLite, protoc, protobuf-java-util to 3.21.11.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase installations version 17.1.3

  • Internal changes to improve startup time.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.1.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - February 15, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.2.2

Crashlytics version 18.3.5

  • Updated firebase-common to its latest version (v20.3.0) to fix an issue that was causing a nondeterministic crash on startup.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.5

  • Updated firebase-common to its latest version (v20.3.0) to fix an issue that was causing a nondeterministic crash on startup.

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.3.5.

Firebase installations version 17.1.2

  • Updated firebase-common to its latest version (v20.3.0) to fix an issue that was causing a nondeterministic crash on startup.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - February 10, 2023

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.4

  • Fixed a build time NPE in some native builds.

Update - February 09, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.2.1

A/B Testing version 21.1.1

  • Internal changes to improve experiment reporting.

Cloud Firestore version 24.4.3

  • Fixed a potential high-memory usage issue.
  • Fixed an issue that stopped some performance optimization from being applied.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.4.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.3.4

  • Improved crash reporting reliability for crashes that occur early in the app's lifecycle.

  • Added improved support for capturing BuildIds for native ANRs on older Android versions.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.4

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.3.4.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.3

  • Added improved support for capturing BuildIds for native ANRs on older Android versions.

  • Improved compatibility with Android Gradle plugin (AGP) 8.

Firebase installations version 17.1.1

  • Internal changes to improve startup time.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - January 19, 2023

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.2.0

App Check version 16.1.1

  • Migrated App Check SDKs to use standard Firebase executors. (GitHub #4431 and #4449)

  • Moved Task continuations off the main thread. (GitHub #4453)

App Check Kotlin extensions version 16.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check Debug version 16.1.1

  • Migrated App Check SDKs to use standard Firebase executors. (GitHub #4431 and #4449)

  • Integrated the App Check Debug SDK with Firebase components. (GitHub #4436)

  • Moved Task continuations off the main thread. (GitHub #4453)

App Check Debug Testing version 16.1.1

  • Integrated the App Check Debug Testing SDK with Firebase components. (GitHub #4436)

App Check Play integrity version 16.1.1

  • Migrated App Check SDKs to use standard Firebase executors. (GitHub #4431 and #4449)

  • Integrated the App Check Play integrity SDK with Firebase components. (GitHub #4436)

  • Moved Task continuations off the main thread. (GitHub #4453)

App Check SafetyNet version 16.1.1

  • Migrated App Check SDKs to use standard Firebase executors. (GitHub #4431 and #4449)

  • Integrated the App Check SafetyNet SDK with Firebase components. (GitHub #4436)

  • Moved Task continuations off the main thread. (GitHub #4453)

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 3.2.0

  • Links to new releases are now available. These links help you manage binaries and ensure that testers and other developers have the right release. To learn how to use these links, refer to the documentation about distributing your apps.

Cloud Firestore version 24.4.2

  • Fixed an issue that stopped some performance optimization from being applied.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.4.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.2.2

  • Moved Task continuations off the main thread.

  • Internal infrastructure improvements.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.2.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.3.3

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated firebase-crashlytics-ndk v18.3.3.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.3

  • Updated internal Crashpad version to commit c902f6.

In-App Messaging version 20.3.0

  • Migrated In-App Messaging to use standard Firebase executors.

  • Moved Task continuations off the main thread.

  • Added a new API for removing a dismiss listener. (GitHub #4492)

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.3.0

  • Migrated In-App Messaging Display to use standard Firebase executors.

  • Moved Task continuations off the main thread.

  • Added a new API for removing a dismiss listener. (GitHub #4492)

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase ML version 24.1.2

  • Internal infrastructure improvements.

  • Migrated Firebase ML to use standard Firebase executors.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.3.1

  • Migrated Performance Monitoring to use standard Firebase executors.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.2.1

  • Migrated Remote Config to use standard Firebase executors.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

google-services plugin 4.3.15

  • Improved support for camelCase variant and build type names. (GitHub #243)

Update - December 08, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.1.1

Cloud Messaging version 23.1.1

  • Fixed deadlock when handling simultaneous messages.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.1.1

  • Removed unused classes.

Update - November 17, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.1.0

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 3.1.1

  • Made UploadDistributionTask public again.

Cloud Firestore version 24.4.1

  • Fix FAILED_PRECONDITION when writing to a deleted document in a transaction. (GitHub Issue #5871)

  • Fixed Cloud Firestore failing to raise initial snapshot from an empty local cache result. (GitHub PR #4207)

  • Removed invalid suggestions to use GenericTypeIndicator from error messages. (GitHub Issue #222)

  • Updated dependency of io.grpc.* to its latest version (v1.50.2).

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.4.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.2.1

  • Updated dependency of firebase-iid to its latest version (v21.1.0).

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.3.0

  • Fixed a NullPointerException crash when instrumenting screen traces on Android 7, 8, and 9. (GitHub Issue #4146)

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

Update - November 11, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.0.3

Crashlytics version 18.3.2

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated firebase-crashlytics-ndk v18.3.2.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.2

  • Fixed an issue preventing native crashes from being reported for Android API 29+.

Update - October 27, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.0.2

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 3.1.0

  • You can now use the Kotlin DSL to configure the App Distribution properties with multiple build variants (build types and product flavors) by adding import to your build.gradle.kts build script or by using the type-safe configure<>.

Firebase ML version 24.1.1

  • Fixed an issue where FirebaseModelDownloader.getModel was throwing FirebaseMlException.PERMISSION_DENIED when the model name was empty. It now throws FirebaseMlException.INVALID_ARGUMENT (GitHub Issue #4157)

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - October 20, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.0.1

Crashlytics version 18.3.1

  • Fixed an issue in v18.3.0 that caused a NoClassDefFoundError in specific cases.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.1

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.3.1.

Update - October 12, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 31.0.0

A/B Testing version 21.1.0

  • Internal changes to ensure functionality alignment with other SDK releases.

Analytics version 21.2.0

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-analytics-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Firebase Core version 21.1.1

  • The firebase-core library is deprecated and no further versions will be released. This SDK included the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics.

    Now, to use Google Analytics or a product that recommends adding Google Analytics, you need to explicitly declare the Analytics dependency: or

App Check version 16.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check Kotlin extensions version 16.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appcheck library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-appcheck-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

App Check Debug version 16.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check Play integrity version 16.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check Safetynet version 16.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta05

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Distribution Kotlin extensions library.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta05

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated App Distribution Kotlin extensions library.

App Distribution Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta05

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-appdistribution-api-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Authentication version 21.1.0

  • Fixed a parsing error in MultiFactorInfo.getEnrollmentTimestamp().

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-auth-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Cloud Firestore version 24.4.0

  • Added Query.count(), which fetches the number of documents in the result set without actually downloading the documents.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.4.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-firestore-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.2.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions library.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-functions-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Cloud Messaging version 23.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions library.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-messaging-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.1.0

  • Internal changes to ensure functionality alignment with other SDK releases.

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 20.1.0

  • Fixed an issue that caused an infinite number of retries with no exponential backoff for uploadChunk().

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 20.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-storage-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

  • Added StorageTask.taskState Kotlin Flows to monitor the progress of an upload or download Task.

Crashlytics version 18.3.0

  • Improved reporting for crashes that occur early in the app's lifecycle. After updating to this version, you might notice a sudden increase in the number of crashes that are reported for your app.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-crashlytics-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.3.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.3.0.
  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Dynamic Links Kotlin extensions library.

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-dynamic-links-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

In-App Messaging version 20.2.0

  • Fixed a bug that prevented marking more than one message as impressed.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-inappmessaging-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.2.0

  • Fixed a bug that prevented marking more than one message as impressed.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-inappmessaging-display-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Firebase installations version 17.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Firebase installations Kotlin extensions library.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-installations-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Firebase ML version 24.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Firebase ML Kotlin extensions library.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-ml-modeldownloader-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Performance Monitoring version 20.2.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions library.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-performance-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Performance Monitoring Gradle plugin version 1.4.2

  • Upgraded the class bytecode instrumentation APIs to be compatible with AGP 7.2.

Realtime Database version 20.1.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Realtime Database Kotlin extensions library.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

Remote Config version 21.2.0

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the updated Remote Config Kotlin extensions library.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has the following additional updates:

  • Firebase now supports Kotlin coroutines. With this release, we added kotlinx-coroutines-play-services to firebase-config-ktx as a transitive dependency, which exposes the Task<T>.await() suspend function to convert a Task into a Kotlin coroutine.

Update - September 15, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.5.0

App Check version 16.0.2

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check Kotlin extensions version 16.0.2

  • The Firebase App Check Android library with Kotlin extensions is now available. The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the base firebase-appcheck library. To learn more, visit the App Check KTX documentation.

App Check Debug version 16.0.2

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.2

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check Play Integrity version 16.0.2

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.2

  • Updated to accommodate the release of the App Check Kotlin extensions library.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta04

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

App Distribution Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta04

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.3.1

  • Updated dependency of io.grpc.* to its latest version (v1.48.1).

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.3.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.2

  • Expanded support for using the plugin behind a proxy. The preferred way to set a proxy is now consistent with the Firebase CLI. To use a proxy, set the HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY value in your environment to the URL of your proxy (for example, HTTP_PROXY=

Firebase installations version 17.0.3

  • Removed unintended disk IO on the main thread at app startup.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

google-services plugin 4.3.14

  • Improved task caching and awareness of changes in google-services.json files.

Update - September 06, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.4.1

App Check Play Integrity version 16.0.1

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Update - September 01, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.4.0

A/B Testing version 21.0.2

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Analytics version 21.1.1

  • Fixed a bug where GoogleTagManager (transitively included from the Tag Manager SDK) would rapidly retry DNS lookups whenever it fails.

  • Updated dependencies.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check version 16.0.1

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

App Check Debug version 16.0.1

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.1

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.1

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Authentication version 21.0.8

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.0.8

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.3.0

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.3.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library also has the following additional updates:

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.1.1

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.2.13

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.13

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.13

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).
  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Dynamic feature modules support version 16.0.0-beta03

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

In-App Messaging version 20.1.3

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.1.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.1.3

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.1.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase installations version 17.0.2

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.8

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.8

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.8

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Firebase ML Model Downloader version 24.0.5

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.0.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.1.1

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 20.0.2

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 20.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.0.6

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

  • Fixed issue where Query.get() was propagating events to listeners on unrelated queries.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.0.6

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.1.2

  • Updated dependency of play-services-basement to its latest version (v18.1.0).

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - August 05, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.3.2

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 3.0.3

  • The appDistributionLogin task is deprecated and will be removed in Q1 2023. For more information about alternative ways to authenticate with the App Distribution Gradle plugin, see Authenticate with Firebase in the App Distribution documentation.

Authentication version 21.0.7

  • Fixed an issue with custom Chrome tabs closing prematurely in FirebaseAuth.startActivityForSignInWithProvider.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.0.7

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.2.2

  • Fixed an issue in waitForPendingWrites() that could lead to a NullPointerException.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.2.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.7

  • Message broadcasts now finish immediately after binding to the service. This change should reduce the chance of ANRs.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.7

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.7

  • Updated minSdkVersion to 19 to match Cloud Messaging minSdkVersion.

  • Updated FirebaseMessagingDirectBootReceiver to match Cloud Messaging FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver.

  • Removed unused dependencies.

Update - July 25, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.3.1

Crashlytics version 18.2.12

  • Internal changes to avoid accessing device-specific information.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.12

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.12

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.12.

Update - July 15, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.3.0

Analytics version 21.1.0

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.2.1

  • Internal refactor and test improvements.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Dynamic feature modules support version 16.0.0-beta02

Firebase ML Model Downloader version 24.0.4

  • Fixed a race condition that was caused when differently sized models were concurrently downloaded using this SDK and the Model Downloader from the SDK. (GitHub Issue #3321)

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.0.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.1.1

  • Fixed a bug that caused HTTP errors in some locales. For more information, see GitHub Issue #3757

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - June 28, 2022

google-services plugin 4.3.13

  • Fixed unintended binary incompatibility with the Crashlytics Gradle plugin.

Update - June 23, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.2.0

Authentication version 21.0.6

  • Fixed a NullPointerException crash.

  • Addressed a potential cause of an OutOfMemoryError crash.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.0.6

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.2.0

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.6

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.6

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.6

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.1

  • Improved debugging output to help clarify native symbol file build IDs.

  • Added support for uploading Flutter .symbols files.

google-services plugin 4.3.12

strict-version-matching plugin 1.2.4

  • Improved configuration caching.
  • Improved compatibility with AGP 7.1+.

Update - May 26, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.1.0

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta03

  • The App Distribution SDK has been split into two libraries:

    • firebase-appdistribution-api - The API-only library
      This new API-only library is functional only when the full App Distribution SDK implementation (firebase-appdistribution) is present. firebase-appdistribution-api can be included in all build variants.

    • firebase-appdistribution - The full SDK implementation
      This full SDK implementation is optional and should only be included in pre-release builds.

    Visit the documentation to learn how to add these SDKs to your Android app.

App Distribution Kotlin extensions

  • The Kotlin extensions library firebase-appdistribution-ktx has been removed. All its functionality has been moved to the new API-only library: firebase-appdistribution-api-ktx.

App Distribution API version 16.0.0-beta03

  • The App Distribution SDK has been split into two libraries:

    • firebase-appdistribution-api - The API-only library
      This new API-only library is functional only when the full App Distribution SDK implementation (firebase-appdistribution) is present. firebase-appdistribution-api can be included in all build variants.

    • firebase-appdistribution - The full SDK implementation
      This full SDK implementation is optional and should only be included in pre-release builds.

    Visit the documentation to learn how to add these SDKs to your Android app.

App Distribution API Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta03

With the removal of the Kotlin extensions library firebase-appdistribution-ktx, its functionality has been moved to the new API-only library: firebase-appdistribution-api-ktx.

This new Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the firebase-appdistribution-api library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 3.0.2

  • Fixed Could not read content issue when the task is given absolute file paths as parameters for the appDistributionUpload task on Windows.

Authentication version 21.0.5

  • Bumped the androidx.browser dependency version.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.0.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.2.11

  • Improved crash reporting reliability for multi-process apps on Android 28 and above.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.11

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.11

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.11.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.9.0

  • Improved debugging output, for improved clarity of native symbol file build IDs.

  • Added new, internal interfaces that enable future integrations with command-line tooling.

  • Internal refactor to remove dead code and obsolete features.

Performance Monitoring version 20.1.0

  • Added support for out-of-the-box measurement of screen performance metrics for Fragments. For more details, visit Learn about screen rendering performance data.

  • Fixed a bug where screen traces were not capturing frame metrics for multi-Activity apps.

  • Excluded custom attributes that have key/value lengths of 0.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - May 19, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.0.2

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.5

  • Fixed a dependency on the firebase-datatransport layer. (GitHub #3716)

  • Upgraded logging priority for message delivery events to avoid dropped logs.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.5

Update - May 12, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.0.1

Authentication version 21.0.4

  • Fixed a regression where connecting to the Firebase Authentication emulator sometimes fails.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.0.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - May 06, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 30.0.0

Analytics version 21.0.0

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed deprecated ecommerce constants. Visit the Analytics documentation to learn more about measuring ecommerce with Google Analytics 4.

    • The following constants were removed from FirebaseAnalytics.Event:

    • The following constants were removed from FirebaseAnalytics.Param:






Analytics Kotlin extensions version 21.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check version 16.0.0

  • App Check has exited beta and is now generally available for use.

  • Added support for Play Integrity as an attestation provider.

App Check Debug version 16.0.0

  • App Check has exited beta and is now generally available for use.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.0

  • App Check has exited beta and is now generally available for use.

App Check Play Integrity version 16.0.0

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.0

  • App Check has exited beta and is now generally available for use.

Cloud Firestore version 24.1.2

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.1.0

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.0.5

  • Query.get no longer throws "Client is offline" exception when local value is not available. Instead, it waits for a backend connection.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.0.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.1.0

  • Added first-open time to Remote Config server requests.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - April 27, 2022

Crashlytics version 18.2.10

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent unhandled exceptions from being propagated to the default handler when the network is unavailable.

  • Internal changes to support on-demand fatal crash reporting for Flutter apps.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Crashlytics from initializing on some devices in some cases. (GitHub Issue #3269)

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.10

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.10

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.10.

Update - April 14, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.3.1

App Check version 16.0.0-beta06

  • Fixed a bug in the App Check token refresh flow when using a custom provider.

App Check Debug version 16.0.0-beta06

  • Fixed a bug in the App Check token refresh flow when using a custom provider.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.0-beta06

  • Fixed a bug in the App Check token refresh flow when using a custom provider.

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.0-beta06

  • Fixed a bug in the App Check token refresh flow when using a custom provider.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta02

  • Fixed a bug that prevented testers from signing in when the app had an underscore in the package name.

  • Fixed a UI bug where the APK download notification displayed the incorrect error message.

  • Internal improvements to tests.

App Distribution Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta02

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the base firebase-app-distribution library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.1.1

  • Fixed an issue in the beta version of the index engine that might cause Cloud Firestore to exclude document results for limit queries with local modifications.

  • Cloud Firestore can now serialize objects with

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.3

  • Removed test resources from library.

  • Changed to catch RuntimeException when getting the Bundle from an Activity Intent while checking for notification analytics data.

  • Internal changes to notification building methods.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.3

Update - March 24, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.3.0

Analytics version 20.1.2

  • Added support for data collection customization.

  • Added Analytics Merchant Center results measurement to improve ecommerce reporting.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 20.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check version 16.0.0-beta05

  • Internal improvements.

App Check Debug version 16.0.0-beta05

  • Internal improvements.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.0-beta05

  • Internal improvements.

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.0-beta05

  • Internal improvements.

Authentication version 21.0.3

  • Started to collect the Firebase user agent for Firebase Authentication.

  • Fixed a regression in the provider linking flow.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.1.0

  • Added beta support for indexed query execution. You can enable indexes by invoking FirebaseFirestore.setIndexConfiguration() with the JSON index definition exported by the Firebase CLI. Queries against the cache are executed using an index once the asynchronous index generation completes.

  • Fixed missing document fields issue with offline overlays. (GitHub Issue #3528).

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - March 17, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.2.1

Analytics version 20.1.1

  • Added support to automatically include the permission in the SDK's manifest which is automatically merged into the app's manifest by Android build tools. To learn more about the AD_ID permission declaration, including how to disable it, refer to this Play Console Help article.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 20.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.2

  • Fixed an issue where the messaging component in the Firebase Android BoM leaked the httpcomponents transitive dependencies.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.2

  • Fixed an issue where the messaging component in the Firebase Android BoM leaked the httpcomponents transitive dependencies.

Update - March 10, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.2.0

A/B Testing version 21.0.1

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

App Distribution version 16.0.0-beta01

  • The App Distribution Android SDK is now available in beta. You can use this SDK to notify testers in-app when a new test build is available. To learn more, visit the App Distribution reference documentation.

App Distribution Kotlin extensions version 16.0.0-beta01

The App Distribution Android library with Kotlin extensions is now available in beta. The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the base firebase-app-distribution library. To learn more, visit the App Distribution KTX reference documentation.

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 3.0.1

  • Fixed Missing app id issue when the app uses the google-services plugin.

  • Fixed issue where using artifactPath failed when configuration cache was enabled.

  • Fixed issue where artifactPath was using the path of the build.gradle file instead of the project root as the root for relative paths.

Authentication version 21.0.2

  • Fixed a bug that was causing a memory leak in Firebase Authentication.

  • Started to collect the Firebase Android App ID of the app (this is not the app's package name). This value is included in the header of each request.

Authentication Kotlin extensions version 21.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-auth library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.0.2

  • Fixed a Firebase App Check issue that caused Cloud Firestore listeners to stop working and receive a Permission Denied error. This issue only occurred if the App Check expiration time was set to under an hour.

  • Fixed a potential problem during the shutdown of Cloud Firestore that prevented the shutdown from proceeding if a network connection was opened right before.

  • Fixed an NPE issue where mutations with multiple documents were not handled correctly during previous mutation acknowledgement. (GitHub Isse #3490).

  • Queries are now sent to the backend before the SDK starts local processing, which reduces overall query latency.

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.0.2

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.1

  • Updated to the latest version of the firebase-datatransport library.

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

  • On Android 7.0 and earlier, the SDK now logs that a notification was opened after onActivityCreated to avoid a race condition when unparceling the extras Bundle.

  • Switched to stopping an image download by canceling a Future to interrupt the download thread. This change avoids errors that can occur in the image downloading library when trying to close the stream on a different thread than the one that started the download.

  • Fixed reference documentation for RemoteMessage.getMessageId() and updated obsolete references to Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.1

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

  • Internal changes to ensure functionality alignment with other SDK releases. For more details, refer to the Cloud Messaging v23.0.1 release note.

Crashlytics version 18.2.9

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.9

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.9

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.9.
  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 20.1.2

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.1.2

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.1.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase installations version 17.0.1

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Firebase installations Kotlin extensions version 17.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-installations library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Firebase ML Model Downloader version 24.0.3

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.0.6

  • Fixed a null pointer exception (NPE) when instrumenting network requests. (GitHub Issue #3406)

  • Fixed a bug where incorrect session IDs were associated with some foreground and background traces.

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.0.6

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.0.4

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.0.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Remote Config version 21.0.2

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Storage for Firebase version 20.0.1

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-basement, play-services-base, and play-services-tasks to their latest versions (v18.0.0, v18.0.1, and v18.0.1, respectively). For more information, see the note at the top of this release entry.

Cloud Storage for Firebase Kotlin extensions version 20.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-storage library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - February 11, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.1.0

Analytics version 20.1.0

  • Enhanced campaign attribution. You can now include more traffic source dimension details in Google Analytics reporting. Learn more in the Analytics Help Center.

  • Improved support for DCLID collection. You can now attribute conversions from Display & Video 360 and Search Ads 360 with Google Analytics.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 20.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.2.8

  • Updated to the latest version of the firebase-datatransport library.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.8

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.8

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.8.

Firebase ML Model Downloader version 24.0.2

  • Fixed an issue where FirebaseModelDownloader.getInstance would crash when using non-default FirebaseApp instances. (GitHub Issue #3321)
  • Updated to the latest version of the firebase-datatransport library.

Firebase ML Kotlin extensions version 24.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-ml-modeldownloader library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.0.5

  • Enabled global custom attributes for network request traces.
  • Updated log statement to differentiate an event being dropped due to rate limiting and sampling.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.0.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - January 20, 2022

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.0.4

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 3.0.0

  • Added support for running the appDistributionUpload task with configuration cache enabled.

  • Breaking change: Updated command-line overrides to be in the form -PROPERTY_NAME=PROPERTY_VALUE. Command line overrides in the form -PappDistribution-PROPERTY_NAME=PROPERTY_VALUE will no longer work.

  • Removed the deprecated apkPath property.

Cloud Firestore version 24.0.1

  • Optimized performance for offline usage.

  • Optimized performance for queries with collections that contain subcollections.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.2.7

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.7

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.7

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.7.

Performance Monitoring Gradle plugin version 1.4.1

  • Migrated away from the deprecated Android Gradle plugin APIs.

Update - December 16, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.0.3

Analytics version 20.0.2

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-base and play-services-tasks to their latest version (v18.0.1) which resolves the issue that can lead to runtime NPEs (NullPointerException) when handling Task<Void> results in Kotlin code.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 20.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - December 10, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.0.2

Analytics version 20.0.1

  • Updated dependencies of play-services-base, play-services-basement, and play-services-tasks to their latest version (v18.0.0). For more information, see their release note.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 20.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.2.6

  • Internal changes to support future improvements to Flutter crash reporting.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.6

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.6

  • Updated internal Crashpad version to commit 281ba7. With this change, disabling tagged pointers is no longer required, so the following can be removed from your manifest's application tag: android:allowNativeHeapPointerTagging=false.

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.6.

Update - November 30, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.0.1

App Check version 16.0.0-beta04

  • Improved error handling logic by minimizing the amount of requests that are unlikely to succeed.

  • Fixed heartbeat reporting.

App Check Debug version 16.0.0-beta04

  • Improved error handling logic by minimizing the amount of requests that are unlikely to succeed.

  • Fixed heartbeat reporting.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.0-beta04

  • Improved error handling logic by minimizing the amount of requests that are unlikely to succeed.

  • Fixed heartbeat reporting.

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.0-beta04

  • Improved error handling logic by minimizing the amount of requests that are unlikely to succeed.

  • Fixed heartbeat reporting.

Crashlytics version 18.2.5

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some Crashlytics session files from being removed after the session ended. All session-specific files are now properly cleaned up.
  • Internal improvements to Crashlytics file management, to ensure consistent creation and removal of intermediate Crashlytics files.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.5

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.5

  • Internal improvements to Crashlytics file management, to ensure consistent creation and removal of intermediate Crashlytics files.

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.5.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.8.1

  • Published the plugin marker artifact for the Crashlytics Gradle plugin. Starting with this version, the Crashlytics Gradle plugin can now be applied using the plugins {} DSL block.

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect prioritization of firebaseCrashlytics properties when using multiple flavor dimensions. Exension properties are now prioritized based on the order in which the dimensions are declared in the flavorDimensions property, as described in the Android Gradle plugin documentation.

Firebase ML Model Downloader version 24.0.1

  • Added support for Android API key restrictions.

Performance Monitoring version 20.0.4

  • Improved Performance Monitoring start up time by 25%. This improvement was achieved by moving some component initialization to background threads.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.0.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.0.3

  • Fixed a crash that prevented the SDK from connecting to the backend if a credential refresh was unsuccessful.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - October 29, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 29.0.0

Analytics version 20.0.0

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 20.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Firestore version 24.0.0

  • This SDK now requires devices and emulators to target API level 19 (KitKat) or higher and to use Android 4.4 or higher. This is due to an update in its gRPC dependency version and to align with requirements of other Firebase libraries.

  • Added support for Firebase App Check.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 24.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging version 23.0.0

  • Due to its dependency on Google Play services, this SDK now requires devices and emulators to target API level 19 (KitKat) or higher and to use Android 4.4 or higher.

  • Added methods for determining and controlling whether Google Play services is set as the app’s notification delegate. By default, FCM will now set Google Play services as the app’s notification delegate so that it is allowed to display notifications for the app. This could be used in the future to show an app’s notifications without needing to start the app, which may improve message reliability and timeliness.

Cloud Messaging Kotlin extensions version 23.0.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-messaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Cloud Messaging Direct Boot version 23.0.0

Crashlytics version 18.2.4

  • Internal changes to support ANR collection and their upcoming display in the console.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.4

  • Added an obfuscation exclusion for to the Proguard configuration for this AAR, to avoid potential reflection errors when obfuscating NDK-enabled apps.

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.4.

Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 2.8.0

  • NDK symbols are now extracted using the Breakpad symbol file generator by default. No developer action is required to take advantage of this feature.

    • If you previously added the symbolGenerator { breakpad() } block to your build configuration to use Breakpad, you can remove it, but this change is not required.
    • If you want to use the legacy cSYM symbol file generator, add symbolGenerator { csym() } to your build's firebaseCrashlytics extension.

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 20.1.1

  • Updated the gRPC dependency version.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.1.1

  • Updated the gRPC dependency version.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.1.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - October 04, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 28.4.2

Analytics version 19.0.2

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 19.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

App Check version 16.0.0-beta03

  • Added X-Android-Package and X-Android-Cert request headers to App Check network calls.

App Check Debug version 16.0.0-beta03

  • Added X-Android-Package and X-Android-Cert request headers to App Check network calls.

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.0-beta03

  • Added X-Android-Package and X-Android-Cert request headers to App Check network calls.

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.0-beta03

  • Added X-Android-Package and X-Android-Cert request headers to App Check network calls.

Cloud Firestore version 23.0.4

  • Fixed an issue where some fields were missed when copying in the FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder copy constructor.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 23.0.4

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.2.3

  • Fixed a race condition that prevented some launch-time crashes from being reported to Crashlytics.

  • Internal changes to support upcoming Unity crash reporting improvements.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.3

  • Internal changes to support upcoming Unity crash reporting improvements.

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.3.

Performance Monitoring version 20.0.3

  • Performance Monitoring now has a random delay of 5 to 30 seconds before fetching Remote Config upon app startup.
  • Added a validation to stop screen traces with 0 total frames from being sent to the backend.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - September 13, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 28.4.1

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 2.2.0

  • Added support to manage testers in your project from Gradle using the appDistributionAddTesters and appDistributionRemoveTesters commands. Refer to the command output for instructions on how to use these features.

  • Increased the time that we poll for a new release after uploading a binary to 5 minutes.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK version 20.0.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented functions from proceeding after App Check failures.

Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK Kotlin extensions version 20.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-functions library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.0.2

  • The SDK can now continue to issue writes for apps that send invalid App Check tokens if App Check enforcement is not enabled.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - August 20, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 28.4.0

Analytics version 19.0.1

  • Internal code cleanup.

Analytics Kotlin extensions version 19.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-analytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging version 20.1.0

  • Migrated to Glide library for image downloading.

In-App Messaging Kotlin extensions version 20.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

In-App Messaging Display version 20.1.0

  • Migrated to Glide library for image downloading.

In-App Messaging Display Kotlin extensions version 20.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-inappmessaging-display library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - August 09, 2021

google-services plugin 4.3.10

  • Fixed bug where configuration avoidance allowed the processGoogleServices task to either not run or crash on configuration. (GitHub Issue #2894, Issue #196, Issue #197)

Update - August 05, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 28.3.1

Crashlytics version 18.2.1

  • Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException that could be logged to logcat when setting multiple custom key/values in rapid succession.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.1

  • Improved support for NDK crash reporting when using Play Feature Delivery. Previously, firebase-crashlytics-ndk needed to be a dependency of the app module to consistently report native crashes for all supported Android versions. Crashlytics will now report native crashes when used as a dependency of a feature module.

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.1.

Remote Config version 21.0.1

  • Fixed a bug in the initialization of Remote Config with a non-primary Firebase app.

Remote Config Kotlin extensions version 21.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-config library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

google-services plugin 4.3.9

Update - July 22, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 28.3.0

Cloud Firestore version 23.0.3

  • Fixed an issue that was causing failures when a data bundle with multi-byte Unicode characters was loaded.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 23.0.3

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics version 18.2.0

  • Internal changes.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.2.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Crashlytics NDK version 18.2.0

  • Updated firebase-crashlytics dependency to v18.2.0.
  • Internal infrastructure improvements.

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-dynamic-links library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Realtime Database version 20.0.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented clients from connecting to the backend when the app used App Check without Authentication.

Realtime Database Kotlin extensions version 20.0.1

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-database library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - July 09, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 28.2.1

App Check version 16.0.0-beta02

App Check Debug version 16.0.0-beta02

App Check Debug Testing version 16.0.0-beta02

App Check SafetyNet version 16.0.0-beta02

Cloud Firestore version 23.0.2

  • Improved Firestore's network condition detection.

Cloud Firestore Kotlin extensions version 23.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-firestore library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Performance Monitoring version 20.0.2

  • Fixed inaccurate calculation of screen activity metrics for multi-activity apps. (GitHub Issue #2672)

  • Fixed issue where screen traces were not being tracked for Android API levels 23 and below.

Performance Monitoring Kotlin extensions version 20.0.2

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-performance library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.

Update - June 23, 2021

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) version 28.2.0

App Distribution Gradle plugin version 2.1.3

  • Fixed an error (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:$BUNDLE) that occurred when using the Android Gradle plugin v7.0-beta1.

Crashlytics version 18.1.0

  • Internal changes to support upcoming Unity features.

Crashlytics Kotlin extensions version 18.1.0

The Kotlin extensions library transitively includes the updated firebase-crashlytics library. The Kotlin extensions library has no additional updates.
