Pedoman brand
Mewakili branding Firebase
Do not use the Firebase mark or any variant of the Firebase mark in conjunction with the overall name of your application, product, service, or website. Do not alter or use the Firebase mark in a way that may be confusing or misleading, and never use Firebase branding as the most prominent element on your page.
Logo lengkap standar
The standard lockup logo can be used in presentation slides and blog posts. You may not use it in a product or in any manner that suggests it is endorsed by or involved in building the product.

Logo lengkap vertikal
When there is limited horizontal space, a vertical lockup can be used with the full color logomark.

Jika ruang vertikal maupun horizontalnya terbatas, logomark dapat digunakan sendiri tanpa logotype.

When the background conflicts with the full-color logo, the monochrome variant can be employed. However, it's still recommended to use the full-color version whenever possible.
Logo Produk
Setiap produk dalam Firebase memiliki ikon tersendiri. Ikon ini bisa dipasangkan dengan logo Firebase untuk membuat logo lengkap produk.

Logo lengkap produk
Ikon bisa digabungkan dengan logo Firebase untuk membuat logo lengkap produk.
Jangan gunakan beberapa logo lengkap produk bersama-sama. Sebaiknya jangan menampilkan lebih dari satu logo Firebase di satu tempat.
The core palette is a combination of Firebase logo colors and Google products colors, with the initial three being the primary colors within the logo.
Ensure the composition incorporates the colors of the Firebase logo, whether in solid hues or gradients. Content designed for specific products should leverage their respective main color.
Firebase Yellow
R: 255 G: 196 B: 0
PMS 136C
Firebase Orange
R: 255 G: 145 B: 0
PMS 151C
Firebase Red
R: 221 G: 44 B: 0
PMS 1655C
Android Green
R: 198 G: 255 B: 0
PMS 389C
Gemini Pink
R: 253 G: 173 B: 238
PMS 236C
Google Ecosystem Blue
R: 66 G: 133 B: 244
PMS 2173C
Google Cloud Green
R: 52 G: 168 B: 83
PMS 2257C
Gray 0
R: 0 G: 0 B: 0
Gray 10
R: 31 G: 31 B: 31
Gray 20
R: 48 G: 48 B: 48
Gray 30
R: 71 G: 71 B: 71
Gray 40
R: 94 G: 94 B: 94
Gray 50
R: 117 G: 117 B: 117
Gray 60
R: 143 G: 143 B: 143
Gray 70
R: 171 G: 171 B: 171
Gray 80
R: 199 G: 199 B: 199
Gray 90
R: 227 G: 227 B: 227
Gray 95
R: 242 G: 242 B: 242
Gray 99
R: 253 G: 252 B: 251
Gray 100
R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
Ukuran & Ruang

Untuk memastikannya mudah dibaca, ketinggian logo tidak boleh kurang dari 24 piksel.
Untuk logo lengkap, sediakan minimal ruang kosong setinggi-x x2 di sekitar logo. Jangan menjejalkan atau menjadikan logo tumpang tindih dengan elemen lainnya.

Error yang Biasa Terjadi

Do not...
Alter or distort the logo in any way
Use the flat knockout in any color but white
Alter color, shape, or angles
Rotate or flip in any direction
Alter proportions, positioning, or placement
Replace the logotype with a different typeface
Use the old Firebase logo
Use the logo on a poorly contrasting background
Use the logo on an off-brand background
Overlap or crowd the logo with other elements
Redraw the logo
Use other Google branding in conjunction with your product
For guidelines on how to use other Google brands, see the Brand Permissions site.