Firebase Admin Node.js SDK Release Notes

To review release notes for the Firebase console and for other Firebase platforms and related SDKs, refer to the Firebase Release Notes.

Version 12.6.0 - 30 September, 2024

Firebase Data Connect

  • Added the new executeGraphql() and executeGraphqlRead() APIs to perform administrative queries and mutations on a Firebase Data Connect service.

  • Added support for the DATA_CONNECT_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable.


  • Use Math.floor() when setting validDuration variable in the createSessionCookie() API.

Version 12.5.0 - 12 September, 2024

Firebase App Check

Remote Config

  • Added support for custom conditions when configuring Remote Config server applications. This feature lets you send custom Remote Config parameter values to specific clients based on the conditions you define.

Version 12.4.0 - 22 August, 2024

Cloud Functions

  • Added support for the CLOUD_TASKS_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable.

Cloud Messaging

Version 12.3.1 - 08 August, 2024

  • Fixed the internal token handling method to return an existing promise to a token if one exists instead of creating a new token.

Version 12.3.0 - 25 July, 2024

Firebase Remote Config

  • Replaced the long.js dependency with BigInt.

Cloud Messaging

  • Added HTTP/2 support for sendEach() and sendEachForMulticast(). To use the legacy HTTP/1.1 transport, use the enableLegacyTransport() method. The enableLegacyTransport() will be removed when the HTTP/2 transport implementation reaches the same stability as the legacy HTTP/1.1 implementation.

Version 12.2.0 - 20 June, 2024

  • Deprecated support for Node.js 16. Instead use Node.js 18 or higher when deploying the Admin SDK. Node.js 16 support will be dropped in the next major version.

  • Fixed optional chaining in FirebaseError type that caused issues when using vitest.

  • Added x-goog-user-project header to outgoing requests. Thanks foxrafa for the contribution.

Firebase Remote Config

  • Replaced the farmhash package with the farmhash-modern package to prevent errors when Python is not installed.

Version 12.1.1 - 21 May, 2024s

Version 12.1.0 - 16 April, 2024

Firebase Remote Config

  • Added server-side Remote Config support.

Version 12.0.0 - 07 December, 2023

  • Breaking change: Upgraded the @google-cloud/firestore package to v7. This is a breaking change. Refer to the Cloud Firestore release notes for more details.

  • Breaking change: Upgraded the @google-cloud/storage package to v7. This is a breaking change. Refer to the Cloud Storage release notes for more details.

  • Breaking change: Upgraded TypeScript to v5.1.6.

  • Deprecated support for Node.js 14. Instead use Node.js 16 or higher when deploying the Admin SDK. Node.js 14 support will be dropped in the next major version.

Cloud Firestore

Realtime Database

  • Upgraded the @firebase/database-compat package to v1.

Firebase ML

  • Dropped AutoML model support.

Version 11.11.1 - 23 November, 2023

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the google-cloud/firestore dependency to v6.8.0 to support multiple named databases.

Version 11.11.0 - 28 September, 2023


  • Added email privacy support in project and tenant configuration.

Version 11.10.1 - 13 July, 2023

Realtime Database

  • Fixed an issue which caused the incompatibility in Realtime Database types in version 11.10.0.

Version 11.10.0 - 12 July, 2023

Realtime Database

  • This version contains a version bump in @firebase/database-compat and @firebase/database-types dependencies that causes an incompatibility in Realtime Database types. This issue was fixed in version 11.10.1.

Cloud Storage

  • Added a new getDownloadURL() API.

Cloud Functions

  • Added the ability to name tasks by including an id when enqueueing tasks.
  • Added the ability to delete an enqueued task if it has not yet completed.
  • Headers passed to TaskQueue HTTPS handlers are now available in the context/event object.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added support for multiple named databases. This feature is currently in public preview.


  • Added TotpInfo field to the UserRecord type.

  • Fixed a memory leak in the internal http timeout handling code that affected the listUsers() API. Thanks adrianjost for the contribution.

Version 11.9.0 - 30 May, 2023


  • Added support for configuring password policy in project and tenant configurations.

Cloud Firestore

  • Exported Filter type from the Cloud Firestore API.

Version 11.8.0 - 04 May, 2023

Firebase App Check

  • Added replay protection feature in the App Check verifyToken() API.

Version 11.7.0 - 18 April, 2023


  • Added reCAPTCHA configuration support.

Cloud Messaging

  • Added sendEach() and sendEachForMulticast() APIs.

  • sendAll() and sendMulticast() APIs are now deprecated. Use sendEach() and sendEachForMulticast() APIs instead.

Version 11.6.0 - 06 April, 2023


  • Added TOTP as a multi-factor option in project and tenant configuration.

Cloud Messaging

  • Deprecated sendToDevice and sendToDeviceGroup methods and their response classes. These methods are removed in the next major version.

Version 11.5.0 - 19 January, 2023

  • Added support for initializing the SDK with service account impersonation in Application Default Credentials. Thanks blue-hope for the contribution.

Cloud Firestore

  • Fixed a caching issue in the Cloud Firestore API when initialized with the preferRest setting to force the use of REST transport.

Version 11.4.1 - 22 December, 2022

  • Updated the jsonwebtoken package to v9.0.0 to address security concerns.

Version 11.4.0 - 15 December, 2022

Cloud Firestore

  • The Cloud Firestore API now supports the preferRest setting to force the use of REST transport until an operation requires gRPC.

Cloud Messaging

  • Increased the timeout in the Cloud Messaging batch send API to 15 seconds to avoid duplicate notifications.

Firebase ML

  • Deprecated AutoML model support. AutoML model support will be removed in the next major version.

Version 11.3.0 - 17 November, 2022

Firebase Extensions

  • Added a new Extensions API to access the Extensions runtime methods.

Version 11.2.1 - 10 November, 2022

Cloud Messaging

  • Increased the timeout for Cloud Messaging requests to 15 seconds to avoid duplicate notifications.

Cloud Firestore

  • Exposed 'ReadWriteTransactionOptions' from the firestore module. Thanks naodya for the contribution.

Version 11.2.0 - 17 October, 2022


  • Added SMS region config support for tenant and project configuration.

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/firestore dependency to v6.4.0 to support the COUNT queries API.

Version 11.1.0 - 06 October, 2022

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/firestore dependency to v6.3.0.

Cloud Storage

  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/storage dependency to v6.5.2.

Version 11.0.1 - 28 July, 2022

  • The admin.securityRules() API now creates a new Security Rules release if one does not already exist.


  • The toJSON() method in UserMetadata now includes lastRefreshTime in the returned JSON output.

Version 11.0.0 - 16 June, 2022

  • Breaking change: Dropped support for Node.js 12. Developers should use Node.js 14 or higher when deploying the Admin SDK.

  • Breaking change: Upgraded TypeScript to v4.6.4.

  • Breaking change: Upgraded the @google-cloud/firestore package to v5. This contains breaking changes. Refer to the Cloud Firestore release notes for more details.

  • Breaking change: Upgraded the @google-cloud/storage package to v6. This contains breaking changes. Refer to the Cloud Storage release notes for more details.

Version 10.3.0 - 09 June, 2022

  • Deprecated support for Node.js 12. Instead use Node.js 14 or higher when deploying the Admin SDK. Node.js 12 support will be dropped in the next major version.

  • Replaced the dicer package with @fastify/busboy to address security issues in dicer.

Version 10.2.0 - 05 May, 2022

Firebase App Check

  • Updated Firebase App Check APIs to use the v1 service endpoint instead of the v1beta endpoint.


  • Added the email action link generation APIs for creating links for the request type VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL via auth.generateVerifyAndChangeEmailLink().

Cloud Functions

  • Added an API to enqueue functions with Cloud Tasks.

Version 10.1.0 - 21 April, 2022

  • Upgraded the node-forge dependency to v1.3.1.

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/firestore dependency to v4.15.1.

Cloud Storage

  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/storage dependency to v5.18.3.

Version 10.0.2 - 21 January, 2022

Version 10.0.1 - 15 December, 2021


  • The createSessionCookie() API now correctly parses and maps USER_DISABLED server errors.
  • Removed request body from the deleteTenant() API.

Cloud Firestore

  • Exposed BundleBuilder, DocumentChange, OrderByDirection, SetOptions, and WhereFilterOp Firestore SDK types from the firestore module and the admin.firestore namespace.

Version 10.0.0 - 14 October, 2021

  • The Admin SDK now requires Node.js 12 or higher. Node.js 10 support has been discontinued.
  • The Admin SDK now exposes a series of ES module entry points. Developers are recommended to import Admin SDK APIs from these entry points. The namespaced version of the API will be removed in a future major release. Refer to the migration guide for details on how to update your existing code to use the new ES module entry points.
  • The new module entry points can be used in native ESM runtimes. You can enable the native ESM support on a server running Node.js 12+ by setting the type: "module" parameter in your project's package.json file. See Node.js documentation for more details.

Version 9.12.0 - 28 September, 2021

Firebase Remote Config

Realtime Database

  • Refactored the admin.database() API to use the new @firebase/database-compat package under the hood. This helps avoid several dependency conflicts and type compilation errors when using the Firebase Web SDK packages alongside the Admin SDK.

Version 9.11.1 - 19 August, 2021


  • When checkRevoked is set to true, the verifyIdToken() and verifySessionCookie() APIs now throw an error if the user record is disabled.

Version 9.11.0 - 15 July, 2021

Firebase App Check

  • The createToken() API now supports configuring the TTL of the returned Firebase App Check token.

Version 9.10.0 - 24 June, 2021


  • Redefined AuthProviderConfig, CreateMultiFactorInfoRequest and UpdateMultiFactorInfoRequest interfaces as TypeScript union types. This enables simpler and more idiomatic use of these types in developer applications.

Firebase Installations

  • Added a new admin.installations() API to replace the existing admin.instanceId() API.
  • The admin.instanceId() API is now deprecated and the developers are advised to migrate to the admin.installations() API for deleting Firebase instance IDs and installation IDs.

Version 9.9.0 - 26 May, 2021

  • The Admin SDK now requires Node.js 10.13.0 or higher.


  • Made multi-factor authentication uid optional for updateUser operations.
  • Added support for configuring the authorization code flow for OIDC providers (previously only supported the idToken flow).
  • Added OAuthResponseType for specifying the responseType in OIDC provider flow.

Version 9.8.0 - 10 May, 2021


  • The method generatePasswordResetLink() now throws an auth/email-not-found error code if no user exists for the specified email address.

Realtime Database

  • Upgraded the @firebase/database dependency to version 0.10.0. This makes the startAfter and endBefore query filters available for Admin SDK users.

Firebase App Check

  • Added Firebase abuse reduction support APIs.

Version 9.7.0 - 27 April, 2021

Cloud Storage

  • Added support for the FIREBASE_STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable.

Realtime Database

  • Fixed a token refresh livelock that affected the Cloud Functions for Firebase users.

Version 9.6.0 - 29 March, 2021

  • Improved OAuth 2.0 token caching and management. The SDK now treats any OAuth 2.0 token 5 minutes away from expiration as already expired, and proactively refreshes it. This helps avoid certain types of authorization-related race conditions.
  • The periodic token refresher background task has been decoupled from the SDK core and moved into the RTDB module. This task no longer starts automatically unless the admin.database() API is explicitly invoked.

Realtime Database

  • Rules management APIs now support the Firebase emulator suite. Methods like getRules() and setRules() will automatically connect to the local emulator when the emulator mode is enabled.

Version 9.5.0 - 10 February, 2021


  • Added a new getUserByProviderUid() method to look up user accounts by their providers.
  • The updateUser() method now supports linking a federated ID with a user account.
  • Allowed enabling of anonymous provider via tenant configuration.
  • The verifyIdToken() method now fully supports the Authentication emulator.

Cloud Messaging

Version 9.4.2 - 09 December, 2020

Cloud Messaging

  • Support arbitrary custom values in the ApnsPayload type.

Realtime Database

  • Upgraded dependencies @firebase/database and @firebase/database-types to the latest available versions. This resolves an inconsistency in the published typings of the Database API.

Version 9.4.1 - 13 November, 2020

Firebase Remote Config

  • Fixed a timestamp parsing issue in Remote Config template Version metadata that was causing Firebase Remote Config API operations to fail.

Version 9.4.0 - 12 November, 2020

Cloud Firestore

  • Exposed several new types from the admin.firestore namespace. Newly exposed types include GrpcStatus, FirestoreDataConverter, UpdateData, and more.
  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/firestore dependency to v4.5.0.


  • Fixed a bug that was causing credential lookup errors when invoking some APIs against the emulator.

Version 9.3.0 - 22 October, 2020


  • Added support for generating unsigned custom tokens for testing.
  • Added support for verifying test ID tokens.

Version 9.2.0 - 15 September, 2020

Firebase ML

  • Added support for creating, updating, getting, listing, publishing, unpublishing, and deleting Firebase-hosted custom ML models created with AutoML.

Version 9.1.1 - 20 August, 2020

Firebase Remote Config

Version 9.1.0 - 13 August, 2020


  • Added the ability to enable/disable multi-factor authentication with SMS on a Google Cloud Identity Platform tenant. Existing APIs like createTenant() and updateTenant() now support configuring multi-factor authentication and testing phone number/code pairs on a specified tenant.
  • Made displayName optional in AuthProviderConfig typings.

Version 9.0.0 - 14 July, 2020

  • The Admin SDK now requires Node.js 10 or higher. Node.js 8 support has been discontinued.
  • Upgraded dependency on the @google-cloud/firestore package to v4.
  • Upgraded dependency on the @google-cloud/storage package to v5.

Version 8.13.0 - 29 June, 2020


  • Fixed a timestamp parsing issue in the UserMetadata.lastRefreshTime field.
  • The lastRefreshTime field has been removed from the UserMetadataRequest type used in the importUsers() API. Setting this field is currently not supported in the Firebase Authentication backend.
  • Added GetUsersResult and DeleteUsersResults interfaces to the exposed typings.

Firebase Remote Config

  • Added version management support for the admin.remoteConfig() API. This API now supports listVersions(), getTemplateAtVersion(), and rollback() operations to help developers programmatically manage their Remote Config templates.

Version 8.12.1 - 08 May, 2020


  • Fixed the typings of the UserMetadata type to avoid a potentially breaking change.

Version 8.12.0 - 06 May, 2020


  • Added getUsers() and deleteUsers() APIs for retrieving and deleting user accounts in bulk.
  • Updated the typings of the customClaims attribute on UserRecord and UserImportRecord interfaces.

Version 8.11.0 - 22 April, 2020


  • Exposed email, email_verified, phone_number, and picture fields from the DecodedIdToken type.

Realtime Database

  • Upgraded @firebase/database dependency to v0.6.0, which provides a new admin.database.ServerValue.increment() function and fixed a database URL parsing bug to support domains with more than 3 components.

Firebase ML

  • Added a new admin.machineLearning() API for creating, updating, getting, listing, publishing, unpublishing, and deleting Firebase-hosted custom ML models.

Firebase Remote Config

  • Added a new admin.remoteConfig() API. This API enables Firebase developers to programmatically manage the set of JSON-formatted parameters and conditions known as the Remote Config template.

Version 8.10.0 - 12 March, 2020


  • Added multi-factor authentication support with SMS for Google Cloud Identity Platform. Existing APIs like createUser() and updateUser() now support configuring multi-factor authentication settings on user accounts. See documentation for more details and code samples.
  • Updated typings of the UserRecord.customClaims attribute to allow indexing by string keys. Thanks wSedlacek for the contribution.
  • Fixed a timestamp rounding error in the revokeRefreshTokens() API that caused some race conditions.

Version 8.9.2 - 23 January, 2020

  • Fixed a credential loading issue that prevented some functions from being deployed via the Firebase CLI.

Version 8.9.1 - 15 January, 2020


  • Fixed the inability to discover the project ID when running on GCP managed environments.

Version 8.9.0 - 19 December, 2019

  • Fixed a bug in the admin.instanceId().deleteInstanceId() API that caused errors even when the operation was completed successfully in the backend.
  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/firestore dependency to v3.0.0. See the Firestore release notes for more details.

Cloud Messaging

  • The sendMulticast() API now correctly copies the fcmOptions when sending a message to multiple recipients.

Realtime Database

  • Upgraded the @firebase/database dependency to v0.5.17.

Version 8.8.0 - 19 November, 2019

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded @google-cloud/firestore dependency version to 2.6.0. Thanks arjunyel for the contribution.

Cloud Storage

  • Upgraded @google-cloud/storage dependency version to 4.1.2. This version contains some minor breaking changes. Check the release notes of the dependency for more information. Thanks arjunyel for the contribution.


  • The verifyIdToken() method now correctly uses the http.Agent configured during SDK initialization.

Cloud Messaging

  • Batch messaging APIs sendAll() and sendMulticast() now support sending up to 500 messages in a single call.

Version 8.7.0 - 30 October, 2019

Cloud Messaging

  • Added a series of new parameters to the AndroidNotification class that allow further customization of notifications that target Android devices.

Version 8.6.1 - 16 October, 2019


  • UserRecord no longer exposes password hashes that are redacted due to lack of permissions in the service account credentials.
  • Updated the typings of the setCustomUserClaims() API to accept null.

Version 8.6.0 - 18 September, 2019

  • Added a new admin.securityRules() API for managing Firebase security rules applied on services like Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage. See the Firebase documentation to learn more about how to use the Admin SDK to manage and deploy security rules.
  • Added getFirestoreRuleset() and getStorageRuleset() methods for retrieving rulesets that are currently in effect.
  • Added releaseFirestoreRuleset() and releaseStorageRuleset() methods for creating new rulesets and applying them to Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage.
  • Added getRuleset(), createRuleset() and deleteRuleset() methods for managing the lifecycle of a ruleset.

Cloud Messaging

  • Added new APIs for specifying an image URL in notifications.

Version 8.5.0 - 05 September, 2019


  • Added multi-tenancy support to the authentication service (Google Cloud Identity Platform project required). Tenant related APIs are exposed via tenantManager() on the admin.auth interface.
  • Added tenant management APIs authForTenant(), getTenant(), listTenants(), deleteTenant(), createTenant() and updateTenant() to the newly defined TenantManager.
  • Defined TenantAwareAuth interface retrieved via TenantManager#authForTenant() for managing users, configuring SAML/OIDC providers, generating email links for password reset, email verification, etc for specific tenants.

Realtime Database

  • Upgraded @firebase/database dependency version to 0.5.1. This helps avoid some peer dependency warnings that were observed during package installation.

Version 8.4.0 - 21 August, 2019

Cloud Messaging

  • Added support for specifying Analytics labels for notifications. Thanks chemidy for the contribution.

Version 8.3.0 - July 24, 2019

Realtime Database


  • Implemented additional argument validation in the admin.auth().importUsers() API.

Cloud Storage

  • Upgraded the @google-cloud/storage dependency to v3.0.0. This new major version drops support for Node.js versions older than v8. Since firebase-admin already supports only Node.js v8 and above, this does not have a noticeable impact on users of the Admin SDK.

Version 8.2.0 - June 19, 2019

  • Updated the metadata server URL (used by the application default credentials) to the v1 endpoint. This makes it possible to use the SDK in Google Kubernetes Engine again.

Realtime Database

  • Upgraded the @firebase/database dependency to v0.4.4.

Firebase Cloud Messaging

  • Gracefully handling array-like objects in messaging.sendAll() and messaging.sendMulticast() APIs.

Version 8.1.0 - June 11, 2019

  • The SDK now automatically retries HTTP calls failing due to 503 errors.

Project Management

Version 8.0.0 - May 23, 2019

  • The Admin SDK no longer supports Node 6. Developers must use Node 8.13.0 or higher when deploying the Admin SDK.

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client dependency to v2.0.0. This upgrade comes with a pure JS gRPC client implementation that is much smaller on disk.

Cloud Storage

  • Upgraded the Cloud Storage client dependency to v2.5.0.

Version 7.4.0 - May 21, 2019

  • Support for Node 6 is now deprecated. Developers are recommended to use Node 8 or higher when deploying the Admin SDK. An upcoming release will completely drop Node 6 support.

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client dependency to v1.3.0. This upgrade comes with a new API for executing collection group queries.

Realtime Database

  • Updated typings of the admin.database.ThenableReference type to extend from the built-in Promise type.

Version 7.3.0 - April 17, 2019


  • Added new APIs for managing SAML and OIDC provider configurations. These APIs support CRUD operations on auth provider configurations:
    • auth.listProviderConfigs()
    • auth.getProviderConfig()
    • auth.deleteProviderConfig()
    • auth.updateProviderConfig()
    • auth.createProviderConfig()

Version 7.2.0 - March 28, 2019

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client dependency to v1.2.0. This upgrade exposes the v1beta and v1 clients, which provide direct access to the underlying Firestore and Firestore Admin RPCs. Please note that you must provide your Firebase credentials directly to these clients.

Version 7.1.1 - March 20, 2019

Firebase Cloud Messaging

  • Fixed a bug in the FCM batch APIs that prevented them from correctly handling some message parameters like AndroidConfig.ttl.

Version 7.1.0 - March 14, 2019

Firebase Cloud Messaging


  • Improved typings of the auth.UpdateRequest interface to clearly specify the nullable fields.

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client dependency to v1.1.0.

Version 7.0.0 - January 31, 2019

  • Updated the Google Cloud Firestore client to v1.0.1. This contains breaking changes. Refer to the Cloud Firestore release notes for more details and migration instructions.
  • Updated the Google Cloud Storage client to v2.3.0. This contains breaking changes. Refer to the Cloud Storage release notes for more details and migration instructions.


  • The verifyIdToken() and verifySessionCookie() methods now return auth/id-token-expired and auth/session-cookie-expired error codes for expired JWTs.
  • Credentials-related errors are now reported with additional helpful details.

Version 6.5.1 - January 23, 2019

  • Setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to a refresh token file instead of a service account file is now supported. Thanks yinzara for the contribution.
  • Implemented an environment check that is executed at package import time. The Admin SDK logs a warning if imported into a client environment such as a web browser.

Version 6.5.0 - January 9, 2019


  • Fixed how the SDK parses the error codes sent by auth backend servers.
  • Correctly marked optional fields in the UserRecord type.

Version 6.4.0 - December 12, 2018

  • AppOptions now accepts an optional http.Agent object. The http.Agent specified via this API is used when the SDK makes backend HTTP calls. This can be used when it is required to deploy the Admin SDK behind a proxy.
  • admin.credential.cert(), admin.credential.applicationDefault(), and admin.credential.refreshToken() methods now accept an http.Agent as an optional argument. If specified, the http.Agent is used when calling Google backend servers to fetch OAuth2 access tokens.

Cloud Messaging

Version 6.3.0 - November 28, 2018

  • A new admin.projectManagement() API for managing apps in a Firebase project.
  • New listAndroidApps() and listIosApps() methods for listing the existing apps in a project.
  • New createAndroidApp() and createIosApp() methods for creating new apps in a project.
  • New AndroidApp and IosApp APIs for updating individual apps.

Cloud Messaging

Version 6.2.0 - November 19, 2018


  • Added the email action link generation APIs for creating links for password reset, email verification and email link sign-in via auth.generatePasswordResetLink(), auth.generateEmailVerificationLink() and auth.generateSignInWithEmailLink(). Refer documentation for more details and code samples.

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded Cloud Firestore client to v0.19.0.
  • Exposed the Transaction type from the admin.firestore namespace.

Cloud Messaging

  • Improved error handling in FCM. The SDK now checks the key to set error code. Thanks chemidy for the contribution.

Version 6.1.0 - October 22, 2018

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client from 0.16.0 to 0.18.0.

Version 6.0.0 - August 9, 2018

  • The Admin SDK no longer supports Node.js 4. Developers must use Node.js 6 or higher to deploy the Admin SDK.
  • The Admin SDK now installs Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage libraries as optional dependencies. SDK installation no longer fails when encountering errors from Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage or gRPC dependencies.
  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client from 0.15.4 to 0.16.0. This version contains a new array-contains query operator and FieldValue.arrayUnion() and FieldValue.arrayRemove() APIs.

Version 5.13.1 - July 23, 2018

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client from 0.15.2 to 0.15.4. This version contains a bug fix that enables using it in environments where application default credentials are not available.

Version 5.13.0 - July 17, 2018

  • The Admin SDK can now read the Firebase/Google Cloud Platform project ID from both GCLOUD_PROJECT and GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variables.
  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client from 0.14.0 to 0.15.2. This version of the Firestore client changes how date values are handled.


  • The Admin SDK can now create custom tokens without being initialized with service account credentials.
  • The SDK accepts a new serviceAccountId app option, which can be used to specify just the client email of a service account.
  • When deployed in an environment managed by Google (e.g. Google Cloud Functions), the SDK can auto discover a service account ID without any explicit configuration.

Realtime Database

  • Updated typings of the admin.database.Query.once() method to return a more specific type.

Cloud Messaging

  • Updated typings of the admin.messaging.WebpushNotification type to include all supported notification fields.

Version 5.12.1 - May 15, 2018

  • Admin SDK now lazy loads all child namespaces and certain heavy dependencies for faster load times. This change also ensures that only the sources for namespaces that are actually used get loaded into the Node.js process.
  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0.

Version 5.12.0 - April 05, 2018


Cloud Messaging

  • Added the mutableContent optional field to the messaging.Aps type. This can be used to set the mutable-content property when sending FCM messages to APNS targets.
  • Added support for specifying arbitrary key-value fields in the messaging.Aps type.

Version 5.11.0 - March 15, 2018


Version 5.10.0 - March 08, 2018

  • Upgraded the Realtime Database client from 0.1.11 to 0.2.0. This provides the ability to call admin.database().ref() with an existing reference as the argument.
  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0.

Version 5.9.1 - February 28, 2018

  • The admin.initializeApp() method can now be invoked without a credential option. The SDK uses Google Application Default Credentials when initialized this way.
  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client from 0.11.1 to 0.12.0.
  • Upgraded the Cloud Storage client from 1.2.1 to 1.6.0.
  • Upgraded the Realtime Database client from 0.1.3 to 0.1.11.

Version 5.9.0 - February 14, 2018

Cloud Messaging

Version 5.8.2 - January 30, 2018

  • Exposed admin.firestore.DocumentReference and admin.firestore.DocumentSnapshot types from the Admin SDK typings.
  • Upgraded Firestore dependency version to 0.11.2. This includes several bug fixes including a fix in the DocumentReference.update() operation.

Version 5.8.1 - January 17, 2018

  • Upgraded Firestore dependency version from 0.10.0 to 0.11.1. This includes several bug fixes in Cloud Firestore.

Version 5.8.0 - January 11, 2018


  • The admin.initializeApp() method can now be invoked without any arguments. This initializes an app using Google Application Default Credentials, and other AppOptions loaded from the FIREBASE_CONFIG environment variable.


  • Upgraded the jsonwebtoken library to 8.1.0.

Version 5.7.0 - January 04, 2018


  • A new revokeRefreshTokens() method for revoking refresh tokens issued to a user.
  • The verifyIdToken() method now accepts an optional checkRevoked argument, which can be used to check if a given ID token has been revoked.

Version 5.6.0 - December 21, 2017

  • A new admin.instanceId() API that facilitates deleting instance IDs and associated user data from Firebase projects.
  • Updated the TypeScript typings for admin.AppOptions to reflect the introduction of the projectId option.
  • Removed some unused third party dependencies.

Version 5.5.1 - November 21, 2017

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client to the latest available version, which adds input validation to several operations, and retry logic to handle network errors.

Realtime Database

  • Fixed an issue in the TypeScript typings of the Realtime Database API.

Version 5.5.0 - November 10, 2017

Realtime Database

  • app.database() method now optionally accepts a database URL. This feature can be used to access multiple Realtime Database instances from the same app.
  • Upgraded the Realtime Database client to the latest available version.

Cloud Firestore

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client to the latest available version.

Version 5.4.3 - October 24, 2017

  • Fixed a regression in module loading that prevented using the Admin SDK in environments like AWS Lambda. This regression was introduced in the 5.4.0 release, which added a new dependency to Firestore and gRPC. This fix lazily loads Firestore and gRPC, thus enabling Admin SDK usage in the affected environments as long as no explicit attempts are made to use the Firestore API.

Version 5.4.2 - October 09, 2017

  • Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client dependency to 0.8.2, which resolves an issue with saving objects with nested document references.

Version 5.4.1 - October 03, 2017

  • Upgraded the Firestore client dependency to 0.8.1, which resolves the installation issues reported in the Yarn environment.

Version 5.4.0 - October 03, 2017

Version 5.3.0 - September 27, 2017

  • SDK now retries outbound HTTP calls on all low-level I/O errors.


Cloud Storage

  • Declared a more concrete TypeScript return type (Bucket) for the bucket() method in the Cloud Storage API.

Version 5.2.1 - August 16, 2017

  • A bug in the TypeScript type declarations that come bundled with the SDK (index.d.ts) has been fixed.

Version 5.2.0 - August 14, 2017


  • New type definitions for the arguments of createUser() and updateUser() methods.

Cloud Messaging

  • Redefined the arguments of sendToDevice() using intersection instead of overloading.

Version 5.1.0 - July 25, 2017


  • Added the method getUserByPhoneNumber() to the admin.auth interface. This method enables retrieving user profile information by a phone number.
  • createUser() and updateUser() methods now accept a phoneNumber property, which can be used to create users with a phone number field and/or update the phone number associated with a user.
  • Added the phoneNumber field to admin.auth.UserRecord, which exposes the phone number associated with a user account.
  • Added the phoneNumber field to admin.auth.UserInfo, which exposes the phone number associated with a user account by a linked identity provider.

Version 5.0.1 - July 12, 2017

  • Improved the error messages thrown in the case of network and RPC errors. These errors now include outgoing HTTP request details that make it easier to localize and debug issues.


  • Implemented support in the user management API for handling photo URLs with special characters.

Version 5.0.0 - May 17, 2017


  • The deprecated serviceAccount property in the admin.App.Options type has been removed in favor of the credential property.
  • Initializing the SDK without setting a credential results in an exception.
  • Initializing the SDK with a malformed private key string results in an exception.


  • createdAt and lastSignedInAt properties in admin.auth.UserMetadata have been renamed to creationTime and lastSignInTime. Also these properties now provide UTC formatted strings instead of Date values.

Version 4.2.1 - April 12, 2017

  • Updated the SDK to periodically refresh the OAuth access token internally used by FirebaseApp. This reduces the number of authentication failures encountered at runtime by SDK components like Realtime Database.

Version 4.2.0 - April 04, 2017

Cloud Messaging

Version 4.1.4 - March 28, 2017


  • Cleaned up a number of types to improve the log output, thereby making debugging easier.

Realtime Database

  • Fixed an issue which could cause infinite loops when using push() with no arguments.

Version 4.1.3 - March 7, 2017

  • Fixed incorrect usage of undefined - as opposed to void - in several places in the TypeScript typings.
  • Added missing properties to the TypeScript typings for DecodedIdToken.
  • Fixed issues when using some types with the TypeScript strictNullChecks option enabled.
  • Removed incorrect admin.Promise type from the TypeScript typings in favor of the Node.js built-in Promise type, which the SDK actually uses.
  • Added error codes to all app-level errors. All errors in the SDK now properly implement the FirebaseError interface.
  • Improved error handling when initializing the SDK with a credential that cannot generate valid access tokens.
  • Added new admin.database.EventType to the TypeScript typings.

Realtime Database

  • Improved how the Realtime Database reports errors when provided with various types of invalid credentials.

Version 4.1.2 - March 2, 2017


  • Improved input validation and error messages for all user management methods.
  • verifyIdToken() now works with non-cert credentials, assuming the GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable is set to your project ID, which is the case when running on Google infrastructure such as Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine.

Realtime Database

  • Added toJSON() methods to the DataSnapshot and Query objects to make them properly JSON-serializable.

Cloud Messaging

Version 4.1.1 - February 14, 2017

  • Added in missing TypeScript typings for the FirebaseError.toJSON() method.


  • Fixed issue with createUser() which sometimes caused multiple users to share the same email.

Version 4.1.0 - February 2, 2017

  • Added in missing TypeScript typings for the toJSON() method off of several objects.

Cloud Messaging

Version 4.0.6 - January 24, 2017


  • Fixed an issue which caused importing the library via the ES2015 import syntax (import * as admin from "firebase-admin") to not work properly.

Version 4.0.5 - January 17, 2017

  • TypeScript support has been greatly improved. Typings for the Realtime Database are now available and all other known issues with incorrect or incomplete type information have been resolved.


  • Fixed an issue which caused the SDK to appear to hang when provided with a credential that generated invalid access tokens. The most common cause of this was using a credential whose access had been revoked. Now, an error will be logged to the console in this scenario.


  • The error message for an auth/internal-error error now includes the raw server response to more easily debug and track down unhandled errors.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an auth/internal-error error to be thrown when calling getUser() or getUserByEmail() for a user without a creation date.
  • Fixed an issue which caused an auth/internal-error error to be thrown when calling createUser() with an email that corresponds to an existing user.
  • Fixed an issue which caused an auth/internal-error error to be thrown when calling Authentication methods with a credential with insufficient permission. Now, an auth/insufficient-permission error will be thrown instead.

Version 4.0.4 - December 6, 2016


  • Fixed an issue that caused several Authentication methods to throw an error when provided with inputs containing Unicode characters.

Version 4.0.3 - November 21, 2016


  • Fixed an issue that caused a null value for the databaseAuthVariableOverride property to be ignored when passed as part of the first argument to initializeApp(), which caused the app to still have full admin access. Now, passing this value has the expected behavior: the app has unauthenticated access to the Realtime Database, and behaves as if no user is logged into the app.


  • Fixed an issue that caused an auth/invalid-uid error to be thrown for valid uid values passed to several Authentication methods.

Version 4.0.2 - November 15, 2016

  • Improved error messages throughout the Admin Node.js SDK.
  • Upgraded dependencies so that the Admin Node.js SDK no longer throws warnings for using deprecated Buffer APIs in Node.js 7.x.x.

Version 4.0.1 - November 9, 2016

  • Fixed issue which caused the 4.0.0 release to not include the and npm-shrinkwrap.json files.

Version 4.0.0 - November 7, 2016

  • The Admin Node.js SDK (available on npm as firebase-admin) is a new SDK which replaces and expands the admin capabilities of the standard firebase npm module. See Add the Firebase Admin SDK to your Server to get started.
  • This version does not include the and npm-shrinkwrap.json files. This was fixed in version 4.0.1.



  • A new Admin API for managing your Firebase Authentication users is now available. This API lets you manage your users without using their existing credentials, and without worrying about client-side rate limiting. The new methods included in this API are getUser(), getUserByEmail(), createUser(), updateUser(), and deleteUser(). See Manage Users for more details.
  • The createCustomToken() method is now asynchronous, returning a Promise<string> instead of a string.