Mulai gratis,
lalu bayar sesuai penggunaan.



Kuota yang melimpah untuk memulai
Mulai sekarang

Bayar sesuai penggunaan

Pilih paket Sudah termasuk penggunaan gratis dari paket Spark*
Gratis, tunduk pada kuota dan batas yang bervariasi berdasarkan penyedia pengesahan.
Bandwidth Keluar yang Tidak Di-cache Not applicable No cost up to 5GB/month
Then $0.20/GB
Cached Outgoing Bandwidth Not applicable Gratis hingga 5 GB/bulan
Selanjutnya $0,15/GB
Storage Not applicable Gratis hingga 5 GB/bulan
Selanjutnya $0,10/GB
Cloud Products
Only the following Cloud Products are billed during App Hosting Public Preview.
Cloud Run Not applicable Harga Cloud Run
Cloud Build Not applicable Harga Cloud Build
Artifact Registry Not applicable Harga Artifact Registry
Cloud Logging Not applicable Harga Cloud Logging
Cloud Secrets Manager

Not applicable Harga Cloud Secrets Manager
Cloud Calculator Not applicable Please reference the Google
Cloud calculator to estimate your project costs.
Autentikasi Ponsel - Semua region Not applicable Billed per SMS sent
See current rates
Layanan Authentication lainnya
Dengan Identity Platform
Monthly active users 50k/month Bebas biaya hingga 50 ribu MAU
Kemudian, bayar sesuai harga Google Cloud
Pengguna aktif bulanan - SAML/OIDC 50/month Bebas biaya hingga 50 MAU
Kemudian, bayar sesuai harga Google Cloud
Stored data 1 GiB total Gratis hingga total 1 GiB
Sesudah itu, berlaku harga Google Cloud
Network egress 10 GiB/month No-cost up to 10 GiB/month
Then Google Cloud pricing
Penulisan dokumen 20K writes/day No-cost up to 20K writes/day
Then Google Cloud pricing
Pembacaan dokumen 50K reads/day No-cost up to 50K reads/day
Then Google Cloud pricing
Penghapusan dokumen 20K deletes/day No-cost up to 20K deletes/day
Then Google Cloud pricing
Pemanggilan Not applicable Gratis hingga 2 jt/bulan
Kemudian $0,40/juta
GB-detik Not applicable Gratis hingga 400 rb/bulan
Kemudian sesuai harga Google Cloud
CPU-detik Not applicable Gratis hingga 200 rb/bulan
Kemudian sesuai harga Google Cloud
Outbound networking Not applicable Gratis hingga 5 GB/bulan
Kemudian $0,12/GB
Menit Cloud Build Not applicable Gratis hingga 120 mnt/hari
Kemudian $0,003/mnt
Container storage in Artifact Registry Not applicable No-cost up to 500MB of storage
Then Google Cloud pricing
*Harga bervariasi berdasarkan lokasi
* legacy buckets
GB tersimpan 5 GB No-cost up to 5 GB
Then $0.026/GB
GB terdownload 1 GB/hari No-cost up to 1 GB/day
Then $0.12/GB
Operasi upload 20 ribu/hari No-cost up to 20K/day
Then $0.05/10K
Operasi download 50 ribu/hari No-cost up to 50K/day
Then $0.004/10K
Beberapa bucket per project

* and any additional buckets

GB tersimpan Not applicable No-cost up to 5 GB-months
Then Cloud Storage pricing
GB terdownload Not applicable No-cost up to 100 GB/month
Then Cloud Storage pricing
Operasi upload Not applicable No-cost up to 5K/month
Then Cloud Storage pricing
Operasi download Not applicable No-cost up to 50K/month
Then Cloud Storage pricing
Beberapa bucket per project Not applicable
Network egress Not applicable Public Preview - No cost for network egress.

General Availability - No-cost up to 10 GiB/month
Then Google Cloud Internet Data Transfer Rate Premium Tier pricing

Operation Count Not applicable Public Preview - No cost for operation count.

General Availability - No-cost up to 250,000 operations per month
Then $4.00 per million operations

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Not applicable Public Preview - No cost trial for the first default Cloud SQL instance created using Firebase Data Connect for the duration of Public Preview.
See Google Cloud pricing for other instance configurations.

General Availability - 3 month no cost trial for the first default Cloud SQL instance created using Firebase Data Connect.
Then starting as low as $9.37 / month - pricing varies based on regions and configurations, see Google Cloud pricing. Public Preview trials automatically roll into 3 month no cost trial at General Availability.
Storage 10 GB $0,026/GB
Transfer data 360 MB/hari $0,15/GB
Domain & SSL Kustom
Beberapa situs per project
Deployment Model Kustom
Cloud Vision APIs $1,50/seribu
(Lihat harga Cloud Vision )
Koneksi simultan
100 200 ribu/database
GB tersimpan 1 GB $5/GB
GB terdownload 10 GB/bulan $1/GB
Beberapa database per project
Virtual Device Tests 10 tests/day Gratis hingga 60 mnt/hari
Kemudian $1/perangkat/jam
Physical Device Tests 5 tests/day No-cost up to 30 min/day
Then $5/device/hour

Android Device Streaming Starting on June 1, 2024, for a promotional period:
120 no cost minutes per project, per month 120 no cost minutes per project, per month
15 cents for each additional minute
On or around May, 2025, the promotional period will end and billing will be based on the following quota limits:
30 no cost minutes per project, per month 30 no cost minutes per project, per month
15 cents for each additional minute
Tidak berlaku Ditagih sesuai dengan Harga Google Cloud saat ini
IaaS lainnya
AI assistance in the Firebase console
AI assistance in Crashlytics
AI assistance in Messaging
AI assistance in Firebase Data Connect

A/B Testing, Analytics, App Check, App Distribution, Cloud Messaging (FCM), Crashlytics, In-App Messaging, Performance Monitoring, and Remote Config.

Kuota yang melimpah untuk memulai


Bandwidth Keluar yang Tidak Di-cache
Not applicable
Cached Outgoing Bandwidth
Not applicable
Not applicable
Cloud Products
Only the following Cloud Products are billed during App Hosting Public Preview.
Cloud Run
Not applicable
Cloud Build
Not applicable
Artifact Registry
Not applicable
Cloud Logging
Not applicable
Cloud Secrets Manager

Not applicable
Cloud Calculator
Not applicable
Autentikasi Ponsel - Semua region
Not applicable
Layanan Authentication lainnya
Dengan Identity Platform
Monthly active users
Pengguna aktif bulanan - SAML/OIDC
Stored data
1 GiB total
Network egress
10 GiB/month
Penulisan dokumen
20K writes/day
Pembacaan dokumen
50K reads/day
Penghapusan dokumen
20K deletes/day
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Outbound networking
Not applicable
Menit Cloud Build
Not applicable
Container storage in Artifact Registry
Not applicable
* legacy buckets
GB tersimpan
5 GB
GB terdownload
1 GB/hari
Operasi upload
20 ribu/hari
Operasi download
50 ribu/hari
Beberapa bucket per project

* and any additional buckets
GB tersimpan
Not applicable
GB terdownload
Not applicable
Operasi upload
Not applicable
Operasi download
Not applicable
Beberapa bucket per project
Not applicable
Network egress
Not applicable
Operation Count
Not applicable
Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL
Not applicable
10 GB
Transfer data
360 MB/hari
Domain & SSL Kustom
Beberapa situs per project
Deployment Model Kustom
Cloud Vision APIs
Koneksi simultan
GB tersimpan
1 GB
GB terdownload
10 GB/bulan
Beberapa database per project
Virtual Device Tests
10 tests/day
Physical Device Tests
5 tests/day
Starting on June 1, 2024, for a promotional period:
120 no cost minutes per project, per month
On or around May, 2025, the promotional period will end and billing will be based on the following quota limits:
30 no cost minutes per project, per month
IaaS lainnya

Menghitung harga aplikasi dalam skala besar

Bayar sesuai penggunaan

Sudah termasuk penggunaan gratis dari paket Spark*

Bandwidth Keluar yang Tidak Di-cache
No cost up to 5GB/month
Then $0.20/GB
Cached Outgoing Bandwidth
Gratis hingga 5 GB/bulan
Selanjutnya $0,15/GB
Gratis hingga 5 GB/bulan
Selanjutnya $0,10/GB
Cloud Products
Only the following Cloud Products are billed during App Hosting Public Preview.
Artifact Registry
Cloud Logging
Cloud Secrets Manager

Cloud Calculator
Please reference the Google
Cloud calculator to estimate your project costs.
Autentikasi Ponsel - Semua region
Billed per SMS sent
See current rates
Layanan Authentication lainnya
Dengan Identity Platform
Monthly active users
Bebas biaya hingga 50 ribu MAU
Kemudian, bayar sesuai harga Google Cloud
Pengguna aktif bulanan - SAML/OIDC
Bebas biaya hingga 50 MAU
Kemudian, bayar sesuai harga Google Cloud
Stored data
Gratis hingga total 1 GiB
Sesudah itu, berlaku harga Google Cloud
Network egress
No-cost up to 10 GiB/month
Then Google Cloud pricing
Penulisan dokumen
No-cost up to 20K writes/day
Then Google Cloud pricing
Pembacaan dokumen
No-cost up to 50K reads/day
Then Google Cloud pricing
Penghapusan dokumen
No-cost up to 20K deletes/day
Then Google Cloud pricing
Gratis hingga 2 jt/bulan
Kemudian $0,40/juta
Gratis hingga 400 rb/bulan
Kemudian sesuai harga Google Cloud
Gratis hingga 200 rb/bulan
Kemudian sesuai harga Google Cloud
Outbound networking
Gratis hingga 5 GB/bulan
Kemudian $0,12/GB
Menit Cloud Build
Gratis hingga 120 mnt/hari
Kemudian $0,003/mnt
Container storage in Artifact Registry
No-cost up to 500MB of storage
Then Google Cloud pricing
* legacy buckets
GB tersimpan
No-cost up to 5 GB
Then $0.026/GB
GB terdownload
No-cost up to 1 GB/day
Then $0.12/GB
Operasi upload
No-cost up to 20K/day
Then $0.05/10K
Operasi download
No-cost up to 50K/day
Then $0.004/10K
Beberapa bucket per project

* and any additional buckets

GB tersimpan
No-cost up to 5 GB-months
Then Cloud Storage pricing
GB terdownload
No-cost up to 100 GB/month
Then Cloud Storage pricing
Operasi upload
No-cost up to 5K/month
Then Cloud Storage pricing
Operasi download
No-cost up to 50K/month
Then Cloud Storage pricing
Beberapa bucket per project
Network egress
Public Preview - No cost for network egress.

General Availability - No-cost up to 10 GiB/month
Then Google Cloud Internet Data Transfer Rate Premium Tier pricing

Operation Count
Public Preview - No cost for operation count.

General Availability - No-cost up to 250,000 operations per month
Then $4.00 per million operations

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL
Public Preview - No cost trial for the first default Cloud SQL instance created using Firebase Data Connect for the duration of Public Preview.
See Google Cloud pricing for other instance configurations.

General Availability - 3 month no cost trial for the first default Cloud SQL instance created using Firebase Data Connect.
Then starting as low as $9.37 / month - pricing varies based on regions and configurations, see Google Cloud pricing. Public Preview trials automatically roll into 3 month no cost trial at General Availability.
Transfer data
Domain & SSL Kustom
Beberapa situs per project
Deployment Model Kustom
Cloud Vision APIs
(Lihat harga Cloud Vision )
Koneksi simultan
200 ribu/database
GB tersimpan
GB terdownload
Beberapa database per project
Virtual Device Tests
Gratis hingga 60 mnt/hari
Kemudian $1/perangkat/jam
Physical Device Tests
No-cost up to 30 min/day
Then $5/device/hour

Starting on June 1, 2024, for a promotional period:
120 no cost minutes per project, per month
15 cents for each additional minute
On or around May, 2025, the promotional period will end and billing will be based on the following quota limits:
30 no cost minutes per project, per month
15 cents for each additional minute
IaaS lainnya

* Penggunaan gratis pada paket Blaze dihitung secara harian. Detailnya sedikit berbeda untuk Cloud Functions, Firebase ML, Phone Auth, dan Test Lab.

Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca FAQ atau lihat dokumentasi kami terkait memahami penagihan.

No-cost usage quotas apply at the project-level, not at the app-level or for individual resources.

Kalkulator paket Blaze

Gunakan kalkulator harga kami untuk memperoleh estimasi biaya bulanan Anda dalam paket Blaze. Semua biaya satuan ditagihkan pada biaya infrastruktur Google Cloud yang mendasarinya.