Firebase JavaScript SDK best practices

This page offers tips and troubleshooting for JavaScript issues that you might encounter when using the Firebase JavaScript SDK.

Have other challenges or don't see your issue? Make sure to check out the main Firebase FAQ for more pan-Firebase or product-specific FAQ.

You can also check the Firebase JavaScript SDK GitHub repo for an up-to-date list of reported issues and troubleshooting, and file your own issues there.

Admin SDK for Node.js constructs are not compatible with the Firebase JavaScript SDK

The Firebase Admin SDK for Node.js and the Firebase JavaScript SDK are distinct implementations that do not share interface, class, or function definitions. Instances of Admin SDK objects are incompatible with Firebase JavaScript SDK functions.

For example, an instance of the Admin SDK's FirebaseApp passed to the Firebase JavaScript SDK getDatabase function produces the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getProvider')
 at _getProvider
 at getDatabase

This is true for the entire Firebase JavaScript SDK API surface, not just Realtime Database. It's also true for usage in the opposite direction. Attempting to use the Cloud Firestore JS SDK's Timestamp type with the Firebase Admin SDK for Node.js produces similar errors.

Avoid using conflicting versions of the Firebase JavaScript SDK

Multiple conflicting versions of the Firebase JavaScript SDK configured as dependencies in a project will cause runtime errors when SDK instances are passed between SDK packages. For example, using the Data Connect library with a mismatched version of FirebaseApp causes the following error:

Error: Component data-connect has not been registered yet

This issue is commonly caused by a dependency update of one but not all of the Firebase SDK packages. This situation often occurs when an automated dependency update tool changes a subset of the Firebase SDK dependencies within the project's yarn.lock or package-lock.json file. Since many Firebase JavaScript SDKs interoperate with each other, the use of various versions of the SDKs causes runtime incompatibilities,

To fix this issue, delete the node_modules/ directory and the yarn.lock (for yarn) or package-lock.json (for npm) in your project and reinstall your dependencies.

If errors remain, further debug the issue with the npm ls command. This will log the dependencies of your project so you can identify conflicting versions of the firebase module.

For example, the following log shows package-using-older-firebase importing a conflicting version of the Firebase JavaScript SDK:

$ npm ls firebase --all
├── firebase@11.2.0
├─┬ @angular/fire@19.0.0
│ ├── firebase@11.2.0 deduped
│ └─┬ rxfire@6.1.0
│   └── firebase@10.14.1 deduped
└─┬ package-using-older-firebase@0.1.0
  └─── firebase@10.14.1

Errors may also occur due to mixing CJS and ESM's require and import statements in your app. This creates multiple instances of the Firebase JavaScript SDK, each distinct from the other, which breaks Firebase JavaScript SDK interoperability. Increase the verbosity of your bundler of choice to debug this scenario. For example, you can use the esbuild analyze flag for this purpose.

Make sure that service workers are bundled

Service workers are often built from a separate pipeline from the rest of a web app, and are not included in the default configuration of bundlers such as Webpack.

If you use the modular version of the Firebase JavaScript SDK within your service worker, then make sure you configure your app bundler to include the service worker source file. The following example uses npx to bundle the firebase-sw.js service worker in the project's src directory:

npx esbuild ./src/firebase-sw.js --bundle --minify --main-fields=webworker,browser,module,main,default --outfile=public/firebase-sw.js

The activation of a service worker that is not bundled will fail if it sources import ES modules that don't support service workers or files that don't exist in the service worker's scope. Sometimes these failures are silent and hard to debug.

See Using module bundlers with Firebase for more information about bundling the modular version of the Firebase JavaScript SDK into your app.

Alternatively, you can eliminate the need for bundling by importing the compat Firebase JavaScript SDK bundles from the CDN:

// Give the service worker access to Firebase Messaging.
// Replace 10.13.2 with the version of the Firebase JS SDK you're using
// in your app.

// Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in
// your app's Firebase config object.

// Retrieve an instance of Firebase Messaging so that it can handle
// background messages.
const messaging = firebase.messaging();

Use FirebaseServerApp when working with Server Side Rendering

The Firebase JavaScript SDK was originally intended to run in browser environments. The introduction of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) frameworks pushes SDK usage into new runtime environments. These runtimes provide a subset of tools and APIs that web browsers provide.

For example, some Firebase SDKs require data caching with IndexedDB, a browser-only API. Firebase Auth may require user interaction in certain sign-in flows that is impossible in headless server environments. App Check relies on browser heuristics to validate the user before creating App Check tokens.

When working with the SDK in these new environments, use FirebaseServerApp, a new variant of FirebaseApp that provides the means to preload the SSR Firebase instance with data that was collected from the client side.

FirebaseServerApp supports two parameters:

  • Auth ID Token: if provided, Firebase Auth automatically signs in a previously authenticated user, potentially spanning a session across the CSR / SSR divide.
  • App Check Token: If provided, the token is used by the other Firebase SDKs without the need to initialize an instance of an App Check client (which isn't supported outside browser environments). This unblocks SSR support for products that have App Check enabled, such as Cloud Functions, Data Connect, Cloud Firestore, Realtime Database, and Vertex AI.

See Streamline SSR app development with FirebaseServerApp for example usage of FirebaseServerApp in Next.js.