Firebase 解决方案门户
教程:使用 AdMob、Google Analytics(分析)和 Firebase 优化混合变现模式
- Tutorial
- Google Analytics
- Firebase Remote Config
- Admob
Pomelo 案例
Pomelo Games 使用 Firebase 在未流失玩家的情况下将收入提升了高达 35%
- Google Analytics
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Admob
- Firebase Remote Config
Vinwap 案例研究
Vinwap 借助 Firebase A/B Testing 和 Remote Config 将广告收入提高 30%
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Firebase Remote Config
- Google Analytics
STAGE 案例研究
STAGE 利用 Firebase 和 Flutter 将发布时间减半
- Admob
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Firebase Remote Config
- Google Analytics
GameNexa 案例
GameNexa Studios 使用 Firebase 将应用内购收入翻倍并实现创收策略多元化
- Firebase Performance Monitoring
- Google Analytics
- Admob
- Firebase Remote Config
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Firebase Crashlytics
Qtonz 案例
Qtonz 使用 Firebase 将广告收入提高 4 倍,并提高了互动度
- Firebase Remote Config
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Google Analytics
- Admob
Tapple 案例
Tapple 使用 Firebase Remote Config 将订阅量增加了 8%
- Firebase Remote Config
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Google Analytics
Tutorial: Optimize AdMob ad frequency using Firebase
Use A/B testing to make data-driven decisions about optimal ad frequency.
- Tutorial
- Firebase Remote Config
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Firebase
- Google Analytics
- Admob
Tutorial: Test adoption of new AdMob ad formats using Firebase
Use A/B testing to make data-driven decisions about adopting new ad formats.
- Tutorial
- Firebase Remote Config
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Google Analytics
- Firebase
- Admob