使用 Firebase 安全规则保护您的 Firestore 数据

1. 准备工作

Cloud Firestore、Cloud Storage for Firebase 和 Realtime Database 依赖您写入的配置文件来授予读写权限。此配置(称为安全规则)还可以充当应用的一种架构。这是开发应用最重要的部分之一。此 Codelab 将引导您完成此过程。


  • 简单的编辑器,例如 Visual Studio Code、Atom 或 Sublime Text
  • Node.js 8.6.0 或更高版本(如需安装 Node.js,请使用 nvm;如需查看您的版本,请运行 node --version
  • Java 7 或更高版本(如需安装 Java,请使用这些说明;要检查您的版本,请运行 java -version


在此 Codelab 中,您将保护基于 Firestore 构建的简单博客平台。您将使用 Firestore 模拟器针对安全规则运行单元测试,并确保这些规则允许和禁止您预期的访问权限。


  • 授予精细权限
  • 强制执行数据和类型验证
  • 实现基于属性的访问控制
  • 根据身份验证方法授予访问权限
  • 创建自定义函数
  • 创建基于时间的安全规则
  • 实现拒绝名单和软删除
  • 了解何时对数据进行反规范化以满足多种访问模式

2. 设置



  • 用户可以创建博文草稿,这些草稿存放在“drafts”收藏集中。
  • 作者可以继续更新草稿,直到满意为止。
  • 当准备好发布时,会触发一个 Firebase 函数,该函数会在 published 集合中创建一个新文档。
  • 草稿可以由作者或网站管理员删除


  • 用户无法创建已发布的帖子,只能通过函数创建。
  • 它们只能被软删除,这会将 visible 属性更新为 false。


  • 已发布的帖子允许发表评论(每个已发布帖子的子集合)。
  • 为减少滥用行为,用户必须拥有经过验证的电子邮件地址,并且未被列入拒绝名单,才能发表评论。
  • 评论只能在发布后的一小时内更新。
  • 评论可以由评论作者、原始帖子的作者或管理员删除。


所有操作都将在本地使用 Firebase Emulator Suite 完成。


在此 Codelab 中,您将从针对安全规则的测试开始,不过是最小的安全规则本身,因此您需要做的第一件事是克隆源代码以运行测试:

$ git clone https://github.com/FirebaseExtended/codelab-rules.git

然后进入初始状态目录,您将在其中完成此 Codelab 的其余部分:

$ cd codelab-rules/initial-state


# Move into the functions directory, install dependencies, jump out.
$ cd functions && npm install && cd -

获取 Firebase CLI

您将用于运行测试的模拟器套件是 Firebase CLI(命令行界面)的一部分,您可以使用以下命令将其安装在您的机器上:

$ npm install -g firebase-tools

接下来,请确认您拥有最新版本的 CLI。此 Codelab 应适用于 8.4.0 或更高版本,但较高版本包含更多 bug 修复。

$ firebase --version

3. 运行测试

在本部分中,您将在本地运行测试。这意味着,现在可以启动 Emulator Suite 了。


您将使用的应用有三个主要的 Firestore 集合:drafts 包含正在处理的博文,published 集合包含已发布的博文,comments 是已发布博文的子集合。该代码库包含安全规则的单元测试,这些规则定义用户在 draftspublishedcomments 集合中创建、读取、更新和删除文档所需的用户属性和其他条件。您将编写安全规则,以使这些测试通过。

首先,您的数据库会被锁定:对数据库的读写操作会被全面拒绝,所有测试都会失败。在您编写安全规则时,测试将会通过。如需查看测试,请在编辑器中打开 functions/test.js

在命令行中,使用 emulators:exec 启动模拟器并运行测试:

$ firebase emulators:exec --project=codelab --import=.seed "cd functions; npm test"


$ firebase emulators:exec --project=codelab --import=.seed "cd functions; npm test"
i  emulators: Starting emulators: functions, firestore, hosting
⚠  functions: The following emulators are not running, calls to these services from the Functions emulator will affect production: auth, database, pubsub
⚠  functions: Unable to fetch project Admin SDK configuration, Admin SDK behavior in Cloud Functions emulator may be incorrect.
i  firestore: Importing data from /Users/user/src/firebase/rules-codelab/initial-state/.seed/firestore_export/firestore_export.overall_export_metadata
i  firestore: Firestore Emulator logging to firestore-debug.log
⚠  hosting: Authentication error when trying to fetch your current web app configuration, have you run firebase login?
⚠  hosting: Could not fetch web app configuration and there is no cached configuration on this machine. Check your internet connection and make sure you are authenticated. To continue, you must call firebase.initializeApp({...}) in your code before using Firebase.
i  hosting: Serving hosting files from: public
✔  hosting: Local server: http://localhost:5000
i  functions: Watching "/Users/user/src/firebase/rules-codelab/initial-state/functions" for Cloud Functions...
✔  functions[publishPost]: http function initialized (http://localhost:5001/codelab/us-central1/publishPost).
✔  functions[softDelete]: http function initialized (http://localhost:5001/codelab/us-central1/softDelete).
i  Running script: pushd functions; npm test
~/src/firebase/rules-codelab/initial-state/functions ~/src/firebase/rules-codelab/initial-state

> functions@ test /Users/user/src/firebase/rules-codelab/initial-state/functions
> mocha

(node:76619) ExperimentalWarning: Conditional exports is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time

  Draft blog posts
    1) can be created with required fields by the author
    2) can be updated by author if immutable fields are unchanged
    3) can be read by the author and moderator

  Published blog posts
    4) can be read by everyone; created or deleted by no one
    5) can be updated by author or moderator

  Comments on published blog posts
    6) can be read by anyone with a permanent account
    7) can be created if email is verfied and not blocked
    8) can be updated by author for 1 hour after creation
    9) can be deleted by an author or moderator

  0 passing (848ms)
  9 failing


目前出现了 9 个失败项。构建规则文件时,您可以通过观察更多测试通过情况来衡量进度。

4. 创建博文草稿。

由于对博文草稿的访问权限与对已发布博文的访问权限截然不同,此博客应用会将博文草稿存储在单独的集合 (/drafts) 中。只有作者或管理员可以访问草稿,并且系统会对必填字段和不可变字段进行验证。

打开 firestore.rules 文件,您会看到一个默认规则文件:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if false;

match 语句 match /{document=**} 使用 ** 语法以递归方式应用于子集合中的所有文档。由于它位于顶层,因此目前,无论是谁发出请求,或他们尝试读取或写入哪些数据,都适用相同的笼统规则。

首先移除最内层的 match 语句,并将其替换为 match /drafts/{draftID}。(关于文档结构的注释在规则中可能很有用,并将包含在此 Codelab 中;它们始终是可选的。)

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

您为草稿编写的第一条规则将决定谁可以创建文档。在此应用中,只能由列为作者的人创建草稿。检查提出请求者的 UID 是否与文档中列出的 UID 相同。


request.resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid

接下来,只有在文档包含三个必需字段(authorUIDcreatedAttitle)时,才能创建文档。(用户不提供 createdAt 字段;这会强制应用必须先添加该字段,然后才能尝试创建文档。)由于您只需检查是否正在创建这些属性,因此可以检查 request.resource 是否具有所有这些键:


创建博文的最后一项要求是,标题不得超过 50 个字符:

request.resource.data.title.size() < 50

由于所有这些条件都必须为 true,因此请使用逻辑 AND 运算符 && 将它们串联在一起。第一条规则变为:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

      allow create: if
        // User creating document is draft author
        request.auth.uid == request.resource.data.authorUID &&
        // Must include title, author, and url fields
        ]) &&
        // Title must be < 50 characters long
        request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;


5. 更新博文草稿。

接下来,作者在优化博文草稿时,会修改文档草稿。为可以更新帖子的条件创建规则。首先,只有作者可以更新草稿。请注意,在这里,您可以检查已写入的 UID resource.data.authorUID

resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid

更新的第二个要求是,两个属性 authorUIDcreatedAt 不应更改:


最后,标题不应超过 50 个字符:

request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;

由于需要同时满足这些条件,因此请使用 && 将它们串联在一起:

allow update: if
  // User is the author, and
  resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid &&
  // `authorUID` and `createdAt` are unchanged
  ]) &&
  // Title must be < 50 characters long
  request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;


rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

      allow create: if
        // User creating document is draft author
        request.auth.uid == request.resource.data.authorUID &&
        // Must include title, author, and url fields
        ]) &&
        // Title must be < 50 characters long
        request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;

      allow update: if
        // User is the author, and
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid &&
        // `authorUID` and `createdAt` are unchanged
        ]) &&
        // Title must be < 50 characters long
        request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;


6. 删除和读取草稿:基于属性的访问权限控制


resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid

此外,身份验证令牌中的 isModerator 属性的作者可以删除草稿:

request.auth.token.isModerator == true

由于上述任一条件足以执行删除操作,因此使用逻辑 OR 运算符 || 将它们串联起来:

allow delete: if resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid || request.auth.token.isModerator == true


allow read, delete: if resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid || request.auth.token.isModerator == true


rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

      allow create: if
        // User creating document is draft author
        request.auth.uid == request.resource.data.authorUID &&
        // Must include title, author, and url fields
        ]) &&
        // Title must be < 50 characters long
        request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;

      allow update: if
        // User is the author, and
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid &&
        // `authorUID` and `createdAt` are unchanged
        ]) &&
        // Title must be < 50 characters long
        request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;

      allow read, delete: if
        // User is draft author
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid ||
        // User is a moderator
        request.auth.token.isModerator == true;


7. 读取、创建和删除已发布博文:针对不同的访问模式进行反规范化

由于已发布博文和草稿博文的访问模式截然不同,因此该应用将博文反规范化为单独的 draftpublished 集合。例如,任何人都可以阅读已发布的帖子,但无法硬删除;而草稿可以删除,但只有作者和管理员才能阅读。在此应用中,当用户想要发布博文草稿时,会触发一个函数来创建新发布的博文。


match /published/{postID} {
  // `authorUID`: string, required
  // `content`: string, required
  // `publishedAt`: timestamp, required
  // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
  // `url`: string, required
  // `visible`: boolean, required

  // Can be read by everyone
  allow read: if true;

  // Published posts are created only via functions, never by users
  // No hard deletes; soft deletes update `visible` field.
  allow create, delete: if false;


rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

      allow create: if
        // User creating document is draft author
        request.auth.uid == request.resource.data.authorUID &&
        // Must include title, author, and url fields
        ]) &&
        // Title must be < 50 characters long
        request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;

      allow update: if
        // User is the author, and
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid &&
        // `authorUID` and `createdAt` are unchanged
        ]) &&
        // Title must be < 50 characters long
        request.resource.data.title.size() < 50;

      allow read, delete: if
        // User is draft author
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid ||
        // User is a moderator
        request.auth.token.isModerator == true;

    match /published/{postID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, required
      // `publishedAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, required
      // `visible`: boolean, required

      // Can be read by everyone
      allow read: if true;

      // Published posts are created only via functions, never by users
      // No hard deletes; soft deletes update `visible` field.
      allow create, delete: if false;


8. 更新已发布的博文:自定义函数和局部变量


  • 只有作者或管理员才能执行此操作,并且
  • 必须包含所有必填字段。



在草稿的匹配语句上方,创建一个名为 isAuthorOrModerator 的新函数,并将帖子文档(适用于草稿或已发布的帖子)和用户的身份验证对象作为实参:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {

    // Returns true if user is post author or a moderator
    function isAuthorOrModerator(post, auth) {


    match /drafts/{postID} {
      allow create: ...
      allow update: ...

    match /published/{postID} {
      allow read: ...
      allow create, delete: ...


在该函数内,使用 let 关键字设置 isAuthorisModerator 变量。所有函数都必须以 return 语句结尾,我们的函数将返回一个布尔值来指示任一变量是否为 true:

function isAuthorOrModerator(post, auth) {
  let isAuthor = auth.uid == post.authorUID;
  let isModerator = auth.token.isModerator == true;
  return isAuthor || isModerator;


现在,您将更新草稿调用该函数的规则,注意传入 resource.data 作为第一个参数:

  // Draft blog posts
  match /drafts/{draftID} {
    // Can be deleted by author or moderator
    allow read, delete: if isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth);


allow update: if isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth);


已发布的博文的某些字段不应更改,特别是 urlauthorUIDpublishedAt 字段不可更改。更新后,其他两个字段(titlecontentvisible)必须仍然存在。添加条件,对已发布博文的更新强制执行以下要求:

// Immutable fields are unchanged
]) &&
// Required fields are present


最后,添加标题不超过 50 个字符的条件。由于这是重复使用的逻辑,您可以通过创建新函数 titleIsUnder50Chars 来实现此目的。使用新函数后,更新已发布的帖子的条件变为:

allow update: if
  isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth) &&
  // Immutable fields are unchanged
  ]) &&
  // Required fields are present
  ]) &&


rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {

    // Returns true if user is post author or a moderator
    function isAuthorOrModerator(post, auth) {
      let isAuthor = auth.uid == post.authorUID;
      let isModerator = auth.token.isModerator == true;
      return isAuthor || isModerator;

    function titleIsUnder50Chars(post) {
      return post.title.size() < 50;

    // Draft blog posts
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

      allow create: if
        // User creating document is draft author
        request.auth.uid == request.resource.data.authorUID &&
        // Must include title, author, and url fields
        ]) &&

      allow update: if
        // User is the author, and
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid &&
        // `authorUID` and `createdAt` are unchanged
          ]) &&

      // Can be read or deleted by author or moderator
      allow read, delete: if isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth);

    // Published blog posts are denormalized from drafts
    match /published/{postID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, required
      // `publishedAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, required
      // `visible`: boolean, required

      // Can be read by everyone
      allow read: if true;

      // Published posts are created only via functions, never by users
      // No hard deletes; soft deletes update `visible` field.
      allow create, delete: if false;

      allow update: if
        isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth) &&
        // Immutable fields are unchanged
        ]) &&
        // Required fields are present
        ]) &&

重新运行测试。此时,您应该有 5 个通过的测试和 4 个失败的测试。

9. 评论:子集合和登录提供程序权限

发布的帖子允许发表评论,评论存储在已发布帖子的子集合 (/published/{postID}/comments/{commentID}) 中。默认情况下,集合的规则不适用于子集合。您不希望对已发布帖子的父级文档应用的规则也应用于评论;您需要为评论制定不同的规则。

如需编写用于访问注释的规则,请以 match 语句开头:

match /published/{postID}/comments/{commentID} {
  // `authorUID`: string, required
  // `comment`: string, < 500 characters, required
  // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
  // `editedAt`: timestamp, optional


对于此应用,只有创建了永久账号(而非匿名账号)的用户才能阅读评论。如需强制执行该规则,请查找每个 auth.token 对象上的 sign_in_provider 属性:

allow read: if request.auth.token.firebase.sign_in_provider != "anonymous";




  • 用户必须拥有经过验证的电子邮件地址
  • 评论不得超过 500 个字符,并且
  • 不得在被禁用户列表中,该列表存储在 Firestore 的 bannedUsers 集合中。逐一考虑这些条件:
request.auth.token.email_verified == true
request.resource.data.comment.size() < 500


allow create: if
  // User has verified email
  (request.auth.token.email_verified == true) &&
  // UID is not on bannedUsers list


For bottom of step 9
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {

    // Returns true if user is post author or a moderator
    function isAuthorOrModerator(post, auth) {
      let isAuthor = auth.uid == post.authorUID;
      let isModerator = auth.token.isModerator == true;
      return isAuthor || isModerator;

    function titleIsUnder50Chars(post) {
      return post.title.size() < 50;

    // Draft blog posts
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

      allow create: if
        // User is author
        request.auth.uid == request.resource.data.authorUID &&
        // Must include title, author, and createdAt fields
        ]) &&

      allow update: if
        // User is author
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid &&
        // `authorUID` and `createdAt` are unchanged
          ]) &&

      // Can be read or deleted by author or moderator
      allow read, delete: if isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth);

    // Published blog posts are denormalized from drafts
    match /published/{postID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, required
      // `publishedAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, required
      // `visible`: boolean, required

      // Can be read by everyone
      allow read: if true;

      // Published posts are created only via functions, never by users
      // No hard deletes; soft deletes update `visible` field.
      allow create, delete: if false;

      allow update: if
        isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth) &&
        // Immutable fields are unchanged
        ]) &&
        // Required fields are present
        ]) &&

    match /published/{postID}/comments/{commentID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `editedAt`: timestamp, optional
      // `comment`: string, < 500 characters, required

      // Must have permanent account to read comments
      allow read: if !(request.auth.token.firebase.sign_in_provider == "anonymous");

      allow create: if
        // User has verified email
        request.auth.token.email_verified == true &&
        // Comment is under 500 characters
        request.resource.data.comment.size() < 500 &&
        // UID is not on the block list


10. 更新评论:基于时间的规则

评论的业务逻辑是,评论作者可以在评论创建后的一小时内对其进行修改。如需实现这一点,请使用 createdAt 时间戳。


request.auth.uid == resource.data.authorUID


(request.time - resource.data.createdAt) < duration.value(1, 'h');

将这些条件与逻辑 AND 运算符结合使用后,用于更新评论的规则变为:

allow update: if
  // is author
  request.auth.uid == resource.data.authorUID &&
  // within an hour of comment creation
  (request.time - resource.data.createdAt) < duration.value(1, 'h');


11. 删除评论:检查父级所有权


首先,由于您之前添加的辅助函数会检查信息或评论中是否存在 authorUID 字段,因此您可以重复使用该辅助函数来检查用户是否为作者或管理员:

isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth)

如需检查用户是否为博文作者,请使用 get 在 Firestore 中查找该博文:

request.auth.uid == get(/databases/$(database)/documents/published/$(postID)).data.authorUID

由于满足其中任一条件即可,因此请在这些条件之间使用逻辑 OR 运算符:

allow delete: if
  // is comment author or moderator
  isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth) ||
  // is blog post author
  request.auth.uid == get(/databases/$(database)/documents/published/$(postID)).data.authorUID;



rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {

    // Returns true if user is post author or a moderator
    function isAuthorOrModerator(post, auth) {
      let isAuthor = auth.uid == post.authorUID;
      let isModerator = auth.token.isModerator == true;
      return isAuthor || isModerator;

    function titleIsUnder50Chars(post) {
      return post.title.size() < 50;

    // Draft blog posts
    match /drafts/{draftID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, optional
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, optional

      allow create: if
        // User is author
        request.auth.uid == request.resource.data.authorUID &&
        // Must include title, author, and createdAt fields
        ]) &&

      allow update: if
        // User is author
        resource.data.authorUID == request.auth.uid &&
        // `authorUID` and `createdAt` are unchanged
          ]) &&

      // Can be read or deleted by author or moderator
      allow read, delete: if isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth);

    // Published blog posts are denormalized from drafts
    match /published/{postID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `content`: string, required
      // `publishedAt`: timestamp, required
      // `title`: string, < 50 characters, required
      // `url`: string, required
      // `visible`: boolean, required

      // Can be read by everyone
      allow read: if true;

      // Published posts are created only via functions, never by users
      // No hard deletes; soft deletes update `visible` field.
      allow create, delete: if false;

      allow update: if
        isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth) &&
        // Immutable fields are unchanged
        ]) &&
        // Required fields are present
        ]) &&

    match /published/{postID}/comments/{commentID} {
      // `authorUID`: string, required
      // `createdAt`: timestamp, required
      // `editedAt`: timestamp, optional
      // `comment`: string, < 500 characters, required

      // Must have permanent account to read comments
      allow read: if !(request.auth.token.firebase.sign_in_provider == "anonymous");

      allow create: if
        // User has verified email
        request.auth.token.email_verified == true &&
        // Comment is under 500 characters
        request.resource.data.comment.size() < 500 &&
        // UID is not on the block list

      allow update: if
        // is author
        request.auth.uid == resource.data.authorUID &&
        // within an hour of comment creation
        (request.time - resource.data.createdAt) < duration.value(1, 'h');

      allow delete: if
        // is comment author or moderator
        isAuthorOrModerator(resource.data, request.auth) ||
        // is blog post author
        request.auth.uid == get(/databases/$(database)/documents/published/$(postID)).data.authorUID;

12. 后续步骤



  • 博文:如何对安全规则进行代码审核
  • Codelab:使用模拟器逐步了解“本地优先”开发
  • 视频:如何使用 GitHub Actions 为基于模拟器的测试设置 CI