Проект Firebase — это объект верхнего уровня для Firebase. В проекте вы можете зарегистрировать свои приложения Apple, Android или веб-приложения. После регистрации приложений в Firebase вы можете добавить в свое приложение SDK Firebase для конкретного продукта , например Analytics , Cloud Firestore , Crashlytics или Remote Config .
Вам следует зарегистрировать варианты Apple, Android и веб-приложений в одном проекте Firebase. Вы можете использовать несколько проектов Firebase для поддержки нескольких сред, таких как разработка, промежуточное тестирование и производство.
Вот несколько ресурсов, где можно узнать больше о проектах Firebase:
Понимание проектов Firebase — содержит краткие обзоры нескольких важных понятий о проектах Firebase, включая их связь с Google Cloud и базовую иерархию проекта, его приложений и ресурсов.
Общие рекомендации по настройке проектов Firebase — представлены общие рекомендации высокого уровня по настройке проектов Firebase и регистрации ваших приложений в проекте, чтобы у вас был четкий рабочий процесс разработки с использованием различных сред.
Обратите внимание, что для всех проектов Firebase Firebase автоматически добавляет метку firebase:enabled на странице «Ярлыки» вашего проекта в консоли Google Cloud . Подробную информацию об этом ярлыке можно найти в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов .
Что такое организация Google Cloud ?
Организация Google Cloud — это контейнер для проектов Google Cloud (включая проекты Firebase). Эта иерархия обеспечивает лучшую организацию, управление доступом и аудит ваших проектов Google Cloud и Firebase. Дополнительную информацию см. в разделе Создание и управление организациями .
Как добавить Firebase в существующий проект Google Cloud ?
Вы можете добавить Firebase к этим существующим проектам, используя любой из следующих вариантов:
Использование консоли Firebase : На целевой странице консоли Firebase нажмите «Добавить проект» , а затем выберите существующий проект в меню «Имя проекта» .
Использование программного варианта:
Вызовите конечную точку REST API управления Firebase addFirebase .
Почему мой проект Google Cloud имеет метку firebase:enabled ?
На странице «Ярлыки» вашего проекта в консоли Google Cloud вы можете увидеть метку firebase:enabled (в частности, Keyfirebase со Valueenabled ).
Firebase автоматически добавила эту метку, поскольку ваш проект является проектом Firebase, а это означает, что для вашего проекта включены конфигурации и службы, специфичные для Firebase. Узнайте больше о взаимосвязи между проектами Firebase и Google Cloud .
Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам не изменять и не удалять этот ярлык. Эта метка используется Firebase и Google Cloud для перечисления ваших проектов Firebase (например, с использованием конечной точки REST API projects.list или в меню консоли Firebase ).
Имейте в виду, что добавление этой метки вручную в список меток проекта НЕ включает конфигурации и сервисы, специфичные для Firebase, для вашего проекта Google Cloud . Для этого вам необходимо добавить Firebase через консоль Firebase (или, в случае расширенного использования, через REST API Firebase Management или Firebase CLI ).
Почему мой проект Firebase не отображается в моем списке проектов Firebase?
Этот FAQ применим, если вы не видите свой проект Firebase в следующих местах:
В списке проектов, которые вы просматриваете в консоли Firebase .
В ответе на запуск команды Firebase CLI firebase projects:list
Попробуйте выполнить следующие действия по устранению неполадок:
Сначала попробуйте получить доступ к своему проекту, напрямую посетив URL-адрес проекта. Используйте следующий формат: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
Если вы не можете получить доступ к проекту или получаете ошибки разрешений, проверьте следующее:
Убедитесь, что вы вошли в Firebase, используя ту же учетную запись Google, которая имеет доступ к проекту. Вы можете войти в консоль Firebase и выйти из нее через аватар своей учетной записи в правом верхнем углу консоли.
Убедитесь, что в вашем проекте включен ярлык firebase:enabled на странице «Ярлыки» вашего проекта в консоли Google Cloud . Firebase и Google Cloud используют этот ярлык для перечисления ваших проектов Firebase. Если вы не видите эту метку, но для вашего проекта включен API управления Firebase , добавьте метку вручную (в частности, Keyfirebase со Valueenabled ).
Убедитесь, что вам назначена одна из основных ролей IAM (владелец, редактор, наблюдатель) или роль, имеющая разрешения, связанные с Firebase, например предопределенная роль Firebase . Вы можете просмотреть свои роли на странице IAM консоли Google Cloud .
Если ваш проект принадлежит организации Google Cloud , вам могут потребоваться дополнительные разрешения, чтобы увидеть проект, указанный в консоли Firebase . Свяжитесь с человеком, который управляет вашей организацией Google Cloud , чтобы предоставить вам соответствующую роль для просмотра проекта, например роль браузера.
Если ни один из приведенных выше шагов по устранению неполадок не позволяет вам увидеть свой проект в списке проектов Firebase, обратитесь в службу поддержки Firebase .
Сколько проектов я могу иметь на один аккаунт?
Тарифный план Spark — квота вашего проекта ограничена небольшим количеством проектов (обычно около 5–10).
Тарифный план Blaze — квота вашего проекта на одну учетную запись Cloud Billing существенно увеличивается, пока ваша учетная запись Cloud Billing имеет хорошую репутацию.
Ограничение квоты проекта редко беспокоит большинство разработчиков, но при необходимости вы можете запросить увеличение квоты проекта .
Обратите внимание, что полное удаление проекта занимает 30 дней и учитывается в вашей квоте до тех пор, пока проект не будет полностью удален.
Сколько приложений Firebase я могу иметь в проекте Firebase?
Проект Firebase — это контейнер для приложений Firebase на Apple, Android и в Интернете. Firebase ограничивает общее количество приложений Firebase в проекте Firebase до 30.
После этого числа производительность начинает снижаться (особенно для Google Analytics ) и, в конечном итоге, при большем количестве приложений некоторые функции продукта перестают работать. Кроме того, если вы используете вход в Google в качестве поставщика аутентификации, для каждого приложения в вашем проекте создается базовый идентификатор клиента OAuth 2.0. В рамках одного проекта можно создать около 30 идентификаторов клиентов.
Вы должны убедиться, что все приложения Firebase в одном проекте Firebase являются вариантами платформы одного и того же приложения с точки зрения конечного пользователя. Например, если вы разрабатываете приложение с белой меткой, каждое приложение с независимой меткой должно иметь собственный проект Firebase, но версии этой метки для Apple и Android могут находиться в одном проекте. Более подробные инструкции можно найти в наших общих рекомендациях по настройке проектов Firebase .
В редких случаях, когда вашему проекту требуется более 30 приложений, вы можете запросить увеличение лимита приложений. Чтобы сделать этот запрос, ваш проект должен быть включен в тарифный план Blaze. Посетите консоль Google Cloud , чтобы отправить запрос и получить его оценку. Подробную информацию об управлении квотами можно найти в документации Google Cloud .
Что произойдет, если я отмечу свой проект как «производственную» среду?
В консоли Firebase вы можете пометить свои проекты Firebase по типу среды: производственная или неопределенная (непроизводственная) среда.
Пометка вашего проекта как типа среды не влияет на работу вашего проекта Firebase или его функции. Однако тегирование может помочь вам и вашей команде управлять различными проектами Firebase на протяжении жизненного цикла приложения.
Если вы пометите свой проект как производственную среду, мы добавим к проекту в консоли Firebase яркий тег Prod , напоминая вам, что любые изменения могут повлиять на связанные с ним рабочие приложения. В будущем мы можем добавить больше функций и средств защиты для проектов Firebase, помеченных как производственные среды.
Чтобы изменить тип среды вашего проекта Firebase, выберите settingsНастройки проекта» > «Общие» , затем на карточке «Ваш проект» в разделе «Среда » нажмите edit чтобы изменить тип среды.
Где я могу найти идентификатор приложения для моего приложения Firebase?
В консоли Firebase перейдите в settingsProject Settings . Прокрутите вниз до карточки «Ваши приложения» , затем нажмите нужное приложение Firebase, чтобы просмотреть информацию о приложении, включая его идентификатор приложения .
Вот несколько примеров значений идентификатора приложения:
Приложения Firebase для iOS: 1:1234567890:ios:321abc456def7890
Приложения Firebase для Android: 1:1234567890:android:321abc456def7890
Любая из следующих ролей Firebase: владелец или администратор Firebase. и
Любой из следующих уровней доступа Google Play : владелец аккаунта или администратор.
Чтобы связать свое приложение AdMob , вам необходимо быть одновременно владельцем проекта Firebase и администратором AdMob .
Чтобы связать свой аккаунт AdWords , вам необходимо быть одновременно владельцем проекта Firebase и администратором AdWords.
Чтобы связать проект BigQuery , вам необходимо быть владельцем проекта Firebase.
Какие уведомления об открытом исходном коде мне следует включить в свое приложение?
На платформах Apple модуль Firebase содержит файл NOTICES, содержащий соответствующие записи. Firebase Android SDK содержит вспомогательное Activity для отображения информации о лицензии.
Разрешения и доступ к проектам Firebase
Как назначить участнику проекта роль, например роль владельца?
Чтобы управлять ролями, назначенными каждому участнику проекта, вы должны быть владельцем проекта Firebase (или вам должна быть назначена роль с разрешением resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy ).
Вот места, где вы можете назначать роли и управлять ими:
Консоль Google Cloud предлагает обширный набор инструментов для назначения ролей участникам проекта на странице IAM . В Cloud консоли вы также можете создавать собственные роли и управлять ими, а также предоставлять сервисным учетным записям доступ к вашему проекту.
Обратите внимание, что в консоли Google Cloud участники проекта называются руководителями .
Если Владелец вашего проекта больше не может выполнять задачи Владельца (например, человек покинул вашу компанию) и ваш проект не управляется через организацию Google Cloud (см. следующий абзац), вы можете обратиться в службу поддержки Firebase и проверить с ними о том, как запросить доступ к проекту Firebase.
Обратите внимание: если проект Firebase является частью организации Google Cloud , у него может не быть владельца. Если вы не можете найти владельца для своего проекта Firebase, свяжитесь с человеком, который управляет вашей организацией Google Cloud , чтобы назначить владельца проекта.
Как мне найти владельца проекта Firebase?
Вы можете просмотреть участников проекта и их роли в следующих местах:
Если у вас есть доступ к проекту в консоли Firebase , вы можете просмотреть список участников проекта, включая владельцев, на странице «Пользователи и разрешения» консоли Firebase .
Если у вас нет доступа к проекту в консоли Firebase , проверьте, есть ли у вас доступ к проекту в консоли Google Cloud . Вы можете просмотреть список участников проекта, включая владельцев, на странице IAM консоли Google Cloud .
Если владелец вашего проекта больше не может выполнять задачи владельца (например, человек покинул вашу компанию) и ваш проект не управляется через организацию Google Cloud (см. следующий абзац), вы можете обратиться в службу поддержки Firebase, чтобы получить назначен временный владелец.
Обратите внимание: если проект Firebase является частью организации Google Cloud , у него может не быть владельца. Вместо этого человек, который управляет вашей организацией Google Cloud , может выполнять многие задачи, которые может выполнять владелец. Однако для выполнения некоторых задач, специфичных для владельца (например, назначения ролей или управления свойствами Google Analytics ), администратору может потребоваться назначить себе фактическую роль владельца для выполнения этих задач. Если вы не можете найти владельца для своего проекта Firebase, свяжитесь с человеком, который управляет вашей организацией Google Cloud , чтобы назначить владельца проекта.
Почему и когда мне следует назначить участнику проекта роль владельца?
Чтобы обеспечить правильное управление проектом Firebase, у него должен быть владелец . Владелец проекта — это человек, который может выполнять несколько важных административных действий (например, назначать роли и управлять свойствами Google Analytics ), а служба поддержки Firebase может выполнять административные запросы только от продемонстрированных владельцев проекта.
После того как вы настроите владельцев проекта Firebase, важно поддерживать эти назначения в актуальном состоянии.
Обратите внимание: если проект Firebase является частью организации Google Cloud , человек, который управляет вашей организацией Google Cloud может выполнять многие задачи, которые может выполнять владелец. Однако для некоторых задач, специфичных для владельца (например, назначение ролей или управление свойствами Google Analytics ), администратору может потребоваться назначить себе фактическую роль владельца для выполнения этих задач.
Я не думаю, что у меня есть проект Firebase, но я получил письмо об одном из них. Как мне получить доступ к этому проекту?
Полученное вами электронное письмо должно содержать ссылку для открытия вашего проекта Firebase. При нажатии на ссылку в электронном письме проект откроется в консоли Firebase .
Если вы не можете открыть проект по ссылке, убедитесь, что вы вошли в Firebase, используя ту же учетную запись Google, которая получила электронное письмо о проекте. Вы можете войти в консоль Firebase и выйти из нее через аватар своей учетной записи в правом верхнем углу консоли.
Обратите внимание: если вы являетесь администратором организации Google Cloud , вы можете получать уведомления об изменениях в проектах Firebase внутри вашей организации. Однако у вас может не быть достаточных разрешений для открытия проекта Firebase. В этих случаях самое простое решение — назначить себе фактическую роль владельца , чтобы открывать проект и выполнять необходимые действия. Узнайте больше о том, зачем и когда следует назначать роль владельца .
Платформы и фреймворки
Посетите страницы устранения неполадок и часто задаваемых вопросов для конкретной платформы, чтобы получить полезные советы и ответы на дополнительные часто задаваемые вопросы.
Какие браузеры поддерживаются для доступа к консоли Firebase ?
Доступ к консоли Firebase можно получить из последних версий популярных настольных браузеров, таких как Chrome, Firefox, Safari и Edge. Мобильные браузеры в настоящее время не полностью поддерживаются.
Я могу загрузить консоль Firebase , но почему я не могу найти свой проект Firebase или получить к нему доступ?
Этот раздел часто задаваемых вопросов применим, если у вас возникла одна из следующих проблем:
Консоль Firebase возвращает страницу с ошибкой, на которой говорится, что ваш проект, возможно, не существует или что у вас нет доступа к проекту.
Консоль Firebase не отображает ваш проект, даже если вы вводите его идентификатор или имя проекта в поле поиска консоли.
Попробуйте выполнить следующие действия по устранению неполадок:
Сначала попробуйте получить доступ к своему проекту, напрямую посетив URL-адрес проекта. Используйте следующий формат: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
Если вы по-прежнему не можете получить доступ к проекту или получаете ошибки разрешений, проверьте следующее:
Убедитесь, что вы вошли в Firebase, используя ту же учетную запись Google, которая имеет доступ к проекту. Вы можете войти в консоль Firebase и выйти из нее через аватар своей учетной записи в правом верхнем углу консоли.
Убедитесь, что вам назначена одна из основных ролей IAM (владелец, редактор, наблюдатель) или роль, имеющая разрешения, связанные с Firebase, например предопределенная роль Firebase . Вы можете просмотреть свои роли на странице IAM консоли Google Cloud .
Если ваш проект принадлежит организации Google Cloud , вам могут потребоваться дополнительные разрешения, чтобы увидеть проект, указанный в консоли Firebase . Свяжитесь с человеком, который управляет вашей организацией Google Cloud , чтобы предоставить вам соответствующую роль для просмотра проекта, например роль браузера.
Если ни один из приведенных выше шагов по устранению неполадок не помог вам найти проект или получить к нему доступ, обратитесь в службу поддержки Firebase .
Почему у меня не загружается консоль Firebase ?
Этот раздел часто задаваемых вопросов применим, если у вас возникла одна из следующих проблем:
Страница в консоли Firebase никогда не завершает загрузку.
Данные на странице не загружаются должным образом.
Вы получаете сообщения об ошибках браузера при загрузке консоли Firebase .
Попробуйте выполнить следующие действия по устранению неполадок:
Попробуйте загрузить консоль Firebase в инкогнито или приватном окне.
Отключите все расширения браузера.
Убедитесь, что сетевое соединение не заблокировано блокировщиком рекламы, антивирусом, прокси-сервером, брандмауэром или другим программным обеспечением.
Попробуйте загрузить консоль Firebase , используя другую сеть или устройство.
Какие роли и разрешения поддерживает консоль Firebase ?
Консоль Firebase и консоль Google Cloud используют одни и те же базовые роли и разрешения. Подробнее о ролях и разрешениях читайте в документации Firebase IAM .
Владелец проекта может добавлять в проект других участников, настраивать интеграцию (связывание проекта с такими сервисами, как BigQuery или Slack) и иметь полный доступ к редактированию проекта.
Редактор проекта имеет полный доступ к редактированию проекта.
Средство просмотра проекта имеет доступ только для чтения проекта. Обратите внимание, что консоль Firebase в настоящее время не скрывает/отключает элементы управления пользовательским интерфейсом для редактирования в средствах просмотра проекта, но эти операции не будут выполнены для участников проекта, которым назначена роль средства просмотра.
Firebase также поддерживает:
Предопределенные роли Firebase — курируемые роли, специфичные для Firebase, которые обеспечивают более детальный контроль доступа, чем базовые роли владельца, редактора и зрителя.
Настраиваемые роли — полностью настраиваемые роли IAM, которые вы создаете для адаптации набора разрешений, соответствующих конкретным требованиям вашей организации.
Какие продукты платные? Какие из них бесплатны?
Платными инфраструктурными продуктами Firebase являются Realtime Database , Cloud Storage for Firebase , Cloud Functions , Hosting , Test Lab и аутентификация по телефону. Мы предлагаем бесплатный уровень для всех этих функций.
У Firebase также есть множество бесплатных продуктов: Analytics , Cloud Messaging , Composer Notifications, Remote Config , App Indexing , Dynamic Links и Crash Reporting . Использование этих продуктов регулируется только политиками управления трафиком продукта (например, квотами, справедливым доступом и другими средствами защиты услуг) во всех планах, включая наш бесплатный план Spark. Кроме того, все функции Authentication помимо аутентификации по телефону, бесплатны.
Предлагает ли Firebase бесплатные пробные кредиты для платных продуктов?
Платные сервисы Firebase можно использовать в рамках бесплатной пробной версии Google Cloud . Новые пользователи Google Cloud и Firebase могут воспользоваться 90-дневным пробным периодом, который включает в себя 300 долларов США в виде бесплатных кредитов Cloud Billing для изучения и оценки продуктов и услуг Google Cloud и Firebase.
В течение периода бесплатной пробной версии Google Cloud вам будет предоставлена Cloud Billing . Любой проект Firebase, использующий этот платежный аккаунт, будет включен в тарифный план Blaze в течение бесплатного пробного периода.
Не волнуйтесь, настройка этой бесплатной пробной учетной записи Cloud Billing не позволяет нам взимать с вас плату. С вас не будет взиматься плата, если вы явно не включите выставление счетов, обновив свою учетную Cloud Billing до платной. Вы можете перейти на платную учетную запись в любой момент во время пробного периода. После обновления вы все равно сможете использовать оставшиеся кредиты (в течение 90-дневного периода).
По истечении срока действия бесплатной пробной версии вам нужно будет либо перейти на тарифный план Spark, либо настроить тарифный план Blaze в консоли Firebase чтобы продолжить использование проекта Firebase.
Наш план Spark — отличное место для бесплатной разработки вашего приложения. Вы получаете все бесплатные функции Firebase ( Analytics , композитор уведомлений, Crashlytics и т. д.) и большое количество платных функций инфраструктуры. Однако если вы превысите ресурсы плана Spark в течение календарного месяца, ваше приложение будет отключено до конца этого месяца. Кроме того, функции Google Cloud недоступны при использовании плана Spark.
Тарифный план Blaze
Наш план Blaze предназначен для рабочих приложений. План Blaze также позволяет вам расширить свое приложение с помощью платных функций Google Cloud . Вы платите только за потребляемые ресурсы, что позволяет вам масштабироваться в соответствии со спросом. Мы стремимся сделать цены на наши планы Blaze конкурентоспособными по сравнению с ведущими облачными провайдерами.
Что случилось с бесплатными SMS в плане Spark?
Начиная с сентября 2024 года, чтобы повысить безопасность и качество обслуживания телефонной аутентификации, проекты Firebase должны быть связаны с учетной записью Cloud Billing, чтобы можно было включить и использовать службу SMS.
Как я могу контролировать использование и выставление счетов?
Вы можете отслеживать использование ресурсов проекта в консоли Firebase на любой из следующих панелей мониторинга:
В январе 2020 года тарифный план Flame (дополнительная квота 25 долларов США в месяц) был удален как опция для новых регистраций. Существующим пользователям плана был предоставлен льготный период для переноса своих проектов с плана Flame. В феврале 2022 года остальные проекты в тарифном плане Flame были переведены в тарифный план Spark. Соответственно,
Существующие проекты планов Spark и Blaze, а также любые новые проекты больше не могут переключаться на план Flame или подписываться на него.
Если вы переместили существующий проект плана Flame на другой тарифный план, проект не сможет вернуться на план Flame.
Проекты, пониженные до плана Spark, можно повысить до плана Blaze, чтобы возобновить дополнительные платные услуги.
Ссылки на план Flame были удалены из документации.
Хотите узнать о других тарифных планах, предлагаемых Firebase? Посетите нашу страницу цен на Firebase ! Если вы хотите начать перевод существующих проектов на другой тарифный план, вы можете сделать это в консоли Firebase для вашего проекта.
Дополнительные часто задаваемые вопросы о выходе из плана Flame
У меня есть проект, процесс или бизнес-модель, основанная на фиксированной стоимости Firebase. Что я должен делать?
Могу ли я получить специальный доступ для создания новых проектов плана Flame?
Нет, Firebase не предлагает специальный доступ проектам для перехода на план Flame или подписки на него.
Я изменил свой проект плана Flame на другой тарифный план. Как мне изменить его обратно?
Переход на план Flame больше невозможен. Чтобы получить доступ к услугам, предоставляемым планом Flame, убедитесь, что вы используете тарифный план Blaze, и рассмотрите возможность настройки оповещений о бюджете для вашего проекта.
Мой проект был автоматически переключен на другой тарифный план в рамках прекращения действия плана Flame. Что я должен делать?
Если вашему проекту требуется дополнительная квота сверх той, которая предусмотрена планом Spark, вам необходимо обновить свой проект до тарифного плана Blaze.
Почему план Flame прекращается?
На протяжении многих лет мы наблюдаем снижение использования плана Flame, и большинство проектов, использующих этот план, не используют его полную стоимость. Поддержание этого тарифного плана, как правило, нерентабельно, и мы считаем, что сможем лучше обслуживать всех, если ресурсы будут направлены на другие инициативы Firebase.
Чем бесплатное использование в плане Blaze отличается от бесплатного использования в плане Spark?
Бесплатное использование плана Blaze рассчитывается ежедневно. Ограничения на использование также отличаются от плана Spark для Cloud Functions , аутентификации по телефону и Test Lab .
Для Cloud Functions бесплатное использование плана Blaze рассчитывается на уровне учетной записи Cloud Billing , а не на уровне проекта, и имеет следующие ограничения:
2 миллиона вызовов в месяц
400 тыс. ГБ-секунд в месяц
200 тыс. ЦП-секунд в месяц
5 ГБ исходящего сетевого трафика в месяц
Для аутентификации по телефону бесплатное использование в плане Blaze рассчитывается ежемесячно.
Для Test Lab бесплатное использование плана Blaze имеет следующие ограничения:
30 минут физического устройства в день
60 минут виртуального устройства в день
Сбрасывается ли квота бесплатного использования при переходе с плана Spark на план Blaze?
Бесплатное использование плана Spark включено в план Blaze. Бесплатное использование не сбрасывается при переходе на план Blaze.
Что такое «одновременное подключение к базе данных»?
Одновременное подключение эквивалентно подключению к базе данных одного мобильного устройства, вкладки браузера или серверного приложения. Firebase накладывает жесткие ограничения на количество одновременных подключений к базе данных вашего приложения. Эти ограничения установлены для защиты Firebase и наших пользователей от злоупотреблений.
Ограничение плана Spark составляет 100 и не может быть увеличено. Планы Flame и Blaze имеют ограничение в 200 000 одновременных подключений к базе данных.
Это ограничение не совпадает с общим количеством пользователей вашего приложения, поскольку не все пользователи подключаются одновременно. Если вам нужно более 200 000 одновременных подключений, прочтите статью «Масштабирование с помощью нескольких баз данных» .
Что произойдет, если я превышу лимиты хранилища или загрузки плана Spark для Realtime Database ?
Чтобы предоставить вам предсказуемую цену, ресурсы, доступные вам в планах Spark, ограничены. Это означает, что если вы превысите любой лимит плана в любом месяце, ваше приложение будет отключено, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее использование ресурсов и дополнительные расходы.
Что произойдет, если я превышу ограничения на одновременные подключения в плане Spark для Realtime Database ?
Когда ваше приложение достигнет предела параллелизма в плане Spark, все последующие подключения будут отклоняться, пока некоторые из существующих подключений не будут закрыты. Приложение продолжит работать для подключенных пользователей.
Как работает интеграция Firebase с Google Cloud ?
Firebase глубоко интегрирован с Google Cloud . Проекты совместно используются Firebase и Google Cloud , поэтому в проектах могут быть включены сервисы Firebase и Google Cloud . Вы можете получить доступ к тому же проекту из консоли Firebase или консоли Google Cloud . Конкретно:
Некоторые продукты Firebase поддерживаются непосредственно Google Cloud , например Cloud Storage for Firebase . Список продуктов, поддерживаемых Google Cloud , со временем будет расширяться.
Многие ваши настройки, включая информацию о соавторах и платежную информацию, используются Firebase и Google Cloud совместно. Использование вами Firebase и Google Cloud отображается в одном счете.
Кроме того, при переходе на план Blaze вы можете использовать любую инфраструктуру как услугу и API мирового класса Google Cloud непосредственно внутри своего проекта Firebase по стандартным ценам Google Cloud . Вы также можете экспортировать данные из Google Cloud непосредственно в BigQuery для анализа. Дополнительную информацию см. в статье Связывание BigQuery с Firebase.
Использование Google Cloud с Firebase дает множество преимуществ по повышению безопасности, уменьшению задержек и экономии времени (по сравнению с другими облачными сервисами, которые не расположены рядом). Посетите сайт Google Cloud для получения более подробной информации.
Что произойдет с моим проектом Firebase, если я добавлю или удалю платежные аккаунты для этого проекта в консоли Google Cloud ?
Если учетная запись Cloud Billing добавлена в проект в консоли Google Cloud , тот же проект будет автоматически повышен до плана Firebase Blaze, если этот проект в настоящее время находится в плане Spark.
Напротив, если существующая активная учетная запись Cloud Billing будет удалена из проекта в консоли Google Cloud , уровень этого проекта будет понижен до плана Firebase Spark.
Могу ли я повысить, понизить или отменить подписку в любое время?
Да, вы можете повысить, понизить или отменить подписку в любое время. Обратите внимание, что мы не предоставляем пропорциональное возмещение при понижении или отмене подписки. Это означает, что если вы понизите подписку или отмените подписку до окончания расчетного периода, вы все равно будете платить за оставшуюся часть месяца.
Какую поддержку я получу?
Все приложения Firebase, в том числе те, которые используют бесплатные планы, получают поддержку по электронной почте от сотрудников Firebase в рабочее время в Тихоокеанском регионе США. Все учетные записи имеют неограниченную поддержку по вопросам, связанным с выставлением счетов, проблемами, связанными с учетной записью, техническими вопросами (устранением неполадок) и отчетами об инцидентах.
Могу ли я ограничить использование плана Blaze?
Нет, в настоящее время вы не можете ограничить использование плана Blaze. Мы рассматриваем варианты поддержки ограничений на использование плана Blaze.
Пользователи Blaze могут определить бюджет для своего проекта или учетной записи и получать оповещения, когда их расходы приближаются к этому пределу. Узнайте, как настроить оповещения о бюджете .
Что такое автоматическое резервное копирование? Вы предлагаете ежечасное резервное копирование?
Предлагаете ли вы скидки на открытый исходный код, некоммерческие или образовательные программы?
Наш план Spark может использоваться любым типом индивидуального или организации, включая некоммерческие, школы и проекты с открытым исходным кодом. Поскольку эти планы уже включают в себя щедрые квоты, мы не предлагаем никаких специальных скидок или планов по проектам с открытым исходным кодом, некоммерческими или образовательными проектами.
Вы предлагаете корпоративные контракты, ценообразование, поддержку или выделенное хостинг инфраструктуры?
Наш план пламени подходит для предприятий всех размеров, и наш SLA соответствует или превышает отраслевой стандарт для облачной инфраструктуры. Тем не менее, в настоящее время мы не предлагаем корпоративные контракты, ценообразование или поддержку, и при этом мы не предлагаем выделенного хостинга инфраструктуры (то есть локальных инсталляций) для таких услуг, как наша Realtime Database . Мы усердно работаем, добавляя некоторые из этих функций.
Вы предлагаете специальные цены? Я хочу платить как вы за один или две функции.
Мы предлагаем специальные цены в плане пламени, где вы платите только за используемые вами функции.
Как оплачиваемые планы пожарной базы работают с Ads ? Существуют ли бесплатные рекламные кредиты с платными планами?
Планы ценообразования Firebase отделены от Ads , поэтому нет рекламных кредитов без затрат. Как разработчик Firebase, вы можете «связать» свою учетную запись Ads с Firebase для поддержки отслеживания конверсии.
Все рекламные кампании управляются непосредственно в Ads , и выставление счетов Ads управляется с консоли Ads .
Cloud Functions цены
Зачем мне нужна биллинговая учетная запись для использования Cloud Functions for Firebase ?
Cloud Functions for Firebase опираются на некоторые платные сервисы Google. Новые функции развертывания с Firebase CLI 11.2.0 и выше полагаются на реестр Cloud Build и Artifact Registry . Развертывания для более старых версий используют Cloud Build таким же образом, но полагаются на Container Registry и Cloud Storage для хранения вместо Artifact Registry . Использование этих услуг будет выставлено в дополнение к существующим ценам.
Место для хранения для Firebase CLI 11.2.0 и более новые версии
Artifact Registry предоставляет контейнеры, в которых работают функции. Artifact Registry предоставляет первые 500 МБ бесплатно, поэтому ваши первые развертывания функций могут не понести никаких сборов. Помимо этого порога, каждый дополнительный ГБ хранилища выставляется в размере 0,10 доллара в месяц.
Место для хранения для Firebase CLI 11.1.x и предыдущие версии
Для функций, развернутых для более старых версий, Container Registry предоставляет контейнеры, в которых работают функции. Вам будет выставлен счет за каждый контейнер, необходимый для развертывания функции. Вы можете заметить небольшие сборы за каждый сохраненный контейнер, например, 1 ГБ хранилища выставляется в размере 0,026 долл. США в месяц .
Чтобы узнать больше о том, как может измениться ваш счет, просмотрите следующее
У Cloud Functions for Firebase все еще нет стоимости использования?
Да. В плане пламени Cloud Functions предоставляет недорогой уровень для вызовов, вычислений и интернет-трафика. Первые 2 000 000 вызовов, 400 000 ГБ, 200 000 CPU-SEC и 5 ГБ перемещения по выходу в Интернет бесплатно предоставляются каждый месяц. Вам будет предъявлено плата только за использование выше этих порогов.
После первых 500 МБ без затрат на хранение каждая операция развертывания будет нести небольшие заряды для места хранения, используемого для контейнера функции. Если ваш процесс разработки зависит от развертывания функций для тестирования, вы можете дополнительно минимизировать затраты, используя Firebase Local Emulator Suite во время разработки.
Планирует ли Firebase поднять квоты и ограничения для Cloud Functions for Firebase ?
Нет. Нет планов по изменению квот, за исключением удаления максимального ограничения построения времени; Вместо того, чтобы получать ошибки или предупреждения, когда будет достигнута квота в ежедневную сборку 120 минут, вы будете выставлены в соответствии с условиями плана ценообразования. Смотрите квоты и ограничения .
Могу ли я получить кредит Google Cloud $ 300?
Да, вы можете создать Cloud Billing учетную запись на консоли Google Cloud , чтобы получить кредит в размере 300 долларов США, а затем связать эту Cloud Billing учетную запись с проектом Firebase.
Обратите внимание, что если вы сделаете это, вы должны установить план ценообразования Blaze в консоли Firebase , чтобы ваш проект продолжил работу после исчерпания кредита в размере 300 долларов США.
Я хочу следовать за CodeLab, чтобы узнать о Firebase. Можете ли вы дать мне временный счет счетов?
Нет, извини. Вы можете использовать эмулятор Firebase для разработки без учетной Cloud Billing . В качестве альтернативы попробуйте подать заявку на бесплатную пробную версию Google Cloud . Если у вас все еще есть проблемы с оплатой счета из -за этого изменения, свяжитесь с поддержкой Firebase.
Чтобы использовать расширения, вам нужно будет перейти на план ценообразования. У вас будет взиматься небольшая сумма (как правило , около 0,01 долл. США в месяц за ресурсы Firebase, требуемые каждому продлению, которое вы устанавливаете (даже если они не используются), в дополнение к любым сбору, связанным с использованием вами служб Firebase.
Cloud Storage for Firebase
Как предсказать, сколько мне будет выставлен счет за операции загрузки и загрузки?
Посетите страницу ценообразования Firebase и используйте калькулятор плана пламени . Калькулятор перечисляет все типы использования для Cloud Storage for Firebase .
Используйте ползунки, чтобы ввести ожидаемое использование вашего ведра для хранения. Калькулятор оценит ваш ежемесячный счет.
Что произойдет, если я превышаю ограничения загрузки, загрузки, загрузки или хранения плана Spark для Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
Если вы превышаете ограничения для Cloud Storage в проекте по плану Spark, результат зависит от типа лимита, который вы превышаете:
Если вы превышаете сохраняемый лимит GB , вы не сможете сохранить больше данных в этом проекте, если вы не удалите некоторые данные, хранящиеся или обновите план, который обеспечивает больше места для хранения или неограниченное пространство для хранения.
Если вы превышаете загруженный лимит GB , ваше приложение не сможет загружать больше данных до следующего дня (начиная с полночь, US Pacific Time), если вы не обновите план с менее ограничивающими пределами или без ограничений.
Если вы превышаете ограничение загрузки или загрузки операций , ваше приложение не сможет загружать или загружать больше данных до следующего дня (начиная с полночь, США в Тихоокеанском регионе), если вы не обновите план с менее ограничительными пределами или без пределы.
Где я могу найти информацию о конфиденциальности и безопасности в Firebase?
Регистрирует ли SDK Firebase какую -либо информацию об использовании/диагностике вне аналитики?
Да. Это в настоящее время только для iOS, но может измениться в будущем. SDK Firebase Apple SDK включает в себя фреймворк FirebaseCoreDiagnostics по умолчанию. Эта структура используется Firebase для сбора информации о использовании и диагностике SDK, чтобы помочь расставить приоритеты в будущих улучшениях продукта. FirebaseCoreDiagnostics является необязательным, поэтому, если вы хотите отказаться от отправки диагностических журналов Firebase, вы можете сделать это, отключив библиотеку из вашего приложения. Вы можете просмотреть полный источник, включая зарегистрированные значения, на GitHub
A/B Testing
A/B Testing : сколько экспериментов я могу создать и запустить?
Вам разрешено до 300 экспериментов по проекту, которые могут состоять из 24 экспериментов, а остальные в качестве проекта или завершены.
A/B Testing : Почему я не могу просматривать свои эксперименты после закрытия и повторного связывания своего проекта с Google Analytics?
Ссылка на другую свойство Google Analytics заставит вас потерять доступ к экспериментам, созданным заранее. Чтобы восстановить доступ к предыдущему эксперименту, переосмыслить свой проект с свойством Google Analytics , который был связан при создании эксперимента.
A/B Testing : Почему я получаю сообщение «Проект, не связанный с Google Analytics» при создании удаленного конфигурационного эксперимента?
Если вы уже связали Firebase и Google Analytics , но все же видите сообщение о том, что Google Analytics не связана, убедитесь, что для всех приложений существует поток аналитики для всех приложений в вашем проекте. В настоящее время все приложения в проекте должны быть подключены к потоку Google Analytics для использования A/B -тестирования.
Вы можете найти список всех активных потоков на странице сведений о интеграции Google Analytics в консоли Firebase, доступной из settingsнастройки проектаchevron_rightIntegrationschevron_rightGoogle Analyticschevron_rightManage .
Создание потока Google Analytics для любого приложения, в котором нет никакого, должно решить проблему. Есть несколько способов создания потоков для пропущенных приложений:
Если у вас есть только одно или два приложения, отсутствующие поток Google Analytics, вы можете выбрать один из следующих методов для добавления потока Google Analytics:
Удалить и повторно добавить любое приложение без активного потока в консоли Firebase.
На консоли Google Analytics выберите Admin , нажмите потоки данных , затем нажмите «Добавить потоки» , добавить данные отсутствующего приложения и нажмите приложение Register .
Если у вас есть более чем несколько пропущенных потоков приложений, отключение и перераспределение вашего свойства Google Analytics является самым быстрым и эффективным способом создания пропущенных потоков приложений:
В рамках карты Google Analytics нажмите «Управление» , чтобы получить доступ к настройкам Firebase и Google Analytics.
Запишите идентификатор свойства Google Analytics и связанную учетную запись Google Analytics .
Нажмите more_vertMore и выберите Unlink Analytics из этого проекта .
Просмотрите предупреждение, которое появляется (не волнуйтесь здесь; вы пересматриваете одно и то же свойство на следующем шаге), затем нажмите Unlink Google Analytics .
Когда отключение будет завершено, вы будете перенаправлены на страницу интеграции .
В рамках карты Google Analytics , нажмите «Включить» , чтобы начать процесс перехода.
Выберите свою учетную запись Analytics в списке выбора учетных записей .
Кроме того, автоматически создайте новое свойство в этой учетной записи , нажмите editредактирование» , и из появляющегося списка свойств аналитики выберите идентификатор вашего свойства.
Появится список всех приложений в вашем проекте. Существующие сопоставления потоков для каждого приложения перечислены, а приложения, у которых нет потока, будет создан для них.
Нажмите «Включить Google Analytics», чтобы переосмыслить свойство.
AdMob : использовать AdMob , какие SDK мне следует использовать?
Чтобы использовать AdMob , всегда используйте Google Mobile Ads SDK, как описано в этом часто задаваемых вопросах. Кроме того, и, необязательно, если вы хотите собрать метрики пользователей для AdMob , то включите Firebase SDK для Google Analytics в ваше приложение.
Для проектов Android : Добавьте зависимость для Google Mobile Ads SDK в ваш файл build.gradle : implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:23.3.0'
Analytics : Почему Google Analytics является рекомендуемой частью использования продуктов Firebase?
Google Analytics - это бесплатное и неограниченное аналитическое решение, которое работает с функциями Firebase для предоставления мощных представлений. Это позволяет вам просматривать журналы событий в Crashlytics , эффективность уведомления в FCM , производительность глубоких ссылок для Dynamic Links и данные о покупке в приложении от Google Play . Он поддерживает продвинутую аудиторию в Remote Config , персонализации Remote Config и многое другое.
Google Analytics выступает в качестве уровня интеллекта в консоли Firebase , чтобы дать вам более эффективную информацию о том, как разработать высококачественное приложение, расширить базу пользователей и заработать больше денег.
Analytics : Как мне контролировать, как передаются данные моей Analytics с остальной частью Firebase?
По умолчанию ваши данные Google Analytics используются для улучшения других функций Firebase и Google. Вы можете управлять тем, как ваши данные Google Analytics используются в настройках вашего проекта в любое время. Узнайте больше о настройках обмена данными .
Analytics : Как мне обновить настройки свойства Analytics?
На странице администратора в своем свойстве Google Analytics вы можете обновить настройки свойства, например:
Настройки обмена данными
Настройки хранения данных
Часовой пояс и настройки валюты
Чтобы обновить настройки вашего свойства, выполните следующие действия:
Analytics : Почему я не вижу никаких Analytics данных в консоли Firebase после закрытия Firebase из Google Analytics?
Analytics данные находятся в свойстве Google Analytics, а не в рамках проекта Firebase. Если вы удалите или раскрываете свойство, то Analytics данные не будут доступны для Firebase, и вы увидите пустую панель панели Analytics в консоли Firebase . Обратите внимание, что, поскольку данные по -прежнему находятся в ранее связанном свойстве, вы всегда можете пережить свойство в Firebase и увидеть данные Analytics в консоли Firebase .
Связывая новую учетную запись Google Analytics (и, следовательно, новая собственность Google Analytics) с вашим проектом Firebase приведет к пустой аналитической панели Analytics в консоли Firebase . Однако, если ваше ранее связанное свойство все еще существует, вы можете перенести существующие данные от старого свойства в новое свойство.
Analytics : Если моя собственность Analytics и ее данные были удалены, есть ли способ вернуть их?
Нет. Если ваша собственность была удалена, невозможно не удалить свойство или извлечь ранее собранные данные Analytics хранящиеся в этом свойстве.
Если вы хотите снова начать использовать Google Analytics, вы можете связать либо новое свойство, либо существующее свойство в свой проект Firebase. Вы можете сделать это, связывая в консоли Firebase или в пользовательском интерфейсе Google Analytics. Узнайте больше о связывании свойства Google Analytics с вашим проектом Firebase.
Analytics : Если моя собственность Analytics была удалена, могу ли я связать новое свойство Google Analytics с моим проектом Firebase и снова начать использовать Analytics ?
Если вы хотите снова начать использовать Google Analytics, вы можете связать либо новое свойство, либо существующее свойство с вашим проектом Firebase. Вы можете сделать это, связывая в консоли Firebase или в пользовательском интерфейсе Google Analytics. Узнайте больше о связывании свойства Google Analytics с вашим проектом Firebase.
Обратите внимание, что, поскольку все данные Analytics хранятся в собственности (не в проекте Firebase), ранее собранные данные Analytics не могут быть извлечены.
Analytics : как будет влиять на продукты Firebase или интегрированные продукты Google по удалению моей собственности Analytics?
Несколько продуктов Firebase полагаются на интеграцию Google Analytics. Если ваше свойство Analytics и его данные удалены, произойдет следующее, если вы используете следующие продукты:
Crashlytics -Вы больше не можете видеть пользователей без сбоев, журналы Breadcrumb и/или оповещения о скорости.
Cloud Messaging и In-App Messaging -вы больше не можете использовать таргетинг, метрики кампании, сегментацию аудитории и аналитические этикетки.
Remote Config - вы больше не можете использовать целевые конфигурации или персонализацию.
A/B Testing - вы больше не можете использовать A/B Testing , так как измерение эксперимента предоставляется Google Analytics.
Dynamic Links - любая функция, которая опирается на данные из Google Analytics, будет нарушена.
Analytics : как я сегментирую пользователей, которые не соответствовали критерию?
Вы можете переосмыслить проблему, «негативно нацеливая» этих пользователей. Например, переосмыслить проблему как «Не показывайте рекламу людям, которые что -то купили», и сформируйте аудиторию этих пользователей, чтобы нацелиться.
Analytics : Доступны ли аудитория и/или события, также определенные в интерфейсе Google Analytics, также в консоли Firebase ?
Ваша аудитория и свойства пользователя будут синхронизированы. Для некоторых функций вам нужно использовать интерфейс Google Analytics, такой как сегментация и закрытые воронки. Вы можете получить доступ к интерфейсу Google Analytics непосредственно через глубокие связи из консоли Firebase .
Любые изменения, которые вы вносите из консоли Firebase также могут быть выполнены в Google Analytics, и эти изменения будут отражены в Firebase.
Firebase Authentication : какие регионы поддерживаются для аутентификации телефона?
Firebase Authentication поддерживает проверку номера телефона по всему миру, но не все сети надежно доставляют проверенные сообщения. В следующих регионах хорошие ставки доставки, и следует ожидать, что они будут хорошо работать для аутентификации по телефону. Там, где отмечается, некоторые перевозчики недоступны в регионе из -за плохих показателей успеха доставки.
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Антигуа и Барбуда
Американское Самоа
Босния и Герцеговина
лучший друг
Конго, (Киншаса)
Центральноафриканская Республика
компьютерная графика
Конго (Браззавиль)
Берег Слоновой Кости
Острова Кука
Чешская Республика
Доминиканская Республика
восточноевропейское время
Фолклендские острова (Мальвинские острова)
Микронезия, Федеративные Штаты
Фарерские острова
Французская Гвиана
врач общей практики
Экваториальная Гвинея
Гонконг, САР Китая
Остров Мэн
Коморские острова
Сент-Китс и Невис
Корея (Южная)
Каймановы острова
Лаосская НДР
доктор медицинских наук
Сен-Мартен (французская часть)
Македония, Республика
Макао, САР Китая
Северная Каролина
Новая Каледония
Остров Норфолк
Новая Зеландия
Новая Зеландия
Папуа-Новая Гвинея
Сен-Пьер и Микелон
Палестинская территория
контроль качества
Российская Федерация
Саудовская Аравия
Сейшельские острова
Остров Святой Елены
Сан-Томе и Принсипи
Острова Тёркс и Кайкос
Тринидад и Тобаго
Тайвань, Китайская Республика
Танзания, Объединенная Республика
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
Венесуэла (Боливарианская Республика)
Британские Виргинские острова
Виргинские острова, США
Firebase Authentication : Как я могу предотвратить злоупотребление SMS при использовании аутентификации телефона?
Чтобы помочь защитить ваш проект от SMS -трафика и злоупотребления API, предпринимайте следующие шаги:
Ищите регионы с очень большим количеством отправленных SMS и очень низким числом (или ноль) проверенных SMS. Соотношение проверки/отправленного - ваш показатель успеха. Здоровые показатели успеха обычно находятся в диапазоне 70-85%, поскольку SMS не является гарантированным протоколом доставки, а некоторые регионы могут испытывать злоупотребления. Показатели успеха ниже 50% подразумевают много отправленных SMS, но несколько успешных входов, что является общим показателем плохих актеров и SMS -трафика.
Используйте SMS -региональную политику , чтобы либо отклонить SMS -регионы с низкими показателями успеха, либо разрешить только определенные регионы, только если ваше приложение предназначено только для распределения на определенных рынках.
Ограничьте свои авторизованные домены аутентификации
Используйте панель подлинности настройки подлинности для управления авторизованными доменами. Домен localhost добавляется по умолчанию к утвержденным доменам аутентификации для упрощения разработки. Подумайте о том, чтобы удалить localhost из авторизованных доменов в вашем производственном проекте, чтобы предотвратить управление плохими субъектами в своемlocalhost для доступа к вашему производственному проекту.
Включить и обеспечить проверку приложений
Включите проверку приложений , чтобы помочь защитить ваш проект от злоупотребления API, подтверждая, что запросы поступают только из приложений, связанных с вашим проектом.
Помните, что вам необходимо обеспечить проверку приложений для аутентификации в консоли Firebase (рассмотрите возможность мониторинга трафика перед применением). Кроме того, дважды проверьте свой список одобренных сайтов Recaptcha Enterprise, чтобы подтвердить, что он содержит только ваши производственные сайты, и что список приложений, зарегистрированных для вашего проекта в проверке приложения, является точным.
Обратите внимание, что проверка приложений помогает защитить от автоматических атак, утверждая, что вызов поступает из одного из ваших зарегистрированных приложений. Это не мешает пользователям использовать ваше приложение непреднамеренными способами (например, запуск, затем никогда не заканчивая потоки логина для генерации отправленных SMS).
Firebase Authentication : переносятся ли номера телефонных номеров новым операторам, поддерживаемым подлинностью по телефону?
В настоящее время числа, переносимые между перевозчиками, приведут к тому, что все SMS станут невозвратимыми для этих конечных пользователей. Обходного пути нет, и Firebase работает над этим вопросом.
Firebase Authentication : в моем приложении Android, почему я получаю следующую ошибку: Google sign in failed ?
Следуйте шагам по устранению неполадок в этом FAQ, если вы получите следующую ошибку:
GoogleFragment: Google sign in failed
com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 13: Unable to get token.
Убедитесь, что вход в Google правильно включен в качестве поставщика аутентификации:
В вкладке «Метод знака» отключите, а затем повторно включено метод входа в Google (даже если он уже включен):
Откройте метод входа в Google , отключите его, а затем нажмите «Сохранить» .
Откройте метод входа в Google , включите его, а затем нажмите «Сохранить» .
Кроме того, в конфигурации поставщика входа в систему Google в разделе Authentication убедитесь, что идентификатор клиента OAuth и секрет совпадают с веб-клиентом, отображаемой на странице учетных данных на консоли Google Cloud (посмотрите в разделе идентификатора клиентов OAuth 2.0 ).
Firebase Authentication : в моем веб-приложении, почему вход в систему с перенаправлением, снятыми со следующей ошибкой: This domain YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is not authorized to run this operation ?
Следуйте шагам по устранению неполадок в этом FAQ, если вы получите следующую ошибку:
This domain YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is not authorized to run this operation.
Эта ошибка, скорее всего, вызвана тем, что ваш домен перенаправления не указан в качестве авторизованного домена для Firebase Authentication , или ключ API, который вы используете со службой Firebase Authentication недействителен.
Сначала убедитесь, что YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN находится в списке авторизованных доменов для вашего проекта Firebase. Если ваш домен перенаправления уже указан там, продолжайте устранение неверного ключа API.
По умолчанию Firebase Authentication JS SDK опирается на ключ API для вашего проекта Firebase, который помечен как Browser key , и использует этот ключ, чтобы убедиться, что URL-адрес входа в регистрацию действителен в соответствии со списком авторизованных доменов. Authentication получает этот ключ API в зависимости от того, как вы получаете доступ к Authentication SDK:
Если вы используете Hosting -provided Authers, чтобы войти в систему пользователей с Authentication JS SDK, то Firebase автоматически получает ваш ключ API с остальной частью конфигурации Firebase каждый раз, когда вы развертываете в Firebase Hosting . Убедитесь, что authDomain в вашем веб -приложении firebaseConfigправильно настроен на использование одного из доменов для этого сайта Hosting . Вы можете проверить это, перейдя на https:// authDomain __/firebase/init.json , и проверив, что projectId соответствует вашему firebaseConfig .
Если вы самостоятельно ведете код входа , то вы можете использовать файл __/firebase/init.json , чтобы обеспечить конфигурацию Firebase для самостоятельной Authentication JS SDK Redirect Helper. Ключ API и projectId , указанный в этом файле конфигурации, должны соответствовать вашему веб -приложению firebaseConfig .
Проверьте, чтобы убедиться, что этот ключ API не был удален: перейдите на панель API & Services> Учетные данные в Cloud Console Google, где перечислены все ключи API для вашего проекта.
Если Browser keyне был удален, проверьте следующее:
Если вы самостоятельно ведете код входа, убедитесь, что ключ API, указанный в вашем файле __/firebase/init.json соответствует клавишу API в облачной консоли. Поправьте ключ в файле, если это необходимо, затем переведите приложение.
Если Browser key была удалена, вы можете создать для вас новый ключ API: в консоли Firebase перейдите в settings > Настройки проекта , затем в разделе ваших приложений нажмите на свое веб -приложение. Это действие автоматически создает ключ API, который вы можете увидеть в разделе SDK настройки и конфигурации для вашего веб -приложения.
Обратите внимание, что в облачной консоли этот новый ключ API не будет называться Browser key ; Вместо этого это будет то же имя, что и прозвище вашего веб -приложения Firebase. Если вы решите добавить ограничения API в этот новый ключ API, убедитесь, что API Firebase Authentication находится в списке разрешенных API.
После создания вашего нового ключа API выполните приведенные ниже шаги:
Если вы используете зарезервированные URL -адреса Hosting , то переведите свое приложение на Firebase, чтобы оно могло автоматически получить новый ключ API с остальной частью вашей конфигурации Firebase.
Если вы самостоятельно управляете кодом входа , скопируйте новый клавиш API и добавьте его в свой файл __/firebase/init.json , а затем переведите ваше приложение.
Firebase Authentication : Как мне вручную построить веб -клиент OAuth ??
В верхней части страницы выберите «Создать учетные данные»> «Идентификатор клиента OAuth» .
Если вам предложено настроить экран вашего согласия, следуйте инструкциям на экране, а затем продолжите следующие шаги этого часто задаваемых вопросов.
Создайте веб -клиент OAuth:
Для типа приложения выберите веб -приложение .
Для авторизованного происхождения JavaScript добавьте следующее:
https:// PROJECT_ID .firebaseapp.com
https:// PROJECT_ID .web.app
Для авторизованного перенаправления URIS добавьте следующее:
На вкладке «Метод регистрации » откройте поставщик записи Google , а затем вставьте идентификатор клиента веб-сервера и секрет, который вы только что построили и скопировали из Google Cloud . Нажмите Сохранить .
Firebase Authentication : как %APP_NAME% определяется для шаблона электронной почты для подтверждения электронного письма, которое можно отправить пользователю при регистрации с использованием адреса электронной почты и пароля?
Before December 2022, the %APP_NAME% in the email template was populated with the OAuth brand name that was automatically provisioned whenever an Android app was registered in the Firebase project. Now, since the OAuth brand is provisioned only when Google sign-in is enabled, the following describes how %APP_NAME% is determined:
If the OAuth brand name is available, then the %APP_NAME% in the email template will be the OAuth brand name (same as pre-December 2022 behavior).
If the OAuth brand name is not available, here's how the %APP_NAME% in the email template is determined:
For web apps , the %APP_NAME% will be the default Firebase Hosting site name (the value preceding .firebaseapp.com and .web.app and usually the Firebase project ID).
For mobile apps:
If the Android package name or iOS bundle ID is present in the request, then the %APP_NAME% will be the app name used in the Play Store or App Store (respectively).
Otherwise, the %APP_NAME% will be the default Firebase Hosting site name (the value preceding .firebaseapp.com and .web.app and usually the Firebase project ID).
Note that if the lookup of the default Firebase Hosting site name fails, then the final fallback is to use the Firebase project ID as the %APP_NAME% .
Cloud Functions
Cloud Functions runtime support
How do I upgrade to the latest supported version of Node.js?
How can I make sure I deployed my functions to a specific Node.js runtime?
In the Firebase console, go to the functions dashboard , select a function, and check the function's language under Additional details .
I use Firebase Extensions. Will I be affected by Cloud Functions runtime updates?
Да. Since extensions use Cloud Functions , the runtime of your extensions will need to be updated on the same timeline as Cloud Functions.
We recommend that you periodically update to the latest version of each extension installed in your project. You can upgrade your projects' extensions via the Firebase console or Firebase CLI .
Cloud Messaging
Cloud Messaging : What's the difference between the Notifications composer and Cloud Messaging ?
Firebase Cloud Messaging provides a complete set of messaging capabilities through its client SDKs and HTTP and XMPP server protocols. For deployments with more complex messaging requirements, FCM is the right choice.
The Notifications composer is a lightweight, serverless messaging solution built on Firebase Cloud Messaging . With a user-friendly graphical console and reduced coding requirements, the Notifications composer lets users easily send messages to reengage and retain users, foster app growth, and support marketing campaigns.
Notifications composer
Cloud Messaging
Одно устройство
Clients subscribed to topics (ie weather)
Clients in predefined user segment (app, version, language)
Clients in specified analytics audiences
Clients in device groups
Upstream from client to server
Тип сообщения
Notifications up to 2kb
Data messages up to 4kb
Future client device local time
Built-in Notifications analytics collection and funnel analytics
Cloud Messaging : Apple announced they're deprecating the legacy binary protocol for APNs. Нужно ли мне что-нибудь делать?
No. Firebase Cloud Messaging switched to the HTTP/2-based APNs protocol in 2017. If you are using FCM to send notifications to iOS devices, there should be no action required on your part.
Cloud Messaging : Do I need to use other Firebase services in order to use FCM ?
You can use Firebase Cloud Messaging as a standalone component, in the same manner as you did with GCM, without using other Firebase services.
Cloud Messaging : I am an existing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) developer. Should I move to Firebase Cloud Messaging ?
FCM is the new version of GCM under the Firebase brand. It inherits GCM's core infrastructure, with new SDKs to make Cloud Messaging development easier.
Benefits of upgrading to FCM SDK include:
Simpler client development. You no longer have to write your own registration or subscription retry logic.
An out-of-the-box notification solution. You can use the Notifications composer, a serverless notifications solution with a web console that lets anyone send notifications to target specific audiences based on insights from Google Analytics.
To upgrade from GCM SDKs to FCM SDKs, see the guides for migrating Android and iOS apps.
Cloud Messaging : Why do my targeted devices apparently fail to receive messages?
When it looks like devices haven't successfully received messages, check first for these two potential causes:
Foreground message handling for notification messages . Client apps need to add message handling logic to handle notification messages when the app is in the foreground on the device. See the details for iOS and Android .
Network firewall restrictions . If your organization has a firewall that restricts the traffic to or from the Internet, you need to configure it to allow connectivity with FCM in order for your Firebase Cloud Messaging client apps to receive messages. The ports to open are:
FCM usually uses 5228, but it sometimes uses 5229 and 5230. FCM does not provide specific IPs, so you should allow your firewall to accept outgoing connections to all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google's ASN of 15169 .
Cloud Messaging : I have implemented onMessageReceived in my Android app, but it is not being called.
When your app is in the background, notification messages are displayed in the system tray, and onMessageReceived is not called. For notification messages with a data payload, the notification message is displayed in the system tray, and the data that was included with the notification message can be retrieved from the intent launched when the user taps on the notification.
Notifications composer: What's the difference between the Notifications composer and Cloud Messaging ?
The Notifications composer is a lightweight, serverless messaging solution built on Firebase Cloud Messaging . With a user-friendly graphical console and reduced coding requirements, the Notifications composer lets users easily send messages to reengage and retain users, foster app growth, and support marketing campaigns.
Firebase Cloud Messaging provides a complete set of messaging capabilities through its client SDKs and HTTP and XMPP server protocols. For deployments with more complex messaging requirements, FCM is the right choice.
Here's a comparison of the messaging capabilities provided by Firebase Cloud Messaging and the Notifications composer:
Notifications composer
Cloud Messaging
Одно устройство
Clients subscribed to topics (ie weather)
Clients in predefined user segment (app, version, language)
Clients in specified analytics audiences
Clients in device groups
Upstream from client to server
Тип сообщения
Notifications up to 2kb
Data messages up to 4kb
Future client device local time
Built-in Notifications analytics collection and funnel analytics
Notifications composer: I am an existing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) developer, and I want to use the Notifications composer. Что я должен делать?
The Notifications composer is an out-of-the-box solution that lets anyone send notifications to target specific audiences based on insights from Google Analytics. Also, the Notifications composer provides funnel analysis for every message, allowing easy evaluation of notification effectiveness.
If you are an existing GCM developer, to use the Notifications composer you have to upgrade from GCM SDKs to FCM SDKs. See the guides for migrating Android and iOS apps.
FCM features deprecated in June 2023
Which FCM APIs were deprecated on June 20, 2023, and what should I do if I am using those APIs?
The following APIs/SDKs will be affected by the deprecation:
Server APIs
Конечная точка API
Impact on users
Действие требуется
Legacy HTTP protocol
Requests to the endpoint will start failing after 6/21/2024.
API calls to FirebaseMessaging.send in the app won't trigger upstream messages to the app server after 6/21/2024.
Implement this functionality in your server logic. For example, some developers implement their own HTTP/gRPC endpoint and call the endpoint directly to send messages from their clients to the app server. See this gRPC Quick start for an example implementation of upstream messaging using gRPC.
Batch Send API
Requests to the endpoint will start failing after 6/21/2024.
These APIs will stop working after 6/21/2024 because they call the batch send API .
Upgrade to the latest Firebase Admin SDK and use the new APIs instead: sendEach()/ sendEachAsync()/send_each()/sendEachForMulticast()/sendEachForMulticastAsync()/ send_each_for_multicast() .
Note that the new APIs no longer call the deprecated batch send API, and for this reason they may create more concurrent HTTP connections than the old APIs.
Client SDKs
SDK versions
Impact on users
Действие требуется
GCM SDKs (deprecated in 2018)
Apps using GCM SDKs will not be able to register tokens nor receive messages from FCM after 6/21/2024.
Upgrade your Android SDK to the latest Firebase SDK if you haven't already done so.
JS SDKs version <7.0.0 (breaking change at version 7.0.0 in 2019)
Web apps using older JS SDKs will not be able to register tokens after 6/21/2024.
Upgrade your Firebase Web SDK to the latest version.
Will I see a service downgrade before June 2024?
No. You have 12 months (06/20/2023 - 06/21/2024) to migrate from the old APIs to new APIs without any service downgrade. We strongly recommend you to plan the migration as early as possible so you won't be impacted by the decommissioning of the APIs in June 2024.
After June 2024, you may see increased errors or lack of functionality when using the APIs/SDKs listed above (see the next FAQ for more information).
How and when will the deprecated APIs be shut down?
FCM will start a gradual shutdown of deprecated APIs around July 22nd, 2024. After this date, deprecated services will be subject to a "flickering" process in which increasing numbers of requests will return error responses. During the gradual ramp-down period you can expect the following behavior and error responses to increase in frequency over time:
Чего ожидать
Legacy HTTP protocol
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 301.
Legacy XMPP protocol
Requests being rejected with error code 302.
FCM Upstream
Messages being silently dropped by FCM backend.
Batch Send API
Requests being rejected with error code UNIMPLEMENTED and the error message "The API is deprecated."
GCM SDKs - Register Tokens
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 301.
GCM SDKs - Send Messages
Requests being rejected with error code 400 and the error message "V3 token has been deprecated."
JS SDKs version < 7.0.0
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 501.
Using server key to access Instance ID and device group management APIs
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 401.
What's the difference between OAuth 2.0 tokens and server keys?
An OAuth 2.0 token is a short-lived token derived from a service account . It's Google's standard auth model and it's more secure than static server keys.
Note that the request headers differ when you use OAuth 2.0 tokens for requests to different endpoints.
HTTP v1 API : Authorization: Bearer $oauth_token
Instance ID server API and Device group management API : Authorization: Bearer $oauth_token access_token_auth: true
Can I migrate my requests to the new API all at once?
We recommend that you slowly ramp up your traffic to the new API. If you expect to send more than 600,000 messages/min on a regular basis, contact Firebase support for instructions on how to increase quota or get recommendations on how to spread out traffic.
What's the difference between the HTTP v1 API and the legacy APIs when I send messages to topics/device groups?
Topics: you don't need to add the "/topics/" prefix to your topic target when you use the v1 API.
Device groups: You can use a group token as a token target in the HTTP v1 API. However, the HTTP v1 API doesn't return the success/failure counts in the response. We recommend that you use FCM topics or manage your device groups by yourself.
Does the HTTP v1 API support sending messages to multiple tokens in one request?
No. This feature, called "multicast" in legacy HTTP APIs, is not supported by the HTTP v1 API, which is better designed for scalability.
For use cases where end-to-end latency is critical, or where total fanout size is small (fewer than 1 million), Google recommends sending multiple separate requests using the HTTP v1 API. The HTTP v1 API over HTTP/2 performs similarly for 99.9% of multicast requests (sending < 100 tokens). For outlier use cases (sending 1000 tokens), it achieves up to a third of the throughput rate, so additional concurrency is needed to optimize for this atypical use case. Users can experience more reliability and availability with the HTTP v1 API than with legacy multicast.
For use cases where throughput and egress bandwidth are prioritized or where total fanout size is large (greater than 1 million), Google recommends topic messaging. Хотя для обмена сообщениями в теме требуется единоразовое действие для подписки получателей на тему, он предлагает скорость разветвления до 10 000 QPS на проект без максимального ограничения на размер темы.
What versions of the Firebase Admin SDK have the new APIs?
Firebase Admin SDK version
What's the difference between the batch send API and the HTTP v1 API?
The FCM batch send API uses the same message format and authentication mechanism as the HTTP v1 API. However, it uses a different endpoint. If you want to improve efficiency, you should consider using HTTP/2 to send multiple requests over the same HTTP connection to the HTTP v1 API.
What should I do if I can't access my project?
Please reach out to the Google Cloud support team for help.
Can new projects enable the legacy Cloud Messaging API?
No. Starting from 5/20/2024, new projects will no longer be allowed to enable our legacy APIs.
When can I disable the legacy Cloud Messaging API?
Once you are sure that you have fully migrated to the HTTP v1 API, you can disable the legacy Cloud Messaging API (the page may fail to load if the API has already been disabled).
FCM quotas and limits
I need to notify a large customer base within 2 minutes.
Unfortunately, this use case cannot be supported. You must spread your traffic out over 5 minutes.
My app notifies users of events. The messages must be delivered immediately to support my business model. Can I get more quota?
Unfortunately, we cannot grant quota increases for this reason. You must spread your traffic out over 5 minutes.
My messages are about scheduled events and I need to send all my traffic at the top of the hour.
We recommend that you start sending the notifications at least 5 minutes prior to the event.
How long will it take for my quota request to be fulfilled?
This depends a bit on your use of FCM. In any case, you can expect an answer in a few business days. In some cases, there may be some back-and-forth regarding your usage of FCM and various circumstances, which can prolong the process. If all requirements are met, most requests will be handled within 2 weeks.
429s are hard for me / my business to deal with. Can I get an exemption or more quota to avoid getting 429s?
While we understand that quota limits can be challenging, quotas are vital to keeping the service reliable and we can't grant exemptions.
Can I get more quota for a temporary event?
You may request additional quota to support an event lasting up to 1 month. File the request at least 1 month in advance of the event and with clear details on when the event starts and ends, and FCM will make every practical effort to fulfill the request (no increase can be guaranteed). These quota increases will be reverted after the event's end date.
Is my current quota subject to change?
While Google will not do so lightly, quotas may be changed as needed to protect the integrity of the system. When possible, Google will notify you in advance of such changes.
Cloud Storage for Firebase
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why can't I use Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
Cloud Storage for Firebase creates a default bucket in the App Engine no-cost tier. This allows you to quickly get up and running with Firebase and Cloud Storage for Firebase , without having to put in a credit card or enable a Cloud Billing account. It also allows you to easily share data between Firebase and a Google Cloud project.
There are, however, two known cases where this bucket cannot be created and you will be unable to use Cloud Storage for Firebase :
A project imported from Google Cloud which had a App Engine Master/Slave Datastore application.
A project imported from Google Cloud which has domain prefixed projects. For example: domain.com:project-1234 .
There are currently no workarounds to these issues, and we recommend that you create a new project in the Firebase console and enable Cloud Storage for Firebase in that project.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I get error code 412 responses about service account permissions and failed service account operations when using the Cloud Storage for Firebase API?
It's likely you're getting 412 error codes either because the Cloud Storage for Firebase API is not enabled for your project or a necessary service account is missing the required permissions.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : On Spark plan projects, can I store executable files?
For no-cost (Spark) plan projects, Firebase blocks uploads and hosting of certain executable file types for Windows, Android and Apple by Cloud Storage for Firebase and Firebase Hosting . This policy exists to prevent abuse on our platform.
Serving, hosting and file uploads of disallowed files are blocked for all Spark projects created on or after Sept 28th, 2023. For existing Spark projects with files uploaded before that date, such files can still be uploaded and hosted.
This restriction applies to Spark plan projects. Projects on the pay as you go (Blaze) plan are not affected.
The following file types cannot be hosted on Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage for Firebase :
Windows files with .exe , .dll and .bat extensions
Android files with .apk extension
Apple platform files with .ipa extension
Что мне нужно сделать?
If you still want to host these file types after September 28th, 2023:
For Hosting: upgrade to the Blaze plan before you can deploy these file types to Firebase Hosting via the firebase deploy command.
For Storage: upgrade to the Blaze plan to upload these file types to the bucket of your choice using the GCS CLI, the Firebase console, or Google Cloud console.
Use Firebase tools to manage your Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage resources.
For managing resources in Firebase Hosting , use the Firebase console to delete releases according to this guide .
For managing resources in Cloud Storage , navigate to the Storage product page in your project.
On the Files tab, locate disallowed files to delete in your folder hierarchy, then select them using the checkbox next to the filename(s) on the left-hand side of the panel.
Click Delete , and confirm the files were deleted.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I see an unexpected increase in upload and download operations?
Previously, download and upload requests to the Cloud Storage for Firebase API were not being counted properly. We have taken steps to fix this issue, starting from September 15, 2023.
For Blaze users, upload and download operations will start counting towards your monthly bill. For Spark users, they will start counting towards your monthly free limit.
We recommend monitoring your Usage page for any increases that may count towards your limits.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I see new service account IDs associated with my Firebase projects that use Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
Firebase uses service accounts to operate and manage services without sharing user credentials. When you create a Firebase project, you might notice that a number of service accounts are already available in your project.
The service account that Cloud Storage for Firebase uses is scoped to your project and is named service- PROJECT_NUMBER @gcp-sa-firebasestorage.iam.gserviceaccount.com .
If you used Cloud Storage for Firebase before September 19, 2022, you may see an additional service account on previously-linked Cloud Storage buckets named firebase-storage@system.gserviceaccount.com . As of September 19, 2022, this service account is no longer supported.
You can view all service accounts associated with your project in the Firebase console, on the Service accounts tab .
Adding the new service account
If you removed the service account previously or the service account is not present in your project, you may do one of the following to add the account.
(Recommended) Automated: Use the AddFirebase REST endpoint to re-import your bucket into Firebase. You will only need to call this endpoint once, not once for each linked bucket.
We strongly discourage you from removing the service account because this may block access to your Cloud Storage buckets from your apps. To remove the service account from your project, follow the instructions in Disabling a service account .
Dynamic Links : Why does my Android app access each Dynamic Link twice?
The getInvitation API clears the saved Dynamic Link to prevent it from being accessed twice. Be sure to call this API with the autoLaunchDeepLink parameter set to false in each of the deep link activities to clear it for the case when the activity is triggered outside the main activity.
Firebase Local Emulator Suite
Why do Emulator Suite logs show an error starting with "Multiple projectIds are not recommended in single project mode"?
This message means the Emulator Suite has detected it may be running a particular product emulator using different project IDs. This may indicate a misconfiguration, and can cause issues when emulators try to communicate with one another, and when you try to interact with emulators from your code. If project IDs don't match, it often appears that data is missing, since data stored in emulators is keyed to projectID, and interoperability depends on matching project IDs.
This has been a common source of confusion among developers, so by default the Local Emulator Suite will now only allow running with a single project ID, unless you specify otherwise in the firebase.json configuration file. If an emulator detects more than one project ID, it will log a warning and potentially throw a fatal error.
Check your project ID declaration(s) for mismatches in:
The default project set at the command line. By default, the project ID will be taken on startup from the project selected with firebase init or firebase use . To view the list of projects (and see which one is selected) use firebase projects:list .
Юнит-тесты. The project ID is often specified in calls to the Rules Unit Testing library methods initializeTestEnvironment or initializeTestApp . Other testing code may initialize with initializeApp(config) .
The command line --project flag. Passing the Firebase CLI --project flag overrides the default project. You'll need to ensure the value of the flag matches the project ID in unit tests and app initialization.
Platform-specific places to check:
The projectId property in your JavaScript firebaseConfig object, used in initializeApp .
The project_id property inside the google-services.json configuration file.
платформы Apple
The PROJECT_ID property in the GoogleService-Info.plist configuration file.
To disable single project mode, update firebase.json with the singleProjectMode key:
Hosting : On Spark plan projects, can I store executable files?
For no-cost (Spark) plan projects, Firebase blocks uploads and hosting of certain executable file types for Windows, Android and Apple by Cloud Storage for Firebase and Firebase Hosting . This policy exists to prevent abuse on our platform.
Serving, hosting and file uploads of disallowed files are blocked for all Spark projects created on or after Sept 28th, 2023. For existing Spark projects with files uploaded before that date, such files can still be uploaded and hosted.
This restriction applies to Spark plan projects. Projects on the pay as you go (Blaze) plan are not affected.
The following file types cannot be hosted on Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage for Firebase :
Windows files with .exe , .dll and .bat extensions
Android files with .apk extension
Apple platform files with .ipa extension
Что мне нужно сделать?
If you still want to host these file types after September 28th, 2023:
For Hosting: upgrade to the Blaze plan before you can deploy these file types to Firebase Hosting via the firebase deploy command.
For Storage: upgrade to the Blaze plan to upload these file types to the bucket of your choice using the GCS CLI, the Firebase console, or Google Cloud console.
Use Firebase tools to manage your Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage resources.
For managing resources in Firebase Hosting , use the Firebase console to delete releases according to this guide .
For managing resources in Cloud Storage , navigate to the Storage product page in your project.
On the Files tab, locate disallowed files to delete in your folder hierarchy, then select them using the checkbox next to the filename(s) on the left-hand side of the panel.
Click Delete , and confirm the files were deleted.
Hosting : Why does my Hosting release history table in the Firebase console show file counts that are more than what my local project actually has?
Firebase automatically adds extra files containing metadata about the Hosting site, and these files are included in the total file count for the release.
Hosting : What's the largest file size that I can deploy to Firebase Hosting ?
Hosting has a maximum size limit of 2 GB for individual files.
We recommend storing larger files using Cloud Storage , which offers a maximum size limit in the terabyte range for individual objects.
Hosting : How many Hosting sites can I have per Firebase project?
Performance Monitoring : How many custom URL patterns can I create?
You can create up to 400 total custom URL patterns per app and up to 100 custom URL patterns per domain for that app.
Performance Monitoring : Why am I not seeing real time display of performance data?
To view real time performance data, make sure that your app uses a Performance Monitoring SDK version that's compatible with real time data processing.
iOS — v7.3.0 or later
tvOS — v8.9.0 or later
Android — v19.0.10 or later (or Firebase Android BoM v26.1.0 or later)
Web — v7.14.0 or later
Note that we always recommend using the latest version of SDK, but any version listed above will enable Performance Monitoring to process your data in near real time.
Realtime Database
Realtime Database : Why was my Realtime Database reported bandwidth lower than average between September 2016 and March 2017?
For our bandwidth calculations, we normally include SSL encryption overhead (based on layer 5 of the OSI model). However, in September 2016, we introduced a bug that caused our bandwidth reporting to ignore encryption overhead. This might have resulted in artificially low reported bandwidth and bills on your account for a few months.
We released a fix for the bug in late March 2017, returning bandwidth reporting and billing to their normal levels.
Realtime Database : What are the scaling limitations of the Realtime Database ?
Each Realtime Database instance has limits on the number of write operations per second. For small writes, this limit is approximately 1000 write operations per second. If you are approaching this limit, batching operations using multi-path updates can help you achieve higher throughput.
Realtime Database : What can I do if I'm over my Realtime Database usage limits?
If you've received an email alert or notification in the Firebase console that you've exceeded your Realtime Database usage limits, you can address it based on the usage limit you've exceeded. To see your Realtime Database usage, go to the Realtime DatabaseUsage dashboard in the Firebase console.
If you're over your download limit, you can upgrade your Firebase pricing plan or wait until your download limit resets at the start of your next billing cycle. To decrease your downloads, try the following steps:
Add queries to limit the data that your listen operations return.
Check for unindexed queries.
Use listeners that only download updates to data — for example, on() instead of once() .
Use security rules to block unauthorized downloads.
If you're over your storage limit, upgrade your pricing plan to avoid service disruptions. To reduce the amount of data in your database, try the following steps:
Run periodic cleanup jobs.
Reduce any duplicate data in your database.
Note that it may take some time to see any data deletions reflected in your storage allotment.
If you're over your simultaneous database connections limit, upgrade your plan to avoid any service disruptions. To manage simultaneous connections to your database, try connecting via users via the REST API if they don't require a realtime connection.
Remote Config
Remote Config : Why don't fetched values change the behavior and appearance of my app?
Unless you fetch values with fetchAndActivate() , values are stored locally but not activated. To activate fetched values so that they can take effect, call activate . This design lets you control when the behavior and appearance of your app changes, because you can choose when to call activate . After you call activate , your app source code determines when updated parameter values are used.
For example, you could fetch values and then activate them the next time a user starts your app, which removes the need to delay app startup while your app waits for fetched values from the service. Changes to your app's behavior and appearance then occur when your app uses the updated parameter values.
Remote Config : I am making a lot of fetch requests while developing my app. Why doesn't my app always get the latest values from the service when it sends fetch requests?
During app development, you might want to fetch and activate configs very frequently (many times per hour) to let you rapidly iterate as you develop and test your app. To accommodate rapid iteration on a project with up to 10 developers, you can temporarily set a FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings object with a low minimum fetch interval ( setMinimumFetchIntervalInSeconds ) in your app.
Remote Config : How quickly does the Remote Config service return fetched values after my app sends a fetch request?
Devices usually receive fetched values in less than a second, and often receive fetched values in milliseconds. The Remote Config service handles fetch requests within milliseconds, but the time required to complete a fetch request will depend on the network speed of the device and the latency of the network connection used by the device.
If your goal is to make fetched values take effect in your app as soon as possible, but without creating a jarring user experience, consider adding calls to fetchAndActivate each time that your app does a full screen refresh.
Firebase User Segmentation Storage stores Firebase installation IDs and related attributes and segments as well as audience lists you've created to provide targeting information to other Firebase services that use them, such as Crashlytics , FCM , Remote Config personalization, and more.
A Firebase project is the top-level entity for Firebase. In a project, you can register your Apple, Android, or web apps. After you register your apps with Firebase, you can add the product-specific Firebase SDKs to your app, like Analytics , Cloud Firestore , Crashlytics , or Remote Config .
You should register your Apple, Android, and web app variants within a single Firebase project. You can use multiple Firebase projects to support multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production.
Here are some resources for learning more about Firebase projects:
Understand Firebase projects — provides brief overviews of several important concepts about Firebase projects, including their relationship with Google Cloud and the basic hierarchy of a project and its apps and resources.
General best practices for setting up Firebase projects — provides general, high-level best practices for setting up Firebase projects and registering your apps with a project so that you have a clear development workflow that uses distinct environments.
Note that for all Firebase projects, Firebase automatically adds a label of firebase:enabled within the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console. Learn more about this label in our FAQ .
What is a Google Cloud organization?
A Google Cloud organization is a container for Google Cloud projects (including Firebase projects). This hierarchy enables better organization, access management, and auditing of your Google Cloud and Firebase projects. For more information, refer to Creating and Managing Organizations .
How do I add Firebase to an existing Google Cloud project?
You can add Firebase to these existing projects using any of the following options:
Using the Firebase console: In the Firebase console landing page, click Add Project , and then select your existing project from the Project name menu.
Using a programmatic option:
Call the Firebase Management REST API endpoint addFirebase .
Why does my Google Cloud project have a label of firebase:enabled ?
In the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console, you may see a label of firebase:enabled (specifically, a Key of firebase with a Value of enabled ).
Firebase automatically added this label because your project is a Firebase project, which means that your project has Firebase-specific configurations and services enabled for it. Learn more about the relationship between Firebase projects and Google Cloud .
We strongly recommend that you don't modify or delete this label. This label is used by Firebase and Google Cloud to list your Firebase projects (for example, using the REST API projects.list endpoint or in menus within the Firebase console).
Be aware that manually adding this label to your list of project labels does NOT enable Firebase-specific configurations and services for your Google Cloud project. To do that, you need to add Firebase via the Firebase console (or, for advanced use cases, via the Firebase Management REST API or the Firebase CLI ).
Why isn't my Firebase project showing up in my list of Firebase projects?
This FAQ is applicable if you don't see your Firebase project in the following places:
In a list of projects that you're viewing within the Firebase console
In the response from running the Firebase CLI command firebase projects:list
Try these troubleshooting steps:
First, try accessing your project by visiting the project's URL directly. Use the following format: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
If you can't access the project or receive permissions errors, check the following:
Make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that has access to the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Make sure that your project has the label firebase:enabled in the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console. Firebase and Google Cloud use this label to list your Firebase projects. If you do not see this label but the Firebase Management API is enabled for your project, then manually add the label (specifically, a Key of firebase with a Value of enabled ).
Make sure that you're assigned one of the basic IAM roles (Owner, Editor, Viewer) or a role that has Firebase-related permissions in it, for example a Firebase predefined role . You can view your role(s) in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If your project belongs to a Google Cloud organization, you may require additional permissions to see the project listed in the Firebase console. Contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to give you the appropriate role to view the project, for example the Browser role.
If none of the troubleshooting steps above enable you to see your project in a list of Firebase projects, contact Firebase Support .
How many projects can I have per account?
Spark pricing plan — Your project quota is limited to a small number of projects (usually around 5-10).
Blaze pricing plan — Your project quota per Cloud Billing account increases substantially as long as your Cloud Billing account is in good standing.
Note that the complete deletion of a project requires 30 days and counts toward your quota until it is fully deleted.
How many Firebase Apps can I have in a Firebase project?
A Firebase project is a container for Firebase Apps across Apple, Android, and web. Firebase restricts the total number of Firebase Apps within a Firebase project to 30.
After this number, performance starts to degrade (especially for Google Analytics ) and eventually, at a higher number of apps, some product functionality stops working. Additionally, if you use Google sign-in as an authentication provider, an underlying OAuth 2.0 client ID is created for each app in your project. There's a limit of around 30 client IDs that can be created within a single project.
You should ensure that all Firebase Apps within a single Firebase project are platform variants of the same application from an end-user perspective. For example, if you develop a white label application, each independently labeled app should have its own Firebase project, but the Apple and Android versions of that label can be in the same project. Read more detailed guidance in our general best practices for setting up Firebase projects .
In the rare case your project requires more than 30 apps, you can request an app limit increase. Your project must be on the Blaze pricing plan to make this request. Visit the Google Cloud console to make your request and have it evaluated. Learn more about quota management in the Google Cloud documentation.
What happens if I tag my project as a "production" environment?
In the Firebase console, you can tag your Firebase projects with their environment type, either as Production or Unspecified (non-prod) environments.
Tagging your project as an environment type has no effect on how your Firebase project works or its features. However, the tagging can help you and your team manage your various Firebase projects for the app lifecycle.
If you tag your project as a production environment, we add a brightly colored Prod tag to the project in the Firebase console, reminding you that any changes could affect your associated production apps. In the future, we might add more features and safeguards for Firebase projects tagged as production environments.
To change the environment type of your Firebase project, go to settingsProject settings > General , then in the Your project card under Environment , click edit to change the environment type.
Where can I find the App ID for my Firebase app?
In the Firebase console, go to your settingsProject settings . Scroll down to the Your apps card, then click on the desired Firebase App to view the app's information, including its App ID .
Either of the following Firebase roles: Owner or Firebase Admin и
Either of the following Google Play access levels: account Owner or Admin
For linking your AdMob app , you need to be both a Firebase project owner and an AdMob administrator.
For linking your AdWords account , you need to be both a Firebase project owner and an AdWords administrator.
For linking your BigQuery project , you need to be the Firebase project owner.
What open source notices should I include in my app?
On Apple platforms, the Firebase pod contains a NOTICES file which includes the relevant entries. The Firebase Android SDK contains a helper Activity for showing license information.
Permissions and access to Firebase projects
How do I assign a project member a role, like the Owner role?
To manage the role(s) assigned to each project member, you must be an Owner of the Firebase project (or be assigned a role with the permission resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy ).
Here are the places where you can assign and manage roles:
The Google Cloud console offers an expansive set of tools to assign roles to project members in the IAM page . In the Cloud console, you can also create and manage custom roles , as well as give service accounts access to your project.
Note that in the Google Cloud console, project members are called principals .
If the Owner of your project can no longer perform the tasks of an Owner (for example, the person left your company) and your project isn't managed via a Google Cloud organization (see next paragraph), you can contact Firebase Support and check with them about how to request access to the Firebase project.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, it may not have an Owner. If you're unable to find an Owner for your Firebase project, contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to assign an Owner for the project.
How do I find the Owner of a Firebase project?
You can view project members and their roles in the following places:
If you have access to the project in the Firebase console, you can view the list of project members, including Owners, in the Users and permissions page of the Firebase console.
If you do not have access to the project in the Firebase console, check if you have access to the project in the Google Cloud console. You can view the list of project members, including Owners, in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If the Owner of your project can no longer perform the tasks of an Owner (for example, the person left your company) and your project isn't managed via a Google Cloud organization (see next paragraph), you can contact Firebase Support to have a temporary Owner assigned.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, it may not have an Owner. Instead, the person who manages your Google Cloud organization can perform many tasks that an Owner can do. However, to perform several Owner-specific tasks (like assigning roles or managing Google Analytics properties), the administrator may need to assign themselves the actual Owner role to perform those tasks. If you're unable to find an Owner for your Firebase project, contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to assign an Owner for the project.
Why or when should I assign a project member the Owner role?
To ensure proper management of a Firebase project, it must have an Owner . A project's Owner is the person who can perform several important administrative actions (like assigning roles and managing Google Analytics properties), and Firebase Support can only fulfill administrative requests from demonstrated project Owners.
After you set up the Owner(s) for a Firebase project, it's important to keep those assignments up-to-date.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, the person who manages your Google Cloud organization can perform many tasks that an Owner can do. However, for several Owner-specific tasks (like assigning roles or managing Google Analytics properties), the administrator may need to assign themselves the actual Owner role to perform those tasks.
I don't think that I have a Firebase project, but I got an email about one. How do I access this project?
The email you received should contain a link to open your Firebase project. Clicking the link in the email should open the project in the Firebase console.
If you're not able to open the project in the link, make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that received the email about the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Note that if you're the administrator of a Google Cloud organization, you may be notified about changes to Firebase projects inside your organization. However, you may not have sufficient permissions to open the Firebase project. In these cases, the simplest solution is to assign yourself the actual Owner role to open the project and perform the required actions. Learn more about why and when to assign the Owner role .
Платформы и фреймворки
Visit the platform-specific troubleshooting & FAQ pages for helpful tips and answers for more FAQ.
What are the supported browsers for accessing the Firebase console?
The Firebase console can be accessed from recent versions of popular desktop browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. Mobile browsers are currently not fully supported.
I can load the Firebase console, but why can't I find or access my Firebase project?
This FAQ is applicable if you're experiencing either of the following issues:
The Firebase console returns an error page that says your project may not exist or that you don't have access to the project.
The Firebase console doesn't display your project even when you enter its project ID or project name in the console's search field.
Try these troubleshooting steps:
First, try accessing your project by visiting the project's URL directly. Use the following format: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
If you still can't access the project or receive permissions errors, check the following:
Make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that has access to the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Make sure that you're assigned one of the basic IAM roles (Owner, Editor, Viewer) or a role that has Firebase-related permissions in it, for example a Firebase predefined role . You can view your role(s) in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If your project belongs to a Google Cloud organization, you may require additional permissions to see the project listed in the Firebase console. Contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to give you the appropriate role to view the project, for example the Browser role.
If none of the troubleshooting steps above enable you to find or access your project, contact Firebase Support .
Why is the Firebase console not loading for me?
This FAQ is applicable if you're experiencing any of the following issues:
A page in the Firebase console never finishes loading.
Data within a page doesn't load as expected.
You receive browser error messages when loading the Firebase console.
The Firebase console supports the following languages:
Бразильский португальский
Упрощенный китайский
Традиционный китайский
What roles and permissions does the Firebase console support?
The Firebase console and Google Cloud console use the same underlying roles and permissions. Learn more about roles and permissions in the Firebase IAM documentation .
A project Owner can add other members to the project, set up integrations (project linking to services like BigQuery or Slack), and has full edit access for the project.
A project Editor has full edit access for the project.
A project Viewer has only read access for the project. Note that the Firebase console currently does not hide/disable edit UI controls from project Viewers, but these operations will fail for project members assigned the Viewer role.
Firebase also supports:
Firebase predefined roles — Curated Firebase-specific roles that enable more granular access control than the basic roles of Owner, Editor, and Viewer.
Custom roles — Fully customized IAM roles that you create to tailor a set of permissions that meet the specific requirements of your organization.
Which products are paid? Which are no-cost?
Firebase's paid infrastructure products are the Realtime Database , Cloud Storage for Firebase , Cloud Functions , Hosting , Test Lab , and phone authentication. We offer a no-cost tier for all of these features.
Firebase also has many no-cost products: Analytics , Cloud Messaging , the Notifications composer, Remote Config , App Indexing , Dynamic Links , and Crash Reporting . Use of these products is subject only to the product's traffic control policies (eg quotas, fair access and other service protections) in all plans, including our no-cost Spark plan. In addition, all Authentication features beyond phone authentication are no-cost.
Does Firebase offer no-cost trial credits for paid products?
Firebase paid services can be used under the Google Cloud Free Trial . New Google Cloud and Firebase users can take advantage of a 90-day trial period that includes $300 in free Cloud Billing credits to explore and evaluate Google Cloud and Firebase products and services.
During the Google Cloud Free Trial period, you'll be provided a Free Trial Cloud Billing account. Any Firebase project that uses that billing account will be on the Blaze pricing plan during the free trial period.
Don't worry, setting up this Free Trial Cloud Billing account does not enable us to charge you. You are not charged unless you explicitly enable billing by upgrading your Free Trial Cloud Billing account to a paid account. You can upgrade to a paid account at any time during the trial. After you've upgraded, you can still use any remaining credits (within the 90-day period).
Once the free trial expires, you'll need to either downgrade your project to the Spark pricing plan or set up the Blaze pricing plan in the Firebase console to continue using your Firebase project.
Our Spark plan is a great place to develop your app at no cost. You get all the no-cost Firebase features ( Analytics , the Notifications composer, Crashlytics , and so on) and generous amounts of our paid infrastructure features. However, if you exceed your Spark plan resources in a calendar month, your app will be shut off for the remainder of that month. In addition, Google Cloud features are not available when using the Spark plan.
Blaze pricing plan
Our Blaze plan is designed for production apps. The Blaze plan also allows you to extend your app with paid Google Cloud features. You pay only for the resources that you consume, allowing you to scale with demand. We strive to make our Blaze plan prices competitive with industry-leading cloud providers.
What happened to the free SMS on the Spark plan?
Starting September 2024, to improve the security and service quality of Phone Authentication, Firebase projects must be linked to a Cloud Billing account to enable and use the SMS Service.
How can I monitor my usage and billing?
You can track your usage of project resources in the Firebase console on any of the following dashboards:
In January 2020, the Flame pricing plan ($25/mo of additional quota) was removed as an option for new sign-ups. Existing plan users were granted a grace period to migrate their projects off the Flame plan. In February 2022, the remaining projects on the Flame pricing plan were downgraded to the Spark pricing plan. Соответственно,
Existing Spark and Blaze plan projects and any new projects can no longer switch to or sign up for the Flame plan.
If you moved an existing Flame plan project to a different pricing plan, the project cannot return to the Flame plan.
Projects downgraded to the Spark plan can be upgraded to the Blaze plan to resume additional paid services.
References to the Flame plan have been removed from documentation.
Do you have more questions about the Flame plan retirement? Read some of the additional FAQs below.
Want to learn about the other pricing plans offered by Firebase? Visit our Firebase pricing page ! If you'd like to start moving any existing projects to another pricing plan, you can do that in the Firebase console for your project.
Additional FAQs about the Flame plan retirement
I have a project or a process or a business model that relies on a fixed Firebase cost. Что я должен делать?
Sign up for the Blaze pricing plan, and make sure to set budget alerts .
May I be given special access to create new Flame plan projects?
No, Firebase isn't offering special access for projects to switch to or sign-up for the Flame plan.
I changed my Flame plan project to a different pricing plan. Как мне изменить его обратно?
Switching to the Flame plan is no longer possible. For access to services provided by the Flame plan, make sure that you're using the Blaze pricing plan, and consider setting up budget alerts for your project.
My project was automatically switched to a different pricing plan as part of the Flame plan retirement. Что я должен делать?
If your project requires additional quota beyond what is provided with the Spark plan, you'll need to upgrade your project to the Blaze pricing plan.
Why is the Flame plan being retired?
Over the years, we've seen declining usage of the Flame plan, and most projects that use the plan are not consuming its full value. Maintaining this pricing plan is generally not cost-effective, and we feel that we can serve everyone better if resources went to other Firebase initiatives.
How is the no-cost usage in the Blaze plan different from the no-cost usage in the Spark plan?
No-cost usage on the Blaze plan is calculated daily. Usage limits also differ from the Spark plan for Cloud Functions , phone authentication, and Test Lab .
For Cloud Functions , no-cost usage on the Blaze plan is calculated at the Cloud Billing account level, not the project level and has the following limits:
2M invocations/month
400K GB-seconds/month
200K CPU-seconds/month
5 GB of networking egress/month
For phone authentication, no-cost usage on the Blaze plan is calculated monthly.
For Test Lab , no-cost usage on the Blaze plan has the following limits:
30 physical device minutes/day
60 virtual device minutes/day
Does the no-cost usage quota reset when I change from a Spark to a Blaze plan?
No-cost usage from the Spark plan is included in the Blaze plan. No-cost usage does not reset when moving to a Blaze plan.
What is a "simultaneous database connection"?
A simultaneous connection is equivalent to one mobile device, browser tab, or server app connected to the database. Firebase imposes hard limits on the number of simultaneous connections to your app's database. These limits are in place to protect both Firebase and our users from abuse.
The Spark plan limit is 100 and cannot be raised. The Flame and Blaze plans have a limit of 200,000 simultaneous connections per database.
This limit isn't the same as the total number of users of your app, because your users don't all connect at once. If you need more than 200,000 simultaneous connections, please read Scale with Multiple Databases .
What happens if I exceed Spark plan storage or download limits for Realtime Database ?
To provide you with a predictable price, the resources available to you in the Spark plans are capped. This means that when you exceed any plan limit in any month, your app will be turned off to prevent any further resource usage and additional charges.
What happens if I exceed Spark plan simultaneous connection limits for Realtime Database ?
When your app reaches its concurrency limit on the Spark plan, any subsequent connections will be rejected until some of the existing connections are closed. The app will continue to work for users who are connected.
How does Firebase's integration with Google Cloud work?
Firebase is deeply integrated with Google Cloud . Projects are shared between Firebase and Google Cloud , so projects can have Firebase services and Google Cloud services enabled. You can access the same project from the Firebase console or the Google Cloud console. Конкретно:
Certain Firebase products are backed directly by Google Cloud , such as Cloud Storage for Firebase . The list of products backed by Google Cloud will continue to grow over time.
Many of your settings, including collaborators and billing information, are shared by Firebase and Google Cloud . Your usage of both Firebase and Google Cloud appears on the same bill.
In addition, when you upgrade to the Blaze plan, you can use any of Google Cloud 's world-class Infrastructure-as-a-Service and APIs directly inside your Firebase project, at standard Google Cloud pricing . You can also export data from Google Cloud directly to BigQuery for analysis. To learn more, see Link BigQuery with Firebase.
There are many security-enhancing, latency-improving, and time-saving benefits to using Google Cloud with Firebase (versus other, cloud services that are not co-located). Check out the Google Cloud site for more details.
What happens to my Firebase project if I add or remove billing accounts for that project in the Google Cloud console?
If a Cloud Billing account is added to a project in the Google Cloud console, the same project will automatically be upgraded to the Firebase Blaze plan if that project is currently on the Spark plan.
In contrast, if an existing active Cloud Billing account is removed from a project in the Google Cloud console, that project will be downgraded to the Firebase Spark plan.
Can I upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time?
Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time. Note that we don't provide prorated refunds for downgrades or cancellations. This means that if you downgrade or cancel before the end of your billing period, you still pay for the remainder of the month.
What kind of support will I receive?
All Firebase apps, including those using no-cost plans, come with email support from Firebase staff during US Pacific business hours. All accounts have unlimited support for billing-related issues, account-related issues, technical (troubleshooting) questions, and incident reports.
Can I cap usage on the Blaze plan?
No, you cannot currently cap your Blaze plan usage. We are evaluating options for supporting caps on Blaze plan usage.
Blaze users can define a budget for their project or account, and receive alerts as their spending approaches those limits. Learn how to set up budget alerts .
What are automated backups? Do you offer hourly backups?
Automated backups are an advanced feature for customers on our Blaze pricing plan that backs up your Firebase Realtime Database data once a day and uploads it to Google Cloud Storage .
We do not offer hourly backups.
Do you offer open-source, nonprofit, or educational discounts?
Our Spark plan can be used by any type of individual or organization, including nonprofits, schools, and open-source projects. Since these plans already include generous quotas, we don't offer any special discounts or plans for open-source, nonprofit, or educational projects.
Do you offer enterprise contracts, pricing, support, or dedicated infrastructure hosting?
Our Blaze plan is suitable for enterprises of all sizes, and our SLA meets or exceeds the industry standard for cloud infrastructure. However, we do not currently offer enterprise contracts, pricing, or support, nor do we offer dedicated infrastructure hosting (that is, on-premises installations) for services like our Realtime Database . We are hard at work adding some of these features.
Do you offer ad-hoc pricing? I only want pay-as-you-go for one or two features.
We offer ad-hoc pricing in the Blaze plan, where you pay only for the features you use.
How do the paid Firebase plans work with Ads ? Are there no-cost advertising credits with paid plans?
The Firebase pricing plans are separate from Ads , so there are no advertising credits without cost. As a Firebase developer, you are able to "link" your Ads account to Firebase to support conversion tracking.
All ads campaigns are managed directly in Ads , and Ads billing is managed from the Ads console.
Cloud Functions pricing
Why do I need a billing account to use Cloud Functions for Firebase ?
Cloud Functions for Firebase relies on some paid Google services. New function deployments with Firebase CLI 11.2.0 and higher rely on Cloud Build and Artifact Registry . Deployments to older versions use Cloud Build in the same way, but rely on Container Registry and Cloud Storage for storage instead of Artifact Registry . Usage of these services will be billed in addition to existing pricing.
Storage space for Firebase CLI 11.2.0 and newer versions
Artifact Registry provides the containers in which functions run. Artifact Registry provides the first 500MB at no cost, so your first function deployments may not incur any fees. Above that threshold, each additional GB of storage is billed at $0.10 per month.
Storage space for Firebase CLI 11.1.x and prior versions
For functions deployed to older versions, Container Registry , provides the containers in which functions run. You'll be billed for each container required to deploy a function. You may notice small charges for each container stored—for example, 1GB of storage is billed at $0.026 per month .
To understand more about how your bill might change, please review the following
Does Cloud Functions for Firebase still have no-cost usage?
Да. On the Blaze plan, Cloud Functions provides a no-cost tier for invocations, compute time, and internet traffic. The first 2,000,000 invocations, 400,000 GB-sec, 200,000 CPU-sec, and 5 GB of Internet egress traffic is provided at no cost each month. You'll be charged only for usage above those thresholds.
After the first 500MB of no-cost storage, each deployment operation will incur small-scale charges for the storage space used for the function's container. If your development process depends on deploying functions for testing, you can further minimize costs by using the Firebase Local Emulator Suite during development.
Is Firebase planning to raise the quotas and limits for Cloud Functions for Firebase ?
No. There are no plans to change the quotas except for the removal of a maximum build time limit; instead of receiving errors or warnings when the daily build quota of 120 minutes is reached, you'll be billed under the terms of the Blaze pricing plan. See Quotas and limits .
Can I get the Google Cloud $300 credit?
Yes, you can create a Cloud Billing account in the Google Cloud console to get the $300 credit, then link that Cloud Billing account to a Firebase project.
Note that if you do this, you have to then set up the Blaze pricing plan in the Firebase console in order for your project to continue working after the $300 credit is exhausted.
I want to follow a codelab to learn about Firebase. Can you give me a temporary billing account?
Нет, извини. You can use the Firebase emulator for development without having a Cloud Billing account. Alternatively, try applying for a Google Cloud free trial . If you're still having trouble paying your bill because of this change, contact Firebase Support.
I'm worried I'm going to rack up a huge bill.
You can set up budget alerts in the Google Cloud console to help control costs. Also, you can set limits on the number of billed instances created for each of your functions. To get an idea of costing for typical scenarios, see the Cloud Functions Pricing examples.
To use extensions, you will need to upgrade to the Blaze pricing plan. You will be charged a small amount (typically around $0.01 per month for the Firebase resources required by each extension you install (even if they are not used), in addition to any charges associated with your use of Firebase services.
Cloud Storage for Firebase pricing
How do I predict how much I will be billed for upload and download operations?
Visit the Firebase Pricing page and use the Blaze plan calculator . The calculator lists all the usage types for Cloud Storage for Firebase .
Use the sliders to input the expected usage of your Storage bucket. The calculator will estimate your monthly bill.
What happens if I exceed Spark plan upload, download or storage limits for Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
When you exceed limits for Cloud Storage in a project on the Spark plan, the result depends on the type of limit that you exceed:
If you exceed the GB stored limit, you will not be able to store any more data in that project unless you remove some of the data stored or upgrade to a plan that provides more storage space, or unlimited storage space.
If you exceed the GB downloaded limit, your app will not be able to download more data until the next day (starting at midnight, US Pacific Time), unless you upgrade to a plan with less restrictive limits, or with no limits.
If you exceed the upload or download operations limit, your app will not be able to upload or download more data until the next day (starting at midnight, US Pacific Time), unless you upgrade to a plan with less restrictive limits, or with no пределы.
Where can I find information about privacy and security in Firebase?
Do the Firebase SDKs log any usage/diagnostic information outside of Analytics?
Да. This is currently iOS-only, but may change in the future. The Firebase Apple platforms SDK includes the FirebaseCoreDiagnostics framework by default. This framework is used by Firebase to collect SDK usage and diagnostics information to help prioritize future product enhancements. FirebaseCoreDiagnostics is optional, so if you would like to opt out of sending Firebase diagnostic logs, you can do so by unlinking the library from your application. You can browse the full source, including logged values, on GitHub
A/B Testing
A/B Testing : How many experiments can I create and run?
You are allowed up to 300 experiments per project, which could consist of up to 24 running experiments, with the rest as draft or completed.
A/B Testing : Why can't I view my experiments after unlinking and re-linking my project to Google Analytics?
Linking to a different Google Analytics property will cause you to lose access to experiments created beforehand. To regain access to a previous experiment, re-link your project to the Google Analytics property that was linked when the experiment was created.
A/B Testing : Why do I receive a "Project not linked to Google Analytics" message when creating a Remote Config experiment?
If you've already linked Firebase and Google Analytics , but still see a message that Google Analytics is not linked, make sure that an Analytics stream exists for all apps in your project. Currently, all apps in a project must be connected to a Google Analytics stream to use A/B Testing.
You can find the list of all active streams on the Google Analytics integration details page within the Firebase console, accessed from settingsProject Settingschevron_rightIntegrationschevron_rightGoogle Analyticschevron_rightManage .
Creating a Google Analytics stream for any app that does not have one should resolve the issue. There are a few ways to create streams for missing apps:
If you only have one or two apps missing an associated Google Analytics stream, you can choose one of the following methods to add a Google Analytics stream:
Delete and re-add any app without an active stream in the Firebase console.
From the Google Analytics console , select Admin , click Data Streams , then click Add stream , add the missing app's details, and click Register app .
If you have more than a few missing app streams, unlinking and relinking your Google Analytics property is the fastest and most efficient way to create the missing app streams:
From settingsProject Settings , select Integrations .
Within the Google Analytics card, click Manage to access Firebase and Google Analytics settings.
Make a note of the Google Analytics Property ID and the Linked Google Analytics account .
Click more_vertMore and select Unlink Analytics from this project .
Review the warning that appears (don't worry here; you will relink the same property in the next step), then click Unlink Google Analytics .
When unlinking is complete, you'll be redirected to the Integrations page.
Within the Google Analytics card, click Enable to begin the relinking process.
Select your Analytics account from the Select account list.
Next to Automatically create a new property in this account , click editEdit and, from the Analytics property list that appears, select your property ID.
A list of all apps in your project appears. Existing stream mappings for each app are listed, and apps that do not have a stream will have one created for them.
Click Enable Google Analytics to relink the property.
To use AdMob , always use the Google Mobile Ads SDK as described in this FAQ. Additionally and optionally, if you want to collect user metrics for AdMob , then include the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics in your app.
For Android projects : Add the dependency for the Google Mobile Ads SDK to your build.gradle file: implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:23.3.0'
Analytics : Why is Google Analytics a recommended part of using Firebase products?
Google Analytics is a free and unlimited analytics solution that works with Firebase features to deliver powerful insights. It enables you to view event logs in Crashlytics , notification effectiveness in FCM , deep link performance for Dynamic Links , and in-app purchase data from Google Play . It powers advanced audience targeting in Remote Config , Remote Config personalization, and more.
Google Analytics acts as a layer of intelligence in the Firebase console to provide you with more actionable insights about how to develop a high quality app, grow your user base, and earn more money.
Analytics : How do I control how my Analytics data is shared with the rest of Firebase?
By default, your Google Analytics data is used to enhance other Firebase and Google features. You can control how your Google Analytics data is shared in your project settings anytime. Learn more about Data sharing settings .
Analytics : How do I update my Analytics property settings?
From the Admin page in your Google Analytics property, you can update your property settings, such as:
Настройки обмена данными
Data retention settings
Time zone and currency settings
To update your property settings, follow these steps:
In the Firebase console, go to your settings > Project settings .
Go to the Integrations tab, and then in the Google Analytics card, click Manage or View link .
Analytics : Why don't I see any Analytics data in the Firebase console after unlinking Firebase from Google Analytics?
Analytics data resides within the Google Analytics property — not within the Firebase project. If you delete or unlink the property, then the Analytics data will not be accessible to Firebase and you'll see an empty Analytics dashboard in the Firebase console. Note that since the data still resides in the previously linked property, you can always relink the property to Firebase and see the Analytics data in the Firebase console.
Linking a brand new Google Analytics account (and thus a new Google Analytics property) to your Firebase project will result in an empty Analytics dashboard in the Firebase console. However, if your previously linked property still exists, then you can move the existing data from the old property to the new property.
Analytics : If my Analytics property and its data were deleted, is there any way to get them back?
No. If your property has been deleted, it isn't possible to undelete the property or retrieve the previously collected Analytics data stored in that property.
If you'd like to start using Google Analytics again, you can link either a new property or an existing property to your Firebase project. You can do this linking in either the Firebase console or the Google Analytics UI. Learn more about linking a Google Analytics property to your Firebase project.
Analytics : If my Analytics property was deleted, can I link a new Google Analytics property to my Firebase project and start using Analytics again?
If you'd like to start using Google Analytics again, you can link either a new property or an existing property to your Firebase project. You can do this linking in either the Firebase console or the Google Analytics UI. Learn more about linking a Google Analytics property to your Firebase project.
Note that since all Analytics data is stored in the property (not the Firebase project), the previously collected Analytics data cannot be retrieved.
Analytics : How will Firebase products or integrated Google products be affected by the deletion of my Analytics property?
Several Firebase products rely on the Google Analytics integration. If your Analytics property and its data are deleted, the following will happen if you use the following products:
Crashlytics — You can no longer see crash-free users, breadcrumb logs, and/or velocity alerts.
Cloud Messaging and In-App Messaging — You can no longer use targeting, campaign metrics, audience segmentation, and analytics labels.
Remote Config — You can no longer use targeted configurations or Personalization.
A/B Testing — You can no longer use A/B Testing since the experiment measurement is supplied by Google Analytics.
Dynamic Links — Any feature that relies on data from Google Analytics will be disrupted.
In addition, the following integrations will be affected:
Analytics : How do I segment users who have not met some criterion?
You can reframe the problem by "negatively targeting" these users. For example, reframe the problem as "Don't show ads to people who have bought something", and form an audience of those users to target.
Analytics : Are audiences and/or events defined in the Google Analytics interface also available in the Firebase console?
Your audiences and user properties will be synced. For some features, you'll need to use the Google Analytics interface, such as segmentation and closed funnels. You can access the Google Analytics interface directly via deep-links from the Firebase console.
Any changes you make from the Firebase console can also be performed in Google Analytics, and those changes will be reflected in Firebase.
Firebase Authentication : Which regions are supported for phone authentication?
Firebase Authentication supports phone number verification globally, but not all networks reliably deliver verification messages. The following regions have good rates of delivery, and should be expected to work well for phone authentication. Where noted, some carriers are unavailable in a region due to poor delivery success rates.
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Антигуа и Барбуда
Американское Самоа
Босния и Герцеговина
лучший друг
Congo, (Kinshasa)
Центральноафриканская Республика
компьютерная графика
Конго (Браззавиль)
Берег Слоновой Кости
Острова Кука
Чешская Республика
Доминиканская Республика
восточноевропейское время
Фолклендские острова (Мальвинские острова)
Микронезия, Федеративные Штаты
Фарерские острова
Французская Гвиана
врач общей практики
Экваториальная Гвинея
Гонконг, САР Китая
Остров Мэн
Коморские острова
Сент-Китс и Невис
Корея (Южная)
Каймановы острова
Лаосская НДР
доктор медицинских наук
Сен-Мартен (французская часть)
Македония, Республика
Макао, САР Китая
Северная Каролина
Новая Каледония
Остров Норфолк
Новая Зеландия
Новая Зеландия
Папуа-Новая Гвинея
Сен-Пьер и Микелон
Палестинская территория
контроль качества
Российская Федерация
Саудовская Аравия
Сейшельские острова
Остров Святой Елены
Сан-Томе и Принсипи
Острова Тёркс и Кайкос
Тринидад и Тобаго
Тайвань, Китайская Республика
Танзания, Объединенная Республика
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
Венесуэла (Боливарианская Республика)
Британские Виргинские острова
Виргинские острова, США
Firebase Authentication : How can I prevent SMS abuse when using phone authentication?
To help protect your project from SMS traffic pumping and API abuse, take the following steps:
Look for regions with a very high number of sent SMS and a very low number (or zero) of verified SMS. The ratio of verified/sent is your success rate. Healthy success rates are commonly in the 70-85% range since SMS is not a guaranteed delivery protocol, and some regions may experience abuse. Success rates below 50% imply many sent SMS but few successful logins, which is a common indicator of bad actors and SMS traffic pumping.
Use SMS Region Policy to either deny SMS regions with low success rates, or only allow certain regions if your app is only intended for distribution in certain markets.
Limit your authorized authentication domains
Use the Authentication settings dashboard to manage authorized domains. The localhost domain is added by default to the approved authentication domains to simplify development. Consider removing localhost from the authorized domains in your production project to prevent bad actors from running code on theirlocalhost to access your production project.
Enable and enforce App Check
Enable App Check to help protect your project from API abuse by attesting that requests only come from applications associated with your project.
Remember that you need to enforce App Check for Authentication in the Firebase console (consider monitoring traffic before enforcing). Also, double check your reCAPTCHA Enterprise approved sites list to validate that it only contains your production sites, and that the list of applications registered to your project in App Check is accurate.
Note that App Check helps protect against automated attacks by asserting that the call comes from one of your registered applications. It does not prevent users from using your app in unintended ways (for example, starting then never finishing login flows to generate sent SMS).
Firebase Authentication : Are phone numbers ported to a new carrier supported by phone authentication?
At this time, numbers ported between carriers will result in all SMS becoming undeliverable for those end users. There is no workaround, and Firebase is working on this issue.
Firebase Authentication : In my Android app, why am I getting the following error: Google sign in failed ?
Follow the troubleshooting steps in this FAQ if you're getting the following error:
GoogleFragment: Google sign in failed
com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 13: Unable to get token.
Make sure that Google sign-in is properly enabled as an authentication provider:
Within the Sign in method tab, disable and then re-enable the Google sign-in method (even if it's already enabled):
Open the Google sign-in method, disable it, and then click Save .
Re-open the Google sign-in method, enable it, and then click Save .
Also, in the Google sign-in provider configuration of the Authentication section, make sure that the OAuth client ID and secret match the web client displayed in the Credentials page of the Google Cloud console (look in the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs section).
Firebase Authentication : In my web app, why are sign-in with redirects failing with the following error: This domain YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is not authorized to run this operation ?
Follow the troubleshooting steps in this FAQ if you're getting the following error:
This domain YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is not authorized to run this operation.
This error is most likely caused because your redirect domain isn't listed as a authorized domain for Firebase Authentication , or the API key that you use with the Firebase Authentication Service is invalid.
First make sure that YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is in the list of authorized domains for your Firebase project. If your redirect domain is already listed there, continue to troubleshoot an invalid API key.
By default, Firebase Authentication JS SDK relies on the API key for your Firebase project that's labeled as the Browser key , and it uses this key to verify that a sign-in redirect URL is valid according to the list of authorized domains. Authentication gets this API key depending on how you access the Authentication SDK:
If you use Hosting -provided Auth helpers to log users in with the Authentication JS SDK, then Firebase automatically obtains your API key with the rest of your Firebase configuration each time you deploy to Firebase Hosting . Make sure that the authDomain in your web app firebaseConfig is properly configured to use one of the domains for that Hosting site. You can verify this by going to https:// authDomain __/firebase/init.json , and checking that the projectId matches that from your firebaseConfig .
If you self-host the sign-in code , then you can use a __/firebase/init.json file to provide the Firebase configuration to the self-hosted Authentication JS SDK Redirect helper. The API key and the projectId listed in this config file should match your web app firebaseConfig .
Check to make sure this API key hasn't been deleted: Go to the APIs & Services > Credentials panel in the Google Cloud console where all the API keys for your project are listed.
If the Browser key has not been deleted, check the following:
If you self-host the sign-in code, make sure the API key listed in your __/firebase/init.json file matches the API key in the Cloud console. Correct the key in the file, if necessary, then redeploy your app.
If the Browser key has been deleted, you can have Firebase generate a new API key for you: In the Firebase console, go to settings > Project settings , then in the Your apps section, click on your web app. This action automatically creates an API key that you can see in the SDK setup and configuration section for your web app.
Note that in the Cloud console this new API key will not be called Browser key ; instead, it will be the same name as your Firebase Web App's nickname. If you decide to add API restrictions to this new API key, make sure the Firebase Authentication API is in the list of allowed APIs.
Once your new API key is created, complete the applicable steps below:
If you use reserved Hosting URLs , then redeploy your app to Firebase so that it can automatically obtain the new API key with the rest of your Firebase configuration.
If you self-host the sign-in code , copy the new API key and add it to your __/firebase/init.json file, then redeploy your app.
Firebase Authentication : How do I manually construct an OAuth web client??
Open the Credentials page of the Google Cloud console.
At the top of the page, select Create credentials > OAuth client ID .
If you're prompted to configure your consent screen, follow the on-screen instructions, and then continue with the following steps of this FAQ.
Create the OAuth web client:
For the Application Type , select Web application .
For the Authorized JavaScript Origins , add the following:
https:// PROJECT_ID .firebaseapp.com
https:// PROJECT_ID .web.app
For the Authorized Redirect URIs , add the following:
Within the Sign in method tab, open the Google sign-in provider, and then paste the web server client ID and secret you just constructed and copied from the Google Cloud console. Нажмите Сохранить .
Firebase Authentication : How is %APP_NAME% determined for the email template for the confirmation email that can be sent to a user when they sign up using an email address and password?
Before December 2022, the %APP_NAME% in the email template was populated with the OAuth brand name that was automatically provisioned whenever an Android app was registered in the Firebase project. Now, since the OAuth brand is provisioned only when Google sign-in is enabled, the following describes how %APP_NAME% is determined:
If the OAuth brand name is available, then the %APP_NAME% in the email template will be the OAuth brand name (same as pre-December 2022 behavior).
If the OAuth brand name is not available, here's how the %APP_NAME% in the email template is determined:
For web apps , the %APP_NAME% will be the default Firebase Hosting site name (the value preceding .firebaseapp.com and .web.app and usually the Firebase project ID).
For mobile apps:
If the Android package name or iOS bundle ID is present in the request, then the %APP_NAME% will be the app name used in the Play Store or App Store (respectively).
Otherwise, the %APP_NAME% will be the default Firebase Hosting site name (the value preceding .firebaseapp.com and .web.app and usually the Firebase project ID).
Note that if the lookup of the default Firebase Hosting site name fails, then the final fallback is to use the Firebase project ID as the %APP_NAME% .
Cloud Functions
Cloud Functions runtime support
How do I upgrade to the latest supported version of Node.js?
How can I make sure I deployed my functions to a specific Node.js runtime?
In the Firebase console, go to the functions dashboard , select a function, and check the function's language under Additional details .
I use Firebase Extensions. Will I be affected by Cloud Functions runtime updates?
Да. Since extensions use Cloud Functions , the runtime of your extensions will need to be updated on the same timeline as Cloud Functions.
We recommend that you periodically update to the latest version of each extension installed in your project. You can upgrade your projects' extensions via the Firebase console or Firebase CLI .
Cloud Messaging
Cloud Messaging : What's the difference between the Notifications composer and Cloud Messaging ?
Firebase Cloud Messaging provides a complete set of messaging capabilities through its client SDKs and HTTP and XMPP server protocols. For deployments with more complex messaging requirements, FCM is the right choice.
The Notifications composer is a lightweight, serverless messaging solution built on Firebase Cloud Messaging . With a user-friendly graphical console and reduced coding requirements, the Notifications composer lets users easily send messages to reengage and retain users, foster app growth, and support marketing campaigns.
Notifications composer
Cloud Messaging
Одно устройство
Clients subscribed to topics (ie weather)
Clients in predefined user segment (app, version, language)
Clients in specified analytics audiences
Clients in device groups
Upstream from client to server
Тип сообщения
Notifications up to 2kb
Data messages up to 4kb
Future client device local time
Built-in Notifications analytics collection and funnel analytics
Cloud Messaging : Apple announced they're deprecating the legacy binary protocol for APNs. Нужно ли мне что-нибудь делать?
No. Firebase Cloud Messaging switched to the HTTP/2-based APNs protocol in 2017. If you are using FCM to send notifications to iOS devices, there should be no action required on your part.
Cloud Messaging : Do I need to use other Firebase services in order to use FCM ?
You can use Firebase Cloud Messaging as a standalone component, in the same manner as you did with GCM, without using other Firebase services.
Cloud Messaging : I am an existing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) developer. Should I move to Firebase Cloud Messaging ?
FCM is the new version of GCM under the Firebase brand. It inherits GCM's core infrastructure, with new SDKs to make Cloud Messaging development easier.
Benefits of upgrading to FCM SDK include:
Simpler client development. You no longer have to write your own registration or subscription retry logic.
An out-of-the-box notification solution. You can use the Notifications composer, a serverless notifications solution with a web console that lets anyone send notifications to target specific audiences based on insights from Google Analytics.
To upgrade from GCM SDKs to FCM SDKs, see the guides for migrating Android and iOS apps.
Cloud Messaging : Why do my targeted devices apparently fail to receive messages?
When it looks like devices haven't successfully received messages, check first for these two potential causes:
Foreground message handling for notification messages . Client apps need to add message handling logic to handle notification messages when the app is in the foreground on the device. See the details for iOS and Android .
Network firewall restrictions . If your organization has a firewall that restricts the traffic to or from the Internet, you need to configure it to allow connectivity with FCM in order for your Firebase Cloud Messaging client apps to receive messages. The ports to open are:
FCM usually uses 5228, but it sometimes uses 5229 and 5230. FCM does not provide specific IPs, so you should allow your firewall to accept outgoing connections to all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google's ASN of 15169 .
Cloud Messaging : I have implemented onMessageReceived in my Android app, but it is not being called.
When your app is in the background, notification messages are displayed in the system tray, and onMessageReceived is not called. For notification messages with a data payload, the notification message is displayed in the system tray, and the data that was included with the notification message can be retrieved from the intent launched when the user taps on the notification.
Notifications composer: What's the difference between the Notifications composer and Cloud Messaging ?
The Notifications composer is a lightweight, serverless messaging solution built on Firebase Cloud Messaging . With a user-friendly graphical console and reduced coding requirements, the Notifications composer lets users easily send messages to reengage and retain users, foster app growth, and support marketing campaigns.
Firebase Cloud Messaging provides a complete set of messaging capabilities through its client SDKs and HTTP and XMPP server protocols. For deployments with more complex messaging requirements, FCM is the right choice.
Here's a comparison of the messaging capabilities provided by Firebase Cloud Messaging and the Notifications composer:
Notifications composer
Cloud Messaging
Одно устройство
Clients subscribed to topics (ie weather)
Clients in predefined user segment (app, version, language)
Clients in specified analytics audiences
Clients in device groups
Upstream from client to server
Тип сообщения
Notifications up to 2kb
Data messages up to 4kb
Future client device local time
Built-in Notifications analytics collection and funnel analytics
Notifications composer: I am an existing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) developer, and I want to use the Notifications composer. Что я должен делать?
The Notifications composer is an out-of-the-box solution that lets anyone send notifications to target specific audiences based on insights from Google Analytics. Also, the Notifications composer provides funnel analysis for every message, allowing easy evaluation of notification effectiveness.
If you are an existing GCM developer, to use the Notifications composer you have to upgrade from GCM SDKs to FCM SDKs. See the guides for migrating Android and iOS apps.
FCM features deprecated in June 2023
Which FCM APIs were deprecated on June 20, 2023, and what should I do if I am using those APIs?
The following APIs/SDKs will be affected by the deprecation:
Server APIs
Конечная точка API
Impact on users
Действие требуется
Legacy HTTP protocol
Requests to the endpoint will start failing after 6/21/2024.
API calls to FirebaseMessaging.send in the app won't trigger upstream messages to the app server after 6/21/2024.
Implement this functionality in your server logic. For example, some developers implement their own HTTP/gRPC endpoint and call the endpoint directly to send messages from their clients to the app server. See this gRPC Quick start for an example implementation of upstream messaging using gRPC.
Batch Send API
Requests to the endpoint will start failing after 6/21/2024.
These APIs will stop working after 6/21/2024 because they call the batch send API .
Upgrade to the latest Firebase Admin SDK and use the new APIs instead: sendEach()/ sendEachAsync()/send_each()/sendEachForMulticast()/sendEachForMulticastAsync()/ send_each_for_multicast() .
Note that the new APIs no longer call the deprecated batch send API, and for this reason they may create more concurrent HTTP connections than the old APIs.
Client SDKs
SDK versions
Impact on users
Действие требуется
GCM SDKs (deprecated in 2018)
Apps using GCM SDKs will not be able to register tokens nor receive messages from FCM after 6/21/2024.
Upgrade your Android SDK to the latest Firebase SDK if you haven't already done so.
JS SDKs version <7.0.0 (breaking change at version 7.0.0 in 2019)
Web apps using older JS SDKs will not be able to register tokens after 6/21/2024.
Upgrade your Firebase Web SDK to the latest version.
Will I see a service downgrade before June 2024?
No. You have 12 months (06/20/2023 - 06/21/2024) to migrate from the old APIs to new APIs without any service downgrade. We strongly recommend you to plan the migration as early as possible so you won't be impacted by the decommissioning of the APIs in June 2024.
After June 2024, you may see increased errors or lack of functionality when using the APIs/SDKs listed above (see the next FAQ for more information).
How and when will the deprecated APIs be shut down?
FCM will start a gradual shutdown of deprecated APIs around July 22nd, 2024. After this date, deprecated services will be subject to a "flickering" process in which increasing numbers of requests will return error responses. During the gradual ramp-down period you can expect the following behavior and error responses to increase in frequency over time:
Чего ожидать
Legacy HTTP protocol
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 301.
Legacy XMPP protocol
Requests being rejected with error code 302.
FCM Upstream
Messages being silently dropped by FCM backend.
Batch Send API
Requests being rejected with error code UNIMPLEMENTED and the error message "The API is deprecated."
GCM SDKs - Register Tokens
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 301.
GCM SDKs - Send Messages
Requests being rejected with error code 400 and the error message "V3 token has been deprecated."
JS SDKs version < 7.0.0
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 501.
Using server key to access Instance ID and device group management APIs
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 401.
What's the difference between OAuth 2.0 tokens and server keys?
An OAuth 2.0 token is a short-lived token derived from a service account . It's Google's standard auth model and it's more secure than static server keys.
Note that the request headers differ when you use OAuth 2.0 tokens for requests to different endpoints.
HTTP v1 API : Authorization: Bearer $oauth_token
Instance ID server API and Device group management API : Authorization: Bearer $oauth_token access_token_auth: true
Can I migrate my requests to the new API all at once?
We recommend that you slowly ramp up your traffic to the new API. If you expect to send more than 600,000 messages/min on a regular basis, contact Firebase support for instructions on how to increase quota or get recommendations on how to spread out traffic.
What's the difference between the HTTP v1 API and the legacy APIs when I send messages to topics/device groups?
Topics: you don't need to add the "/topics/" prefix to your topic target when you use the v1 API.
Device groups: You can use a group token as a token target in the HTTP v1 API. However, the HTTP v1 API doesn't return the success/failure counts in the response. We recommend that you use FCM topics or manage your device groups by yourself.
Does the HTTP v1 API support sending messages to multiple tokens in one request?
No. This feature, called "multicast" in legacy HTTP APIs, is not supported by the HTTP v1 API, which is better designed for scalability.
For use cases where end-to-end latency is critical, or where total fanout size is small (fewer than 1 million), Google recommends sending multiple separate requests using the HTTP v1 API. The HTTP v1 API over HTTP/2 performs similarly for 99.9% of multicast requests (sending < 100 tokens). For outlier use cases (sending 1000 tokens), it achieves up to a third of the throughput rate, so additional concurrency is needed to optimize for this atypical use case. Users can experience more reliability and availability with the HTTP v1 API than with legacy multicast.
For use cases where throughput and egress bandwidth are prioritized or where total fanout size is large (greater than 1 million), Google recommends topic messaging. Хотя для обмена сообщениями в теме требуется единоразовое действие для подписки получателей на тему, он предлагает скорость разветвления до 10 000 QPS на проект без максимального ограничения на размер темы.
What versions of the Firebase Admin SDK have the new APIs?
Firebase Admin SDK version
What's the difference between the batch send API and the HTTP v1 API?
The FCM batch send API uses the same message format and authentication mechanism as the HTTP v1 API. However, it uses a different endpoint. If you want to improve efficiency, you should consider using HTTP/2 to send multiple requests over the same HTTP connection to the HTTP v1 API.
What should I do if I can't access my project?
Please reach out to the Google Cloud support team for help.
Can new projects enable the legacy Cloud Messaging API?
No. Starting from 5/20/2024, new projects will no longer be allowed to enable our legacy APIs.
When can I disable the legacy Cloud Messaging API?
Once you are sure that you have fully migrated to the HTTP v1 API, you can disable the legacy Cloud Messaging API (the page may fail to load if the API has already been disabled).
FCM quotas and limits
I need to notify a large customer base within 2 minutes.
Unfortunately, this use case cannot be supported. You must spread your traffic out over 5 minutes.
My app notifies users of events. The messages must be delivered immediately to support my business model. Can I get more quota?
Unfortunately, we cannot grant quota increases for this reason. You must spread your traffic out over 5 minutes.
My messages are about scheduled events and I need to send all my traffic at the top of the hour.
We recommend that you start sending the notifications at least 5 minutes prior to the event.
How long will it take for my quota request to be fulfilled?
This depends a bit on your use of FCM. In any case, you can expect an answer in a few business days. In some cases, there may be some back-and-forth regarding your usage of FCM and various circumstances, which can prolong the process. If all requirements are met, most requests will be handled within 2 weeks.
429s are hard for me / my business to deal with. Can I get an exemption or more quota to avoid getting 429s?
While we understand that quota limits can be challenging, quotas are vital to keeping the service reliable and we can't grant exemptions.
Can I get more quota for a temporary event?
You may request additional quota to support an event lasting up to 1 month. File the request at least 1 month in advance of the event and with clear details on when the event starts and ends, and FCM will make every practical effort to fulfill the request (no increase can be guaranteed). These quota increases will be reverted after the event's end date.
Is my current quota subject to change?
While Google will not do so lightly, quotas may be changed as needed to protect the integrity of the system. When possible, Google will notify you in advance of such changes.
Cloud Storage for Firebase
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why can't I use Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
Cloud Storage for Firebase creates a default bucket in the App Engine no-cost tier. This allows you to quickly get up and running with Firebase and Cloud Storage for Firebase , without having to put in a credit card or enable a Cloud Billing account. It also allows you to easily share data between Firebase and a Google Cloud project.
There are, however, two known cases where this bucket cannot be created and you will be unable to use Cloud Storage for Firebase :
A project imported from Google Cloud which had a App Engine Master/Slave Datastore application.
A project imported from Google Cloud which has domain prefixed projects. For example: domain.com:project-1234 .
There are currently no workarounds to these issues, and we recommend that you create a new project in the Firebase console and enable Cloud Storage for Firebase in that project.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I get error code 412 responses about service account permissions and failed service account operations when using the Cloud Storage for Firebase API?
It's likely you're getting 412 error codes either because the Cloud Storage for Firebase API is not enabled for your project or a necessary service account is missing the required permissions.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : On Spark plan projects, can I store executable files?
For no-cost (Spark) plan projects, Firebase blocks uploads and hosting of certain executable file types for Windows, Android and Apple by Cloud Storage for Firebase and Firebase Hosting . This policy exists to prevent abuse on our platform.
Serving, hosting and file uploads of disallowed files are blocked for all Spark projects created on or after Sept 28th, 2023. For existing Spark projects with files uploaded before that date, such files can still be uploaded and hosted.
This restriction applies to Spark plan projects. Projects on the pay as you go (Blaze) plan are not affected.
The following file types cannot be hosted on Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage for Firebase :
Windows files with .exe , .dll and .bat extensions
Android files with .apk extension
Apple platform files with .ipa extension
Что мне нужно сделать?
If you still want to host these file types after September 28th, 2023:
For Hosting: upgrade to the Blaze plan before you can deploy these file types to Firebase Hosting via the firebase deploy command.
For Storage: upgrade to the Blaze plan to upload these file types to the bucket of your choice using the GCS CLI, the Firebase console, or Google Cloud console.
Use Firebase tools to manage your Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage resources.
For managing resources in Firebase Hosting , use the Firebase console to delete releases according to this guide .
For managing resources in Cloud Storage , navigate to the Storage product page in your project.
On the Files tab, locate disallowed files to delete in your folder hierarchy, then select them using the checkbox next to the filename(s) on the left-hand side of the panel.
Click Delete , and confirm the files were deleted.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I see an unexpected increase in upload and download operations?
Previously, download and upload requests to the Cloud Storage for Firebase API were not being counted properly. We have taken steps to fix this issue, starting from September 15, 2023.
For Blaze users, upload and download operations will start counting towards your monthly bill. For Spark users, they will start counting towards your monthly free limit.
We recommend monitoring your Usage page for any increases that may count towards your limits.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I see new service account IDs associated with my Firebase projects that use Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
Firebase uses service accounts to operate and manage services without sharing user credentials. When you create a Firebase project, you might notice that a number of service accounts are already available in your project.
The service account that Cloud Storage for Firebase uses is scoped to your project and is named service- PROJECT_NUMBER @gcp-sa-firebasestorage.iam.gserviceaccount.com .
If you used Cloud Storage for Firebase before September 19, 2022, you may see an additional service account on previously-linked Cloud Storage buckets named firebase-storage@system.gserviceaccount.com . As of September 19, 2022, this service account is no longer supported.
You can view all service accounts associated with your project in the Firebase console, on the Service accounts tab .
Adding the new service account
If you removed the service account previously or the service account is not present in your project, you may do one of the following to add the account.
(Recommended) Automated: Use the AddFirebase REST endpoint to re-import your bucket into Firebase. You will only need to call this endpoint once, not once for each linked bucket.
We strongly discourage you from removing the service account because this may block access to your Cloud Storage buckets from your apps. To remove the service account from your project, follow the instructions in Disabling a service account .
Dynamic Links : Why does my Android app access each Dynamic Link twice?
The getInvitation API clears the saved Dynamic Link to prevent it from being accessed twice. Be sure to call this API with the autoLaunchDeepLink parameter set to false in each of the deep link activities to clear it for the case when the activity is triggered outside the main activity.
Firebase Local Emulator Suite
Why do Emulator Suite logs show an error starting with "Multiple projectIds are not recommended in single project mode"?
This message means the Emulator Suite has detected it may be running a particular product emulator using different project IDs. This may indicate a misconfiguration, and can cause issues when emulators try to communicate with one another, and when you try to interact with emulators from your code. If project IDs don't match, it often appears that data is missing, since data stored in emulators is keyed to projectID, and interoperability depends on matching project IDs.
This has been a common source of confusion among developers, so by default the Local Emulator Suite will now only allow running with a single project ID, unless you specify otherwise in the firebase.json configuration file. If an emulator detects more than one project ID, it will log a warning and potentially throw a fatal error.
Check your project ID declaration(s) for mismatches in:
The default project set at the command line. By default, the project ID will be taken on startup from the project selected with firebase init or firebase use . To view the list of projects (and see which one is selected) use firebase projects:list .
Юнит-тесты. The project ID is often specified in calls to the Rules Unit Testing library methods initializeTestEnvironment or initializeTestApp . Other testing code may initialize with initializeApp(config) .
The command line --project flag. Passing the Firebase CLI --project flag overrides the default project. You'll need to ensure the value of the flag matches the project ID in unit tests and app initialization.
Platform-specific places to check:
The projectId property in your JavaScript firebaseConfig object, used in initializeApp .
The project_id property inside the google-services.json configuration file.
платформы Apple
The PROJECT_ID property in the GoogleService-Info.plist configuration file.
To disable single project mode, update firebase.json with the singleProjectMode key:
Hosting : On Spark plan projects, can I store executable files?
For no-cost (Spark) plan projects, Firebase blocks uploads and hosting of certain executable file types for Windows, Android and Apple by Cloud Storage for Firebase and Firebase Hosting . This policy exists to prevent abuse on our platform.
Serving, hosting and file uploads of disallowed files are blocked for all Spark projects created on or after Sept 28th, 2023. For existing Spark projects with files uploaded before that date, such files can still be uploaded and hosted.
This restriction applies to Spark plan projects. Projects on the pay as you go (Blaze) plan are not affected.
The following file types cannot be hosted on Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage for Firebase :
Windows files with .exe , .dll and .bat extensions
Android files with .apk extension
Apple platform files with .ipa extension
Что мне нужно сделать?
If you still want to host these file types after September 28th, 2023:
For Hosting: upgrade to the Blaze plan before you can deploy these file types to Firebase Hosting via the firebase deploy command.
For Storage: upgrade to the Blaze plan to upload these file types to the bucket of your choice using the GCS CLI, the Firebase console, or Google Cloud console.
Use Firebase tools to manage your Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage resources.
For managing resources in Firebase Hosting , use the Firebase console to delete releases according to this guide .
For managing resources in Cloud Storage , navigate to the Storage product page in your project.
On the Files tab, locate disallowed files to delete in your folder hierarchy, then select them using the checkbox next to the filename(s) on the left-hand side of the panel.
Click Delete , and confirm the files were deleted.
Hosting : Why does my Hosting release history table in the Firebase console show file counts that are more than what my local project actually has?
Firebase automatically adds extra files containing metadata about the Hosting site, and these files are included in the total file count for the release.
Hosting : What's the largest file size that I can deploy to Firebase Hosting ?
Hosting has a maximum size limit of 2 GB for individual files.
We recommend storing larger files using Cloud Storage , which offers a maximum size limit in the terabyte range for individual objects.
Hosting : How many Hosting sites can I have per Firebase project?
Performance Monitoring : How many custom URL patterns can I create?
You can create up to 400 total custom URL patterns per app and up to 100 custom URL patterns per domain for that app.
Performance Monitoring : Why am I not seeing real time display of performance data?
To view real time performance data, make sure that your app uses a Performance Monitoring SDK version that's compatible with real time data processing.
iOS — v7.3.0 or later
tvOS — v8.9.0 or later
Android — v19.0.10 or later (or Firebase Android BoM v26.1.0 or later)
Web — v7.14.0 or later
Note that we always recommend using the latest version of SDK, but any version listed above will enable Performance Monitoring to process your data in near real time.
Realtime Database
Realtime Database : Why was my Realtime Database reported bandwidth lower than average between September 2016 and March 2017?
For our bandwidth calculations, we normally include SSL encryption overhead (based on layer 5 of the OSI model). However, in September 2016, we introduced a bug that caused our bandwidth reporting to ignore encryption overhead. This might have resulted in artificially low reported bandwidth and bills on your account for a few months.
We released a fix for the bug in late March 2017, returning bandwidth reporting and billing to their normal levels.
Realtime Database : What are the scaling limitations of the Realtime Database ?
Each Realtime Database instance has limits on the number of write operations per second. For small writes, this limit is approximately 1000 write operations per second. If you are approaching this limit, batching operations using multi-path updates can help you achieve higher throughput.
Realtime Database : What can I do if I'm over my Realtime Database usage limits?
If you've received an email alert or notification in the Firebase console that you've exceeded your Realtime Database usage limits, you can address it based on the usage limit you've exceeded. To see your Realtime Database usage, go to the Realtime DatabaseUsage dashboard in the Firebase console.
If you're over your download limit, you can upgrade your Firebase pricing plan or wait until your download limit resets at the start of your next billing cycle. To decrease your downloads, try the following steps:
Add queries to limit the data that your listen operations return.
Check for unindexed queries.
Use listeners that only download updates to data — for example, on() instead of once() .
Use security rules to block unauthorized downloads.
If you're over your storage limit, upgrade your pricing plan to avoid service disruptions. To reduce the amount of data in your database, try the following steps:
Run periodic cleanup jobs.
Reduce any duplicate data in your database.
Note that it may take some time to see any data deletions reflected in your storage allotment.
If you're over your simultaneous database connections limit, upgrade your plan to avoid any service disruptions. To manage simultaneous connections to your database, try connecting via users via the REST API if they don't require a realtime connection.
Remote Config
Remote Config : Why don't fetched values change the behavior and appearance of my app?
Unless you fetch values with fetchAndActivate() , values are stored locally but not activated. To activate fetched values so that they can take effect, call activate . This design lets you control when the behavior and appearance of your app changes, because you can choose when to call activate . After you call activate , your app source code determines when updated parameter values are used.
For example, you could fetch values and then activate them the next time a user starts your app, which removes the need to delay app startup while your app waits for fetched values from the service. Changes to your app's behavior and appearance then occur when your app uses the updated parameter values.
Remote Config : I am making a lot of fetch requests while developing my app. Why doesn't my app always get the latest values from the service when it sends fetch requests?
During app development, you might want to fetch and activate configs very frequently (many times per hour) to let you rapidly iterate as you develop and test your app. To accommodate rapid iteration on a project with up to 10 developers, you can temporarily set a FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings object with a low minimum fetch interval ( setMinimumFetchIntervalInSeconds ) in your app.
Remote Config : How quickly does the Remote Config service return fetched values after my app sends a fetch request?
Devices usually receive fetched values in less than a second, and often receive fetched values in milliseconds. The Remote Config service handles fetch requests within milliseconds, but the time required to complete a fetch request will depend on the network speed of the device and the latency of the network connection used by the device.
If your goal is to make fetched values take effect in your app as soon as possible, but without creating a jarring user experience, consider adding calls to fetchAndActivate each time that your app does a full screen refresh.
Firebase User Segmentation Storage stores Firebase installation IDs and related attributes and segments as well as audience lists you've created to provide targeting information to other Firebase services that use them, such as Crashlytics , FCM , Remote Config personalization, and more.
A Firebase project is the top-level entity for Firebase. In a project, you can register your Apple, Android, or web apps. After you register your apps with Firebase, you can add the product-specific Firebase SDKs to your app, like Analytics , Cloud Firestore , Crashlytics , or Remote Config .
You should register your Apple, Android, and web app variants within a single Firebase project. You can use multiple Firebase projects to support multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production.
Here are some resources for learning more about Firebase projects:
Understand Firebase projects — provides brief overviews of several important concepts about Firebase projects, including their relationship with Google Cloud and the basic hierarchy of a project and its apps and resources.
General best practices for setting up Firebase projects — provides general, high-level best practices for setting up Firebase projects and registering your apps with a project so that you have a clear development workflow that uses distinct environments.
Note that for all Firebase projects, Firebase automatically adds a label of firebase:enabled within the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console. Learn more about this label in our FAQ .
What is a Google Cloud organization?
A Google Cloud organization is a container for Google Cloud projects (including Firebase projects). This hierarchy enables better organization, access management, and auditing of your Google Cloud and Firebase projects. For more information, refer to Creating and Managing Organizations .
How do I add Firebase to an existing Google Cloud project?
You can add Firebase to these existing projects using any of the following options:
Using the Firebase console: In the Firebase console landing page, click Add Project , and then select your existing project from the Project name menu.
Using a programmatic option:
Call the Firebase Management REST API endpoint addFirebase .
Why does my Google Cloud project have a label of firebase:enabled ?
In the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console, you may see a label of firebase:enabled (specifically, a Key of firebase with a Value of enabled ).
Firebase automatically added this label because your project is a Firebase project, which means that your project has Firebase-specific configurations and services enabled for it. Learn more about the relationship between Firebase projects and Google Cloud .
We strongly recommend that you don't modify or delete this label. This label is used by Firebase and Google Cloud to list your Firebase projects (for example, using the REST API projects.list endpoint or in menus within the Firebase console).
Be aware that manually adding this label to your list of project labels does NOT enable Firebase-specific configurations and services for your Google Cloud project. To do that, you need to add Firebase via the Firebase console (or, for advanced use cases, via the Firebase Management REST API or the Firebase CLI ).
Why isn't my Firebase project showing up in my list of Firebase projects?
This FAQ is applicable if you don't see your Firebase project in the following places:
In a list of projects that you're viewing within the Firebase console
In the response from running the Firebase CLI command firebase projects:list
Try these troubleshooting steps:
First, try accessing your project by visiting the project's URL directly. Use the following format: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
If you can't access the project or receive permissions errors, check the following:
Make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that has access to the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Make sure that your project has the label firebase:enabled in the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console. Firebase and Google Cloud use this label to list your Firebase projects. If you do not see this label but the Firebase Management API is enabled for your project, then manually add the label (specifically, a Key of firebase with a Value of enabled ).
Make sure that you're assigned one of the basic IAM roles (Owner, Editor, Viewer) or a role that has Firebase-related permissions in it, for example a Firebase predefined role . You can view your role(s) in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If your project belongs to a Google Cloud organization, you may require additional permissions to see the project listed in the Firebase console. Contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to give you the appropriate role to view the project, for example the Browser role.
If none of the troubleshooting steps above enable you to see your project in a list of Firebase projects, contact Firebase Support .
How many projects can I have per account?
Spark pricing plan — Your project quota is limited to a small number of projects (usually around 5-10).
Blaze pricing plan — Your project quota per Cloud Billing account increases substantially as long as your Cloud Billing account is in good standing.
Note that the complete deletion of a project requires 30 days and counts toward your quota until it is fully deleted.
How many Firebase Apps can I have in a Firebase project?
A Firebase project is a container for Firebase Apps across Apple, Android, and web. Firebase restricts the total number of Firebase Apps within a Firebase project to 30.
After this number, performance starts to degrade (especially for Google Analytics ) and eventually, at a higher number of apps, some product functionality stops working. Additionally, if you use Google sign-in as an authentication provider, an underlying OAuth 2.0 client ID is created for each app in your project. There's a limit of around 30 client IDs that can be created within a single project.
You should ensure that all Firebase Apps within a single Firebase project are platform variants of the same application from an end-user perspective. For example, if you develop a white label application, each independently labeled app should have its own Firebase project, but the Apple and Android versions of that label can be in the same project. Read more detailed guidance in our general best practices for setting up Firebase projects .
In the rare case your project requires more than 30 apps, you can request an app limit increase. Your project must be on the Blaze pricing plan to make this request. Visit the Google Cloud console to make your request and have it evaluated. Learn more about quota management in the Google Cloud documentation.
What happens if I tag my project as a "production" environment?
In the Firebase console, you can tag your Firebase projects with their environment type, either as Production or Unspecified (non-prod) environments.
Tagging your project as an environment type has no effect on how your Firebase project works or its features. However, the tagging can help you and your team manage your various Firebase projects for the app lifecycle.
If you tag your project as a production environment, we add a brightly colored Prod tag to the project in the Firebase console, reminding you that any changes could affect your associated production apps. In the future, we might add more features and safeguards for Firebase projects tagged as production environments.
To change the environment type of your Firebase project, go to settingsProject settings > General , then in the Your project card under Environment , click edit to change the environment type.
Where can I find the App ID for my Firebase app?
In the Firebase console, go to your settingsProject settings . Scroll down to the Your apps card, then click on the desired Firebase App to view the app's information, including its App ID .
Either of the following Firebase roles: Owner or Firebase Admin и
Either of the following Google Play access levels: account Owner or Admin
For linking your AdMob app , you need to be both a Firebase project owner and an AdMob administrator.
For linking your AdWords account , you need to be both a Firebase project owner and an AdWords administrator.
For linking your BigQuery project , you need to be the Firebase project owner.
What open source notices should I include in my app?
On Apple platforms, the Firebase pod contains a NOTICES file which includes the relevant entries. The Firebase Android SDK contains a helper Activity for showing license information.
Permissions and access to Firebase projects
How do I assign a project member a role, like the Owner role?
To manage the role(s) assigned to each project member, you must be an Owner of the Firebase project (or be assigned a role with the permission resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy ).
Here are the places where you can assign and manage roles:
The Google Cloud console offers an expansive set of tools to assign roles to project members in the IAM page . In the Cloud console, you can also create and manage custom roles , as well as give service accounts access to your project.
Note that in the Google Cloud console, project members are called principals .
If the Owner of your project can no longer perform the tasks of an Owner (for example, the person left your company) and your project isn't managed via a Google Cloud organization (see next paragraph), you can contact Firebase Support and check with them about how to request access to the Firebase project.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, it may not have an Owner. If you're unable to find an Owner for your Firebase project, contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to assign an Owner for the project.
How do I find the Owner of a Firebase project?
You can view project members and their roles in the following places:
If you have access to the project in the Firebase console, you can view the list of project members, including Owners, in the Users and permissions page of the Firebase console.
If you do not have access to the project in the Firebase console, check if you have access to the project in the Google Cloud console. You can view the list of project members, including Owners, in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If the Owner of your project can no longer perform the tasks of an Owner (for example, the person left your company) and your project isn't managed via a Google Cloud organization (see next paragraph), you can contact Firebase Support to have a temporary Owner assigned.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, it may not have an Owner. Instead, the person who manages your Google Cloud organization can perform many tasks that an Owner can do. However, to perform several Owner-specific tasks (like assigning roles or managing Google Analytics properties), the administrator may need to assign themselves the actual Owner role to perform those tasks. If you're unable to find an Owner for your Firebase project, contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to assign an Owner for the project.
Why or when should I assign a project member the Owner role?
To ensure proper management of a Firebase project, it must have an Owner . A project's Owner is the person who can perform several important administrative actions (like assigning roles and managing Google Analytics properties), and Firebase Support can only fulfill administrative requests from demonstrated project Owners.
After you set up the Owner(s) for a Firebase project, it's important to keep those assignments up-to-date.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, the person who manages your Google Cloud organization can perform many tasks that an Owner can do. However, for several Owner-specific tasks (like assigning roles or managing Google Analytics properties), the administrator may need to assign themselves the actual Owner role to perform those tasks.
I don't think that I have a Firebase project, but I got an email about one. How do I access this project?
The email you received should contain a link to open your Firebase project. Clicking the link in the email should open the project in the Firebase console.
If you're not able to open the project in the link, make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that received the email about the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Note that if you're the administrator of a Google Cloud organization, you may be notified about changes to Firebase projects inside your organization. However, you may not have sufficient permissions to open the Firebase project. In these cases, the simplest solution is to assign yourself the actual Owner role to open the project and perform the required actions. Learn more about why and when to assign the Owner role .
Платформы и фреймворки
Visit the platform-specific troubleshooting & FAQ pages for helpful tips and answers for more FAQ.
What are the supported browsers for accessing the Firebase console?
The Firebase console can be accessed from recent versions of popular desktop browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. Mobile browsers are currently not fully supported.
I can load the Firebase console, but why can't I find or access my Firebase project?
This FAQ is applicable if you're experiencing either of the following issues:
The Firebase console returns an error page that says your project may not exist or that you don't have access to the project.
The Firebase console doesn't display your project even when you enter its project ID or project name in the console's search field.
Try these troubleshooting steps:
First, try accessing your project by visiting the project's URL directly. Use the following format: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
If you still can't access the project or receive permissions errors, check the following:
Make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that has access to the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Make sure that you're assigned one of the basic IAM roles (Owner, Editor, Viewer) or a role that has Firebase-related permissions in it, for example a Firebase predefined role . You can view your role(s) in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If your project belongs to a Google Cloud organization, you may require additional permissions to see the project listed in the Firebase console. Contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to give you the appropriate role to view the project, for example the Browser role.
If none of the troubleshooting steps above enable you to find or access your project, contact Firebase Support .
Why is the Firebase console not loading for me?
This FAQ is applicable if you're experiencing any of the following issues:
A page in the Firebase console never finishes loading.
Data within a page doesn't load as expected.
You receive browser error messages when loading the Firebase console.
The Firebase console supports the following languages:
Бразильский португальский
Упрощенный китайский
Традиционный китайский
What roles and permissions does the Firebase console support?
The Firebase console and Google Cloud console use the same underlying roles and permissions. Learn more about roles and permissions in the Firebase IAM documentation .
A project Owner can add other members to the project, set up integrations (project linking to services like BigQuery or Slack), and has full edit access for the project.
A project Editor has full edit access for the project.
A project Viewer has only read access for the project. Note that the Firebase console currently does not hide/disable edit UI controls from project Viewers, but these operations will fail for project members assigned the Viewer role.
Firebase also supports:
Firebase predefined roles — Curated Firebase-specific roles that enable more granular access control than the basic roles of Owner, Editor, and Viewer.
Custom roles — Fully customized IAM roles that you create to tailor a set of permissions that meet the specific requirements of your organization.
Which products are paid? Which are no-cost?
Firebase's paid infrastructure products are the Realtime Database , Cloud Storage for Firebase , Cloud Functions , Hosting , Test Lab , and phone authentication. We offer a no-cost tier for all of these features.
Firebase also has many no-cost products: Analytics , Cloud Messaging , the Notifications composer, Remote Config , App Indexing , Dynamic Links , and Crash Reporting . Use of these products is subject only to the product's traffic control policies (eg quotas, fair access and other service protections) in all plans, including our no-cost Spark plan. In addition, all Authentication features beyond phone authentication are no-cost.
Does Firebase offer no-cost trial credits for paid products?
Firebase paid services can be used under the Google Cloud Free Trial . New Google Cloud and Firebase users can take advantage of a 90-day trial period that includes $300 in free Cloud Billing credits to explore and evaluate Google Cloud and Firebase products and services.
During the Google Cloud Free Trial period, you'll be provided a Free Trial Cloud Billing account. Any Firebase project that uses that billing account will be on the Blaze pricing plan during the free trial period.
Don't worry, setting up this Free Trial Cloud Billing account does not enable us to charge you. You are not charged unless you explicitly enable billing by upgrading your Free Trial Cloud Billing account to a paid account. You can upgrade to a paid account at any time during the trial. After you've upgraded, you can still use any remaining credits (within the 90-day period).
Once the free trial expires, you'll need to either downgrade your project to the Spark pricing plan or set up the Blaze pricing plan in the Firebase console to continue using your Firebase project.
Our Spark plan is a great place to develop your app at no cost. You get all the no-cost Firebase features ( Analytics , the Notifications composer, Crashlytics , and so on) and generous amounts of our paid infrastructure features. However, if you exceed your Spark plan resources in a calendar month, your app will be shut off for the remainder of that month. In addition, Google Cloud features are not available when using the Spark plan.
Blaze pricing plan
Our Blaze plan is designed for production apps. The Blaze plan also allows you to extend your app with paid Google Cloud features. You pay only for the resources that you consume, allowing you to scale with demand. We strive to make our Blaze plan prices competitive with industry-leading cloud providers.
What happened to the free SMS on the Spark plan?
Starting September 2024, to improve the security and service quality of Phone Authentication, Firebase projects must be linked to a Cloud Billing account to enable and use the SMS Service.
How can I monitor my usage and billing?
You can track your usage of project resources in the Firebase console on any of the following dashboards:
In January 2020, the Flame pricing plan ($25/mo of additional quota) was removed as an option for new sign-ups. Existing plan users were granted a grace period to migrate their projects off the Flame plan. In February 2022, the remaining projects on the Flame pricing plan were downgraded to the Spark pricing plan. Соответственно,
Existing Spark and Blaze plan projects and any new projects can no longer switch to or sign up for the Flame plan.
If you moved an existing Flame plan project to a different pricing plan, the project cannot return to the Flame plan.
Projects downgraded to the Spark plan can be upgraded to the Blaze plan to resume additional paid services.
References to the Flame plan have been removed from documentation.
Do you have more questions about the Flame plan retirement? Read some of the additional FAQs below.
Want to learn about the other pricing plans offered by Firebase? Visit our Firebase pricing page ! If you'd like to start moving any existing projects to another pricing plan, you can do that in the Firebase console for your project.
Additional FAQs about the Flame plan retirement
I have a project or a process or a business model that relies on a fixed Firebase cost. Что я должен делать?
Sign up for the Blaze pricing plan, and make sure to set budget alerts .
May I be given special access to create new Flame plan projects?
No, Firebase isn't offering special access for projects to switch to or sign-up for the Flame plan.
I changed my Flame plan project to a different pricing plan. Как мне изменить его обратно?
Switching to the Flame plan is no longer possible. For access to services provided by the Flame plan, make sure that you're using the Blaze pricing plan, and consider setting up budget alerts for your project.
My project was automatically switched to a different pricing plan as part of the Flame plan retirement. Что я должен делать?
If your project requires additional quota beyond what is provided with the Spark plan, you'll need to upgrade your project to the Blaze pricing plan.
Why is the Flame plan being retired?
Over the years, we've seen declining usage of the Flame plan, and most projects that use the plan are not consuming its full value. Maintaining this pricing plan is generally not cost-effective, and we feel that we can serve everyone better if resources went to other Firebase initiatives.
How is the no-cost usage in the Blaze plan different from the no-cost usage in the Spark plan?
No-cost usage on the Blaze plan is calculated daily. Usage limits also differ from the Spark plan for Cloud Functions , phone authentication, and Test Lab .
For Cloud Functions , no-cost usage on the Blaze plan is calculated at the Cloud Billing account level, not the project level and has the following limits:
2M invocations/month
400K GB-seconds/month
200K CPU-seconds/month
5 GB of networking egress/month
For phone authentication, no-cost usage on the Blaze plan is calculated monthly.
For Test Lab , no-cost usage on the Blaze plan has the following limits:
30 physical device minutes/day
60 virtual device minutes/day
Does the no-cost usage quota reset when I change from a Spark to a Blaze plan?
No-cost usage from the Spark plan is included in the Blaze plan. No-cost usage does not reset when moving to a Blaze plan.
What is a "simultaneous database connection"?
A simultaneous connection is equivalent to one mobile device, browser tab, or server app connected to the database. Firebase imposes hard limits on the number of simultaneous connections to your app's database. These limits are in place to protect both Firebase and our users from abuse.
The Spark plan limit is 100 and cannot be raised. The Flame and Blaze plans have a limit of 200,000 simultaneous connections per database.
This limit isn't the same as the total number of users of your app, because your users don't all connect at once. If you need more than 200,000 simultaneous connections, please read Scale with Multiple Databases .
What happens if I exceed Spark plan storage or download limits for Realtime Database ?
To provide you with a predictable price, the resources available to you in the Spark plans are capped. This means that when you exceed any plan limit in any month, your app will be turned off to prevent any further resource usage and additional charges.
What happens if I exceed Spark plan simultaneous connection limits for Realtime Database ?
When your app reaches its concurrency limit on the Spark plan, any subsequent connections will be rejected until some of the existing connections are closed. The app will continue to work for users who are connected.
How does Firebase's integration with Google Cloud work?
Firebase is deeply integrated with Google Cloud . Projects are shared between Firebase and Google Cloud , so projects can have Firebase services and Google Cloud services enabled. You can access the same project from the Firebase console or the Google Cloud console. Конкретно:
Certain Firebase products are backed directly by Google Cloud , such as Cloud Storage for Firebase . The list of products backed by Google Cloud will continue to grow over time.
Many of your settings, including collaborators and billing information, are shared by Firebase and Google Cloud . Your usage of both Firebase and Google Cloud appears on the same bill.
In addition, when you upgrade to the Blaze plan, you can use any of Google Cloud 's world-class Infrastructure-as-a-Service and APIs directly inside your Firebase project, at standard Google Cloud pricing . You can also export data from Google Cloud directly to BigQuery for analysis. To learn more, see Link BigQuery with Firebase.
There are many security-enhancing, latency-improving, and time-saving benefits to using Google Cloud with Firebase (versus other, cloud services that are not co-located). Check out the Google Cloud site for more details.
What happens to my Firebase project if I add or remove billing accounts for that project in the Google Cloud console?
If a Cloud Billing account is added to a project in the Google Cloud console, the same project will automatically be upgraded to the Firebase Blaze plan if that project is currently on the Spark plan.
In contrast, if an existing active Cloud Billing account is removed from a project in the Google Cloud console, that project will be downgraded to the Firebase Spark plan.
Can I upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time?
Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time. Note that we don't provide prorated refunds for downgrades or cancellations. This means that if you downgrade or cancel before the end of your billing period, you still pay for the remainder of the month.
What kind of support will I receive?
All Firebase apps, including those using no-cost plans, come with email support from Firebase staff during US Pacific business hours. All accounts have unlimited support for billing-related issues, account-related issues, technical (troubleshooting) questions, and incident reports.
Can I cap usage on the Blaze plan?
No, you cannot currently cap your Blaze plan usage. We are evaluating options for supporting caps on Blaze plan usage.
Blaze users can define a budget for their project or account, and receive alerts as their spending approaches those limits. Learn how to set up budget alerts .
What are automated backups? Do you offer hourly backups?
Automated backups are an advanced feature for customers on our Blaze pricing plan that backs up your Firebase Realtime Database data once a day and uploads it to Google Cloud Storage .
We do not offer hourly backups.
Do you offer open-source, nonprofit, or educational discounts?
Our Spark plan can be used by any type of individual or organization, including nonprofits, schools, and open-source projects. Since these plans already include generous quotas, we don't offer any special discounts or plans for open-source, nonprofit, or educational projects.
Do you offer enterprise contracts, pricing, support, or dedicated infrastructure hosting?
Our Blaze plan is suitable for enterprises of all sizes, and our SLA meets or exceeds the industry standard for cloud infrastructure. However, we do not currently offer enterprise contracts, pricing, or support, nor do we offer dedicated infrastructure hosting (that is, on-premises installations) for services like our Realtime Database . We are hard at work adding some of these features.
Do you offer ad-hoc pricing? I only want pay-as-you-go for one or two features.
We offer ad-hoc pricing in the Blaze plan, where you pay only for the features you use.
How do the paid Firebase plans work with Ads ? Are there no-cost advertising credits with paid plans?
The Firebase pricing plans are separate from Ads , so there are no advertising credits without cost. As a Firebase developer, you are able to "link" your Ads account to Firebase to support conversion tracking.
All ads campaigns are managed directly in Ads , and Ads billing is managed from the Ads console.
Cloud Functions pricing
Why do I need a billing account to use Cloud Functions for Firebase ?
Cloud Functions for Firebase relies on some paid Google services. New function deployments with Firebase CLI 11.2.0 and higher rely on Cloud Build and Artifact Registry . Deployments to older versions use Cloud Build in the same way, but rely on Container Registry and Cloud Storage for storage instead of Artifact Registry . Usage of these services will be billed in addition to existing pricing.
Storage space for Firebase CLI 11.2.0 and newer versions
Artifact Registry provides the containers in which functions run. Artifact Registry provides the first 500MB at no cost, so your first function deployments may not incur any fees. Above that threshold, each additional GB of storage is billed at $0.10 per month.
Storage space for Firebase CLI 11.1.x and prior versions
For functions deployed to older versions, Container Registry , provides the containers in which functions run. You'll be billed for each container required to deploy a function. You may notice small charges for each container stored—for example, 1GB of storage is billed at $0.026 per month .
To understand more about how your bill might change, please review the following
Does Cloud Functions for Firebase still have no-cost usage?
Да. On the Blaze plan, Cloud Functions provides a no-cost tier for invocations, compute time, and internet traffic. The first 2,000,000 invocations, 400,000 GB-sec, 200,000 CPU-sec, and 5 GB of Internet egress traffic is provided at no cost each month. You'll be charged only for usage above those thresholds.
After the first 500MB of no-cost storage, each deployment operation will incur small-scale charges for the storage space used for the function's container. If your development process depends on deploying functions for testing, you can further minimize costs by using the Firebase Local Emulator Suite during development.
Is Firebase planning to raise the quotas and limits for Cloud Functions for Firebase ?
No. There are no plans to change the quotas except for the removal of a maximum build time limit; instead of receiving errors or warnings when the daily build quota of 120 minutes is reached, you'll be billed under the terms of the Blaze pricing plan. See Quotas and limits .
Can I get the Google Cloud $300 credit?
Yes, you can create a Cloud Billing account in the Google Cloud console to get the $300 credit, then link that Cloud Billing account to a Firebase project.
Note that if you do this, you have to then set up the Blaze pricing plan in the Firebase console in order for your project to continue working after the $300 credit is exhausted.
I want to follow a codelab to learn about Firebase. Can you give me a temporary billing account?
Нет, извини. You can use the Firebase emulator for development without having a Cloud Billing account. Alternatively, try applying for a Google Cloud free trial . If you're still having trouble paying your bill because of this change, contact Firebase Support.
I'm worried I'm going to rack up a huge bill.
You can set up budget alerts in the Google Cloud console to help control costs. Also, you can set limits on the number of billed instances created for each of your functions. To get an idea of costing for typical scenarios, see the Cloud Functions Pricing examples.
To use extensions, you will need to upgrade to the Blaze pricing plan. You will be charged a small amount (typically around $0.01 per month for the Firebase resources required by each extension you install (even if they are not used), in addition to any charges associated with your use of Firebase services.
Cloud Storage for Firebase pricing
How do I predict how much I will be billed for upload and download operations?
Visit the Firebase Pricing page and use the Blaze plan calculator . The calculator lists all the usage types for Cloud Storage for Firebase .
Use the sliders to input the expected usage of your Storage bucket. The calculator will estimate your monthly bill.
What happens if I exceed Spark plan upload, download or storage limits for Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
When you exceed limits for Cloud Storage in a project on the Spark plan, the result depends on the type of limit that you exceed:
If you exceed the GB stored limit, you will not be able to store any more data in that project unless you remove some of the data stored or upgrade to a plan that provides more storage space, or unlimited storage space.
If you exceed the GB downloaded limit, your app will not be able to download more data until the next day (starting at midnight, US Pacific Time), unless you upgrade to a plan with less restrictive limits, or with no limits.
If you exceed the upload or download operations limit, your app will not be able to upload or download more data until the next day (starting at midnight, US Pacific Time), unless you upgrade to a plan with less restrictive limits, or with no пределы.
Where can I find information about privacy and security in Firebase?
Do the Firebase SDKs log any usage/diagnostic information outside of Analytics?
Да. This is currently iOS-only, but may change in the future. The Firebase Apple platforms SDK includes the FirebaseCoreDiagnostics framework by default. This framework is used by Firebase to collect SDK usage and diagnostics information to help prioritize future product enhancements. FirebaseCoreDiagnostics is optional, so if you would like to opt out of sending Firebase diagnostic logs, you can do so by unlinking the library from your application. You can browse the full source, including logged values, on GitHub
A/B Testing
A/B Testing : How many experiments can I create and run?
You are allowed up to 300 experiments per project, which could consist of up to 24 running experiments, with the rest as draft or completed.
A/B Testing : Why can't I view my experiments after unlinking and re-linking my project to Google Analytics?
Linking to a different Google Analytics property will cause you to lose access to experiments created beforehand. To regain access to a previous experiment, re-link your project to the Google Analytics property that was linked when the experiment was created.
A/B Testing : Why do I receive a "Project not linked to Google Analytics" message when creating a Remote Config experiment?
If you've already linked Firebase and Google Analytics , but still see a message that Google Analytics is not linked, make sure that an Analytics stream exists for all apps in your project. Currently, all apps in a project must be connected to a Google Analytics stream to use A/B Testing.
You can find the list of all active streams on the Google Analytics integration details page within the Firebase console, accessed from settingsProject Settingschevron_rightIntegrationschevron_rightGoogle Analyticschevron_rightManage .
Creating a Google Analytics stream for any app that does not have one should resolve the issue. There are a few ways to create streams for missing apps:
If you only have one or two apps missing an associated Google Analytics stream, you can choose one of the following methods to add a Google Analytics stream:
Delete and re-add any app without an active stream in the Firebase console.
From the Google Analytics console , select Admin , click Data Streams , then click Add stream , add the missing app's details, and click Register app .
If you have more than a few missing app streams, unlinking and relinking your Google Analytics property is the fastest and most efficient way to create the missing app streams:
From settingsProject Settings , select Integrations .
Within the Google Analytics card, click Manage to access Firebase and Google Analytics settings.
Make a note of the Google Analytics Property ID and the Linked Google Analytics account .
Click more_vertMore and select Unlink Analytics from this project .
Review the warning that appears (don't worry here; you will relink the same property in the next step), then click Unlink Google Analytics .
When unlinking is complete, you'll be redirected to the Integrations page.
Within the Google Analytics card, click Enable to begin the relinking process.
Select your Analytics account from the Select account list.
Next to Automatically create a new property in this account , click editEdit and, from the Analytics property list that appears, select your property ID.
A list of all apps in your project appears. Existing stream mappings for each app are listed, and apps that do not have a stream will have one created for them.
Click Enable Google Analytics to relink the property.
To use AdMob , always use the Google Mobile Ads SDK as described in this FAQ. Additionally and optionally, if you want to collect user metrics for AdMob , then include the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics in your app.
For Android projects : Add the dependency for the Google Mobile Ads SDK to your build.gradle file: implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:23.3.0'
Analytics : Why is Google Analytics a recommended part of using Firebase products?
Google Analytics is a free and unlimited analytics solution that works with Firebase features to deliver powerful insights. It enables you to view event logs in Crashlytics , notification effectiveness in FCM , deep link performance for Dynamic Links , and in-app purchase data from Google Play . It powers advanced audience targeting in Remote Config , Remote Config personalization, and more.
Google Analytics acts as a layer of intelligence in the Firebase console to provide you with more actionable insights about how to develop a high quality app, grow your user base, and earn more money.
Analytics : How do I control how my Analytics data is shared with the rest of Firebase?
By default, your Google Analytics data is used to enhance other Firebase and Google features. You can control how your Google Analytics data is shared in your project settings anytime. Learn more about Data sharing settings .
Analytics : How do I update my Analytics property settings?
From the Admin page in your Google Analytics property, you can update your property settings, such as:
Настройки обмена данными
Data retention settings
Time zone and currency settings
To update your property settings, follow these steps:
In the Firebase console, go to your settings > Project settings .
Go to the Integrations tab, and then in the Google Analytics card, click Manage or View link .
Analytics : Why don't I see any Analytics data in the Firebase console after unlinking Firebase from Google Analytics?
Analytics data resides within the Google Analytics property — not within the Firebase project. If you delete or unlink the property, then the Analytics data will not be accessible to Firebase and you'll see an empty Analytics dashboard in the Firebase console. Note that since the data still resides in the previously linked property, you can always relink the property to Firebase and see the Analytics data in the Firebase console.
Linking a brand new Google Analytics account (and thus a new Google Analytics property) to your Firebase project will result in an empty Analytics dashboard in the Firebase console. However, if your previously linked property still exists, then you can move the existing data from the old property to the new property.
Analytics : If my Analytics property and its data were deleted, is there any way to get them back?
No. If your property has been deleted, it isn't possible to undelete the property or retrieve the previously collected Analytics data stored in that property.
If you'd like to start using Google Analytics again, you can link either a new property or an existing property to your Firebase project. You can do this linking in either the Firebase console or the Google Analytics UI. Learn more about linking a Google Analytics property to your Firebase project.
Analytics : If my Analytics property was deleted, can I link a new Google Analytics property to my Firebase project and start using Analytics again?
If you'd like to start using Google Analytics again, you can link either a new property or an existing property to your Firebase project. You can do this linking in either the Firebase console or the Google Analytics UI. Learn more about linking a Google Analytics property to your Firebase project.
Note that since all Analytics data is stored in the property (not the Firebase project), the previously collected Analytics data cannot be retrieved.
Analytics : How will Firebase products or integrated Google products be affected by the deletion of my Analytics property?
Several Firebase products rely on the Google Analytics integration. If your Analytics property and its data are deleted, the following will happen if you use the following products:
Crashlytics — You can no longer see crash-free users, breadcrumb logs, and/or velocity alerts.
Cloud Messaging and In-App Messaging — You can no longer use targeting, campaign metrics, audience segmentation, and analytics labels.
Remote Config — You can no longer use targeted configurations or Personalization.
A/B Testing — You can no longer use A/B Testing since the experiment measurement is supplied by Google Analytics.
Dynamic Links — Any feature that relies on data from Google Analytics will be disrupted.
In addition, the following integrations will be affected:
Analytics : How do I segment users who have not met some criterion?
You can reframe the problem by "negatively targeting" these users. For example, reframe the problem as "Don't show ads to people who have bought something", and form an audience of those users to target.
Analytics : Are audiences and/or events defined in the Google Analytics interface also available in the Firebase console?
Your audiences and user properties will be synced. For some features, you'll need to use the Google Analytics interface, such as segmentation and closed funnels. You can access the Google Analytics interface directly via deep-links from the Firebase console.
Any changes you make from the Firebase console can also be performed in Google Analytics, and those changes will be reflected in Firebase.
Firebase Authentication : Which regions are supported for phone authentication?
Firebase Authentication supports phone number verification globally, but not all networks reliably deliver verification messages. The following regions have good rates of delivery, and should be expected to work well for phone authentication. Where noted, some carriers are unavailable in a region due to poor delivery success rates.
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Антигуа и Барбуда
Американское Самоа
Босния и Герцеговина
лучший друг
Congo, (Kinshasa)
Центральноафриканская Республика
компьютерная графика
Конго (Браззавиль)
Берег Слоновой Кости
Острова Кука
Чешская Республика
Доминиканская Республика
восточноевропейское время
Фолклендские острова (Мальвинские острова)
Микронезия, Федеративные Штаты
Фарерские острова
Французская Гвиана
врач общей практики
Экваториальная Гвинея
Гонконг, САР Китая
Остров Мэн
Коморские острова
Сент-Китс и Невис
Корея (Южная)
Каймановы острова
Лаосская НДР
доктор медицинских наук
Сен-Мартен (французская часть)
Македония, Республика
Макао, САР Китая
Северная Каролина
Новая Каледония
Остров Норфолк
Новая Зеландия
Новая Зеландия
Папуа-Новая Гвинея
Сен-Пьер и Микелон
Палестинская территория
контроль качества
Российская Федерация
Саудовская Аравия
Сейшельские острова
Остров Святой Елены
Сан-Томе и Принсипи
Острова Тёркс и Кайкос
Тринидад и Тобаго
Тайвань, Китайская Республика
Танзания, Объединенная Республика
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
Венесуэла (Боливарианская Республика)
Британские Виргинские острова
Виргинские острова, США
Firebase Authentication : How can I prevent SMS abuse when using phone authentication?
To help protect your project from SMS traffic pumping and API abuse, take the following steps:
Look for regions with a very high number of sent SMS and a very low number (or zero) of verified SMS. The ratio of verified/sent is your success rate. Healthy success rates are commonly in the 70-85% range since SMS is not a guaranteed delivery protocol, and some regions may experience abuse. Success rates below 50% imply many sent SMS but few successful logins, which is a common indicator of bad actors and SMS traffic pumping.
Use SMS Region Policy to either deny SMS regions with low success rates, or only allow certain regions if your app is only intended for distribution in certain markets.
Limit your authorized authentication domains
Use the Authentication settings dashboard to manage authorized domains. The localhost domain is added by default to the approved authentication domains to simplify development. Consider removing localhost from the authorized domains in your production project to prevent bad actors from running code on theirlocalhost to access your production project.
Enable and enforce App Check
Enable App Check to help protect your project from API abuse by attesting that requests only come from applications associated with your project.
Remember that you need to enforce App Check for Authentication in the Firebase console (consider monitoring traffic before enforcing). Also, double check your reCAPTCHA Enterprise approved sites list to validate that it only contains your production sites, and that the list of applications registered to your project in App Check is accurate.
Note that App Check helps protect against automated attacks by asserting that the call comes from one of your registered applications. It does not prevent users from using your app in unintended ways (for example, starting then never finishing login flows to generate sent SMS).
Firebase Authentication : Are phone numbers ported to a new carrier supported by phone authentication?
At this time, numbers ported between carriers will result in all SMS becoming undeliverable for those end users. There is no workaround, and Firebase is working on this issue.
Firebase Authentication : In my Android app, why am I getting the following error: Google sign in failed ?
Follow the troubleshooting steps in this FAQ if you're getting the following error:
GoogleFragment: Google sign in failed
com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 13: Unable to get token.
Make sure that Google sign-in is properly enabled as an authentication provider:
Within the Sign in method tab, disable and then re-enable the Google sign-in method (even if it's already enabled):
Open the Google sign-in method, disable it, and then click Save .
Re-open the Google sign-in method, enable it, and then click Save .
Also, in the Google sign-in provider configuration of the Authentication section, make sure that the OAuth client ID and secret match the web client displayed in the Credentials page of the Google Cloud console (look in the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs section).
Firebase Authentication : In my web app, why are sign-in with redirects failing with the following error: This domain YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is not authorized to run this operation ?
Follow the troubleshooting steps in this FAQ if you're getting the following error:
This domain YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is not authorized to run this operation.
This error is most likely caused because your redirect domain isn't listed as a authorized domain for Firebase Authentication , or the API key that you use with the Firebase Authentication Service is invalid.
First make sure that YOUR_REDIRECT_DOMAIN is in the list of authorized domains for your Firebase project. If your redirect domain is already listed there, continue to troubleshoot an invalid API key.
By default, Firebase Authentication JS SDK relies on the API key for your Firebase project that's labeled as the Browser key , and it uses this key to verify that a sign-in redirect URL is valid according to the list of authorized domains. Authentication gets this API key depending on how you access the Authentication SDK:
If you use Hosting -provided Auth helpers to log users in with the Authentication JS SDK, then Firebase automatically obtains your API key with the rest of your Firebase configuration each time you deploy to Firebase Hosting . Make sure that the authDomain in your web app firebaseConfig is properly configured to use one of the domains for that Hosting site. You can verify this by going to https:// authDomain __/firebase/init.json , and checking that the projectId matches that from your firebaseConfig .
If you self-host the sign-in code , then you can use a __/firebase/init.json file to provide the Firebase configuration to the self-hosted Authentication JS SDK Redirect helper. The API key and the projectId listed in this config file should match your web app firebaseConfig .
Check to make sure this API key hasn't been deleted: Go to the APIs & Services > Credentials panel in the Google Cloud console where all the API keys for your project are listed.
If the Browser key has not been deleted, check the following:
If you self-host the sign-in code, make sure the API key listed in your __/firebase/init.json file matches the API key in the Cloud console. Correct the key in the file, if necessary, then redeploy your app.
If the Browser key has been deleted, you can have Firebase generate a new API key for you: In the Firebase console, go to settings > Project settings , then in the Your apps section, click on your web app. This action automatically creates an API key that you can see in the SDK setup and configuration section for your web app.
Note that in the Cloud console this new API key will not be called Browser key ; instead, it will be the same name as your Firebase Web App's nickname. If you decide to add API restrictions to this new API key, make sure the Firebase Authentication API is in the list of allowed APIs.
Once your new API key is created, complete the applicable steps below:
If you use reserved Hosting URLs , then redeploy your app to Firebase so that it can automatically obtain the new API key with the rest of your Firebase configuration.
If you self-host the sign-in code , copy the new API key and add it to your __/firebase/init.json file, then redeploy your app.
Firebase Authentication : How do I manually construct an OAuth web client??
Open the Credentials page of the Google Cloud console.
At the top of the page, select Create credentials > OAuth client ID .
If you're prompted to configure your consent screen, follow the on-screen instructions, and then continue with the following steps of this FAQ.
Create the OAuth web client:
For the Application Type , select Web application .
For the Authorized JavaScript Origins , add the following:
https:// PROJECT_ID .firebaseapp.com
https:// PROJECT_ID .web.app
For the Authorized Redirect URIs , add the following:
Within the Sign in method tab, open the Google sign-in provider, and then paste the web server client ID and secret you just constructed and copied from the Google Cloud console. Нажмите Сохранить .
Firebase Authentication : How is %APP_NAME% determined for the email template for the confirmation email that can be sent to a user when they sign up using an email address and password?
Before December 2022, the %APP_NAME% in the email template was populated with the OAuth brand name that was automatically provisioned whenever an Android app was registered in the Firebase project. Now, since the OAuth brand is provisioned only when Google sign-in is enabled, the following describes how %APP_NAME% is determined:
If the OAuth brand name is available, then the %APP_NAME% in the email template will be the OAuth brand name (same as pre-December 2022 behavior).
If the OAuth brand name is not available, here's how the %APP_NAME% in the email template is determined:
For web apps , the %APP_NAME% will be the default Firebase Hosting site name (the value preceding .firebaseapp.com and .web.app and usually the Firebase project ID).
For mobile apps:
If the Android package name or iOS bundle ID is present in the request, then the %APP_NAME% will be the app name used in the Play Store or App Store (respectively).
Otherwise, the %APP_NAME% will be the default Firebase Hosting site name (the value preceding .firebaseapp.com and .web.app and usually the Firebase project ID).
Note that if the lookup of the default Firebase Hosting site name fails, then the final fallback is to use the Firebase project ID as the %APP_NAME% .
Cloud Functions
Cloud Functions runtime support
How do I upgrade to the latest supported version of Node.js?
How can I make sure I deployed my functions to a specific Node.js runtime?
In the Firebase console, go to the functions dashboard , select a function, and check the function's language under Additional details .
I use Firebase Extensions. Will I be affected by Cloud Functions runtime updates?
Да. Since extensions use Cloud Functions , the runtime of your extensions will need to be updated on the same timeline as Cloud Functions.
We recommend that you periodically update to the latest version of each extension installed in your project. You can upgrade your projects' extensions via the Firebase console or Firebase CLI .
Cloud Messaging
Cloud Messaging : What's the difference between the Notifications composer and Cloud Messaging ?
Firebase Cloud Messaging provides a complete set of messaging capabilities through its client SDKs and HTTP and XMPP server protocols. For deployments with more complex messaging requirements, FCM is the right choice.
The Notifications composer is a lightweight, serverless messaging solution built on Firebase Cloud Messaging . With a user-friendly graphical console and reduced coding requirements, the Notifications composer lets users easily send messages to reengage and retain users, foster app growth, and support marketing campaigns.
Notifications composer
Cloud Messaging
Одно устройство
Clients subscribed to topics (ie weather)
Clients in predefined user segment (app, version, language)
Clients in specified analytics audiences
Clients in device groups
Upstream from client to server
Тип сообщения
Notifications up to 2kb
Data messages up to 4kb
Future client device local time
Built-in Notifications analytics collection and funnel analytics
Cloud Messaging : Apple announced they're deprecating the legacy binary protocol for APNs. Нужно ли мне что-нибудь делать?
No. Firebase Cloud Messaging switched to the HTTP/2-based APNs protocol in 2017. If you are using FCM to send notifications to iOS devices, there should be no action required on your part.
Cloud Messaging : Do I need to use other Firebase services in order to use FCM ?
You can use Firebase Cloud Messaging as a standalone component, in the same manner as you did with GCM, without using other Firebase services.
Cloud Messaging : I am an existing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) developer. Should I move to Firebase Cloud Messaging ?
FCM is the new version of GCM under the Firebase brand. It inherits GCM's core infrastructure, with new SDKs to make Cloud Messaging development easier.
Benefits of upgrading to FCM SDK include:
Simpler client development. You no longer have to write your own registration or subscription retry logic.
An out-of-the-box notification solution. You can use the Notifications composer, a serverless notifications solution with a web console that lets anyone send notifications to target specific audiences based on insights from Google Analytics.
To upgrade from GCM SDKs to FCM SDKs, see the guides for migrating Android and iOS apps.
Cloud Messaging : Why do my targeted devices apparently fail to receive messages?
When it looks like devices haven't successfully received messages, check first for these two potential causes:
Foreground message handling for notification messages . Client apps need to add message handling logic to handle notification messages when the app is in the foreground on the device. See the details for iOS and Android .
Network firewall restrictions . If your organization has a firewall that restricts the traffic to or from the Internet, you need to configure it to allow connectivity with FCM in order for your Firebase Cloud Messaging client apps to receive messages. The ports to open are:
FCM usually uses 5228, but it sometimes uses 5229 and 5230. FCM does not provide specific IPs, so you should allow your firewall to accept outgoing connections to all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google's ASN of 15169 .
Cloud Messaging : I have implemented onMessageReceived in my Android app, but it is not being called.
When your app is in the background, notification messages are displayed in the system tray, and onMessageReceived is not called. For notification messages with a data payload, the notification message is displayed in the system tray, and the data that was included with the notification message can be retrieved from the intent launched when the user taps on the notification.
Notifications composer: What's the difference between the Notifications composer and Cloud Messaging ?
The Notifications composer is a lightweight, serverless messaging solution built on Firebase Cloud Messaging . With a user-friendly graphical console and reduced coding requirements, the Notifications composer lets users easily send messages to reengage and retain users, foster app growth, and support marketing campaigns.
Firebase Cloud Messaging provides a complete set of messaging capabilities through its client SDKs and HTTP and XMPP server protocols. For deployments with more complex messaging requirements, FCM is the right choice.
Here's a comparison of the messaging capabilities provided by Firebase Cloud Messaging and the Notifications composer:
Notifications composer
Cloud Messaging
Одно устройство
Clients subscribed to topics (ie weather)
Clients in predefined user segment (app, version, language)
Clients in specified analytics audiences
Clients in device groups
Upstream from client to server
Тип сообщения
Notifications up to 2kb
Data messages up to 4kb
Future client device local time
Built-in Notifications analytics collection and funnel analytics
Notifications composer: I am an existing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) developer, and I want to use the Notifications composer. Что я должен делать?
The Notifications composer is an out-of-the-box solution that lets anyone send notifications to target specific audiences based on insights from Google Analytics. Also, the Notifications composer provides funnel analysis for every message, allowing easy evaluation of notification effectiveness.
If you are an existing GCM developer, to use the Notifications composer you have to upgrade from GCM SDKs to FCM SDKs. See the guides for migrating Android and iOS apps.
FCM features deprecated in June 2023
Which FCM APIs were deprecated on June 20, 2023, and what should I do if I am using those APIs?
The following APIs/SDKs will be affected by the deprecation:
Server APIs
Конечная точка API
Impact on users
Действие требуется
Legacy HTTP protocol
Requests to the endpoint will start failing after 6/21/2024.
API calls to FirebaseMessaging.send in the app won't trigger upstream messages to the app server after 6/21/2024.
Implement this functionality in your server logic. For example, some developers implement their own HTTP/gRPC endpoint and call the endpoint directly to send messages from their clients to the app server. See this gRPC Quick start for an example implementation of upstream messaging using gRPC.
Batch Send API
Requests to the endpoint will start failing after 6/21/2024.
These APIs will stop working after 6/21/2024 because they call the batch send API .
Upgrade to the latest Firebase Admin SDK and use the new APIs instead: sendEach()/ sendEachAsync()/send_each()/sendEachForMulticast()/sendEachForMulticastAsync()/ send_each_for_multicast() .
Note that the new APIs no longer call the deprecated batch send API, and for this reason they may create more concurrent HTTP connections than the old APIs.
Client SDKs
SDK versions
Impact on users
Действие требуется
GCM SDKs (deprecated in 2018)
Apps using GCM SDKs will not be able to register tokens nor receive messages from FCM after 6/21/2024.
Upgrade your Android SDK to the latest Firebase SDK if you haven't already done so.
JS SDKs version <7.0.0 (breaking change at version 7.0.0 in 2019)
Web apps using older JS SDKs will not be able to register tokens after 6/21/2024.
Upgrade your Firebase Web SDK to the latest version.
Will I see a service downgrade before June 2024?
No. You have 12 months (06/20/2023 - 06/21/2024) to migrate from the old APIs to new APIs without any service downgrade. We strongly recommend you to plan the migration as early as possible so you won't be impacted by the decommissioning of the APIs in June 2024.
After June 2024, you may see increased errors or lack of functionality when using the APIs/SDKs listed above (see the next FAQ for more information).
How and when will the deprecated APIs be shut down?
FCM will start a gradual shutdown of deprecated APIs around July 22nd, 2024. After this date, deprecated services will be subject to a "flickering" process in which increasing numbers of requests will return error responses. During the gradual ramp-down period you can expect the following behavior and error responses to increase in frequency over time:
Чего ожидать
Legacy HTTP protocol
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 301.
Legacy XMPP protocol
Requests being rejected with error code 302.
FCM Upstream
Messages being silently dropped by FCM backend.
Batch Send API
Requests being rejected with error code UNIMPLEMENTED and the error message "The API is deprecated."
GCM SDKs - Register Tokens
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 301.
GCM SDKs - Send Messages
Requests being rejected with error code 400 and the error message "V3 token has been deprecated."
JS SDKs version < 7.0.0
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 501.
Using server key to access Instance ID and device group management APIs
Requests being rejected with HTTP code 401.
What's the difference between OAuth 2.0 tokens and server keys?
An OAuth 2.0 token is a short-lived token derived from a service account . It's Google's standard auth model and it's more secure than static server keys.
Note that the request headers differ when you use OAuth 2.0 tokens for requests to different endpoints.
HTTP v1 API : Authorization: Bearer $oauth_token
Instance ID server API and Device group management API : Authorization: Bearer $oauth_token access_token_auth: true
Can I migrate my requests to the new API all at once?
We recommend that you slowly ramp up your traffic to the new API. If you expect to send more than 600,000 messages/min on a regular basis, contact Firebase support for instructions on how to increase quota or get recommendations on how to spread out traffic.
What's the difference between the HTTP v1 API and the legacy APIs when I send messages to topics/device groups?
Topics: you don't need to add the "/topics/" prefix to your topic target when you use the v1 API.
Device groups: You can use a group token as a token target in the HTTP v1 API. However, the HTTP v1 API doesn't return the success/failure counts in the response. We recommend that you use FCM topics or manage your device groups by yourself.
Does the HTTP v1 API support sending messages to multiple tokens in one request?
No. This feature, called "multicast" in legacy HTTP APIs, is not supported by the HTTP v1 API, which is better designed for scalability.
For use cases where end-to-end latency is critical, or where total fanout size is small (fewer than 1 million), Google recommends sending multiple separate requests using the HTTP v1 API. The HTTP v1 API over HTTP/2 performs similarly for 99.9% of multicast requests (sending < 100 tokens). For outlier use cases (sending 1000 tokens), it achieves up to a third of the throughput rate, so additional concurrency is needed to optimize for this atypical use case. Users can experience more reliability and availability with the HTTP v1 API than with legacy multicast.
For use cases where throughput and egress bandwidth are prioritized or where total fanout size is large (greater than 1 million), Google recommends topic messaging. Хотя для обмена сообщениями в теме требуется единоразовое действие для подписки получателей на тему, он предлагает скорость разветвления до 10 000 QPS на проект без максимального ограничения на размер темы.
What versions of the Firebase Admin SDK have the new APIs?
Firebase Admin SDK version
What's the difference between the batch send API and the HTTP v1 API?
The FCM batch send API uses the same message format and authentication mechanism as the HTTP v1 API. However, it uses a different endpoint. If you want to improve efficiency, you should consider using HTTP/2 to send multiple requests over the same HTTP connection to the HTTP v1 API.
What should I do if I can't access my project?
Please reach out to the Google Cloud support team for help.
Can new projects enable the legacy Cloud Messaging API?
No. Starting from 5/20/2024, new projects will no longer be allowed to enable our legacy APIs.
When can I disable the legacy Cloud Messaging API?
Once you are sure that you have fully migrated to the HTTP v1 API, you can disable the legacy Cloud Messaging API (the page may fail to load if the API has already been disabled).
FCM quotas and limits
I need to notify a large customer base within 2 minutes.
Unfortunately, this use case cannot be supported. You must spread your traffic out over 5 minutes.
My app notifies users of events. The messages must be delivered immediately to support my business model. Can I get more quota?
Unfortunately, we cannot grant quota increases for this reason. You must spread your traffic out over 5 minutes.
My messages are about scheduled events and I need to send all my traffic at the top of the hour.
We recommend that you start sending the notifications at least 5 minutes prior to the event.
How long will it take for my quota request to be fulfilled?
This depends a bit on your use of FCM. In any case, you can expect an answer in a few business days. In some cases, there may be some back-and-forth regarding your usage of FCM and various circumstances, which can prolong the process. If all requirements are met, most requests will be handled within 2 weeks.
429s are hard for me / my business to deal with. Can I get an exemption or more quota to avoid getting 429s?
While we understand that quota limits can be challenging, quotas are vital to keeping the service reliable and we can't grant exemptions.
Can I get more quota for a temporary event?
You may request additional quota to support an event lasting up to 1 month. File the request at least 1 month in advance of the event and with clear details on when the event starts and ends, and FCM will make every practical effort to fulfill the request (no increase can be guaranteed). These quota increases will be reverted after the event's end date.
Is my current quota subject to change?
While Google will not do so lightly, quotas may be changed as needed to protect the integrity of the system. When possible, Google will notify you in advance of such changes.
Cloud Storage for Firebase
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why can't I use Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
Cloud Storage for Firebase creates a default bucket in the App Engine no-cost tier. This allows you to quickly get up and running with Firebase and Cloud Storage for Firebase , without having to put in a credit card or enable a Cloud Billing account. It also allows you to easily share data between Firebase and a Google Cloud project.
There are, however, two known cases where this bucket cannot be created and you will be unable to use Cloud Storage for Firebase :
A project imported from Google Cloud which had a App Engine Master/Slave Datastore application.
A project imported from Google Cloud which has domain prefixed projects. For example: domain.com:project-1234 .
There are currently no workarounds to these issues, and we recommend that you create a new project in the Firebase console and enable Cloud Storage for Firebase in that project.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I get error code 412 responses about service account permissions and failed service account operations when using the Cloud Storage for Firebase API?
It's likely you're getting 412 error codes either because the Cloud Storage for Firebase API is not enabled for your project or a necessary service account is missing the required permissions.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : On Spark plan projects, can I store executable files?
For no-cost (Spark) plan projects, Firebase blocks uploads and hosting of certain executable file types for Windows, Android and Apple by Cloud Storage for Firebase and Firebase Hosting . This policy exists to prevent abuse on our platform.
Serving, hosting and file uploads of disallowed files are blocked for all Spark projects created on or after Sept 28th, 2023. For existing Spark projects with files uploaded before that date, such files can still be uploaded and hosted.
This restriction applies to Spark plan projects. Projects on the pay as you go (Blaze) plan are not affected.
The following file types cannot be hosted on Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage for Firebase :
Windows files with .exe , .dll and .bat extensions
Android files with .apk extension
Apple platform files with .ipa extension
Что мне нужно сделать?
If you still want to host these file types after September 28th, 2023:
For Hosting: upgrade to the Blaze plan before you can deploy these file types to Firebase Hosting via the firebase deploy command.
For Storage: upgrade to the Blaze plan to upload these file types to the bucket of your choice using the GCS CLI, the Firebase console, or Google Cloud console.
Use Firebase tools to manage your Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage resources.
For managing resources in Firebase Hosting , use the Firebase console to delete releases according to this guide .
For managing resources in Cloud Storage , navigate to the Storage product page in your project.
On the Files tab, locate disallowed files to delete in your folder hierarchy, then select them using the checkbox next to the filename(s) on the left-hand side of the panel.
Click Delete , and confirm the files were deleted.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I see an unexpected increase in upload and download operations?
Previously, download and upload requests to the Cloud Storage for Firebase API were not being counted properly. We have taken steps to fix this issue, starting from September 15, 2023.
For Blaze users, upload and download operations will start counting towards your monthly bill. For Spark users, they will start counting towards your monthly free limit.
We recommend monitoring your Usage page for any increases that may count towards your limits.
Cloud Storage for Firebase : Why do I see new service account IDs associated with my Firebase projects that use Cloud Storage for Firebase ?
Firebase uses service accounts to operate and manage services without sharing user credentials. When you create a Firebase project, you might notice that a number of service accounts are already available in your project.
The service account that Cloud Storage for Firebase uses is scoped to your project and is named service- PROJECT_NUMBER @gcp-sa-firebasestorage.iam.gserviceaccount.com .
If you used Cloud Storage for Firebase before September 19, 2022, you may see an additional service account on previously-linked Cloud Storage buckets named firebase-storage@system.gserviceaccount.com . As of September 19, 2022, this service account is no longer supported.
You can view all service accounts associated with your project in the Firebase console, on the Service accounts tab .
Adding the new service account
If you removed the service account previously or the service account is not present in your project, you may do one of the following to add the account.
(Recommended) Automated: Use the AddFirebase REST endpoint to re-import your bucket into Firebase. You will only need to call this endpoint once, not once for each linked bucket.
We strongly discourage you from removing the service account because this may block access to your Cloud Storage buckets from your apps. To remove the service account from your project, follow the instructions in Disabling a service account .
Dynamic Links : Why does my Android app access each Dynamic Link twice?
The getInvitation API clears the saved Dynamic Link to prevent it from being accessed twice. Be sure to call this API with the autoLaunchDeepLink parameter set to false in each of the deep link activities to clear it for the case when the activity is triggered outside the main activity.
Firebase Local Emulator Suite
Why do Emulator Suite logs show an error starting with "Multiple projectIds are not recommended in single project mode"?
This message means the Emulator Suite has detected it may be running a particular product emulator using different project IDs. This may indicate a misconfiguration, and can cause issues when emulators try to communicate with one another, and when you try to interact with emulators from your code. If project IDs don't match, it often appears that data is missing, since data stored in emulators is keyed to projectID, and interoperability depends on matching project IDs.
This has been a common source of confusion among developers, so by default the Local Emulator Suite will now only allow running with a single project ID, unless you specify otherwise in the firebase.json configuration file. If an emulator detects more than one project ID, it will log a warning and potentially throw a fatal error.
Check your project ID declaration(s) for mismatches in:
The default project set at the command line. By default, the project ID will be taken on startup from the project selected with firebase init or firebase use . To view the list of projects (and see which one is selected) use firebase projects:list .
Юнит-тесты. The project ID is often specified in calls to the Rules Unit Testing library methods initializeTestEnvironment or initializeTestApp . Other testing code may initialize with initializeApp(config) .
The command line --project flag. Passing the Firebase CLI --project flag overrides the default project. You'll need to ensure the value of the flag matches the project ID in unit tests and app initialization.
Platform-specific places to check:
The projectId property in your JavaScript firebaseConfig object, used in initializeApp .
The project_id property inside the google-services.json configuration file.
платформы Apple
The PROJECT_ID property in the GoogleService-Info.plist configuration file.
To disable single project mode, update firebase.json with the singleProjectMode key:
Hosting : On Spark plan projects, can I store executable files?
For no-cost (Spark) plan projects, Firebase blocks uploads and hosting of certain executable file types for Windows, Android and Apple by Cloud Storage for Firebase and Firebase Hosting . This policy exists to prevent abuse on our platform.
Serving, hosting and file uploads of disallowed files are blocked for all Spark projects created on or after Sept 28th, 2023. For existing Spark projects with files uploaded before that date, such files can still be uploaded and hosted.
This restriction applies to Spark plan projects. Projects on the pay as you go (Blaze) plan are not affected.
The following file types cannot be hosted on Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage for Firebase :
Windows files with .exe , .dll and .bat extensions
Android files with .apk extension
Apple platform files with .ipa extension
Что мне нужно сделать?
If you still want to host these file types after September 28th, 2023:
For Hosting: upgrade to the Blaze plan before you can deploy these file types to Firebase Hosting via the firebase deploy command.
For Storage: upgrade to the Blaze plan to upload these file types to the bucket of your choice using the GCS CLI, the Firebase console, or Google Cloud console.
Use Firebase tools to manage your Firebase Hosting and Cloud Storage resources.
For managing resources in Firebase Hosting , use the Firebase console to delete releases according to this guide .
For managing resources in Cloud Storage , navigate to the Storage product page in your project.
On the Files tab, locate disallowed files to delete in your folder hierarchy, then select them using the checkbox next to the filename(s) on the left-hand side of the panel.
Click Delete , and confirm the files were deleted.
Hosting : Why does my Hosting release history table in the Firebase console show file counts that are more than what my local project actually has?
Firebase automatically adds extra files containing metadata about the Hosting site, and these files are included in the total file count for the release.
Hosting : What's the largest file size that I can deploy to Firebase Hosting ?
Hosting has a maximum size limit of 2 GB for individual files.
We recommend storing larger files using Cloud Storage , which offers a maximum size limit in the terabyte range for individual objects.
Hosting : How many Hosting sites can I have per Firebase project?
Performance Monitoring : How many custom URL patterns can I create?
You can create up to 400 total custom URL patterns per app and up to 100 custom URL patterns per domain for that app.
Performance Monitoring : Why am I not seeing real time display of performance data?
To view real time performance data, make sure that your app uses a Performance Monitoring SDK version that's compatible with real time data processing.
iOS — v7.3.0 or later
tvOS — v8.9.0 or later
Android — v19.0.10 or later (or Firebase Android BoM v26.1.0 or later)
Web — v7.14.0 or later
Note that we always recommend using the latest version of SDK, but any version listed above will enable Performance Monitoring to process your data in near real time.
Realtime Database
Realtime Database : Why was my Realtime Database reported bandwidth lower than average between September 2016 and March 2017?
For our bandwidth calculations, we normally include SSL encryption overhead (based on layer 5 of the OSI model). However, in September 2016, we introduced a bug that caused our bandwidth reporting to ignore encryption overhead. This might have resulted in artificially low reported bandwidth and bills on your account for a few months.
We released a fix for the bug in late March 2017, returning bandwidth reporting and billing to their normal levels.
Realtime Database : What are the scaling limitations of the Realtime Database ?
Each Realtime Database instance has limits on the number of write operations per second. For small writes, this limit is approximately 1000 write operations per second. If you are approaching this limit, batching operations using multi-path updates can help you achieve higher throughput.
Realtime Database : What can I do if I'm over my Realtime Database usage limits?
If you've received an email alert or notification in the Firebase console that you've exceeded your Realtime Database usage limits, you can address it based on the usage limit you've exceeded. To see your Realtime Database usage, go to the Realtime DatabaseUsage dashboard in the Firebase console.
If you're over your download limit, you can upgrade your Firebase pricing plan or wait until your download limit resets at the start of your next billing cycle. To decrease your downloads, try the following steps:
Add queries to limit the data that your listen operations return.
Check for unindexed queries.
Use listeners that only download updates to data — for example, on() instead of once() .
Use security rules to block unauthorized downloads.
If you're over your storage limit, upgrade your pricing plan to avoid service disruptions. To reduce the amount of data in your database, try the following steps:
Run periodic cleanup jobs.
Reduce any duplicate data in your database.
Note that it may take some time to see any data deletions reflected in your storage allotment.
If you're over your simultaneous database connections limit, upgrade your plan to avoid any service disruptions. To manage simultaneous connections to your database, try connecting via users via the REST API if they don't require a realtime connection.
Remote Config
Remote Config : Why don't fetched values change the behavior and appearance of my app?
Unless you fetch values with fetchAndActivate() , values are stored locally but not activated. To activate fetched values so that they can take effect, call activate . This design lets you control when the behavior and appearance of your app changes, because you can choose when to call activate . After you call activate , your app source code determines when updated parameter values are used.
For example, you could fetch values and then activate them the next time a user starts your app, which removes the need to delay app startup while your app waits for fetched values from the service. Changes to your app's behavior and appearance then occur when your app uses the updated parameter values.
Remote Config : I am making a lot of fetch requests while developing my app. Why doesn't my app always get the latest values from the service when it sends fetch requests?
During app development, you might want to fetch and activate configs very frequently (many times per hour) to let you rapidly iterate as you develop and test your app. To accommodate rapid iteration on a project with up to 10 developers, you can temporarily set a FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings object with a low minimum fetch interval ( setMinimumFetchIntervalInSeconds ) in your app.
Remote Config : How quickly does the Remote Config service return fetched values after my app sends a fetch request?
Devices usually receive fetched values in less than a second, and often receive fetched values in milliseconds. The Remote Config service handles fetch requests within milliseconds, but the time required to complete a fetch request will depend on the network speed of the device and the latency of the network connection used by the device.
If your goal is to make fetched values take effect in your app as soon as possible, but without creating a jarring user experience, consider adding calls to fetchAndActivate each time that your app does a full screen refresh.
Firebase User Segmentation Storage stores Firebase installation IDs and related attributes and segments as well as audience lists you've created to provide targeting information to other Firebase services that use them, such as Crashlytics , FCM , Remote Config personalization, and more.
A Firebase project is the top-level entity for Firebase. In a project, you can register your Apple, Android, or web apps. After you register your apps with Firebase, you can add the product-specific Firebase SDKs to your app, like Analytics , Cloud Firestore , Crashlytics , or Remote Config .
You should register your Apple, Android, and web app variants within a single Firebase project. You can use multiple Firebase projects to support multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production.
Here are some resources for learning more about Firebase projects:
Understand Firebase projects — provides brief overviews of several important concepts about Firebase projects, including their relationship with Google Cloud and the basic hierarchy of a project and its apps and resources.
General best practices for setting up Firebase projects — provides general, high-level best practices for setting up Firebase projects and registering your apps with a project so that you have a clear development workflow that uses distinct environments.
Note that for all Firebase projects, Firebase automatically adds a label of firebase:enabled within the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console. Learn more about this label in our FAQ .
What is a Google Cloud organization?
A Google Cloud organization is a container for Google Cloud projects (including Firebase projects). This hierarchy enables better organization, access management, and auditing of your Google Cloud and Firebase projects. For more information, refer to Creating and Managing Organizations .
How do I add Firebase to an existing Google Cloud project?
You can add Firebase to these existing projects using any of the following options:
Using the Firebase console: In the Firebase console landing page, click Add Project , and then select your existing project from the Project name menu.
Using a programmatic option:
Call the Firebase Management REST API endpoint addFirebase .
Why does my Google Cloud project have a label of firebase:enabled ?
In the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console, you may see a label of firebase:enabled (specifically, a Key of firebase with a Value of enabled ).
Firebase automatically added this label because your project is a Firebase project, which means that your project has Firebase-specific configurations and services enabled for it. Learn more about the relationship between Firebase projects and Google Cloud .
We strongly recommend that you don't modify or delete this label. This label is used by Firebase and Google Cloud to list your Firebase projects (for example, using the REST API projects.list endpoint or in menus within the Firebase console).
Be aware that manually adding this label to your list of project labels does NOT enable Firebase-specific configurations and services for your Google Cloud project. To do that, you need to add Firebase via the Firebase console (or, for advanced use cases, via the Firebase Management REST API or the Firebase CLI ).
Why isn't my Firebase project showing up in my list of Firebase projects?
This FAQ is applicable if you don't see your Firebase project in the following places:
In a list of projects that you're viewing within the Firebase console
In the response from running the Firebase CLI command firebase projects:list
Try these troubleshooting steps:
First, try accessing your project by visiting the project's URL directly. Use the following format: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
If you can't access the project or receive permissions errors, check the following:
Make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that has access to the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Make sure that your project has the label firebase:enabled in the Labels page for your project in the Google Cloud console. Firebase and Google Cloud use this label to list your Firebase projects. If you do not see this label but the Firebase Management API is enabled for your project, then manually add the label (specifically, a Key of firebase with a Value of enabled ).
Make sure that you're assigned one of the basic IAM roles (Owner, Editor, Viewer) or a role that has Firebase-related permissions in it, for example a Firebase predefined role . You can view your role(s) in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If your project belongs to a Google Cloud organization, you may require additional permissions to see the project listed in the Firebase console. Contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to give you the appropriate role to view the project, for example the Browser role.
If none of the troubleshooting steps above enable you to see your project in a list of Firebase projects, contact Firebase Support .
How many projects can I have per account?
Spark pricing plan — Your project quota is limited to a small number of projects (usually around 5-10).
Blaze pricing plan — Your project quota per Cloud Billing account increases substantially as long as your Cloud Billing account is in good standing.
Note that the complete deletion of a project requires 30 days and counts toward your quota until it is fully deleted.
How many Firebase Apps can I have in a Firebase project?
A Firebase project is a container for Firebase Apps across Apple, Android, and web. Firebase restricts the total number of Firebase Apps within a Firebase project to 30.
After this number, performance starts to degrade (especially for Google Analytics ) and eventually, at a higher number of apps, some product functionality stops working. Additionally, if you use Google sign-in as an authentication provider, an underlying OAuth 2.0 client ID is created for each app in your project. There's a limit of around 30 client IDs that can be created within a single project.
You should ensure that all Firebase Apps within a single Firebase project are platform variants of the same application from an end-user perspective. For example, if you develop a white label application, each independently labeled app should have its own Firebase project, but the Apple and Android versions of that label can be in the same project. Read more detailed guidance in our general best practices for setting up Firebase projects .
In the rare case your project requires more than 30 apps, you can request an app limit increase. Your project must be on the Blaze pricing plan to make this request. Visit the Google Cloud console to make your request and have it evaluated. Learn more about quota management in the Google Cloud documentation.
What happens if I tag my project as a "production" environment?
In the Firebase console, you can tag your Firebase projects with their environment type, either as Production or Unspecified (non-prod) environments.
Tagging your project as an environment type has no effect on how your Firebase project works or its features. However, the tagging can help you and your team manage your various Firebase projects for the app lifecycle.
If you tag your project as a production environment, we add a brightly colored Prod tag to the project in the Firebase console, reminding you that any changes could affect your associated production apps. In the future, we might add more features and safeguards for Firebase projects tagged as production environments.
To change the environment type of your Firebase project, go to settingsProject settings > General , then in the Your project card under Environment , click edit to change the environment type.
Where can I find the App ID for my Firebase app?
In the Firebase console, go to your settingsProject settings . Scroll down to the Your apps card, then click on the desired Firebase App to view the app's information, including its App ID .
Either of the following Firebase roles: Owner or Firebase Admin и
Either of the following Google Play access levels: account Owner or Admin
For linking your AdMob app , you need to be both a Firebase project owner and an AdMob administrator.
For linking your AdWords account , you need to be both a Firebase project owner and an AdWords administrator.
For linking your BigQuery project , you need to be the Firebase project owner.
What open source notices should I include in my app?
On Apple platforms, the Firebase pod contains a NOTICES file which includes the relevant entries. The Firebase Android SDK contains a helper Activity for showing license information.
Permissions and access to Firebase projects
How do I assign a project member a role, like the Owner role?
To manage the role(s) assigned to each project member, you must be an Owner of the Firebase project (or be assigned a role with the permission resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy ).
Here are the places where you can assign and manage roles:
The Google Cloud console offers an expansive set of tools to assign roles to project members in the IAM page . In the Cloud console, you can also create and manage custom roles , as well as give service accounts access to your project.
Note that in the Google Cloud console, project members are called principals .
If the Owner of your project can no longer perform the tasks of an Owner (for example, the person left your company) and your project isn't managed via a Google Cloud organization (see next paragraph), you can contact Firebase Support and check with them about how to request access to the Firebase project.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, it may not have an Owner. If you're unable to find an Owner for your Firebase project, contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to assign an Owner for the project.
How do I find the Owner of a Firebase project?
You can view project members and their roles in the following places:
If you have access to the project in the Firebase console, you can view the list of project members, including Owners, in the Users and permissions page of the Firebase console.
If you do not have access to the project in the Firebase console, check if you have access to the project in the Google Cloud console. You can view the list of project members, including Owners, in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If the Owner of your project can no longer perform the tasks of an Owner (for example, the person left your company) and your project isn't managed via a Google Cloud organization (see next paragraph), you can contact Firebase Support to have a temporary Owner assigned.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, it may not have an Owner. Instead, the person who manages your Google Cloud organization can perform many tasks that an Owner can do. However, to perform several Owner-specific tasks (like assigning roles or managing Google Analytics properties), the administrator may need to assign themselves the actual Owner role to perform those tasks. If you're unable to find an Owner for your Firebase project, contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to assign an Owner for the project.
Why or when should I assign a project member the Owner role?
To ensure proper management of a Firebase project, it must have an Owner . A project's Owner is the person who can perform several important administrative actions (like assigning roles and managing Google Analytics properties), and Firebase Support can only fulfill administrative requests from demonstrated project Owners.
After you set up the Owner(s) for a Firebase project, it's important to keep those assignments up-to-date.
Note that if a Firebase project is part of a Google Cloud organization, the person who manages your Google Cloud organization can perform many tasks that an Owner can do. However, for several Owner-specific tasks (like assigning roles or managing Google Analytics properties), the administrator may need to assign themselves the actual Owner role to perform those tasks.
I don't think that I have a Firebase project, but I got an email about one. How do I access this project?
The email you received should contain a link to open your Firebase project. Clicking the link in the email should open the project in the Firebase console.
If you're not able to open the project in the link, make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that received the email about the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Note that if you're the administrator of a Google Cloud organization, you may be notified about changes to Firebase projects inside your organization. However, you may not have sufficient permissions to open the Firebase project. In these cases, the simplest solution is to assign yourself the actual Owner role to open the project and perform the required actions. Learn more about why and when to assign the Owner role .
Платформы и фреймворки
Visit the platform-specific troubleshooting & FAQ pages for helpful tips and answers for more FAQ.
What are the supported browsers for accessing the Firebase console?
The Firebase console can be accessed from recent versions of popular desktop browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. Mobile browsers are currently not fully supported.
I can load the Firebase console, but why can't I find or access my Firebase project?
This FAQ is applicable if you're experiencing either of the following issues:
The Firebase console returns an error page that says your project may not exist or that you don't have access to the project.
The Firebase console doesn't display your project even when you enter its project ID or project name in the console's search field.
Try these troubleshooting steps:
First, try accessing your project by visiting the project's URL directly. Use the following format: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/ PROJECT-ID /overview
If you still can't access the project or receive permissions errors, check the following:
Make sure that you're signed into Firebase using the same Google account that has access to the project. You can sign in and out of the Firebase console via your account avatar in the top-right corner of the console.
Make sure that you're assigned one of the basic IAM roles (Owner, Editor, Viewer) or a role that has Firebase-related permissions in it, for example a Firebase predefined role . You can view your role(s) in the IAM page of the Google Cloud console.
If your project belongs to a Google Cloud organization, you may require additional permissions to see the project listed in the Firebase console. Contact the person who manages your Google Cloud organization to give you the appropriate role to view the project, for example the Browser role.
If none of the troubleshooting steps above enable you to find or access your project, contact Firebase Support .
Why is the Firebase console not loading for me?
This FAQ is applicable if you're experiencing any of the following issues:
A page in the Firebase console never finishes loading.
Data within a page doesn't load as expected.
You receive browser error messages when loading the Firebase console.
The Firebase console supports the following languages:
Бразильский португальский
Упрощенный китайский
Традиционный китайский
What roles and permissions does the Firebase console support?
The Firebase console and Google Cloud console use the same underlying roles and permissions. Learn more about roles and permissions in the Firebase IAM documentation .
A project Owner can add other members to the project, set up integrations (project linking to services like BigQuery or Slack), and has full edit access for the project.
A project Editor has full edit access for the project.
A project Viewer has only read access for the project. Note that the Firebase console currently does not hide/disable edit UI controls from project Viewers, but these operations will fail for project members assigned the Viewer role.
Firebase also supports:
Firebase predefined roles — Curated Firebase-specific roles that enable more granular access control than the basic roles of Owner, Editor, and Viewer.
Custom roles — Fully customized IAM roles that you create to tailor a set of permissions that meet the specific requirements of your organization.
Which products are paid? Which are no-cost?
Firebase's paid infrastructure products are the Realtime Database , Cloud Storage for Firebase , Cloud Functions , Hosting , Test Lab , and phone authentication. We offer a no-cost tier for all of these features.
Firebase also has many no-cost products: Analytics , Cloud Messaging , the Notifications composer, Remote Config , App Indexing , Dynamic Links , and Crash Reporting . Use of these products is subject only to the product's traffic control policies (eg quotas, fair access and other service protections) in all plans, including our no-cost Spark plan. In addition, all Authentication features beyond phone authentication are no-cost.
Does Firebase offer no-cost trial credits for paid products?
Firebase paid services can be used under the Google Cloud Free Trial . New Google Cloud and Firebase users can take advantage of a 90-day trial period that includes $300 in free Cloud Billing credits to explore and evaluate Google Cloud and Firebase products and services.
During the Google Cloud Free Trial period, you'll be provided a Free Trial Cloud Billing account. Any Firebase project that uses that billing account will be on the Blaze pricing plan during the free trial period.
Don't worry, setting up this Free Trial Cloud Billing account does not enable us to charge you. You are not charged unless you explicitly enable billing by upgrading your Free Trial Cloud Billing account to a paid account. You can upgrade to a paid account at any time during the trial. After you've upgraded, you can still use any remaining credits (within the 90-day period).
Once the free trial expires, you'll need to either downgrade your project to the Spark pricing plan or set up the Blaze pricing plan in the Firebase console to continue using your Firebase project.
Our Spark plan is a great place to develop your app at no cost. You get all the no-cost Firebase features ( Analytics , the Notifications composer, Crashlytics , and so on) and generous amounts of our paid infrastructure features. However, if you exceed your Spark plan resources in a calendar month, your app will be shut off for the remainder of that month. In addition, Google Cloud features are not available when using the Spark plan.
Blaze pricing plan
Our Blaze plan is designed for production apps. The Blaze plan also allows you to extend your app with paid Google Cloud features. You pay only for the resources that you consume, allowing you to scale with demand. We strive to make our Blaze plan prices competitive with industry-leading cloud providers.
What happened to the free SMS on the Spark plan?
Starting September 2024, to improve the security and service quality of Phone Authentication, Firebase projects must be linked to a Cloud Billing account to enable and use the SMS Service.
How can I monitor my usage and billing?
You can track your usage of project resources in the Firebase console on any of the following dashboards:
In January 2020, the Flame pricing plan ($25/mo of additional quota) was removed as an option for new sign-ups. Existing plan users were granted a grace period to migrate their projects off the Flame plan. In February 2022, the remaining projects on the Flame pricing plan were downgraded to the Spark pricing plan. Соответственно,
Existing Spark and Blaze plan projects and any new projects can no longer switch to or sign up for the Flame plan.
If you moved an existing Flame plan project to a different pricing plan, the project cannot return to the Flame plan.
Projects downgraded to the Spark plan can be upgraded to the Blaze plan to resume additional paid services.
References to the Flame plan have been removed from documentation.
Do you have more questions about the Flame plan retirement? Read some of the additional FAQs below.
Want to learn about the other pricing plans offered by Firebase? Visit our Firebase pricing page ! If you'd like to start moving any existing projects to another pricing plan, you can do that in the Firebase console for your project.
Additional FAQs about the Flame plan retirement
I have a project or a process or a business model that relies on a fixed Firebase cost. Что я должен делать?
Sign up for the Blaze pricing plan, and make sure to set budget alerts .