If your Android app contains native libraries, you can enable full stack traces and detailed crash reports for your native code from Firebase Crashlytics with a few small updates to your app's build configuration.
This guide describes how to configure crash reporting with the Firebase Crashlytics SDK for NDK.
If you're looking for how to get started with Crashlytics in your Unity projects, check out the Unity Getting Started guide.
Before you begin
If you haven't already, add Firebase to your Android project. If you don't have an Android app, you can download a sample app.
Recommended: To automatically get breadcrumb logs to understand user actions leading up to a crash, non-fatal, or ANR event, you need to enable Google Analytics in your Firebase project.
If your existing Firebase project doesn't have Google Analytics enabled, you can enable Google Analytics from the Integrations tab of your
in the > Project settingsFirebase console. If you're creating a new Firebase project, enable Google Analytics during the project creation workflow.
Make sure your app has the following minimum required versions:
- Gradle 8.0
- Android Gradle plugin 8.1.0
- Google services Gradle plugin 4.4.1
Step 1: Add the Crashlytics SDK for NDK to your app
In your module (app-level) Gradle file (usually<project>/<app-module>/build.gradle.kts
add the dependency for the Crashlytics NDK library for Android. We recommend using the
Firebase Android BoM
to control library versioning.
For an optimal experience with Crashlytics, we recommend enabling Google Analytics in your Firebase project and adding the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics to your app.
dependencies { // Import the BoM for the Firebase platform implementation(platform("com.google.firebase:firebase-bom:33.10.0")) // Add the dependencies for the Crashlytics NDK and Analytics libraries // When using the BoM, you don't specify versions in Firebase library dependencies implementation("com.google.firebase:firebase-crashlytics-ndk") implementation("com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics") }
By using the Firebase Android BoM, your app will always use compatible versions of Firebase Android libraries.
(Alternative) Add Firebase library dependencies without using the BoM
If you choose not to use the Firebase BoM, you must specify each Firebase library version in its dependency line.
Note that if you use multiple Firebase libraries in your app, we strongly recommend using the BoM to manage library versions, which ensures that all versions are compatible.
dependencies { // Add the dependencies for the Crashlytics NDK and Analytics libraries // When NOT using the BoM, you must specify versions in Firebase library dependencies implementation("com.google.firebase:firebase-crashlytics-ndk:19.4.1") implementation("com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics:22.3.0") }
Step 2: Add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin to your app
In your root-level (project-level) Gradle file (
), add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin to theplugins
plugins { // Make sure that you have the AGP plugin 8.1+ dependency id("com.android.application") version "8.1.4" apply false // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin 4.4.1+ dependency id("com.google.gms.google-services") version "4.4.2" apply false // Add the dependency for the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id("com.google.firebase.crashlytics") version "3.0.3" apply false }
plugins { // Make sure that you have the AGP plugin 8.1+ dependency id 'com.android.application' version '8.1.4' apply false // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin 4.4.1+ dependency id 'com.google.gms.google-services' version '4.4.2' apply false // Add the dependency for the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id 'com.google.firebase.crashlytics' version '3.0.3' apply false }
In your module (app-level) Gradle file (usually
), add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin:Kotlin
plugins { id("com.android.application") // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin id("com.google.gms.google-services") // Add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id("com.google.firebase.crashlytics") }
plugins { id 'com.android.application' // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin id 'com.google.gms.google-services' // Add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id 'com.google.firebase.crashlytics' }
Step 3: Add the Crashlytics extension to your build
In your module (app-level) Gradle file
(usually <project>/<app-module>/build.gradle.kts
), configure the Crashlytics extension.
import com.google.firebase.crashlytics.buildtools.gradle.CrashlyticsExtension // ... android { // ... buildTypes { getByName("release") { // Add this extension configure<CrashlyticsExtension> { // Enable processing and uploading of native symbols to Firebase servers. // By default, this is disabled to improve build speeds. // This flag must be enabled to see properly-symbolicated native // stack traces in the Crashlytics dashboard. nativeSymbolUploadEnabled = true } } } }
// ... android { // ... buildTypes { release { // Add this extension firebaseCrashlytics { // Enable processing and uploading of native symbols to Firebase servers. // By default, this is disabled to improve build speeds. // This flag must be enabled to see properly-symbolicated native // stack traces in the Crashlytics dashboard. nativeSymbolUploadEnabled true } } } }
Step 4: Set up automatic uploading of native symbols
To produce readable stack traces from NDK crashes, Crashlytics needs to know
about the symbols in your native binaries. The Crashlytics Gradle plugin
includes the uploadCrashlyticsSymbolFileBUILD_VARIANT
task to automate this process.
So that you can access the task for automated symbol uploading, make sure that
is set totrue
in your module (app-level) Gradle file.For method names to appear in your stack traces, you must explicitly invoke the
task after each build of your NDK library. For example:>./gradlew app:assembleBUILD_VARIANT\ app:uploadCrashlyticsSymbolFileBUILD_VARIANT
Both the Crashlytics SDK for NDK and the Crashlytics Gradle plugin depend on the presence of the GNU build ID within the native shared objects.
You can verify the presence of this ID by running
on each binary. If the build ID is absent, addreadelf -n
to your build system's flags to fix the problem.-Wl,--build-id
Step 5: Force a test crash to finish setup
To finish setting up Crashlytics and see initial data in the Crashlytics dashboard of the Firebase console, you need to force a test crash.
Add code to your app that you can use to force a test crash.
You can use the following code in your app's
to add a button to your app that, when pressed, causes a crash. The button is labeled "Test Crash".Kotlin
val crashButton = Button(this) crashButton.text = "Test Crash" crashButton.setOnClickListener { throw RuntimeException("Test Crash") // Force a crash } addContentView(crashButton, ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT))
Button crashButton = new Button(this); crashButton.setText("Test Crash"); crashButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { throw new RuntimeException("Test Crash"); // Force a crash } }); addContentView(crashButton, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
Build and run your app.
Force the test crash in order to send your app's first crash report:
Open your app from your test device or emulator.
In your app, press the "Test Crash" button that you added using the code above.
After your app crashes, restart it so that your app can send the crash report to Firebase.
Go to the Crashlytics dashboard of the Firebase console to see your test crash.
If you've refreshed the console and you're still not seeing the test crash after five minutes, enable debug logging to see if your app is sending crash reports.
And that's it! Crashlytics is now monitoring your app for crashes, and you
can view and investigate crash reports and statistics in the
Crashlytics dashboard.
Next steps
(Recommended) Get help debugging crashes caused by native memory errors by collecting GWP-ASan reports. These memory-related errors can be associated with memory corruption within your app, which is the leading cause of app security vulnerabilities. To take advantage of this debugging feature, make sure your app has GWP-ASan explicitly enabled and uses the latest Crashlytics SDK for NDK (v18.3.6+ or Firebase BoM v31.3.0+).
Customize your crash report setup by adding opt-in reporting, logs, keys, and tracking of non-fatal errors.
Integrate with Google Play so that you can filter your Android app's crash reports by Google Play track directly in the Crashlytics dashboard. This allows you to better focus your dashboard on specific builds.
If you're seeing different stack traces in the Firebase console and in the logcat, refer to the Troubleshooting guide.
Alternative options for uploading symbols
The main workflow on this page above is applicable for standard Gradle builds. However, some apps use a different configuration or tooling (for example a build process other than Gradle). In these situations, the following options might be helpful for successfully uploading symbols.
Option: Upload symbols for library modules and external dependencies
This option can be helpful in the following situations:
- If you use a customized NDK build process within Gradle
- If your native libraries are built in a library/feature module or provided by a third-party
- If the automatic symbol uploading task is failing or you're seeing unsymbolicated crashes in the dashboard
The standard Crashlytics symbol upload task assumes that you're building your native libraries as part of your app module's Gradle build, using standard NDK build tools such as CMake.
However, if you're using a customized NDK build process within Gradle, or your
native libraries are built in a library/feature module or provided by a
third-party, you may need to explicitly specify the path to your unstripped
libraries. To accomplish this, you can add the unstrippedNativeLibsDir
property within the Crashlytics extension in your Gradle build file.
Make sure that you've completed the following initial tasks from the main workflow earlier on this page:
So that the automatic symbol uploading task can find your symbol information, add the following to your module (app-level) Gradle file (usually
import com.google.firebase.crashlytics.buildtools.gradle.CrashlyticsExtension // ... android { // ... buildTypes { release { configure<CrashlyticsExtension> { nativeSymbolUploadEnabled = true unstrippedNativeLibsDir = file("PATH/TO/UNSTRIPPED/DIRECTORY") } } } }
// ... android { // ... buildTypes { release { firebaseCrashlytics { nativeSymbolUploadEnabled true unstrippedNativeLibsDir file("PATH/TO/UNSTRIPPED/DIRECTORY") } } } }
The Crashlytics plugin will recursively search the specified directory for native libraries with a
extension. Crashlytics then extracts debugging symbols from all such libraries and uploads them to the Firebase servers.Here's what you can specify in the
property:Any argument allowable for
, including: ,java.lang.String
, orjava.io.File
Multiple directories for a single build flavor by providing a list or
instance(Starting with Crashlytics Gradle plugin v3.0.0) Accumulate multiple directories in individual products and build flavors.
buildTypes { release { configure<CrashlyticsExtension> { nativeSymbolUploadEnabled = true unstrippedNativeLibsDir = file("MY/NATIVE/LIBS") } } productFlavors { flavorDimensions += "feature" create("basic") { dimension = "feature" // ... } create("featureX") { dimension = "feature" configure<CrashlyticsExtension> { unstrippedNativeLibsDir = file("MY/FEATURE_X/LIBS") } } } }
task will only upload the symbols inMY/NATIVE/LIBS
, butuploadCrashlyticsSymbolFilesFeatureXRelease
will upload symbols in bothMY/NATIVE/LIBS
.Finally, force a test crash to finish setting up Crashlytics and to see initial data in the Crashlytics dashboard of the Firebase console.
Option: Upload symbols for non-Gradle builds or inaccessible unstripped native libraries
This option can be helpful in the following situations:
If you use a build process other than Gradle
If your unstripped native libraries are provided to you in some way that they're not accessible during Gradle builds
This option requires that you run a Firebase CLI command when you create a release build or any build for which you want to see symbolicated stack traces in the Firebase console.
Make sure that you've completed the following initial tasks from the main workflow earlier on this page:
Added the Crashlytics SDK for NDK and the Crashlytics Gradle plugin.
Note that with this option, you don't need to add the
extension or set up automatic symbol uploading because you'll instead use the Firebase CLI (next steps below) to generate and upload your symbol files.Set up your environment and project for symbol uploading:
Follow the instructions to install the Firebase CLI.
If you've already installed the CLI, make sure to update to its latest version.
(only for apps using Android API level 30+) Update your app’s
template to disable Pointer Tagging:Check the box for Android Player Settings > Publishing Settings > Build > Custom Main Manifest.
Open the manifest template located at
.Add the following attribute to the application tag:
<application android:allowNativeHeapPointerTagging="false" ... />
Build your project.
Upload your symbols information.
Once your build has finished, generate a Crashlytics-compatible symbol file and upload it to Firebase servers by running the following Firebase CLI command:
firebase crashlytics:symbols:upload --app=FIREBASE_APP_ID PATH/TO/SYMBOLS
FIREBASE_APP_ID: Your Firebase Android App ID (not your package name)
Example Firebase Android App ID:1:567383003300:android:17104a2ced0c9b9b
Here are two ways to find your Firebase App ID:
In your
file, your App ID is themobilesdk_app_id
value; orIn the Firebase console, go to your Project settings. Scroll down to the Your apps card, then click on the desired Firebase App to find its App ID.
PATH/TO/SYMBOLS: The path to the symbol file generated by the CLI
Exported to an Android Studio project — PATH/TO/SYMBOLS can be any directory. The Firebase CLI will recursively search the specified directory for native libraries with a
extension.Built the APK directly from within Unity — PATH/TO/SYMBOLS is the path of the zipped symbol file generated in the project root directory when your build finished (for example:
View advanced options for using the Firebase CLI command for symbol file generation and upload
Flag Description --generator=csym
Uses the legacy cSYM symbol file generator instead of the default Breakpad generator
Not recommended for use. We recommend using the default Breakpad symbol file generator.
Uses the Breakpad symbol file generator
Note that the default for symbol file generation is Breakpad. Only use this flag if you've added
in your build configuration and you want to override it to use Breakpad instead.symbolGenerator { csym() }
Generates the symbol files but does not upload them
This flag is useful if you want to inspect the content of the files that are sent.
Provides additional debugging information Finally, force a test crash to finish setting up Crashlytics and to see initial data in the Crashlytics dashboard of the Firebase console.
After you build your app as part of forcing a crash, make sure to run the Firebase CLI
command to upload your symbol file.