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Welcome to Firebase Summit 2021! In this keynote, you'll hear the latest product news and see demos of how our platform can help you accelerate app development, run your app with confidence, and scale your business with ease.

Welcome to Firebase Summit 2021! In this keynote, you'll hear the latest product news and see demos of how our platform can help you accelerate app development, run your app with confidence, and scale your business with ease.

Photo of Jeanine Banks
Jeanine Banks

VP, Product Mgmt, 3P Core Developer Platforms/Google

Jeanine is the VP for Core Third-Party (3P) Developers responsible for the strategy, product roadmaps, user experiences and ecosystem engagement for popular developer offerings like Angular, Dart, Firebase, Flutter, TensorFlow and others. Jeanine and her team collaborate across Google to empower millions of developers to build AI-enabled, digital experiences for billions of users worldwide. Prior to Google, Jeanine worked at Amazon Web Services (AWS) where she was most recently the General Manager of AWS Insights & Enterprise Tools, responsible for Engineering, Product Management, and other functions for the AWS Commerce Platform serving millions of AWS customers in managing over $45B in cloud spend. Previously, she also led the development of EC2 fleet management and auto scaling services and launched several new AWS services, including Amazon AppFlow and AWS Audit Manager. Jeanine helped grow inclusion, diversity and equity at Amazon and across the tech industry through mentoring, public speaking and sponsoring programs to increase founders' access to capital. Prior to AWS, Jeanine has held senior leadership positions in start-up, mid-sized and large global businesses, including GE, IBM, CA Technologies, Axway and Thru, LLC.

Photo of Kristen Richards
Kristen Richards

Group Product Manager / Google

Kristen is the PM lead for Firebase Operate, a set of tools that help developers run their apps effectively and grow their businesses. She is based in Cambridge, MA. In her free time, she enjoys riding her bike, playing volleyball, and exploring new places!

Photo of Kara Yu
Kara Yu

Product Manager for Firebase Extensions / Google

Kara is a product manager at Google, where she has led Firebase Extensions for the past two years. She is passionate about helping developers accelerate their app development. Prior to Firebase, she worked as a product manager on YouTube Music. Prior to Google, she worked at Meteor and was involved with developing Scratch while at the MIT Media Lab. She earned Bachelor's Degrees in Economics and Math with Computer Science from MIT, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Photo of Charlotte Liang
Charlotte Liang

Software Engineer / Google

Charlotte works on Firebase SDKs for Apple platform since the first launch of Firebase in 2016. She is passionate about Firebase developer's experiences on Apple platforms and app extensions. Prior to Google, Charlotte was an iOS game developer. She enjoys most of her free time exploring the city in San Francisco. Follow Charlotte on Twitter at @charlotteCLiang .

Photo of Cleo Schneider
Cleo Schneider

Software Engineer / Google

Cleo is a software engineer on Firebase Crashlytics. Before joining Google, she helped build robust systems in a variety of industries from finance to travel. Outside of work, Cleo enjoys spending time with her family (including two amazing cats), playing board games, fiddling on the bass, and eating amazing food.

Photo of Jon Mensing
Jon Mensing

Product Manager / Google

Jon is the Product Manager for Firebase Remote Config and has worked on Firebase for the past 5 years. Prior to Google, Jon was a product manager at BuzzFeed and Zynga. He is also a U.S. Air Force veteran. Jon earned a bachelor's degree in computer science from the U.S. Air Force Academy, a Master of Public Policy degree from the Harvard Kennedy School, and an MBA from the Wharton School.

Are you excited about all the news from the "What's new in Firebase" session? And you want to know more? Look no further than this live session, where we bring together experts from across Firebase to answer your burning questions. Post questions before the session on Twitter with #AskFirebase, or wait till the session and post questions in the live chat. We'll answer as many questions as we can fit into 30 minutes.

Are you excited about all the news from the "What's new in Firebase" session? And you want to know more? Look no further than this live session, where we bring together experts from across Firebase to answer your burning questions. Post questions before the session on Twitter with #AskFirebase, or wait till the session and post questions in the live chat. We'll answer as many questions as we can fit into 30 minutes.

Photo of Rachel Saunders
Rachel Saunders

Tech Writer, Dev Rel / Google

Rachel is a tech writer for Firebase, primarily focused on Firebase Android SDKs, AdMob, Crashlytics, and Performance Monitoring, as well as getting started with Firebase. Rachel comes from a teaching background and loves to help folks succeed at new endeavours!

Photo of Jeff Huleatt
Jeff Huleatt

Senior Developer Relations Engineer / Google

Jeff is excited about helping app developers make cool stuff on the web. He maintains a number of Firebase's open source repositories, including ReactFire, a library that makes it easy to use Firebase in React web apps. Follow Jeff on Twitter at @jhuleatt .

Photo of Christopher Chestnut
Christopher Chestnut

Software Engineer / Google

Chris is a Software Engineer working on Firebase Crashlytics. He is passionate about delivering a delightful experience to developers trying to fix issues in their apps. His work primarily consists of improving the Crashlytics dashboard, but he also serves as lead for the Black Googler Network in Cambridge. When not working, he can be found playing video games with his two younger brothers, appreciating his girlfriend's piano skills, or napping with his cat.

We are the building blocks that allow you to stitch together all the components you need to build your app's baseline, from payment processing to image optimization to shipping fulfillment. You no longer have to sift through learning 20-30 different APIs and instead can focus on your real competitive advantage. Extensions can be configured to fit your business and scale with you. Just like Firebase takes the work out of managing a database, extensions are solutions that take the work out of integrating and maintaining APIs. During Firebase Summit, we are excited to introduce many new extensions that together form the baseline of your app.

We are the building blocks that allow you to stitch together all the components you need to build your app's baseline, from payment processing to image optimization to shipping fulfillment. You no longer have to sift through learning 20-30 different APIs and instead can focus on your real competitive advantage. Extensions can be configured to fit your business and scale with you. Just like Firebase takes the work out of managing a database, extensions are solutions that take the work out of integrating and maintaining APIs. During Firebase Summit, we are excited to introduce many new extensions that together form the baseline of your app.

Photo of Iman Rahmati
Iman Rahmati

Engineering Lead / Google

Iman is the engineering manager for Firebase Extensions. He joined Google in 2020, excited to work on an early stage product for Firebase which he had fallen in love with years earlier. Before Google, Iman worked in Adtech, Fintech, Edtech and Security in companies of various sizes in US, Canada, Netherlands and Iran. Looking back, he saw that he enjoyed his work mostly when he was in touch with end users focusing on their needs.

Photo of Kara Yu
Kara Yu

Product Manager for Firebase Extensions / Google

Kara is a product manager at Google, where she has led Firebase Extensions for the past two years. She is passionate about helping developers accelerate their app development. Prior to Firebase, she worked as a product manager on YouTube Music. Prior to Google, she worked at Meteor and was involved with developing Scratch while at the MIT Media Lab. She earned Bachelor's Degrees in Economics and Math with Computer Science from MIT, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Like any set of problems, there is never one solution to solve them all. Similarly for figuring out the best outcomes for your users and your app's business goals, there are times where personalizing your app experience in real-time is the way to go and others when A/B testing a more permanent solution is the best approach. In this talk, we'll walk through how to decide when to use each one as well as how you can implement them in your own apps.

Like any set of problems, there is never one solution to solve them all. Similarly for figuring out the best outcomes for your users and your app's business goals, there are times where personalizing your app experience in real-time is the way to go and others when A/B testing a more permanent solution is the best approach. In this talk, we'll walk through how to decide when to use each one as well as how you can implement them in your own apps.

Photo of Andrea Wu
Andrea Wu

Software Engineer / Google

Andrea spends much of each day coding and building pretty sweet features for Firebase, and as she also really cares about diversifying the tech industry, she teaches and mentors for various education equity efforts across Google and for non-profits. When her brain can no longer process code, she escapes to adventure outdoors with a mirrorless camera, writes on personal blogs, and meets different people (hopefully you!) to broaden her perspectives and continuously learn!

The sophisticated nature of mobile game development presents unique debugging challenges. Are you hitting an issue because of memory corruption, or because of a missing GPU feature that your game relies on? Come learn what Crashlytics has done in the recent months to help your Unity or NDK game reach its full stability potential.

The sophisticated nature of mobile game development presents unique debugging challenges. Are you hitting an issue because of memory corruption, or because of a missing GPU feature that your game relies on? Come learn what Crashlytics has done in the recent months to help your Unity or NDK game reach its full stability potential.

Photo of Konstantin Mandrika
Konstantin Mandrika

Engineer / Google

Konstantin is an engineer working on Firebase Crashlytics at Google. He is keenly focused on improving the native crash experience for NDK users, especially in the realm of reliability and quality. He has been with the team since the early Fabric days. Prior to Crashlytics, Konstantin worked on database storage engines, real-time data processing, and warehousing systems. In his free time, you'll probably find him fishing, biking, or philosophizing about manual memory management.

Photo of Sam Edson
Sam Edson

Software Engineer / Google

Sam is an engineer on Firebase Crashlytics focusing on client-side crash reporting for Apple platforms and games. He has been working on Crashlytics for over 5 years, leading the charge on the iOS SDK and all things Apple crash reporting. Sam lives in Somerville Massachusetts, where he enjoys volleyball and open water swimming in his free time.

App Check helps make sure it is your app that is talking to your backend resources and not a malicious actor. Learn to use App Check's new providers across different platforms and secure your custom backend resources. Leverage new features to tune your quota consumption and security.

App Check helps make sure it is your app that is talking to your backend resources and not a malicious actor. Learn to use App Check's new providers across different platforms and secure your custom backend resources. Leverage new features to tune your quota consumption and security.

Photo of Tyler Crowe
Tyler Crowe

Product Manager / Google

Tyler is a product manager at Google with the Firebase team, where he leads Firebase Auth, User Security and Developer Tools. His mission is to help developers build secure systems that protect users' privacy and to deliver a top quality developer workflow experience for serverless app developers. Before Firebase, Tyler worked on scaling YouTube Data. In his free time he enjoys biking and hiking with his puppy.

Photo of Ann Zimmer
Ann Zimmer

Software Developer / Google

Ann is a Software Developer currently working on Firebase Authentication, where she focuses on improving the authentication experience for developers and in turn their users. Previously, she worked on the ML Kit, Crash, and Crashlytics Firebase projects. Prior to joining the Firebase team, Ann's Google career included Android app, web, and backend development on the Google Fiber team, and a year as a Software Reliability Engineer in Google Shopping.


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Explore the powerful features and benefits of Firebase Crashlytics with this new interactive demo. Learn how Crashlytics realtime crash reporting can help you identify and prioritize crashes resulting in a better product experience for your users.

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